
Chapter 151: [151] The Last Stand (II)

Chapter 151: [151] The Last Stand (II)

"Although I have my boxes to tick… Why don\'t you head off?" Damien questioned, stretching his arms and legs for the upcoming showdown.

Whitebeard saw the look in his fellow Titan\'s eyes and broke out in a laugh: "Gurarara! Just a Fleet Admiral, two Admirals, and an Admiral Candidate alongside some dogs of the World Government aren\'t enough to scare me into running away!"

Murakumogiri was bashed into the ground, conveying the bold spirits of its user. It was treading the line of courting death, but Edward Newgate remained unfazed.

Damien grinned, shaking his head, "Stubborn old man."

By now, the dust had settled, suddenly so—one second, it was tearing through the fabric of reality, and then, it was eradicated by a dark shadow.

However, it had claimed far too many lives.

"...Kyron… buddy, wake up," a broken voice called through the blanket of dust. The battered Marine\'s face was stretched with a hollow smile as he jerked the lifeless body of his good friend, "Didn\'t we agree to drink for days after this war… wake up, man!"

The desperation in the beaten soldier\'s voice provoked discontent in the hearts of the remaining Marines.

A young man talented in the Colours of Arms was seen glaring through the ashy air, locking onto a divine existence—his eyes contained deep hatred as his hands clutched on a single, bloody arm, it\'s all that remained of his brother.

"Are you pointing your accusatory finger at me, insect?"

The voice woke the young Marine from his glare, but even with the slight apprehension in his mind, he continued to stare daggers at the man with crescent-moon-like hair.

"You… You could have stopped this…"

The esteemed Saint Figarland Garling scoffed, his eyes filled with disdain. It wasn\'t just the young soldier; he was also getting razor-sharp gazes from all around him.

"Hmph, you mortals don\'t even know how fortunate you are to breathe the same air as I. Your lives hold as much value as the ants I trample beneath my feet."

Garling\'s words were as ruthless as they were disparaging.

The man who had lost his brother couldn\'t stop himself from waltzing ahead, livid.

"Such treachery!" A God\'s Knights bellowed, raising his blade.

"Fool," a Vice Admiral whispered under his breath, quickly turning away.


A sharp hiss of wind followed by a fountain of blood—Garling appeared five meters beyond the bold Marine, his blade stabbing straight out.

With a thud, the talented lad fell, his eyes still screaming vexes.

Garling\'s overbearing words came next, "Know your places, Marines."


A deafening silence, but the tension in the air was heavy.


The Supreme Commander of God\'s Knights turned to the dark shadow at the center of the shredded land. This sole person had ripped the fantastical attack of the Sin Incarnate.

"The lives lost thus far are in the name of Justice. A hefty price to pay for salvation, but a necessary one."

Kong\'s deep voice forced the remaining two thousand marines onto the target, collectively directing focus to the band of pirates still standing.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* 

The Fleet Admiral\'s heavy steps echoed through the barren plains as he treaded toward the enemies alone.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* 

It wasn\'t easy to hear through the distant ground that was frequently collapsing after Whitebeard\'s tilting, but everyone could still somehow make out the firm footsteps of Kong.

\'All it takes is one,\' he thought to himself, narrowing at the towering pirates a hundred meters away.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* 

"W-Will he take them all on alone…?" a marine spat, his eyes filled with dread for the Fleet Admiral.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* 

And then it came.

*Whizz!* The sharp squeal of the winds caused by an elephantine creature.

"Wawawawa! I want to see how tough you are, Kaiju Kong!"

The foolhardy Wang Zhi, taller than Whitebeard and known for his durability and survivability against all odds. Alone, he rushed to Kong.

The Marine squinted under the dull backdrop of the sun, carefully waiting until the towering enemy was close enough…


The battlefield was plunged with a plume of smoke that hid torrents of winds. The black gas flooded across the stretch of wasteland, covering a good fifty meters in radius.

"Looks like he wants to renew morale as a flagbearer," Damien calmly commented, his eyes locked onto the giant shadow hidden under the veil of smoke.

"Hmph. Kong\'s always trying to spearhead things," Whitebeard quipped, unimpressed. "And that fool Wang Zhi, getting himself killed for nothing."

A loud thud broke out—the corpse of the massive pirate scorched in flames, his brazen eyes still thirsty for war.

"And so the Strange Beast cometh," Silver Axe mused, the grip on his weapon tightening.

It was when the smoke cleared out that the monster within was slowly unveiled.

