
Chapter 274: Lorenzo Lorn

Chapter 274: Lorenzo Lorn

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 12: 16

Location- Sky Blossom City, Sky Blossom Card Stadium, VIP Box no.1

“If you do not mind me asking what prompted you into discovering the silver milk powder?” The old man asked me with great enthusiasm.

“Senior this…” this was the problem talking with smart people, they ask too many questions. I turned to Anna for help. As I did know how to answer him. Since telling him that I remember it from my previous life was not an option.

“Old man, have you no shame. Trying to pry info from a kid using your seniority. First, sign an NDA and a new slave… employment contract. Then we will speak.” Anna was more brutal than I imagined she went straight for the old man’s jugular.

“Brat, I am just asking the kid about his inspiration behind such an ingenious idea of cultivating bacteria using poisonous water and drying them for human use. I am not prying into anything important.” The old man got serious seeing Anna bud in the way him satisfying his curiosity. He no longer joked with Anna like before.

“Hehe, everything is important. If you want the answer to your question just sign the damn NDA and the slave… Employment contract.” Anna did not budge to the old man’s sudden coldness. As she knew the old man would give up anything in his pursuit of knowledge.

“You do know that I am your grand aunt’s husband and work for your grandfather right?” The old man’s status was comparable to Anna’s grandfather himself, except for Anna nobody dared to provoke him in the southern region. And if it was anybody else the old man would not have been so tolerating and accommodating.

“Old man, are you trying to threaten me. Grandaunt would love to hear about this. Either sign the contract or get out of here. Without the contract, forget about getting any answers.” Anna knew how to deal with her granduncle very well and did not fall for his threat and senior card. I was shocked to see Anna act so mercilessly towards her granduncle.

“What do you need me for, don’t you have this kid, the founder of the white powder himself?” If it was anyone else the old man would have already signed the NDA and the contract but becoming the subordinate of his disciple/grandniece did not sit right with him. His pride as a competent teacher would not allow it.

“He may die soon in the upcoming tournament card fights. So, I can’t store all my eggs in one basket now, can I?” Anna was blunt; she did not try to hide the fact that she knew that the tournament was arranged to kill me by the families and officials of the sky blossom city in order to please her. Anna could not intervene in this as it was a test from her mother to see if Wyatt is worthy of being treated as an ally of the Heatsend family rather than a mere tool.

This is the reason Anna did not intervene in the tournament and did not allow visitors from the Duskborn family to contact Wyatt. They had to wait till Wyatt wins the tournament to talk to him. The Duskborn duo had no choice but to follow Anna’s arrangement as she was stronger.

“So, your mother is up to her tricks again huh! Your father messed up your mother real good. The girl I remember and your current mother are like totally two different people.

Since he is going to die soon I might as well use the remaining time to learn everything from him before it’s too late. Hand me the NDA and slave contract, and also add 3 more zeros to my monthly pay.” The old man had a great attitude towards learning. He did not let his age, seniority, power or anything else come in the path of his pursuit of knowledge. He reminded me of certain somebody.

“Here, happy cooperation.” Said Anna as she shared two contracts to the old man’s grimoire.

“Happy cooperation” repeated the old man as he signed the contracts and shared a copy of the contracts with Anna. After signing the contract the old man turned to me and said, ” Boy, now tell me the inspiration behind your idea to create the white powder.”

“Senior, First of its Silver milk powder, not white powder and the discovery of the silver milk powder was total coincidence or more like a mistake.” Thanks to Anna buying me enough time I came up with a good enough cover story to answer the old man. Then turning to Anna I asked her, ” Anna who is this senior? ”

“Nobody important. He is one of the trusted subordinates of the previous southern emperor, my grandfather. If my grandfather is the emperor of the southern region then this guy is like his trusted minister. Do not worry though I am the current southern emperor so in a way he is basically my subordinate whose loyalty lies with my grandfather, not me.

But thanks to you now he is my slave… employee hahaha! ” Anna answered enthusiastically with her eyes glued on the employment contract signed by the old man

“What do you mean by a mistake, explain yourself! You are telling me the revolutionary white powder which could change the fate of humanity as we know is just a mistake. Explain yourself.” Finally getting out of the shock from hearing my answer the old man yelled frantically. As his mind could not comprehend that something which the greatest minds of mankind have been searching for their whole life, was discovered by a kid due to a sheer mistake.

“Old man get it together or do you want me to help you!” Anna warned the old man to act civil.

“Yes, I apologise. Kid, could you explain what you mean by the discovery of the white powder was a mistake?” Getting himself together the old man apologised and repeated his doubts.

“Senior please get it through the thick head of yours, it’s silver milk powder, not white powder. And my name is Wyatt, not a kid. Before I answer your doubts please introduce yourself.” White powder meant cocaine back on earth. This is why it got on my nerves whenever the old man referred to the revolutionary silver milk powder as a white powder. And seriously who is this old fool, Anna did not bother to properly introduce him.

” I am Lorenzo Lorn, ex-minister of RND of the southern region. Sorry, I will be careful next time Wyatt.” Lorenzo introduced himself and apologised for referring to silver milk powder as White powder. And eagerly waited for me to answer his doubts.

“Senior Lorn, I wanted to extract poison from the silver milk water of the D-rank silver gate dungeon as a card ingredient. If I was able to successfully develop a unique and useful product from the dungeon it would no longer be considered a waste dungeon. And earn me more profits.

During this process of poison extraction, I extracted that bacteria’s feeding on silver milk water. I researched the bacteria thinking that it was behind the poisonous nature of the silver milk water but I was wrong and instead I discovered the revolutionary silver milk powder. This is what I mean by the discovery of the silver milk powder was a mistake. I was searching for one thing and found something more valuable.” I narrated the fake story I concocted to Lorenzo, in a way I was not completely lying as silver milk powder was something I discovered as a mistake back on earth creating the viltronian superhuman serum.

“Hahaha, I remembered an old saying when you do not search for it, it is right in front of your eyes. But once you search for it, you can no longer find it. So many people have spent centuries and millennia searching for something similar but failed but a young blood such as yourself succeeded without even intending to. Heavens are so unfair.” Lorenzo’s beliefs were totally shaken. Depressed, he went into a dark place.

“Old geezer are you done? I have sent all of his research papers and findings on silver milk powder, now get work. Read them and come with a plan on how to begin with the mass production of the silver milk powder.” Anna did not give Lorenzo enough time to recover and handed him an enormous amount of workload. Then Anna turned to fame me and pointed towards the severed head and the platinum grimoire say she said, ” Become mine and these will be yours.”

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