
Chapter 108: Tiers

Chapter 108: Tiers

Date 23 Mar 2321

Time 12:15

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234

“Here 6 soul jades, hope Mr Wyatt will keep his promise..” Said Amy, she had already sensed that the high school card creationist was finding reasons to reject them as he could not directly reject them out of consideration for Corey and Elliott… thankfully Corey lent a hand in time.

“Not so fast young lady, why don’t you listen to what I have to say then consider your next course of action.” Amy had 102 soul jades on her after receiving a loan from Corey. Now how could I possibly be satisfied with just 6 soul jades. Since it has come to this, the creation of my second origin card can only be postponed and If I am going to risk my life helping these siblings I might as well do it for a fortune and 102 soul jades sound the right amount.

“What? Are you going back on your promise… didn’t you just take big saying rules are rules and all that shit… Y-you..” Beth lashed but before she did some damage Amy shouted, “Beth shut up for his sake… here! I have sent you some money, why don’t you buy yourself something pretty?”

“Amy! Are you trying to get rid of me… $15million… enough for me to buy a new limited edition E-rank Wild Princess armour. Corey, you are a sales representative right follow me you are about to get a huge commission…” saying that Beth left dragging Corey along with her.

“I am sorry for the interruption Mr Waytt you saying…” Amy apologised for her pompous twin sister.

“Never mind, before we begin can you show me your brother’s fated ingredient. It would be helpful if I knew what I was working with.” I said, Amy nodded in understanding and singled Pax to show his fated ingredient. Pax removed the pendant around his neck and handed it to me. The pendant was made from variant black steel alloy, apart from the black chain the pendant was in the shape of the idol of what looked like an Angel.

“Michael Angelo! I did not think that the descendant of the atheist Whiteburn would be a believer…” Elliott recognised the pendant with a single glance. And Whiteburn’s are brutes who only believe in their fists, not some demigod.

“It is my mom’s… this is the only thing I have left of her.” Said Pax, he found his after ingredient the very day he contracted his silver grip moire but he could not bring himself to use the last memory of his mother, if not the situation we’re dire right now he would not have considered losing the last memory of his mother.

“Why is this guy holding guns in both hands, why does an ancient angel equip dual guns instead of a sword or a spear, aren’t hot weapons too modern for an angel” I said.

“‘Angel’ you are mistaken… he is not an angel but a demigod as dubbed the godly marksman and one of the founders of the current civilization… please refrain from saying such controversial words, they can get you into deep trouble if you don’t know you better not speak. If some of the demigod’s true believers were to hear you, they would punish you at the cost of their life.” Warned Elliott. This was the second time I had heard anyone mention a demigod, I was curious but I will have to wait for a better time and place to enquire about this as it seems to be a bit of a taboo to carelessly speak a demigods name.

“Ok, moving on… this pendant is made of Variant black steel alloy so it can be used to create a liquid armour similar to Susan’s as per your wish but let me tell you there are different tiers to my service.

Susan’s armour creation cost was under $1million and is the most basic variant of the armour I can design for you at the price of 6 soul jades and it is Tier 1 of my service.

But if you are willing to pay 15 soul jades for tier 2 I can design a better version of armour for your brother…

But if you are willing to go all out and pay me 101 soul jades I will not only give tier 3 privileged service but also add tier 1 and tier 2 to it.

Take your time and choose wisely.” What I proposed to Amy was a total gibberish I concocted on the spot. Right now all I wanted was to get my hands on the 100 plus soul jade in Amy’s possession though some of it will be used to buy ingredients and pay taxes, I would be left with enough to not worry about money for a period.

If it was anyone else they could not look past the heft charges and would have already left but not Amy Whiteburn, her family spent more than 100 soul jades monthly just to train her. Though she was currently short on cash this amount was still not enough to cloud her judgement…

Amy was already risking it by trusting her brother’s life to a high school card creationist but with her family monitoring her every movement she had no other choice but to double down on her bet. If it was just the matter of the life of her brother they could just choose to forfeit the deathmatch even though the family has disowned Pax it did not stop her or gets sisters and father from helping Pax out. But this involved their father’s life’s work as his children it is their duty to protect it. She knew her father would not blame them if they chose otherwise maybe even be happy but what kind of children would they be if they can’t even protect their father’s honour.

Resolving her will Amy looked at the high school card creationist and asked, “why is there such a huge gap of price between the third tier and the second tier?”

“Second-tier armour only requires few hundred kgs of black steel alloy refining that amount I can handle but the third tier armour requires few tonnes of black feel alloy refining it and transferring the soul pathway will be an impossible feat within a day but it would be a different story if the black steel alloys are already refined into the card. But ingredient cards are costlier than the ingredients themselves and I require tonnes of them hence the sharp price rise.” I explained patiently.

Amy nodded in understanding and asked l, “will the new armour have the same ability as Ms Susan’s armour?”

“No! The abilities will be better than Susan’s armour. While creating Susan’s card my card creation ability was restricted by a small budget.

Even though 100 plus soul jade is not enough for me to go all out but it is enough to meet your expectations for the money you will be spending.” I said confidently, but Amy rubbed off my confidence as bragging but still nodded.

“Wait! Wyatt tonnes of black steel alloy cards I can not get them in a short time, it will require at least a month after following the proper procedure to order that amount of ingredient cards.” Susan had finally regained her calm and explained her concern.

“Don’t worry Ms Susan, I have few contacts who would help you regarding this situation though it will cost more after all this is a rushed order.” Said Elliott, and signalled his secretary to help Susan.

Hearing it will cost more money to acquire the ingredients I was not happy because it meant my gross profit will decrease by a sharp margin. My brows frowned and I started to consider whether to replace other ingredients with cheaper ingredients to meet desired gross profit… just kidding, doing that meant betraying my profession as a Card creationist. A person who takes pride in my work I could never do that. Since the deal is already made I will try my best to meet the customer’s requirements even if it meant losing money from my pocket.

Seeing me contemplate Amy got worried and hurriedly said, “Mr Wyatt please don’t worry about the cost of the ingredients… If the card created is of satisfactory standards I promise on the honour of the Whiteburn family that you will be rewarded handsomely. Please ease your mind and give it your best.”

I was not surprised by Amy’s words, after all, her first impression of me was that of a greedy card creationist… I did not care what she thought of me but it was motivating to know that there are extra rewards for performing well. I just smiled and nodded at Amy’s proposal and sent the list of ingredients to Susan…

Seeing the ingredient list Susan gapped in astonishment and said, “Wyatt… all these ingredients are rare and hard to procure in a short time, some of them are even restricted ingredients…”

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