Steaming hot air hissing around a 15-meter tall beast (~50 ft) with fangs and eyes glowing with ancient, untamed fury.

"A passing glimpse would suggest a Mythical Zoan," Indra murmured, looking up at the mighty ape whose shadow swallowed the ruined landscape around him.

Dark, swirling smoke coiled from the edges of his fur, seeping out like living shadows, hinting at his esoteric power. A similar scene appeared in the sky: the ashy clouds were swirling around with the creature at its core, spiralling doom around it.

As the ape-like being let out a primal roar, the ground trembled beneath him, and the remnants of God Valley bore witness to the rise of an ancient force reborn.

"You\'re saying that ain\'t a Zoan!?" Solomon blurted, blinking with confusion.

[Kong\'s transformation Image (in Discord)]

On the Marine side was just as much noise, but for them, it was fanfare. The sight of the mountainous beacon of justice dominated anything within kilometers. 

"Look! The Fleet Admiral\'s using his power… I\'ve never seen it before!"

"Hehe, it\'s as weird as the Egg-Egg Fruit. But far more menacing!"

Kong hummed under the surge of spirit in the remaining men. His overwhelming body reached the curious pirates, who were more than willing to be patient and recharge their stamina.

"Zephyr," he suddenly called out.

With a flicker, the Black Arm appeared at the primal ape\'s side, awaiting orders: "Yes, sir." 

"The Celestial Dragons within the Inner Sanctum need to be transported. Cipher Pol reserves will arrive at the Western Shore soon. You will lead them back to Mariejois."

What could be considered a humbling task left Zephyr lost for words. He remembered the darkness of Naufragium Island but then, his position as an Admiral Candidate.

\'A man should stand befitting his position,\' he told himself, taking a deep breath. "I will ensure their safety."

Zephyr left without hesitation, his mind clear.

"Marines, with me," Kong ordered, his heavy steps echoing through God Valley, dwarfing the Fleet Admiral\'s target. "I\'m here to clean up a stain from my past."

His eyes were dead set on the younger Titan.

But before Damien could speak, it was Whitebeard who moved. "How long do you expect us to wait while you play your little mind games!?"

The earthshaker directed his indestructible Murakumogiri, bubbling it with pure vibrations.

"I\'ll take you on, Whitebeard!"

A magnificent Buddha fell from the skies, covering the towering pirate with a golden shockwave and sending him hundreds of meters away.

*Crackle* Indra\'s body burst with chirping birds, dominating the dull island with bright blue. Only for a surge of sharp sand to launch him away.

Xerxes\' raspy voice echoed through the dry air, chasing after the Hellspawn. "Let\'s pick up where we left off, shall we?"


In the meantime, Damien simply grinned at the towering Ape before him.

Kong did the same, matching his gaze.

"Kuhuhuhu! Give the Boss a break, will ya!"


"Dreaded Devastation."


Two spears of pure earth shot around the immobile Fleet Admiral, circling around his dominating body and shuttling away the likes of Solomon and Silver Axe.


"So here we are, face-to-face," Damien said. "I suppose I should be honoured to attract your attention, Kong."

"You killed a lot of good marines today. Destroying their families and obstructing justice," the Fleet Admiral spat out, slamming his right foot into the ground, kicking up giant shards of earth.

Damien appeared ten meters to the side, easily dodging the foot that had birthed a deep crate. "Justice?" He echoed with disdain. "You gave them false confidence to rush straight into a man of earthquakes and atomization, all for what? Protecting the honour of those Celestial Dragon scum?"

He scanned the weeping battlefield, seeing nothing but corpses and death—the smell alone was enough to drive away all things living.

"I\'m a man of peace. But when you send people with their swords raised and rifles aimed… I will extinguish them."

"Be that as it may, I guess I should be honoured for your personal action against me," Damien remarked with a smirk.

"Don\'t flatter yourself. The only reason I\'m here taking you on is to ensure that your evil bloodline ends today."

Damien\'s eyes sharpened—he could hear the malice hidden in the Marine\'s words. "I see that this is personal for you… I take it you knew my old man?"

Kong scoffed, his furry hands absently clenching at the thought of a particular pirate. "I was an Admiral when the \'God of War\' was roaming the seas."

"Rahahaha! Looks like he beat you up, considering your fury."

