
Chapter 132: Second Origin Card!

Chapter 132: Second Origin Card!

Date- 24 Mar 2321

Time- 14:07

Location- Sky Blossom City, Whiteburn Manor, South Wing, Card Hall.

Dungeon Calamity seed had many notable abilities but these 4 abilities were the ones I was eyeing for,

1.Immortal Will

2.Body Restructure


4.Parent/Daughter Seeds

First, Immortal Will. It is more like a trick. The core of the calamity seed, that is its seed body which keeps its consciousness protected and feed regardless of how long the calamity seed consciousness is dormant by spontaneously absorbing and storing enough soul energy to maintain the calamity seed surprisingly the soul energy used in this process is almost negligible.

Not to mention the soul pathway arrangements are coded with a set of instructions for various variables that may transpire during the dormancy of the calamity seed consciousness. The seed body is more like a self-sustaining natural life-pod. Seeing how the calamity seed consciousness dissipated being cut off from its seed body I was assured that calamity seed consciousness is not immortal but it had a better core than the rest of the creatures.

Second, Body Restructure. Calamity seed can restructure its body based on the availability of soul energy. This was possible because the calamity seed’s body is a mixture of flesh, blood and soul energy. Making the regeneration ability of calamity seed reach another level.

A body enhanced by soul energy and a body made of soul energy both are very different. Normal beast bodies are enhanced and reinforced by soul energy which gives them their racial high physical prowess when compared to a regular card apprentice’s body but this is nowhere near the body which is made of soul energy along with flesh and blood, this gives the calamity seed total control over its physical body and every cell in it allowing it to structure or destructure its body to its will.

Third, Transformations. Whenever the soul energy absorbed by the calamity seed reaches a certain ceiling its physical body will evolve to the next form or evolution this process is called Transformation. Every creature in the universe yarns for evolution and calamity seed is no exception except it can switch between its evolution to suit its circumstances. But this comes with a price as every time it switches between two forms there is a huge loss in soul energy making it greedy for soul power to restore the lost soul energy and maintain the highest form of its evolution.

Fourth, Parent/Daughter Seeds. Dungeon Calamity seed itself is the parent seed while the fruits produced by it contain the daughter seed which sows into the body of those that consume this fruit and enslave them to the will of the parent seed that is the dungeon calamity seed.

Of the four abilities the two Immortal will and parent/daughter seed abilities are near perfect and do not need many optimisations while the Body restructure and Transformations need a lot of tuning to fit my human body specification. Don’t get me wrong all four of the abilities require tuning but some more than others.

As the first step towards my origin card creation, I had to convert the origin core to my viltronian based human core. This time the human core creation is going to be complex and special as I have two designs of the human core to choose from the first one being the viltronian human core and the second one being calamity seed form. Both had their advantages and I wanted both so I had spent a little more time and came up with a new design that incorporates the best of both designs.

There was another complication to my human core formation, it was my proud mutated soul, because of it I had to optimize the new design to satisfy my current mutated soul and its future possible mutations. Taking care of all the variables I proceeded to create the newly designed human core. The newly designed human core incorporated all the abilities and advantages of a viltronian, calamity seed and mutated soul.

Viltronian’s core protected their souls and acted like an engine allowing them to enhance their physical body using soul energy and in-process giving them a long lifespan

Mutated Soul gave me extra consciousness and mental strength which in turn gave me refined soul energy which is much purer and denser than normal soul energy.

Calamity seed’s seed form protected and nurtured its soul and incorporated soul energy within its flesh and blood giving the calamity seed control over its body at the cellular level.

My newly designed human core incorporated combined results of all these abilities allowing my human core to protect and nurture my mutated soul with refined soul energy. It incorporated refined soul energy into my flesh and blood, enhancing my physical body to another level and giving me control over it at the cellular level. It also acted as an engine and pumped refined soul energy into my body adding to my enhanced physical prowess and giving me a long life span.

Done with the human core I had to optimise other abilities of calamity seed and the coded instruction in them. First I took up the enhancement of the body restructure ability of calamity seed.

To enhance the body restructure ability of calamity seed I was going to use the 200 Hungry Soulpoles whose soul pathways will be enhanced by 200 High wood wisp core soul pathways.

After the soul pathways of Hungry Soulpoles are enhanced then I will use them to combine with the soul pathways of the calamity seed related to its body restructure ability. While I am at it I change all the plant body-related coding to human body related coded instructions using my soul pathways. so that when I use this ability I do not restructure into a plant body but a human body.

By using Hungry Soulpoles soul pathways to enhance the ability of body restructure I not only make the soul energy body construct purer and denser but also give it the ability to use soul energy projectiles for offence and defence. First, my new human core could only incorporate soul energy and its constructs to its flesh and blood but now it can emit them as projectiles for offensive and defensive purposes.

My next step was the Transformation ability of the calamity seed, this was uncharted territory and no one knew what the next evolution for human beings was but I had to try as I could not bear to lose such an awesome ability. All I could do was remove all the plant-based soul pathways and replace them with my soul pathways and the soul pathways of the kaiju heart. I do not know what will happen but I could only gamble on this.

After that, the next step was to optimise parent/daughter seed ability. I am a human and with all kinds of cards present, there is no telling if I can produce seeds or not but in any case, I had decided to replace all plant-based soul pathways with my soul pathway turning this ability to parent/daughter core ability.

Next, I dug deeper into this ability and found its enslavement soul pathways and coding which I altered and enhanced with my upgrade slave AI program which I used to enslave my extra consciousness. And also added a chat software program that uses mental strength to form a chat group consisting of all the daughter cores with Parent core as admin of the group. This will help form proper and covert communication networks among all the daughter cores and the parent core.

Now I had to enhance the hearing soul pathways of my new human core using the soul pathways from the Gore bat core and ear bone. For this, I utilized a different method to enhance the soul pathways. The reason I am using a different method to enhance these particular soul pathways because now the new human core had found an equilibrium between the Viltronian design, calamity seed and mutated soul so I can not just enhance soul pathways randomly this will offset the equilibrium achieved in the new human core.

So I decided to use the bestowal method I copied during Pax’s card creation. The demigod was able to add an unrelated ability to Pax’s card using the bestowal method, thanks to my soul pupils I was able to mentally record all of it, I still had not deciphered this method completely nor did I have the power to replicate this method but I had come up with a new lower-end version derived from what I understood about bestowal method.

Using this cheap lower-end version of the bestowal method I combine the hearing soul pathway of my new human core with soul pathways from the gore bat ear bone. This would allow me to listen to the soul pathways afterwards I use the same low-end method to combine soul pathways of gore bat core to the soul pathways of the nose and mouth of my new human core which would allow the core to generate frequency sound pulses through the enhanced mouth or nose and listen to the echo through enhanced ears, giving me the ability echolocation.

Lastly, altering all the soul pathway arrangements and coded instructions to be suitable and appropriate for a human physique, only one thing remained for the formation of my Origin card, morphing.

Morphing the origin core to the origin card I had successfully created my second origin card. Without any further delay, I hurriedly checked the card info,

[Card Name:…

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