
Chapter 105: Whiteburn’s

Chapter 105: Whiteburn’s

Date 23 Mar 2321

Time 11:51

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234

“Are you sure you are not kidnapped and brainwashed by them?” Asked Beth worriedly.

“You dumbass if she is brainwashed then how can we be sure that she is not kidnapped and brainwashed.” said Amy pointing out the obvious flaw in Beth’s question.

“Sister… father warned not to call people dumb.” Reminded Pax by pulling on Amy’s sleeve.

“It’s okay to call dumb people dumb, Pax,” said Amy, to which Pax asked, “Really?”

“Yes! Otherwise, how will they know that they are dumb if we don’t tell them, after all, they are too dumb to realise they are dumb.” Explained Amy, hearing this Beth fumed and shouted, “who are you calling dumb?”

*sigh* letting out a sigh Amy shook her head and looking at her little brother she said, “see they don’t know unless you tell them”

Pax nodded vigorously and looking a Beth he said, “S-sister you are dumb…”

Hearing her little brother and twin sister call her dumb Beth’s eyes teared up and with bulged cheeks, she said, “Amy just you wait when our father returns, I will tell him that you were calling me dumb and bullying me again.”

“There there Beth, how about I buy you a box of snickerdoodles from Helen’s homemade bread on our way home as an apology.” Said Amy.

Hearing her sisters offer Beth’s bulged cheek eased and her eyes shined with greed as she asked, “I want two boxes of snickerdoodles and I will not share it with you guys.”

“Sure… chubby*cough*” Amy agreed and covered the last part with a cough to which Pax pulled on her sleeve once again and said, “sister…” Amy interrupts him with annoyance “I know father has warned me not to call chubby, chubby. ”

“I am not chubby, father said I am healthy.” Retorted Beth pretentiously folding her arms on her flat chest.

This has been going on for 20 minutes now, this trio of brother and two sisters seem to get along quite nicely and seem to have forgotten why they were here and lost in their world. These little shits, I wanted to send Elliott packing as soon as possible to get to creating my second origin card but he seemed to have no intention of leaving after seeing the trio that had entered the warehouse and were rudely bickering among themselves.

Susan was of no help, they broke her at the very beginning. that poor thing was still trying to collect and put together the broken pieces of what’s left of her confidence. As for Corey, she had her handful by repeatedly assuring them that she was not kidnapped or brainwashed and the reason she is wearing plain attire is because they are comfortable to work in and not because she is being held hostage. Hearing Corey’s reason the trio flipped and had a very hard time acknowledging the change in Corey at first they thought that she was abducted and replaced by some aliens but then they fixated on brainwashing.

If I left them to be who knows when these knuckleheads will leave, seeing how Elliott showed interest in this trio and considering that they are Corey’s friends I can be sure of one thing that their origin and background is distinguished. So I had to be careful how I handle them. Pasting on an amiable smile I approached them, ” Hello, I am Dalton Wyatt…”

Before I could continue, Amy interrupted me saying, “Hello, Sir I am Amy Whiteburn, this is my twin sister Beth Whiteburn and that’s my half brother Pax Godson.

Corey Introduced you to us and we have visited your online shop too. We are impressed by your work and would like to hire you to create my half brother’s origin card.”

Hearing their family name I knew why Elliott did not intend to leave. Listening to their complete names I further knew that they were the children of the current Whiteburn family patriarch and the heirs of the Whiteburn’s who are considered the strongest and the richest family in the Sky Blossom City while enjoying the most respect in the city.

In this world, it is given that the strongest are the richest and the most respected but what’s peculiar about this family is that every individual of the older generation of this family is a force to reckon with, according to the rumours each of them could single-handedly clear B-rank dungeons, I do not know how much of this rumour is true but considering they are the strongest family in the city with the lowest family member count compared to other prominent families I guess there is some truth to this matter.

I thought these guys were here to make trouble or even taunt and bully Corey for choosing to experience life but seeing them be so approachable my opinion of them changed. Since they are Whiteburn’s they must be generous customers so I saw no reason to not accept them on their offer, “I hope Corey has already filled you in on my service charges.”

“Yes, she did but since we are low on our budget we can only pay you 3 soul jades, we hope you can take care of the rest.” Said Amy.

‘Low budget’ you call 3 soul jades low budget fu<k, is this what they call second-generation rich… I saw the trio’s expressions, they were not flaunting their wealth in front of me. Instead, they looked worried that I would not be satisfied with the fees they offered. Then I turned to look at Corey, what the hell did she tell these kids…

Seeing me look at Corey the trio thought that I was dissatisfied with the fees they offered and Amy reluctantly said, “5 Soul Jades this is all we have…”

Hearing them raise their offer I felt like bullying little children but what can I do I have to make the most of what I get as my business was in the growth stage with very little reputation borderline negligible. Seeing that they really cannot offer more I agreed, “Okay deal but you will have to come back tomorrow as I am booked for today. And please leave an advance payment of 1 soul jade for booking your session in advance so that your session date does not get pushed further…”

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