Kong\'s gaze fell on the Sin Incarnate. He saw it—the black hair with a crimson hue, the red eyes, and the confident smirk—an image of the War God came to mind. "Your father was as insufferable as you. He made a mess everywhere he went. That included Marineford…"

"Your fate will be the same: erased from the annals of history, never to be talked of ever again!"

To cement his point, the primal ape broke into a frenzy and bashed its fists into its chest.


"Drums of Justice!"





Every beat caused giant explosions with Damien at their core. Not only that, they stretched for hundreds of meters, enveloping the other skirmishes in fire and heat.




The flurry of explosions continued; if the destruction in the past few minutes were added up, it would equal Damien\'s \'Big Bang\' attack! 

Soon enough, the Fleet Admiral stopped and assessed the damage. The shockwaves had long pulverized the nearby terrain, creating a deep crater where the young pirate previously stood.

"Did that take him down?" a marine cheered from the side.

"The Fleet Admiral is invincible!"

*Fshhh* An ominous flash went off, red in colour.

The officers watched in shock as a stream of crimson particles swam out from the huge plume of smoke and formed a familiar figure.

"A Paramecia which blesses its user as they grow in some way. It\'s quite like Herja\'s power."

The monstrous Marine growled, revealing sharp fangs. "Do not compare me to a pirate rotting in Impel Down. I assure you, you will join her soon."

With an ear-rattling roar, the beast shot out its furry arm. Black smoke swirled the thick limb, folding the air around it.

With a burst of his own, Damien dove right at the incoming attack, clenching his left fist.

*Crackle* Thick strands of black lightning arced all over his body, contained with a gentle flow of Ryuo. 

With twin roars from both sides, the two fists collided, one far bigger than the other.


The shrieking air distorted under the monumental strength hidden within the two strikes. Lines of explosions blew up the turbulent day, sending out a booming shockwave in all directions.

"His skin is certainly as thick as a Mythical Zoan!" Damien murmured, landing some distance from the ape—both men were recoiling from the collision.

Crimson eyes traced the body surrounded by the decrepit black smoke along its fifteen-meter-tall frame.

"The Genesis-Genesis Fruit," He recounted from prior readings. "A primeval power that, as its users grow in strength, allows them to embody the essence of the earliest forms of life."

"You really are a Strange Beast, Kong!"

The mighty Marine growled again, raising both arms hissing with ancient lifeforce.

But before he could slam the defiant pirate into a pulp, he was met with a twin streak of red.


"Atomic Beams."


The twin beams of energy shot out with great blitz, zooming through the sky and crashing into the Fleet Admiral.

"Guh!" Kong was easily swept away by the attack, his giant body being dragged along the trajectory of the beams.

They shot straight up, taking Kong with them.




The air shrieked from the weight and momentum as Kong bounced across the air, his body ricocheting at awkward angles. The momentum alongside the snap-turns was like a whip being hit on one\'s back—it was disorienting even to the Strange Beast.

He went through five giant hillsides born after Whitebeard\'s tilting; his primal body shattered through them until finally being carved into the ground.


A dull explosion went off as the ape was eaten up by a cloud of dust.

"Kong-sama!" a rear Admiral called out. With anger in his eyes, he, along with other veterans, surrounded the pirate.

The remaining two thousand troops were summoned under their orders, leaving a smidge of red under the target of thousands.

"You guys don\'t learn, do you?"

Damien snapped his fingers, bringing out a syringe with red fluid into his right hand.

With no hesitation, he jammed it directly into his heart, pumping the drugs into his circulatory system.

\'Although the effects are much weaker than before, it\'s enough to last another day or two,\' the pirate thought before taking to the skies.

The Sin Incarnate, now fifty meters above the Navy mob, extended both hands and directed them to either side.

A leading Vice Admiral\'s Haki flared like an inferno; Damien\'s fingers were glowing blue!


"Chain Lightning."


At his command, thick bolts of vibrant blue lightning shot out from his fingers. 

*Snap* *Crackle*

The chirping birds were distorted into a monstrous growl from the trembling earth, making their arrival all the more breathtaking.

*Szz!* The air exploded from the sudden heat of being lit with an endless voltage. Damien\'s attack went in all directions, hitting the first wave of imbalanced marines. The electricity found its first targets, crackling through their bodies. But it didn\'t stop there. The electric charge bounced to those next in line, zapping through their flesh and treating them as conductors.

It was like a bright blue tree from where Damien was floating. He watched the lightning spread through tens, hundreds, thousands—the entire marine formation was hit! The electricity used the Marine as a host to chain out to nearby conductors and other marines.

