
Chapter 151: You Know, I'm Something of a Daoist Master Myself...

Chapter 151: You Know, I'm Something of a Daoist Master Myself...

"Such an affront to the Grand Temple's honor, a disgrace to our ancestors!" was the common sentiment.

Ironically, just fifteen minutes later, Yun Xiao found himself inside the Lessar Temple Hall, taking his first step as a new student. The very first ritual required him to pay respects to the statues of the Grand Temple's Luminaries of Literature.

Before him stood statues of scholars, with scrolls in hand and an aura of Immortal grace about them. They were the literary giants of the Immortal Empire, those who set the moral compass for generations, teaching the ways of self-cultivation, family harmony, governance, and peace. They were paragons of virtue, the gold standard of the Grand Temple! They were revered by countless generations.

As for these venerable figures, Yun Xiao, unfamiliar with their legacies, withheld judgment. He simply bowed as tradition dictated, fulfilling the ceremonial rites.

Up ahead, the place was packed!

"This might just be the most lively enrollment in the history of the Grand Temple," Chen Xi remarked with a sarcastic grin. It wouldn't have been this crowded. But the scandal of Yun Xiao's interference in the Noble Dao Sea had ruffled quite a few feathers among the upright.

Everywhere Yun Xiao looked, students of the Grand Temple, adorned in their scholarly robes and tall hats, stood with their hands behind their backs, their expressions aloof and haughty as they scrutinized the newly arrived Yun Xiao and Chen Xi.

And above all, seated in the center with an air of righteousness, was the Grand Temple's dean, Mu Tianshi. To his left and right stood his children, Mu Lingyi and Mu Shuofeng. Below him, dozens of scholars took their seats—half bearing the surname Mu and the other half, Ye.

It seemed the sacred ground of this Immortal Empire's heritage was quickly becoming a family business.

Yun Xiao couldn't care less. He was here to seize treasures. The tighter the owners held onto their precious assets, the more thrilled he became. But one particular sight rubbed Yun Xiao the wrong way—so much so that it ruffled his usually tranquil feathers!

Upon stepping into the Lesser Temple Hall, the first figure he locked eyes on wasn't the dean, Mu Tianshi. Instead, it was a distinguished figure seated next to him.

On that eminent seat sat a woman with golden pupils. Her hair curled elegantly, her nose sharp and pronounced. Although she was dressed in scholarly robes, she arrogantly propped up one leg over the other, creating an incongruous image.

A faint golden flame enveloped her. This wasn't a human! This was a demon! A demon seated on an honored throne in the sacred human literary hall, receiving bows from honorable scholars?

"Who is this?" Yun Xiao whispered to Chen Xi. What he really wanted to ask was, "What does your Divine Dawn Empress think of this?"

"That's the Ape Saint's younger sister. The Grand Temple's honorary foreign scholar and the demon envoy from the Demon Continent to the Immortal Empire's Grand Temple," Chen Xi replied casually, stacking titles like they were pancakes.

"I see," Yun Xiao muttered.

"She's been mingling in the Immortal Empire for years, adopting local customs. Even gave herself a human name," Chen Xi added.

"And what might that be?" Yun Xiao inquired.

"Li Shishi."

"That name sounds familiar," Yun Xiao remarked.

"Merely a monkey trying to play sophisticated," Chen Xi snickered. Apart from the matter of the Yin and Yang Void, at least when it came to their views on demons, the two were cut from the same cloth.

Upon entering the Lesser Temple Hall and disregarding the standard bows to the scholars, their whispered conversations and apparent disregard for others quickly brewed a storm of displeasure.

A couple of scholars from the Mu and Ye Clans shook their heads disapprovingly, "A wild woman and a brute from the lower realm, the two, truly lack proper etiquette!"

Mu Tianshi, however, took it all in stride. Smiling, he said, “Yun Xiao, to enter the Grand Temple, there's a test. Are you ready?” His words, carefully avoiding mentioning his dead son-in-law and the incident of his daughter's enlightenment being interrupted, betrayed an ulterior motive.

“Ready as I’ll ever be!” Yun Xiao declared loudly. “But I have a question. Since ancient times, humans have always been the ones to train monkeys, not the other way around. Why is it that here in the Grand Temple, humans perform for the amusement of the monkeys?”

