
Chapter 272: Way Beyond

Chapter 272: Way Beyond

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 12: 03

Location- Sky Blossom City, Sky Blossom Card Stadium, VIP Box no.1

“What do you mean by a hostile Card Emperor is lurking in the city? Are they after the founder of the White powder?” The old man did not believe any Card emperor would be foolish enough to break the treaty but remembering the white powder, the old man became alert thinking, ‘If the white powder is involved, there is a possibility some greedy faq’s would act up’

“No, it was a demigod worshipper. He was after somebody else.” Anna answered the old man pointing towards the severed head of the cloud card emperor on the floor next to the City lords feet. And then glaring at the City Lord, Anna asked the old man, “since there’s no sign of tampering in the city-wide detection array, then why was it not working?”

“The arrays are badly maintained, it seems they were only provided with the bare minimum soul energy to self stain themselves. Since the arrays have been self-sustaining for a long time due to lack of soul energy, they basically stopped functioning for what they are meant for and just exist for show. With few ingredients and a large amount of soul energy, I will be able to make them as good as new.” The old man explained what’s wrong with city arrays and why they are not functioning.

“I see, so the arrays were not tampered with and the fault actually lied somewhere else? City Lord, what do you think? Why were the arrays not well maintained and lacked enough energy to function properly?” Anna’s glare at the city lord intensified.

“This slave is guilty, your highness. Realising that my actions may have cost the lives of the people I should protect and govern, I deem myself unfit to continue as the city lord and resign, effective immediately. And await your highness’s judgement.” The city lord did indeed steal the soul jades that were granted by the southern state allotted for the maintenance and operation of the defensive arrays.

The City Lord knew he could no longer deny or act ignorant towards the crimes, if he still dared to push his luck he might have to give up this life as a consequence. Therefore he decided to plead guilty and hope the southern emperor is merciful. Turns out even the circle is not dumb enough to let a card emperor infiltrate the city it was leeching off.

“Um, aren’t you smart? If you had begged for forgiveness or denied the crimes I would have sentenced you to death and revoked your family privileges over this city. Which would made my work her easier. Now I have to think of a fitting punishment. what to do? What to do? Old geezer, any suggestions?” Anna could have just executed the city lord for his crimes but doing so will frighten the rest of the city lords spread across the southern region. Who knows what those desperate corrupts will end up doing? So this matter had to be handled firmly yet carefully.

“Umm… What’s there to think? He dared to bite the hand that fed him, then let’s send him to Way beyond. To contribute to the raging skirmish against those monsters. Let him make a list of people who helped him with his crimes and send them together with him to help him earn enough contribution to redeem himself.” The Old man did not think much and responded with the first punishment that came to his mind.

Hearing the old man planning on sending him to Way Beyond to contribute to the war between humanity and monsters the City Lord’s face paled, he seemed to have aged a few decades in a blink of an eye. Not just the city lord, even the representative of the inner circle Roy along with Elliot and the gang next to him gasped in astonishment. I and Susan were clueless as to what Way Beyond was? Hasn’t the war between Humans and Monsters been won by humans already?

“Old geezer, you are as cruel as I remember. Okay, then it’s decided, City lord you heard the old man, hand over your position to your brightest progeny and head to the Way Beyond with the ones that helped you in your crimes. You shall not return to the mainland until you have gathered 10,000 merits of contributions in the war. Mind you, if you involve any innocent soul in your only chance to redeem yourself. I will not only kill you but your entire family to set an example. And make sure your successor is not greedy as you otherwise he will be the last city lord to govern one of my cities from your family.” Corey gave her verdict and warned the ex-city lord from trying to find loopholes in her punishment for him.

“Yes, your highness. I will hand over my position to my eldest son soon and leave for the Way Beyond with my partners in crime. My eldest son is a much more honourable man than I am so rest assured your majesty he will not disappoint you.” This is the reason why the city lord did not hesitate to resign as city lord because thanks to the privileges earned by his ancestors, his descendants would be first in line to become the city lord after him. As for the Way Beyond part, it was not quite the punishment he expected but still, he gets to keep his life for few more days. Which is way better than dying.

“You have to leave for the Way Beyond, within this week. My subordinates will watch over the entire process. So for your sake, do not do anything stupid. You can leave now, I do not want to see your repulsive face anymore.” Anna gave the ex-city lord an ultimatum and sent him packing.

“Thank you for your mercy, your highness.” The city lord thanked Anna and did not dare to hold a grudge against her for pushing him to his demise. The arrogant city lord who dared to assassinate his loyal subordinates like old Ben for petty reasons was so docile towards Anna because of the incredible gap between their status, strength, authority and wealth.

” Your highness, about the tournament? How should I proceed?” Before leaving the City lord picked up the severed head and the platinum grimoire on the floor and placed them next to Anna’s feet and asked about the tournament. Only the city lord knows how much willpower it took for him to part with the platinum grimoire, something about which he dreamed day and night. With it, he could ascend to the Overlord realm or even become an emperor himself. But the city lord knew if he even dared to have thoughts of southern emperors’ belongings, he and his family would be executed without trial.

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