
Chapter 180: Packaging

Chapter 180: Packaging

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 10:45

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

For the automation of the monster meat processing plants, I had to set up a central processing unit that would control all the mechanical robot hands which would replace the workers required to keep the plant running. In the meat processing plant, the workers played a huge role as they did all the dirty and complicated work leaving the rest to the machines on the plant.

Therefore the Artificial Beast Will had to be more than just an average AI it had to be able to work and process as a butcher and fishmonger, For the mechanical robot hands to work efficiently and fill in the shoes of their human counterparts. Apart from the processing similar to a butcher, the AI had to be adept in having the robot hands clean the plant as well as self-repair.

Next, I used my watered down bestowal method to link the AI of the meat processing plant with Ronnie so that both could communicate, share and learn from each other. This also allowed Ronnie to control the AI as per his will. I didn’t just like the minds of the AI and Ronnie but I linked the body of Ronnie and the plant, giving Ronnie a partial cyborg body for self-defence. since I did not bestow the card with calamity daughter core I had to give Ronnie a way to defend himself in case of unknown.

The AI processing unit and the robotic hands will be powered by the A-rank soul reactor which was more than enough to power 10,000 aerobatic hands.

Apart from the Al processing system, mechanical robot hands and the power system the meat processing plant required a steady and abundant supply of water. Without enough water, forget cleaning monster meat before processing it. Now that would be just nasty. I wanted a water creation and supply system for the origin card but it would completely disrupt what I have already arranged. Therefore I created a water supply system such that the plant could input water from the external water source.

Not just the water supply was external but the storage of processed monster meat was external as a small amount of storage space would be too useless at the scale the monster meat processing plant will be operating at.

Lastly, a problem remained with the packaging of the processed meat. I was stuck with a question, whether to add a packing system to the origin card? If yes this opened a new can of worms. What material to use to package the processed monster meat? Was packaging of processed monster meat important?

Considering the ability of the plant to process a large quantity of monster meat the packing seemed necessary. All the monsters hunted by the TRS guild were going to be processed Ronnies meat processing origin card. Since the processed meat was going to be distributed among the adventurers who hunted them and the guild which would be later sold to earn another source of income for the guild the packing of processed meat was important as hand-packing such an amount of meat would cut into the profits made by selling the meat.

Now that I have decided to add a packaging system, the problem is what material to use as packaging. I could have materials for packaging sourced externally like the water but I remembered a government project back on earth which made use of bones of slaughtered animals to prepare partially biodegradable plastic instead of dumping the bones into landfills. The slaughter industry was the little known backbone of many meat-loving countries back on earth.

Now that I was going to make use of the bones of the monster I had to build another plant to process bones into practically biodegradable plastic and add another packing system to the other monster meat processing plants. Completing the packing system, next I decided to create an electric arc furnace that would turn all the waste products of the meat processing plants into ashes.

Adding the electric arc furnace to the origin core now the only thing that remained was to morph the origin core into the origin card. Morphing the origin core into the origin card I had successfully completed the creation of Ronnie’s origin card. Taking the morphed origin card I checked the card info,

[ Card Name: Ten Thousand Armed Butcher.

Card Type: Origin card

Card Rank: Unique Grade

Card Rating: -/-

Card Durability: -/-

Card Effect: A partial field card which when activated summons a fully automated monster meat processing plant.

Additional Effect: Butcher AI, Robotic Arms, Packaging, waste disposal furnace, link, partial cyborg, partial summon – Mech Tool Arms.

Restriction: anything in the monster meat processing plant when de-summon will be lost forever. ]

Partial Cyborg – The host can replace body parts with mechanical replacements.

Partial Summon – Mech Tool Arms: The host can partially summon the mech tool arms of the monster meat processing plant for offensive and defensive purposes or to do other chores.

After reading the card info I was astonished as the original card was categorised as a partial field card. I did not know how to make a field card so I did not know what conditions I had met during card creation for the card to be categorised as a partial field card but it was good to know that I was making progress. Another important thing that caught my eye was partial summon – Mech Tool Arms. It seems the production card I created for Ronnie was not that defenceless.

I was looking forward to this origin card’s future as Ronnie was still a card student and so the origin card could undergo many bestowals depending upon how far Ronnie can climb on the path of a card apprentice. Having read the card info I handed the origin card to Ronnie who was daydreaming next to me, “Here”

“Done already!” Taking the origin card Ronnie hurriedly read its card info. Having read the card info of his new origin card he gasped in astonishment, “Holy Shit! Such a card is even possible to create! I am not dreaming right.”

The origin card that I had created for Ronnie was too good for him to believe as he never expected anything good in the first place. Though Ronnie had heard I was a good card creationist he thought they were being polite. Because how good can a rookie card creationist who became a card apprentice a week ago be. Since I was creating his origin card for free and he was ashamed of his fated ingredient Ronnie did not care whether the origin card creation would be successful or not.

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