The entire hall fell into stunned silence. All eyes were on Yun Xiao, including Chen Xi, whose face said it all, "Did he just say that?"

The only one laughing was the golden eyed Li Shishi. She replied, "Young man, this is the Immortal Empire, a land of etiquette and culture. The idea is, if you want to cultivate, first learn culture. Only by embracing diversity can we truly prosper. We demons admire the Immortal Empire's etiquette and have sent representatives like me to learn. After all, in this vast universe, all beings are equal."

Mu Tianshi nodded, smiling at Yun Xiao. "In these peaceful times, we should set aside our prejudices and coexist."

Yun Xiao clapped, giving Mu Tianshi a thumbs up. “Just yesterday, a group of dark-furred monkey demons tore a human woman to shreds. Is this the cultural enlightenment you speak of? Perhaps we should send more of our women to your demon brethren for some... hands-on training.”

Mu Tianshi’s face froze, but Li Shishi chuckled. “You're too harsh, Yun Xiao. Such deeds were the doings of a few wicked ones. As they say, in a big forest, you'll find all sorts of birds. However, those responsible have been punished. Rest assured.”

"Aye, one of them looked just like you, a golden-furred monkey. His end was... rather gruesome." Yun Xiao casually remarked, summoning his Sword Soul. Within its Blood Crystal Sword Ring, a Golden Eyed Flame Ape screamed in anguish.

"Behold!" Yun Xiao flaunted, rotating the Sword Soul for all to see. "This is the fate of those who wreak havoc in our Immortal Empire." He turned to Li Shishi with a cheeky grin. "Daoist Li, seeing this foolish creature that tarnished your reputation meet such an end, are you pleased?"

THUD! Li Shishi finally snapped shut, her palm resting heavily on the armrest.

In a split second, Mu Tianshi restrained her hand, signaling her with a slight shake of his head.

"Ha." It wasn't common for a monkey like Li Shishi to endure such provocations, but her tenure in the Grand Temple had taught her patience. She chuckled softly. "I'm satisfied. Let the trial begin."

In that final moment, she turned her face away, and in an instant, her delicately powdered visage grotesquely contorted into a sharp-toothed monkey face, her eyes blazing as if harboring the fires of hell.

"Who will test him, the greatest Sword Cultivator the Immortal Empire has ever seen?" Mu Tianshi inquired nonchalantly.

The honorable members of the Grand Temple, having witnessed the chilling exchange, understood one thing clearly. This wasn't just a trial; it was a battle of wills, all dressed up as an admission test.

Originally, they'd come looking down upon Yun Xiao. But after that exchange, they found themselves begrudgingly impressed.

"Such audacity..." The crowd exchanged glances, retracting their initial thought of him as despicable. And then their heart rates picked up!

"I'll test Young Master Yun."

"I want in as well!"

At that moment, figures adorned in scholar's attire walked into the arena. Four of them in total. To the left stood a towering, burly youth with fiery red short hair. His eyes were as big as brass bells, his face peppered with moles. Remarkably, his arms, long and stout, even outmatched Yun Xiao's waist in girth!

Next to him was a lanky youngster, pallid as a sheet. His eyes were a dark shade of red, and a pair of pointed fangs peeked from the corners of his mouth. He had a rather sinister look about him.

The third was a woman, enchantingly graceful with strikingly narrow, bewitching eyes, which resembled those of a fly.

And the last one on the right was a tall and skinny fellow, with skin as dark as night and a face as wooden and expressionless as a plank.

Yun Xiao, upon seeing them, burst into laughter. "Now what's with the funny outfits, my dear upperclassmen? Why do you all look so weird and... dog-like? Ah, you're from the exotic clans, aren't you?"

The redhead seemed of the same species as that brawny redhead who made a ruckus in the Chen Heavenly Mansion—probably his offspring! The remaining three unmistakably resembled a Blood Demon, a Demon Spider, and a Darkwood Treant. It was truly a motley crew.

"Yun Xiao, less chatter, more action," Mu Tianshi admonished.

"Fine, but I have one condition," Yun Xiao responded.

"You have no right to set conditions during a Grand Temple assessment!" Mu Lingyi snapped coldly.

