
Chapter 124: The most beautiful flame! The whole family is sensational!

Chapter 124: The most beautiful flame! The whole family is sensational!

Chapter 124: The most beautiful flame! The whole family is sensational!

“Queen, you have been working hard all these years. I shouldn’t have scolded you 20 years ago. I apologize to you now!”

Hearing the words of the night elves’ queen, an elf elder couldn’t help but burst into tears.

After the night elves’ queen was self-exiled, she did not fall.

She has been looking for a solution to the curse of the night elves.

Princess Chen Xi was also looking for a solution outside.

The night elves’ queen was searching for a solution in her own way.

When the night elves’ queen heard the words of the elf elder, she waved her hand slightly and said, “You were right at that time. I shouldn’t take shortcuts. All of you should remember, remember not to deal with the abyss demon gods in the future. All we get is little strength, but what we will lose is most likely to be our soul!”

There was a hint of warning in her voice.

Offering sacrifices to the Demon Gods of the Abyss seemed to be an equivalent exchange.

But in fact, as long as you didn’t stop, you would be calculated by them sooner or later.

Was the abyss demon god a good god!

Just like the high priest of the Lion clan, offering sacrifices again and again made him stronger, faster.

But his dependence on the Demon God of the Abyss was becoming more and more inseparable.

Even without that war, although the Lion Race was still strong, the high priest would continue to be strong, but he was actually the meat in the bowl of the abyss demon god.

The abyss demon gods were very patient.

They were eternal life.

It was common for them to spend hundreds of years to harvest a powerful soul.

They would even enjoy the process.

Because they lived so long and the abyss was so boring, they ought to have some fun, right?

After the warning, the night elves’ queen said again: “Actually, I was planning to directly break through the eighth step after the abyss crack was closed this time, and then use twenty years to attack the sanctuary.”

“Queen, don’t do this. Once you don’t reach the sanctuary, you will be in grave danger.”

As soon as her voice fell, the night elves’ caring voice sounded from all around.

The choice of the night elf queen was indeed too dangerous.

If she was unable to become a sanctuary in twenty years, she would be completely finished.

The God of Darkness would still be quite happy, because she would harvest a soul of rank eight or nine.

When the night elves’ queen saw that the preparation was almost complete, she turned her gaze to Princess Chen Xi.

She said: “However, my daughter, Chen Xi, has found a way to break the curse, and the curse on her and Qing Luan had been completely driven away!”


The words of the night elf queen made the night elves around the square completely boil.

“Princess Chen Xi, is it true, your curse has been driven away?”

Some night elves asked excitedly.

After being haunted by the curse of the God of Darkness for twenty years, these night elves were always thinking about getting rid of the curse from their bodies.

Especially now that they knew the viciousness of this curse, they hated this curse even more deeply. But they could do nothing.

This kind of powerlessness had accompanied them for twenty years.

It could also be seen from this that the mentality of the night elves was actually very good and very strong!

Even if they were desperate and powerless, they did not abandon themselves or gave up hope for life!

Princess Chen Xi nodded and said, “Yes, the curse on Qing Luan and I have been driven away!”

“Qing Luan, let me see you.”

An elder elder walked up to Qing Luan and said.


Qing Luan nodded vigorously.

The elf elder concentrated on feeling for a while, and then he was happy:

“I really can’t feel the power of the curse!”

Her words filled the faces of the surrounding night elves with joy!

“Qing Luan, congratulations.”

“Yes, Qing Luan, I envy you too much.”

The night elves around her sent her congratulations.

Qing Luan said: “Don’t worry, the curse power on you can also be driven away.”

A cute night elf girl couldn’t believe it and said, “Really, Qing Luan, how did you do it?”

Qing Luan said, “You will know right away.”

She wanted to sell it, one by one.

On the high platform, the night elves’ queen said: “Of course, what Chen Xi has found is not only a way to get rid of the curse from one or two people, she has found a way to get rid of the curse from our entire night elves tribe!”

Her words once again stirred up the night elves in the square.

Some night elves craned their necks to look at her.

This action may appear uncoordinated in some humans.

But when they did it, they looked extraordinarily cute.

The night elves’ queen said: “This is because Chen Xi finally found a god who is willing to take care of us!”


Below the high platform, the night elves started “buzzing” in an instant.

The night elves’ queen didn’t speak any more. She had gotten the exact effect which she wanted.

After more than ten years of hard work, the night elves’ queen understood too well how difficult it was to find a god who was willing to take care of them.

Therefore, she cherished this opportunity very much.

She was also very grateful to the great Lord of Flames!

She didn’t doubt the origin of the Lord of Flames. She was almost certain that the Flame Lord was definitely not the demon god of the abyss.

Because the Lord of Darkness was not a good god.

The Demon God of the abyss would not let himself be bored enough to intervene in the entanglement between the little night elves and the Lord of Darkness.

Because once he intervened, he might face a battle of gods.

Coupled with their encounter with the Lord of Flames as described by Chen Xi, the Queen of Night Elves also inferred some of the strength of the Lord of Flames.

His strength was definitely very strong.

Otherwise, how dare the Lord of Flames block the entire Demon Abyss?

That was equivalent to being an enemy of all the abyss demon gods who transmitted power from that demon abyss!

Without great strength, who would dare to do this?

Once there was a grievance between the gods, although there would be no immediate battle between the gods, the gods had a long life span. The abyss and the heavens had always been at war for hundreds of thousands of years, and the Lord of Flames would be attacked by a whole group!

With these speculations, the Queen of the Night Elves decided to go out of the mountain and let the night elves contribute the most pious belief to the Lord of Flames in order to repay the Lord of Flames for his generosity.

After the night elves’ discussions lasted for more than ten minutes, the night elves queen said: “This god is called the Lord of Flames. Even in the heavens, the Lord of Flames is a very powerful god. This time when the abyss crack opened the Lord of Flames had sealed the entire Demon Abyss with his own power, intercepting the power of countless Abyss Demon Gods!”

Having said this, she looked towards the sky with a pious face, and began to pray, saying: “The great Lord of Flames, I, Queen of the Night Elves, Lomina, would like to be your most loyal believer. May you grant me relief from the power of the curse!”

She actually conveyed her faith to the Lord of Flames in front of tens of thousands of night elves.

Soon after her voice fell, she seemed to hear a magnificent voice:


They just listened to this sound carefully, and it didn’t seem to exist physically!

But immediately, a burning flame appeared over her head.

This flame, unlike ordinary flames, was only divided into three main layers.

And there were many sub layers.

Each layer of flame had a different color.

This made this flame look extraordinarily beautiful when it burned.

As soon as this flame appeared, it attracted the attention of more than 50,000 night elves present.

They had never seen such a flame before.

They never thought that there would be such a beautiful flame in this world.

Even some beautiful flowers couldn’t compare to this flame!

The night elves’ queen stretched out her hand, and the flame landed steadily on her hand.

Then, she stuffed the flame into her mouth!

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