It bounced from 1 to 10 to 100 to 1000 soldiers within moments, spreading throughout the formation. 




Thousands of officers fell, their bodies convulsing from the electric charge, unable to move, let alone think, as their nervous system was fried. Black smoke caked the battlefield, plunged with the stench of ash and burnt flesh.

In a nearby crater was a lone monstrosity.

"Staying at Marineford for so many years has left me rusty," Kong sighed.

But it was here that he recollected his adversary. "Logia-like properties and a power that can atomize anything."


The ground suddenly shook, waking the Fleet Admiral from his momentary pause.

With a booming growl, the ape exploded from the jagged terrain, clawing out from the hole. The beast\'s eyes locked onto the burst of lightning eating away at the marines.

"Lightning powers, too!" It was another lapse in intel. 

Kong rushed toward the quivering earth to see blackened earth under his enormous frame.

The death toll on the Navy side had hit the hundred thousand mark!

Kong\'s fury ignited into a relentless storm. His massive fists crackled with black bubbles of destructive power as he hurled them toward Damien in a wild flurry, each blow missing its mark but wreaking havoc on the land.

 Each punch landed with the force of a cannon, splitting the earth beneath him and birthing massive explosions of rubble and dust. The ground quaked under his wrath as fissures tore across God Valley, sending waves of devastation through the already ruined terrain. Pillars of debris shot skyward, caught in the violent chaos Kong unleashed, his roars echoing with each missed blow. Yet, no matter how close he came, Damien evaded with cold precision, leaving the enraged Fleet Admiral to pummel the land itself, birthing a landscape of sheer destruction.

The rest of the world was not unphased by the uncertainty surrounding the Cradle of the Gods. Many kingdoms, smaller nations, marine bases, and even non-government-aligned islands were under great stress, awaiting the result.

Such was true on the pirate side as well.

[Pirate Paradise of Hachinosu]

"Kaido, come quick, it\'s important! We\'re going to God Valley!"

The pirate in question didn\'t seem to care, turning away from the woman hollering at him.

Big Mom and Kaido were still at Pirate Island, so naturally, the news had made its way here. After all, Hachinosu still housed a sizable fleet of over 10,000 men!

However, the Hundred-Beast did not reciprocate the hurry in the woman\'s voice: "If Rocks falls now, then so be it! We should be chasing after those Nobles. I wanna kill one with my own two hands!"

Linlin sighed in irritation and waved her fist menacingly. "You brat, you really want to act up now!"

The two stood within the main hall of Hachinosu, arguing with one another.

*Rumble!* Suddenly, a deep tremor passed through the island, also shaking the room. Skull Rock seemed to blink under the surprise explosion.

"What was that!" Linlin yelled out.

A hasty Oven rushed into the room, his face struck with worry. "Mama, we have enemies attacking us from the South!"

The other kids ran in, too, looking for directions.

Daifuku, the Genie-man, huffed with another piece of intel: " There are only five of them—five marines!" 

Perespero licked his candy cane, seeming quite solemn as he answered, "Admiral Kurojū and Admiral Candidates Yochou and Ginrou from Mariejois are here!"

"Looks like the Marine Star Rookies came as well," Katakuri chimed in, looking out one of the eyes of Skull Rock—a sole vessel at the shore.

At the front of the warship stood a man clad in dark clothes, armour plating his body. His arms were crossed as he breathed in the salty sea air. To his left was an elegant older gentleman with a cane. Meanwhile, a voluptuous woman wearing a sarong skirt stood behind him.

Kurojū\'s eyes peered through the darkness of the mask and hood, locking onto Skull Rock with great anger.

It was a beacon of disorder, a landmark which existed solely to splash mud on the face of Justice.

"The Rocks Fleet at God Valley has collapsed…" 

Masao\'s body pulsed with power as he roared across the seas, "Now we will rid this pirate-infested island for good!"

To Be Continued…

Author\'s Corner.

The Rocks Pirates are on their last legs. With the death of their Captain, the crew is fated to follow suit. However, things are still happening across the seas. As I said before, the forces of Hachinosu are getting involved. Kurojū, alongside the two now-named Admiral Candidates, are here to extinguish any remaining loose ends.

As for Wang Zhi (Ochoku), although in canon, he is supposed to remain alive through this; even taking over Hachinosu with his crew for decades, he is now dead; RIP.

Images are available on Discord alongside other niche details: https://discord.gg/aJHHHPvb6q

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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