"My request is simple." Yun Xiao glanced at the four upperclassmen and chuckled, "Given the amusing lot you've sent, could we maybe have a few more of these oddities?"

The four Grand Temple disciples bristled in indignation.

"You're awfully arrogant. They're all in the Perfect Demon Meridian Realm" Mu Shuofeng pointed out icily.

"Oh?" Yun Xiao's gaze fixed on him. "You there, why don't you join them? Let's make it a nice round five."

"Me?" Mu Shuofeng faltered.

"Don't have the guts?" Yun Xiao teased with a grin.

"I fear you won't be enough to satisfy my thirst for victory." Mu Shuofeng sneered. Without waiting for his father's approval, he leapt down, landing amidst the four demon students.

"Ah, the five of you do make quite the picture together—like peas in a sinister pod," Yun Xiao remarked with mock admiration.

"Sharp-tongued and petty, you're no gentleman," Mu Shuofeng scoffed in disdain.

"Begin!" Mu Tianshi declared with a hint of amusement, seemingly not wanting to waste another second.

Yet, just then, Yun Xiao raised his hand. "Wait."

Mu Tianshi raised an eyebrow. "What now?"

"Just give me a moment. I need to contemplate my strategy," Yun Xiao requested.

Laughter rippled through the crowd. "I thought he was formidable, but perhaps he's just all bark and no bite?"

"He's stalling. What good is an extra moment going to do?"

Amidst the sea of incredulous stares, Yun Xiao calmly sat down cross-legged beside Chen Xi.

"What in the Heavenly Realm are you doing?" Even Chen Xi felt a bit embarrassed.

"I'm a tad low on magic power," Yun Xiao explained nonchalantly.


BUZZ! A surge of magic power emanated from Yun Xiao. He opened his eyes slowly, "I thought I might as well break through."

He'd reached the Establishment Sovereign Dragon Realm!

Chen Xi was speechless. "Did you just... casually break through like you're eating a snack?"

"Don't be so surprised," Yun Xiao stood, giving her a smoldering look. "That was just the aftereffect of last night. You were so... energizing. When's round two?"

"Watch your mouth in public!" Chen Xi's face flushed a light shade of pink.

"We'll discuss it later."

The timing of reaching the Establishment Sovereign Dragon Realm couldn't have been better. Although Yun Xiao had asked for a moment, it felt like mere seconds. His eyes, once filled with mischief, turned cold. He stepped forward, facing the group. "Alright, test me."

"You make the first move," Mu Shuofeng said confidently, his magic power swirling around him as he fixed Yun Xiao with a stormy gaze.

From the sidelines, the four didn't underestimate their opponent. They had already started to transform, preparing to unleash their lethal forms at any moment.

"I won't draw my sword today," Yun Xiao suddenly declared.

"No sword? Then what do you have to offer?" Mu Shuofeng sneered.

"You know, I'm something of a daoist master myself," Yun Xiao said, calm as still water.

The crowd was rendered speechless.

"Don't believe me?" Yun Xiao glanced around challengingly.

"Attack!" Mu Shuofeng couldn't contain himself any longer. He felt as if Yun Xiao was deliberately mimicking the way his brother-in-law, Ye Xingchen, spoke. Was this a veiled insult?

At Mu Shuofeng's command, the red-haired youth transformed into a Ghost Face Baboon wreathed in ghostly flames. Beside him stood a Blood Demon shrouded in a fog of blood, a black Man Faced Demon Spider, and a Darkwood Treant.

"Storm, come forth!" With a flick of his folding fan, Mu Shuofeng summoned a tempest that roared toward Yun Xiao.

In an instant, threats loomed from all sides. Clearly, these prodigious talents in the Immortal and Demon Meridian Realm weren't holding back one bit. It was an all-out assault.

But Yun Xiao smirked, "Thinking I spent a hundred million Spirit Stones just to meddle with Mu Lingyi in the Noble Dao Sea?" His eyes blazed with a fierce red fire. Inside his Nine Dragons Dantian, the power of the Establishment Sovereign Dragon Realm surged forth, erupting with blazing speed.

