
Chapter 175: Red Lotus and Eclipse

Chapter 175: Red Lotus and Eclipse

"That night in the bridal chamber, when you chased me down to the lower realms, I sensed an immense power in you," Yun Xiao remarked, his eyes intensely fixated on her.

"Merely an illusion," Chen Xi replied coolly, not meeting his gaze.

"Is it?" Yun Xiao arched an eyebrow and chuckled. "Chen Xi, you wouldn't happen to have any ties to the Empress, would you?"

Her gaze frosted over instantly. "Keep your wild speculations to yourself, and certainly keep them from others!" Her fingers clenched the intricately carved edge of the bed, a clear sign of her growing unease.

"Just as I suspected!" Yun Xiao exclaimed, amusement evident in his eyes. "I've figured out your true identity!"

"You!" Chen Xi's posture shifted defensively, her eyes narrowing on Yun Xiao.

"You're the Empress's disciple!" Yun Xiao announced, reaching out and pinching her flushed cheek playfully. "Am I right?"

Chen Xi only glared in response.

"Don't worry," Yun Xiao reassured, "Your secret's safe with me."

"Just keep it that way, especially before the War of Immortals," Chen Xi warned, exhaling a little.

"Fine, but you have to do something for me," Yun Xiao bartered.

"What?" Chen Xi frowned, suspecting he was up to no good.

"Put in a good word for me with your master," he grinned.

"Why would I do that?" She shot him a puzzled look.

Yun Xiao leaned in and whispered, "Because I have a taste for the spicy."

Chen Xi was momentarily dumbfounded. With a swift motion, she snatched up a jade pillow and aimed it squarely at Yun Xiao's head. "You audacious fool! Daring to disrespect the Empress? Be careful or I'll report you and have your entire lineage punished!"

Yun Xiao laughed heartily. "Well, in that case, you'd be punishing your own family too."

Chen Xi was fuming! She thought indignantly, “After all those noble words I shared during the day, the only thing he took away was spicy!”

It had been Zhao Xuanran who met Yun Xiao first. Given that Chen Xi stepped in and claimed Yun Xiao for herself, she had no place to comment. But the current scenario made it feel as if she had led her own husband astray. How infuriating! In her exasperation, she ended up in a playful brawl with Yun Xiao right in their newlywed chamber.

The room still carried the vibrant charm of their recent wedding. The soft glow of red candles illuminated the room, and the window sported a prominent marriage

character, symbolizing double happiness. Strands of red streamers hung from the ceiling.

Moments later, the two found their hair tangled and knotted together.

Chen Xi still glared at him. However, her anger seemed to have dissipated. The man before her was undeniably handsome, and after stealing a few more glances, she found her mood inexplicably lifting.

"Today, a lot transpired," Chen Xi said, steering the conversation as she gazed at her dangling feet.

"Indeed. They almost got rid of your father," Yun Xiao remarked.

"A bunch of hypocritical curs," Chen Xi responded with a cold laugh.

"But thinking about it, even though you top the Dragon Ranking, the rest on the list are backstabbers. It must be tough," Yun Xiao commented, gazing at her profile.

"Yes…" Chen Xi's eyes carried a melancholy.

"In this upcoming battle, you have to represent the Divine Dawn Immortal Empire, bearing the weight of the entire nation. You'll be facing the likes of the Violet Sky Immortal Empire and those still loyal to the Azure Leaf faction, as well as Demon Princes and Princesses of the Saint Realm. It's quite a burden for you alone," Yun Xiao noted.

Chen Xi looked up wordlessly at him. Despite her fierce battles during the day, at night, she still felt the exhaustion. It wasn't the strength of her enemies that she feared, but rather the treachery within.

"Will you be there with me?" Chen Xi asked softly.

"Of course. A man should lead the way," Yun Xiao replied.

"Do you have any ulterior motives behind that statement?" she asked suspiciously.

"…None," Yun Xiao responded.

"Oh," Chen Xi inhaled slightly, her face tinged with sadness. "Honestly, everything else is bearable. But the torment of a million wronged souls is too much." No wonder she had been so somber, even uttering words of self-blame and remorse.

