
Chapter 265: MasterMind

Chapter 265: MasterMind

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 11:45

Location- Baylor Mansion, Capital City

“How much I regret hitting on you on that unfortunate evening?” Having received his suppressed memories Norman realised that all the memories of his affair with Sansa were fake.

According to the real memories every time he met with Sansa at their rendezvous point she would release his memories and blackmail him into doing things even a demon would feel shy of. At first, she intimidated him into doing small things but some of these small things accumulated into something inexplicable. With this, her control over him grew larger where she had him do unjustifiable deeds.

“You know it’s your fault, it’s okay for you to hit on me, blame my charm. But to belittle my beloved how dare you

“I will perish but no longer be controlled by you.” Norman yelled in anger. Despite knowing how this threat would end Norman could not help but threaten Sansa with suicide.

“Norman, search your memories, you know how this will end. Like always you will try to commit suicide and I will stop by saying,

If you dared to commit suicide I will reveal the atrocities you did to the world. Unable to get their revenge on you, people will turn to your family and loved ones who will bear the burden of your sins.” Sansa reminded Norman that this was not the first time and he had no way out of it.

“They are not my Sins you made me do that” Norman yelled to make himself feel good and convince himself that he had no other choice. But deep in his heart, he knew there were other choices but he was too much of a coward to make those choices.

“Fine, If that helps you to be a good slave dog, follow my command and complete the tasks I assigned you then feel free to believe whatever works for you. As long as you get the results I want I do not care.” Sansa did not argue with Norman, as it did not matter as long as he followed her will.

“…” Norman tried to think of many ways to solve the predicament he was in right now but it felt like he was repeating the same thing again and again. Reading his memories carefully he realised his past self like the current self he always tried to think of ways to escape Sansa’s clutches but they all failed. Not because he was not smart enough or Sansa was too devious, but he did not have enough time and know whom to trust as Sansa had many spies planted around him to keep in check.

“You know it did not have to come to this? If only your previous self was a good boy and followed my arrangements I would not have to release your memories and you would have to go through all this again.” Sansa blamed Norman for being a smartass.

“Yes, it was my fault.” said Norman sarcastically.

“Good, now that we both are on the same page let’s talk about your next task. I have sent you the latest picture of Ellen’s only spawn. You have to assassinate him. I know you are a thief but your origin card Ocean Mask is best for assassination it will be a waste to not put it to its intended use. He will be surrounded by the Axe emperor, Fire Fist emperor and even the Southern emperor and her aides. So you will need a team for this task.

I will send you a set of coordinates, go there and meet up with my other slaves and your temporary team for this task. They all are powerful people in Emperor rank. They can buy you enough time for you to achieve your part of the task of assassinating the Boy. While those card emperors are distracting the card emperors surrounding the boy you assassinate him.” Sansa explained to Norman his role in the upcoming task in detail.

“How many people have you enslaved? How are you still unnoticed by those powerful demigods? Especially your husband, considering his strength he should have long seen through you.” Thanks to his new memories Norman knew he was not the only one being used by Sansa there were others but what puzzled him was how none of the mighty demigods had noticed what was happening in the backyard of the capital.

“That’s not for your small head to think about, just complete the task assigned to you and everything will go back to how it was a few minutes ago. You will once again become the lover of Sansa Baylor and no longer have to bear the weight of carrying the burden of your sins.” Sansa reminded Norman of his reward for completing the task assigned to him. To go back to being an ignorant fool who thought that he bedded the wife of the youngest Demigod Baylor.

“Can you not do that? Please! I beg of you let me bear the burden of those sins. I longer want to run away from them. Let me bear them so please do not suppress my memories after I complete this task.” Norman begged with the most aggrieved voice he could think of.

“Norman, try being a smartass once again and I will make you regret it. Do you think I am a fool? I know what you are planning? You are not the only one to think of that. Just remember those who try to outsmart me have feet worse than a dog’s death. Do not forget I control your memories, you cannot hide anything from me. ” Sansa knew what Norman was trying to do. Norman was trying to buy himself enough time to think of ways to escape Sansa’s clutches and execute them properly.

One of the reasons Sansa was able to control many superpowers with something like blackmail was because after getting what she wanted she would suppress their memories not giving her victim a chance to retaliate against her. But not everyone is a coward and idiot like Norman. In their case, she had to go to the extreme, like erasing and editing some of their rebellious memories.

Suppressing memories is not a long term solution as over time the suppressed memories accumulate enough for her slaves to come up with plans to rebel against her. There she regularly checks the slave’s memories and erases some and edits some so that they are stuck in an infinite loop of thinking and doing the same thing over and over again without them realising.

This also allowed Sansa to be one step ahead of her slaves as she knew what her slaves would do in a particular environment as they would have done exactly the same thing before but have no recollection of that memory as it was erased or edited by her.

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