"Elemental Scripture, Fire God's Wrath!" His magic power morphed into fiery serpents that wrapped around him, culminating at his fingertips, channeling the intense fire of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, a blazing pentagram appeared beneath everyone's feet. With a whoosh, it emitted countless flames.

"Seal!" Bathed in fire, Yun Xiao pressed down with his palm. Above the fiery pentagram, a vast sea of heaven and earth fire converged, forming a massive fireball, within which roared a hundred dragons.

"WHAT!?" The Grand Temple echoed with gasps of astonishment.

Yun Xiao paid no heed, his eyes fixated on the four approaching beasts, murder in his gaze. "Monkeys mimicking man, what a joke!" With a resonant shout, he sent the Fire God's Wrath hurtling down, splitting into four to target each of the demon students.

The ominous hum filled the air. The four demons were immediately engulfed by raging flames, their screams echoing as they were reduced to ashes.

"What kind of magic is this..." Their minds shattered in shock and horror as they perished. They had studied for years and had never witnessed such terrifying power. After all, Mu Tianshi had never demonstrated this to them before.

This was the Galaxy grade daoist spell, revered in the Grand Temple, a sorcery spell of the dao and the pinnacle of the innate five elements!

BOOM BOOM BOOM! With the Fire God's Wrath, the four demon students were annihilated. The destruction was so fierce that Yun Xiao couldn't even harness their essence. They simply vanished.

WHOOSH! With a wave of his hand, the roaring inferno within the Lesser Temple Hall was absorbed in an instant, all of its magic power returning to his palm. Before him, only Mu Shuofeng remained, standing frozen like a statue, eyes bulging and drenched in sweat.

Silence once again consumed the Lesser Temple Hall.

The distinguished members of the Grand Temple exchanged glances.

"Is... is that the Elemental Scripture?"

"It seems... it seems so."

"Uh, has he practiced this before?"

"He couldn't possibly have just picked it up in fifteen minutes, right?"

Their voices were barely above a whisper.

A hundred million Spirit Stone, all to mess with Mu Lingyi?

Mu Lingyi's face was a mask of confusion, recalling Yun Xiao's Water Mist Shield conjured in the blink of an eye over the Noble Dao Sea. She was dumbfounded.

Not just her, even Chen Xi was struck with astonishment. A haze of bewilderment fogged her thoughts. "What kind of freak of nature are you?" she murmured, staring at the back of the young man in white. Closing the distance between them, she seized Yun Xiao's arm, her voice hushed and urgent. "Don't tell me you learned all of the spells from the Noble Dao Sea in just those fifteen minutes? There are hundreds!"

"Nonsense. I learned all those long ago. Mu Tianshi... he's my illegitimate son—oh wait, I got that backward." Yun Xiao replied with a wry smile.

"..." Chen Xi was rendered speechless to make gags even at a time like this.

High on the platform, Li Shishi shot a furious glare at Mu Tianshi. "Are you playing games with me?"

"It's impossible!" Mu Tianshi was truly the most astonished of all. He knew better than anyone that Yun Xiao couldn't have been exposed to the Elemental Scripture before. All in the span of fifteen minutes? His mind raced with disbelief.

"I'll explain later." With that, Mu Tianshi looked down to his son, "Shuofeng, come up here!"

"Yes... Father." Mu Shuofeng, already having lost his fighting spirit, was petrified. The prowess of the Galaxy grade Elemental Scripture! Even if executed with the weakest magic power, it was not something someone in the Immortal Meridian Realm could counteract.

"At least, this lad respects our Mu Clan," Mu Shuofeng mused, relief washing over him. "He only dared to slay the demons, not me." With that, he decided to make a swift exit.

However, just as Mu Shoufeng took his first step, thousands of black wooden tendrils surged from the ground beneath, piercing and ensnaring him like countless swords.

"ARGH…!" His eyes bulged, then literally popped out of their sockets. He stared in shock at the sight before him, the vision of his father now dotted with more holes than man, as darkness overtook his gaze.

Behind him, Yun Xiao casually dusted off his hands, smiling at Mu Tianshi. "I guess that concludes the admission test, right?" he called out cheerfully. "Tell me, Mu Tianshi, do my crude methods deserve a place in the grand and righteous Grand Temple?"

JustLivingJL's Thoughts

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