"Let’s not talk about this. How about some wine?" Yun Xiao suddenly suggested, producing a bottle of the Tiger Rod Wine Chen Xi had gifted him.

Chen Xi shook her head, "I don't drink."

"Alcohol can soothe a heavy heart and embolden the spirit," Yun Xiao said, his eyes warming. "A single swig before battle can grant the courage to defeat thousands."

Convinced, Chen Xi grabbed the bottle from him.

"This chaotic world brought us together, and even if our meeting was ill-fated, I'll drink to your aspirations," Yun Xiao said earnestly.

She scoffed, "Who said anything about being ill-fated with you? I married you for your looks, not love." She popped open the bottle, took a daring sip, and immediately gasped, "So spicy!" Her cheeks flushed a vibrant shade of red, her tongue seemingly cloaked in a fragrant mist.

Chuckling, Yun Xiao remarked, "You're too green for this."

Defiant, Chen Xi retorted, "Laugh all you want. Think this can beat me?"

Stubborn as ever, she continued to down bottle after bottle under Yun Xiao's playful encouragement. Eventually, her eyes glazed over, a drunken haze clouding her vision.

"Ready to rest?" Yun Xiao whispered into her ear.

She nodded weakly, her voice a soft murmur.

"Call me Big Brother," he teased, lifting her chin.

She caught his hand, her eyes deep with affection and whispered, "Big Brother..."


Deep into the night at the grand entrance of the Heavenly Realm stood two figures atop the Clearview Platform. This was the main entrance to the Immortal Empire's capital, flanked by towering stone pillars that exuded grandeur and gravity.

To the sides of the Clearview Platform, undulating mountain ranges stretched out. Trees of deep autumn hues painted the mountains with patches of golden yellow.

One of the figures on the platform, clad in a teal-gold robe with neatly tied hair and stern features, was Ye Qingtian. Beside him stood a strikingly handsome man in a purple-gold dragon robe with light purple flowing hair. This was the Violet Emperor from the Violet Sky Immortal Empire. To many, he was the most magnificent emperor.

However, after the great battle with the Divine Dawn Empress, the title of the most magnificent emperor might've found a new owner in the hearts of the people.

Once, they were hailed as the dual Emperors of humanity, the Violet and Azure Monarchs. Now, the Violet remained, but the Azure was gone. Despite that, these two towering figures stood side by side, hands behind their backs. It was clear in the Violet Emperor's eyes that the man beside him was still a peer, a brother, a dearest friend.

The night wind howled, biting cold, yet the duo remained, speaking in low tones for what seemed an eternity.

Above, a full moon hung high, almost as if it sat atop the Heavenly Realm itself.

Then, suddenly, a chunk of that moon disappeared!

A chilling and brutal aura engulfed the Heavenly Realm, the very air freezing.

"A lunar eclipse?" Ye Qingtian murmured.

"He's here," the Violet Emperor replied, eyes narrowing as he looked upward. The missing piece of the moon grew larger, a dark shadow expanding across it. In mere moments, the moon was swallowed whole.

A hum filled the air. Darkness enveloped everything, making it impossible to see even one's own hand. Only the lights from the Heavenly Realm behind them still shone.

"He's the youngest among the Five Great Demon Emperors and has much room to grow... he seems even more terrifying now," Ye Qingtian remarked, his face taut.

"Yes," the Violet Emperor said, nodding gravely.

"Do you and this demon have a history?" Ye Qingtian asked.

"We've been fortunate to be acquaintances," the Violet Emperor said with a slight grin. But before his words could even settle, another change occurred.

Around the platform, the surrounding hills and valleys, which had been filled with withering plants, were now tainted with a blood-red hue. This coloration spread upwards, making the dried branches, leaves, and grasses seem engorged with blood. Even new blood-red leaves and flowers sprouted.

The entire landscape, once a vision of verdant green, transformed into a sea of crimson. Countless ruby-red petals danced in the air, drifting above the platform. It was as though the world had ushered in springtime prematurely. But it was a bloody spring.

On many of the parched grounds, devoid of water, sprouted blood-red lotuses. The flowers stood tall and eerie, their crimson petals shimmering with a dreamlike hue.

