
Chapter 672: Death and Twin Pony-Tails

Chapter 672: Death and Twin Pony-Tails

Amid this maelstrom of celestial power, magic, and carnage, upon the scorched earth of what once was the Cao Immortal Manor, a dark tide unexpectedly appeared. No one knew when the water had emerged. Everyone was too intent on slaying their foe to care about the sudden water underfoot.

This water, as if conjured from thin air, squirmed over the ground, creeping over corpse after corpse like some living thing.

Whether Immortal or devil, or even the physically powerful demons, they all twisted, shrank, and rotted under the assault of the salty sea water, disappearing before one could notice.

A thousand celestial generals and several thousand demons, whole bodies and fragments alike, vanished silently amidst the furious melee.

Screams echoed as some of these victims, not quite dead, with their spirits still clinging to their flesh, hoped for a chance at revival. Initially indifferent to the encroaching seawater, panic quickly set in, and they were swallowed whole in their terror.

The dark seawater advanced, washing away blood and remnants of corpses so thoroughly that even their spirits seemed devoured.

The sea spoke like a little girl collecting seashells at the shore, murmuring to herself, "Flesh to eat, blood to drink, bones and spirits I save for Yun Xiao. He's just like a doggy, who loves to gnaw on bones."

All the beings of the Thunder Department were immersed in a harrowing slaughter, while she seemed to exist in another world, merely eating, drinking, and collecting.

Whatever Yun Xiao commanded, she did without question.

Before anyone realized, the battlefield was eerily cleansed.

The black sea converged into a spot, and with a rush, formed a little girl in white socks and twin ponytails. She blinked her large, dark eyes and touched her slightly swollen belly, contentedly murmuring, "Seems I'm full now."

It was clear she had been hungry for a long time.

Still with a lingering craving, she bit her lip and looked towards the nearby battlefield where Gu Suwan and others, with the aid of five Suan Nis, engaged in a perilous fight, their lives hanging by a thread at every turn.

"They look fresher and tastier..." The little girl twitched her delicate nose, inhaling the enticing aroma of the demons, refined through countless tribulations. To her, these beings were like meat roasted over and over again; tough, but oh so savory.

"Yun Xiao said to help," she murmured, and as she spoke, her stomach growled with hunger again.

Every time Yun Xiao drew the deathly aura from her, she felt ravenous—so hungry she could probably snack on a giant elephant!

And then, she saw an elephant.

It was a demon elephant, as if cast from solid gold, moving like a mountain of metal. Its legs and trunk were like destructive celestial weapons, causing the earth to shatter wherever they struck.

It was a Divine Tribulation Realm demon!

At that moment, this golden elephant was at the forefront, clashing repeatedly with a Suan Ni, using its tough hide and immense strength to wear down the thunderous beast, allowing the other Divine Tribulation Realm demons and Immortals to close in and attack Gu Suwan!

Despite the protection of two Suan Nis, Gu Suwan, who'd just entered the Divine Tribulation Realm, was completely outnumbered. As an Inscription Immortal, she could barely defend herself, struggling greatly and repeatedly facing deadly perils.

"The Chaos Sovereign has already shown his true colors! The Thunder Department has been betrayed! If we fall, these ferocious demons will ravage the Thunder Department, turning it into a living hell!"

Gu Suwan had realized the grim truth, but all she could do was seethe with anger.

She loved the Thunder Department! It was the eyes of the Celestial Court and a sacred land of justice! But now it was being defiled by demons, devils, and conspirators!

She didn't know how it all came to this. All she knew was that she could not fall; she had to draw as much attention from the enemies as possible to alleviate Yun Xiao's burden!

BOOM! One by one, the demons tore through her shields with their magic, closing in on Gu Suwan.

The Sword, Inscription, and Martial Immortals from the Great Dao Celestial Army were also surrounding her, eyeing her coldly.

"She won't be able to hold on much longer!"

The enemies sneered coldly at her struggle, their derision adding immense pressure on Gu Suwan.

Her hair was disheveled, her body marred with blood, and the excessive use of her celestial power left her skin pallid.

"Golden Elephant! Lead the charge!" a cold voice commanded.

With a roar, the golden elephant unleashed its celestial power, breaking through the Suan Nis with a bellow, its mountainous body surging forward like a juggernaut.

BUZZ! The golden trunk of the elephant swung up, whipping towards Gu Suwan with the force of a maelstrom!

The air trembled and golden light burst forth.

One could tell that if that majestic force struck true, it would split Gu Suwan into two mounds of flesh!

"It's over..." Gu Suwan thought, not out of despair, but because the encirclement was too overwhelming.

She could only dodge, weaving through the myriad deadly threats.

Yet, that golden trunk, like a sword of death, still reached her!

