
Chapter 287: Basic Circulation Method

Chapter 287: Basic Circulation Method

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 13:48

Location- Sky Blossom City, Sky Blossom Card Stadium, VIP Box no.1

“Anna, stop it. I know you are lying” I decided to stop entertaining Anna before the situation gets out of hand and Anna starts demanding something ludicrous like taking responsibility for her.

“What? How could you blame me of such a thing? I never lied to you! Dual cultivation helps in refining your soul energy.” Despite me exposing her, Anna chose to stick with her story.

“There should be other ways to refine soul energy right? How about we explore those options.” I saw through what Anna was doing. Maybe she was not lying but she wasn’t telling the whole truth either. It’s not as if dual cultivation is the only way to refine the soul energy.

“There are other methods but Dual cultivation is the easiest and fastest way. Since you were in a hurry to form your Ego Gem I told you the best option. How could you imply that I am lying, Wyatt? Even after I have helped you so much. How could you be so heartless?” Anna began with her drama once again.

“Enough, it’s getting tedious. Why don’t you tell me other serious methods to refine the soul energy?” I enjoyed spending time with Anna, but she keeps going off track. Keep your panties dry, woman.

“There is this basic soul energy circulation method distributed by the top 10 universities to all of their freshmen. It’s great for beginners as it is easy to understand and put to use. I guess it is better suited for a dense guy such as yourself.” Then Anna started to explain to me the details of the basic circulation method and how to execute it. The basic circulation method had two parts to it.

The first part was on how to control one’s soul energy. This part involved sitting in the lotus position and meditating while moving soul energy throughout one’s body from head to toe. After moving soul energy becomes as easy as breathing air we move to the second part of the circulation technique. That is to swirl the soul energy in your lower torso as fast as possible. This way the heavier and purest form of soul energy gathers at the centre of the swirl and settles down. while the lighter impurity slowly starts accumulating at the outer part of the swirl. later gets thrown out of the body as the sedimented impurity through the pores of the card apprentices skin.

“Faster you circulate the circulation method, the faster you refine your soul energy. Being a card soldier your active soul control should be below 30%. Meaning you have a considerable amount of soul energy to refine. For every percentage of purity, you will have to refine the entire amount of your soul energy again and again. This is a tedious process that even a prodigious talent can’t skip. You may be faster than others but you still have to do the grunt work.” I felt that Anna was gloating over the fact that I could not skip the hard work required to refine my soul energy.

“Sure, let me practice the basic circulation method ” following Anna’s guidance I started to circulate my soul energy throughout my body with ease thanks to the soul energy manipulation ability I extracted from soulpoles. Who knew it would such wondrous use and come in handy now of all the places.

Since my control over my soul energy was as easy as breathing air I decided to move to the second part of the basic circulation method. I spun my soul energy at the fastest speed possible with soul energy manipulation skill. And as Anna explained to me I noticed heavier pure soul energy and lighter impurities separate as I swirled my soul energy at the fastest speed allowed by my soul energy manipulation skill. Soon I was drenched in black sediment impurities that came out of my skin pores and I started to smell.

“You, son of a gun” Anna exclaimed in utter shock seeing me able to successfully refine my soul energy to a certain degree under 5 minutes of practising the basic circulation method.

“I think I need a shower”, unable to bear the smell of my own body. I thought it would be better if I took a shower. After all, this is a stadium. They should have showers for players here.

” A shower! That’s what comes to your mind? You freak! You just broke my reality as I know and you want to shower” Anna yelled as she summoned her grimoire and used a weird card which cleared all the impurities of me and my dress. Even the smell was gone without a trace.

“What card is that? It is so useful. Can I have one?” I was not a clean freak but I hate it when I get stains on my clothes or sweat a lot. Such a card would come in handy in such situations.

“It’s called Dirt Purge, I have only one of them on me right now. I use it to remove the bloodstains on my dress from the stupid faqs I kill. I do not like getting bloodstains on my dress, period.

That’s not important right now? How were you able to master the basic circulation method on your first try? Did you know it took me 3 days to fully gain control over my soul energy? But you not only mastered control of your soul energy but also refined your soul energy in under 5 minutes on your first try, how is that even possible? That has pressed the norms of prodigy. Fuq! here I thought I had grown numb” Anna started questioning her reality. Anna herself is a genius but it took her a week before she successfully mastered the basic circulation technique and refined her soul energy for the first time.

“You do not have to react like this, okay. I was able to master the basic circulation method so fast because of my soul energy manipulation card. I just cheated, there is nothing to be shocked about.” I revealed my soul energy manipulation skill to Anna. Afraid that she could not hold back her jealousy.

“You have such a miraculous card. No wonder, I got scared over nothing. You know Wyatt, depending on cards too much is not good for you. I suggest you learn soul energy control rather than depending on a card. As it is a very handy and fundamental method. It will help you in the long run.” Anna started to preach that I should not depend too much on cards and blah blah blah…

“You are just jealous that I get to skip the hardship you went through figuring out how to control soul energy and mastering the basic circulation technique.”

“Yes, I am. I am the southern emperor. How come I have to learn soul energy control like mortals but you get to do it like a royal? The world is so unfair!” Can’t Anna see the irony in her words?

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