
Chapter 172: Empress of the Divine Dawn

Chapter 172: Empress of the Divine Dawn

"And now, a fiery young Empress emerges, making the Demon Continent quake in fear, singlehandedly becoming the backbone for the people of the Immortal Empire. And lo and behold, those holier-than-thou individuals responsible for the fall of the Sword Cultivators reappear. This time, they brainwash the young and the masses, portraying the Empress as a tyrant, a war criminal responsible for disrupting peace and causing immense suffering. They want to tear her apart and ensure she's reviled for eternity."

Hearing this, a surge of anger boiled within Yun Xiao. He too was a monarch! If such events were to truly transpire, how utterly heartbreaking? The politics of the Immortal Empire were far more intricate than those of the lower realms...

Those illustrious families, conspiring with demons to drain the lifeblood of the masses, grew portly and complacent. Their influence spread like tangled roots throughout the Heavenly Realm and beyond, within other lands of the Immortal Empire.

The young prodigies of the Immortal Empire were all their descendants, spread to every nook and cranny of the Heavenly Realm. Against such a network, how could a young maiden, with only her combat skills, possibly stand?

"No surprises there. I bet they've already started slandering the Empress within the palace walls," the Drunkard said with a cold smirk.

Yun Xiao had seen the true colors of these people in the Grand Temple.

"They're only ridiculing you as naive and selfish for now, Yun Xiao. But when the real battle begins, while you face the enemy, they'll be all too ready to stab you in the back! You need to watch out for knives in the shadows during the War of Immortals," the Drunkard warned.

"I understand," Yun Xiao replied, taking a deep breath and nodding.

"They're actually quite pitiable. They've been kneeling for so long, their knees have gone numb, and their spirits are broken. No matter what you do, they see it as a wrongdoing. If you don’t kneel alongside them, they feel humiliated. You punish their demonic overlords, so naturally, they criticize and vilify you. At the slightest misstep, they're ready to curse eighteen generations of your ancestors!" The Drunkard shook his head and sighed. "What's laughable is just how many of them there are."

"Too many indeed..." Yun Xiao admitted, looking a bit worn out.

"When you punished the Demon Prince, I was watching. To be honest, a truly conscientious person, seeing one of their own destroy a demon harming their fellow man, would be thrilled and touched. Even if they found it reckless, they'd still stand by your side, right?" the Drunkard mused.

"Right." Yun Xiao nodded.

Zhao Xuanjian was one such person. Though he felt it was ill-advised, in the end, he stood by Yun Xiao.

"But some folks are different. Their immediate reaction is one of profound discomfort. They chastise your character and actions, eager to paint you as a selfish historical villain. They'd pin all the demons' atrocities on you, wishing to see your reputation crumble. Why? Because their hearts have become corrupted, their knees softened from years of bowing. Such people act self-righteous and point fingers during peacetime but betray their own when the going gets tough. You can't hide such human nature." The Drunkard sighed deeply.

"I'm aware. Like those from the Violet Sky Immortal Empire. They don't genuinely care about the common folk's well-being. To them, the lives of the masses are merely pens with which they write death, their moral weapon. And such weapons never point at demons, only their own fellow man!"

Killing a person? That was amateur hour. But with a moral weapon in hand? Well, now, that could smear a man's name through the mud and back!

Should Yun Xiao meet his end or suffer defeat, not only would they hurl insults at him, but they'd ensure their descendants sang the same vitriolic tune. All the while, they'd line their pockets with gains made off his misery.

After hearing all this, one thing was clear; the world was a brutal place. But a simple glance upwards revealed the palace, shimmering like a beacon of hope. The torchlight of humanity!

"Her Majesty is still fending off those ruffians," the Drunkard said. "I'll lead you to the side hall to wait."

"Alright." Yun Xiao nodded, his gaze lingering on the majestic palace.


A group had gathered in the grand palace hall!

"Your Majesty!" The Grand Temple Sage's face was purple with rage. He pointed an accusing finger at the young girl on the throne, his voice raw from shouting, "Even if you tarnish the reputation of the Eternal Joy Demon Emperor to save face for the other demons, it's just for show! With the ruthlessness of these demons, do you really think they'll let it slide? What if they retaliate against the common folk? Have you lost your senses? For your own selfish desires, you've acted so recklessly. How many innocent lives will pay the price?"

Being one of the oldest and most respected figures in the Immortal Empire, with disciples holding the reins of the empire's very lifeline, his words held weight. And when he spoke up, other officials of the Empire chorused in agreement.

The former Azure Sky Emperor stood to the side, his expression grave.