A low hum filled the air. Suddenly, the blood-red lotus petals trembled and detached from their stems. Whipped by the wild winds, they soared into the sky, forming magnificent floral tornadoes. Countless fiery-red petals spiraled towards the Heavenly Realm.

The scene was both enchanting and chilling.

Then, in an abrupt convergence, the endless sea of petals merged into one mass in mid-air.

With a resonant hum and amidst the whirl of petals, a dazzling blood-red lotus dress unfurled, spanning the horizon. Within the folds of the dress, a woman of breathtaking beauty, framed by a myriad of petals, descended from the heavens. Her blood-red eyes and cool, alluring lips gave her an otherworldly aura. Her tall and mature silhouette exuded an irresistible charm.

As she graced the land with her presence, the trees, grass, and flowers on the mountains bloomed even more vibrantly, as if resurrected.

"Red Lotus!" From the heavens above, the shadow that had previously swallowed the moon called out.

Following that voice, the shadow transformed into a young man in black robes with hair trailing to the ground. He descended gracefully, landing beside the woman in the blood-red dress. Only then did the moon emerge once again, bathing the Heavenly Realm in its silvery glow.

Against this backdrop, the bloody spring on the mountains appeared even more fantastical, brighter, and eerie. Every plant seemed to come alive.

"Lil Pup," the woman in the blood dress said tenderly, her eyes on the black-robed youth, her voice laced with amusement. "I beat you here."

"I don't care. You took a shortcut. That's cheating!" The young man pouted, playfully chiding, "Red Lotus, you're the worst."

The lady in the crimson dress smiled gracefully, choosing not to respond.

They both descended, stopping before the Violet Emperor and Ye Qingtian.

"Welcome, mighty Demon Emperors!" Violet Emperor and Ye Qingtian chorused in unison.

"Heh." The young man in black observed them coldly, a gaze so unsettling that the so-called human Emperors felt a chill creep up their spines.

"Regarding the matter with Eternal Joy, the Divine Dawn Empress acted alone. On behalf of the Immortal Empire in the Heavenly Realm, I beg for your forgiveness," Ye Qingtian implored, bowing deeply, looking as though he might kneel at any moment.

"No need," the youth in black shrugged nonchalantly. "Eternal Joy met his end foolishly, exposing the Divine Dawn Empress's strength in the process. That's commendable."

"Understood," Ye Qingtian sighed in relief, knowing full well the tension between Eternal Joy and the youth in black before him. For now, that chapter seemed to have closed.

Violet Emperor, eager to move on, asked, "What about the other two Demon Emperors?"

"The Gu Emperor arrived in your Heavenly Realm earlier. Probably didn't care to meet you. After all, he's everywhere," the youth paused for effect before continuing, "As for Forbidden, he's currently in the Endless Netherworld feasting on the souls of the resentful. He could arrive at any moment."

"Oh..." Ye Qingtian and Violet Emperor exchanged glances, nodding silently. This meant three Demon Emperors had arrived, and the fourth was, essentially, on his way.

"Don't just nod," the youth in black said coldly. "You've had time. What have you found out?"

Violet Emperor hesitated, admitting, "This woman's origins are elusive, as if she appeared out of thin air."

Ye Qingtian interjected, "Rest assured, if she truly had a terrifying background, why would she linger in conflict with me? I believe she is likely alone and of humble origins."

"Humble origins, and she's reached such a level of cultivation at her age?" the youth scoffed.

"Yes..." Ye Qingtian murmured, lowering his head.

"If I find out you've withheld information, do you know the consequences?" The youth threatened.

Ye Qingtian gritted his teeth, replying, "Rest assured, I dream of her demise."

"Lil Pup, don't blame Lord Ye," the woman named Red Lotus in the red dress interjected softly.

"Hmph," the youth sneered. He then produced a small, black orb. From it emanated a torrential wave of resentment. The faces of countless vengeful spirits manifested on its surface.

"What is that?" Violet Emperor inquired, eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Forbidden Fate fetched this little treasure from the Endless Netherworld..." the youth began.

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