Engulfed by impending doom, tears surged in Gu Suwan's eyes.

Just at that moment, a little girl in a maid outfit and white socks suddenly appeared before her, embracing the massive trunk with her slender arms.

BOOM! The little girl stood her ground, immovable, while the trunk, as if it had struck a larger mountain of gold, trembled violently, bursting forth with blood!

The shock traveled back to the elephant demon, causing its mountainous body to shake as if struck by lightning.

With a grunt, the elephant spewed a mouthful of golden blood, staring in terror at the little girl before it and tremblingly asked, "What are you?"

An ant had caught hold of it!

Terrified, it frantically tried to pull its trunk free. But no matter how hard it pulled, it wouldn't budge! It nearly tore its own trunk off!

The little girl merely held it gently!

"Let go!" the golden elephant demon roared in fear.

As the sound waves shook the air, the little girl finally moved.

Holding the trunk, she gave a light toss, and the entire golden giant was flung into the air, transforming into a meteor hammer in her hands.

BOOM! She soared upwards.

"Ahhh!" The golden giant bled profusely, screaming in agony.

The Immortals and demons watched in stunned silence.

An ant had swung a giant elephant! And then, the Divine Tribulation Realm demons, devils, and Immortals were instantly petrified.

Because that little girl, wielding the golden giant, swung it towards them!


Shouts of warning were too late. Supreme force begat supreme speed. The elephant, like a golden mountain, left a gilded blur as it smashed through the crowd of Immortals, devils, and demons.

BOOM! A four-headed serpent demon was pulverized into a paste by the hurtling mass.

Of course, the golden elephant was bleeding too, continuing to scream in agony.

It was the toughest there, ideal for use as a weapon.

The hearts of the onlookers pounded as they watched the girl whirl the elephant around, her speed like a lightning storm, chasing down the other demons and smashing them mercilessly!

The violence was electrifying!

From the original cohort of about 20 Divine Tribulation Realm combatants, several of the larger demons were quickly reduced to pulp.

The smaller, quicker ones, thinking of nothing else, started to flee!

"It's a corpse demon! A corpse demon!"

Demons from Naraka harbored innate fear towards corpse demons, a uniquely malevolent creation, a monster among demons!

With a thunderous crash, the golden elephant hit the ground, its spirit departed.

Though it was once a mighty elephant, now only its trunk and a jumbled pile of bones remained. The rest of its flesh and organs had been obliterated.

"A corpse demon has appeared in the Thunder Department, aiding Lu Yao. Withdraw from the battlefield below, let the Supreme Generals handle this!"

Within the ranks of the Great Dao Celestial Army, a towering elder with white hair bellowed.

He was a Martial Immortal, one of the physically strongest among the celestial generals. As he spoke, he began to retreat. But suddenly, the little girl appeared right before him.

She arrived, and the sonic boom of her approach barely outpaced her.

When the white-haired Martial Immortal saw the twin ponytails fluttering, he knew doom had come.

"Die!" he roared, swinging a golden demon-slaying staff, a Dao Heaven grade celestial weapon, toward the little girl's face.

Unseen until the last moment, the little girl reached out, catching the staff effortlessly and, with a slight twist, wrested it from the Martial Immortal's grasp.

"Ah?" The white-haired elder stared at his empty hands, frozen in shock.

With both hands on the staff, the girl pushed down and struck with her knee.

CRACK! The staff snapped in two.

"Ouch!" the little girl exclaimed, looking at her reddened hands. She wouldn't have tried to bend it if she'd known it would snap so easily.

"Ah?" The white-haired elder watched in disbelief, his spirit twitching.

"It's your fault!" the girl pouted, glaring at him.

"Ah?" The white-haired elder stood dumbfounded. You hurt yourself and blame me?

His eyes widened, then watched as her small fist grew larger before his eyes.

BOOM! His head exploded under the impact.

The girl's body twisted violently, transforming into a black, leech-like beast, devouring the headless corpse, mashing it to a pulp.

Moments ago, she had seemed almost cute; now, she terrified everyone, causing hearts to leap with fear.

The remaining Immortals, devils, and demons, struck dumb with horror, thought of nothing but escape.


The twin ponytails blurred past, a furious whirlwind of destruction.


One by one, Immortals, devils, and demons were punched into the ground, creating craters, blood splattering everywhere.

None survived!

BOOM! After slaughtering her foes, the girl landed, and the ground of the Thunder Department quaked under her diminutive form, demonstrating her unbelievable mass.

Gu Suwan was dumbstruck, having gone from the brink of death to witnessing all her adversaries perish... Her legs trembled as she looked at the little girl before her, realizing only now the extent of her ferocity.

"Are you hungry too? Do you want some?" the girl asked, pulling a bloody human eyeball from behind her back.

JustLivingJL's Thoughts



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