"Go on," the Divine Dawn Empress said, sitting upright, her eyes closed in contemplation.

“The four Demon Emperors will be here soon!” the Grand Temple Sage exclaimed, his face as pale as death. “Eternal Joy is merely the weakest of them. These four are terrifying, each more so than the last. You might have defeated Eternal Joy, but can you face all four of them?” he pleaded, desperation dripping from every word.

"Your Highness! Though my words may sound harsh, I beseech you to heed them! I've already made contact with several other Emperors of the Immortal Empire. Their advice? To offer up Yun Xiao as a sacrifice at the gates of the Heavenly Realm to welcome the Demon Emperors. To bow and apologize, then cede ten territories of our Immortal Empire. Only then might we maintain peace between our races. If not, when the vast armies from the Demon Continent march upon us, how many innocent souls will suffer the consequences?” Finishing his plea, the Grand Temple Sage, embodying the spirit of compassion, sobbed uncontrollably.

The Divine Dawn Empress chuckled, “Ten territories? Such precise demands and an insatiable appetite. Did this come straight from the Demon Continent?”

“Your Majesty,” Ye Qingtian interjected, standing with respect, his voice grave. “Where this information originates matters little. What's crucial is that this might be our only hope to avert disaster. The delicate dance of power between humans and demons isn’t child’s play. If, in a moment of rashness, you decide to lose these territories, I will be silent. But I urge you to reflect deeply before acting."

The Divine Dawn Empress burst into laughter. After her mirth subsided, she crossed her legs casually and raised an eyebrow towards Ye Qingtian, "I am but fifteen, and I do see this as a game. Tell them not only will I not give up any land, but I also intend to host the War of Immortals. If they wish to participate, our Immortal prodigies await. If not, they can leave right now!"

"You!" The Grand Temple Sage, hearing her rebellious words, trembled with fury. With the support of his seniority and backing from influential officials, he pointed an accusing finger at the Empress, "Foolish girl! Even now, you show no remorse for the chaos you've wrought?"

The Empress simply smirked, “And?”

“And? With your grave errors and stubborn pride, you will be vilified as the monarch responsible for the downfall of countless innocents! Relying solely on your power, acting unilaterally, you epitomize the tyrant devoid of virtue. You will be spurned by all! The prosperity built by our ancestors will crumble in your hands!”

Having said his piece, the Grand Temple Sage knelt and wailed towards the palace's exterior, crying out, "Great ancestors above! I’ve devoted my life to nurturing bonds, hoping for a harmonious coexistence between the worlds of humans and demons. But this tyrannical Empress has deepened the rift, jeopardizing the Grand Temple's millennia-old plans. I beg you, take back her Heavenly Realm formation, and save our cherished Immortal Empire!"

Yet, amidst his heartfelt pleas, the Divine Dawn Empress couldn't help but giggle. The absurdity of it all was simply too amusing.

The atmosphere was thick with tension when Ye Qingtian spoke, his voice somber, “Your Majesty, the Grand Temple Sage only spoke in the heat of the moment, thinking of the common folk. I beg you not to hold it against him.”

The Divine Dawn Empress, in her delicate voice, replied, “You worry too much. Who would take offense at an impotent, raging old man's words?”

“Indeed!” Ye Qingtian said earnestly, “But the intentions of the Grand Temple are noble. They seek to end the strife between humans and demons. Your Majesty, you know as well as I do that these demons breed fast, and no matter how many we slay, they’ll always outnumber us. Hence, guiding them towards righteousness is the only way.”

“Is that so?” The Empress's eyes sharpened. “What if I exterminate every single one in the Demon Continent? Leave none alive? How would they breed then?”

Ye Qingtian hesitated, then responded with respect, “The heavens value life. As Cultivators, we aim to ascend the path of Immortality. Should we really be playing the role of destroyers? Both humans and demons suffer in this world. Cultivators should act with compassion. Otherwise, we risk the wrath of the heavenly judgment.”

“Heavenly judgment? Sounds terrifying,” the Empress replied with a smirk.

Ye Qingtian paused before asking, “So, how do you decide, Your Majesty? It’s just ten territories after all.”

“Hmm...” The Empress shrugged, then sat upright. “Anyone who insists on ceding the ten territories, step forward!”

As Ye Qingtian furrowed his brow, standing still, the Grand Temple Sage bravely stepped forward. “I wish for peace among the people,” he declared, standing tall, emanating an air of righteousness.

“I stand for the people,” Han Jingli said, joining the Grand Temple Sage's side. One after the other, officials from the Immortal Empire stood by them, supporting their cause. Half the room had now taken their side.

“Any more?” The Empress inquired.

The remaining officials hesitated, eventually bowing their heads in submission.

“Good,” she acknowledged with a nod, then casually flicked her wrist.

BOOM! A gigantic bell, the Heavenly Realm Primordial Bell, descended, encapsulating the Grand Temple Sage and his supporters.

“What’s going on?” Han Jingli exclaimed. Suddenly, endless thunder and fire erupted within. From inside the bell, the air was filled with chilling screams and curses. The faces outside, including that of Ye Qingtian, were a masterclass in astonishment.

Complete and utter silence fell upon the area.

The Divine Dawn Empress sat upright, her eyes closed, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the armrest of her throne. TAP TAP TAP!

With every beat, the entire palace quaked.

By the ninety-ninth tap, she announced, “The stew’s ready. Who’d like a taste of Saint Soup?”

Opening the Heavenly Realm Bell, instead of people, there was only a heap of dark ashes. She turned her piercing gaze to Ye Qingtian, “Lord Ye, as a representative of the Ancestral Temple, care to go first?”

His face turned a shade darker than the ashes. He mustered a strained laugh, “Thank you for your kind offer, Your Majesty. But, such a fine delicacy would be better suited for the likes of the Supreme Marshal, Zhao Xuanjian, and others. I shall take my leave.”

With a bow, he backed away, his expression fierce but beads of sweat visible on his brow. As he exited the palace, he transformed into an azure tempest, disappearing into the distance. The remaining officials, their legs trembling, hastened their exit.

From a side hall, Yun Xiao observed it all. The ash... it used to be the Grand Temple Sage, Minister Han Jingli, and the other officials.

“Summon Yun Xiao,” the Empress said, stowing away the bell. With a light puff, the dirt and grime of the palace were instantly expelled, leaving the space pristine.

In no time, a young man in white approached, standing before her. The Empress, adorned in a golden-red dragon robe and a crown embellished with nine pearls, gazed down at him from her elevated throne. Suddenly, she stood, descending the steps, her long dress trailing behind. She passed by Yun Xiao, her face concealed by the hue of a blood-red storm, but he recognized the familiar, graceful figure.

“Today,” she began, stopping before the hall’s entrance and gazing at the vast landscape of the Heavenly Realm. “Both you and I have been called selfish and senseless.”

“Yes.” Yun Xiao nodded.

"After the War of Immortals, I will instigate a war between our two races. I will formally declare war on the Demon Continent!" the Divine Dawn Empress proclaimed.

"Yes!" Yun Xiao nodded in response.

Under the blazing sun, the Empress slowly spread her arms, bathing in the morning light. All Yun Xiao saw was her majestic silhouette against the dawning sun.

"Our people have suffered for far too long," she continued, her voice echoing with determination. "If we don't fight this war, the next generation will have to. Someone must risk it all to secure a prosperous era for countless generations. If I perish without making a mark, the next era may not witness another like me. By then, any battle will result in dire loss. Now is the most opportune moment in our history. The demon race won't give us a chance to grow. We must strike first, hard and decisive, to eliminate their lineage!" She tilted her head slightly, the sun's brilliance battling with the thunderous glow on her face for dominance.

"Yes!" Yun Xiao repeated, nodding his understanding.

"In this war, I have no certainties. If our warriors and civilians must be sacrificed, I'm prepared to join them in death. I'll bear the weight of history's condemnation, even if it means being cursed for eternity. My hope is that this war eradicates the Demon Continent, restoring our lands and peace for countless eras. Some sacrifices are necessary for a long-lasting prosperity."


Slowly, the Divine Dawn Empress turned to face the rising sun, its rays bestowing a golden glow upon her.

"By Heaven's decree, I was born. Although I'm but a woman, I'll use every ounce of my strength for our people, laying down my life for the peace and prosperity of our lands. Even if it leads me to my demise, I will have no regrets. I wish to stand alongside the many who are willing to lay down their lives, using our bodies to pave the path to prosperity for all. Any praise or blame from history, I will shoulder alone.

"Many lives will be sacrificed in this war. I won't hog the credit, nor do I want our brave souls to wander aimlessly in the afterlife. So, when the war ends and if I'm still alive by some fluke, I'll take my own life at the Sword Dao Monument as atonement, accompanying our warriors on their journey to the afterlife..."

She paused, her gaze softening as she locked eyes with Yun Xiao.

"Yun Xiao," she whispered, her lips parting to deliver her most pressing message. "I hope you will inherit my mission and protect our people after I'm gone."

JustLivingJL's Thoughts

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