
Chapter 122 - Vindication at Last!

Chapter 122 - Vindication at Last!

In the thousand mortal nations, there was the Cloud Nation and within it, the Imperial Capital. The Autumn Festival was in full swing. The streets, buzzing with excitement, were considerably more alive than on ordinary days. The locals whispered excitedly amongst themselves.

"Just two days ago, a three-hundred-year-old Blood Demon appeared in Mobei City. Hundreds fell victim to its bloodlust, drained until not a drop of blood remained."

"Thank goodness for that Immortal woman who descended from the heavens and took care of that demon. If she hadn’t, I dread to think that tens of thousands in the city would’ve perished.”

"Such troubling times we live in, with demons roaming freely."

Even with the Blood Demon vanquished, a palpable unease hung in the air. Who knew where the next demon might spring from, bringing misery to the innocent?

“I heard that after that Immortal woman defeated the demon, she got into a skirmish with another Immortal."

"Mortal minds like ours can hardly fathom the affairs of the divine."

“The Autumn Festival is the time to honor the souls we’ve lost. Let’s head to the Heaven Martial Gate!”

The Heaven Martial Gate, the grand entrance to the palace and the very place where Yun Xiao once met his tragic end.

Within a tower overlooking the massive gate, three figures convened. Two of them, standing tall, were Zhao Xuanran and Shangguan Yu.

Before them sat a middle-aged man in azure robes, his legs crossed in meditation. The powerful energy of the Origin Core Realm coursed through him, manifesting as thick clouds enveloping his body. As moments passed, a flush of vitality returned to his pallid face, his life force growing stronger by the second.

Suddenly, he extended his hand, revealing his palm. From its center emanated a dark Sword Soul, which was once marred with numerous cracks. Now, these fissures began to mend, as if they were wounds slowly healing.

"Almost there!" Shangguan Yu's voice quivered, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

Both she and Zhao Xuanran understood the immense struggle the man before them had endured over the past three years. Surviving on sheer willpower, he had persisted until now.

How much suffering had he borne, simply to live and answer to the people?

Zhao Xuanran bit her lip, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She glanced back at the young man in white robes. He stood facing away from them, looking out over the city walls at his nation and his people. The wind ruffled his long hair, casting him in a serene light.

"Yun Xiao, my father awakens," Zhao Xuanran softly called.

Turning around, Yun Xiao covered the distance to the man in azure in two swift strides. Just as he approached, the man opened his eyes.

"Master," Yun Xiao rushed to his side, joining Zhao Xuanran in supporting him, one on each side.

The azure-robed man took a deep breath. "Alive!" His eyes, brimming with a myriad of emotions, eventually settled into an appreciative gaze on Yun Xiao. "Child, I heard everything you've done. In this lifetime, being blessed with a disciple like you... it makes me wonder what great deeds I accomplished in my past life to deserve this."

"Being part of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect is my... culinary delight... no, I mean, my good fortune." The mood, so thick and intense, was suddenly cut by Yun Xiao's humorous gaffe. A result of the incessant brainwashing he'd undergone. Thankfully, the other two didn't catch his slip!

"Even without direct teachings, your integrity and character have guided my path and aligned my intentions. I owe you a debt of gratitude," Yun Xiao hastily added. After speaking, he glanced at Zhao Xuanran, seeing her eyes shimmer with tears and joy.

"Integrity without power is just mediocrity! Fortunately, you stepped in and set things right, restoring honor to our Sword Realm," Zhao Jianxing said, grasping Yun Xiao's hands, his gaze intense. "While my teachings are limited and I cannot gift you the vast techniques of the Immortal Dao, I do have some influence in the thousand mortal nations. Today, I'll officially recognize your status!"

With that, he stepped forward, yanking Ye Guying from a corner and, with his Sovereign Sword, soared into the heavens!

Following Zhao Jianxing's lead, Shangguan Yu too propelled herself into the sky on her sword.

The two swords whizzed together, ascending above the royal palace. The dragged-along Ye Guying was a pitiful sight—limbless, pallid, riddled with wormholes. His spirit had been crying out for who knows how long. Now, his eyes were lifeless, barely holding onto a thread of life.

It was the Autumn Festival, the liveliest day in the imperial capital of Cloud Nation!

The very moment the two Sword Cultivators pierced the clouds and descended above the palace, the entire city erupted in excitement.

"Two immortals!"

"Quick, kneel and worship!"

Suddenly, throngs of citizens rushed towards the palace. Overwhelmed with devotion, they fell to their knees, forming an unstoppable tide.

The age-old tradition across countless nations was clear. In times of suffering caused by demons, honor those who wield their swords against such evils!

Before long, virtually the whole city gathered inside and outside the palace, an ocean of people everywhere. The citizens knelt in reverence, and even General Yun Hai, the temporary ruler of the palace, emerged with his officials, prostrating themselves.

"The Immortals have graced Cloud Nation! We, humble folk, pay our respects to the two revered beings!"

Just a glance at the ages of Zhao Jianxing and Shangguan Yu was enough to recognize them as elite Sword Cultivators.

Warmth and fervor filled the citizens' hearts!

"Please, everyone, rise!" Zhao Jianxing's voice boomed from the vast heavens.

The palace's denizens blinked in disbelief.

"Rise, all of you?" They thought they'd misheard.

They didn't dare defy.

"Stand up!" Zhao Jianxing's voice rose in command.

"At once!" In unison, the people of the city scrambled to their feet, some gazing up at the two on their Sovereign Swords with an expression of awe, their hearts filled with reverence.

"My good people, my name is Zhao Jianxing, Sect Leader of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect," Zhao Jianxing introduced himself.

The city buzzed with murmurs. "Sword Immortal Zhao!"

Even in the remote Cloud Nation, the legend of Zhao Jianxing echoed like a thunderclap. Tales of his exploits had transformed into myths, spreading across the thousand mortal nations.

For the masses, he was the divine leader, a beacon of hope.

"Sword Immortal Zhao gracing Cloud Nation is the greatest blessing of our lifetimes!" The emotions overwhelmed General Yun Hai, and he struggled not to kneel again.

A chorus of voices rose in jubilation.

"Silence, please!" Zhao Jianxing's voice rang out, sharp as the clash of swords. "I have come to Cloud Nation today with an important announcement."

The murmurs ceased. Important news? The crowd's emotions ran high as they dared to glance towards the sky.

And then, Zhao Jianxing held up Ye Guying for all to see. His long, disheveled hair, his robes stained with blood, and he was still under the agony of a myriad of bugs gnawing at his heart!

"Do any of you recognize this man?" Zhao Jianxing inquired.

The gathered crowd stared, trying to place the familiar face of the young man.

Suddenly, a cry of recognition rang out across the city.

"That's Sword Immortal Ye!" The declaration came thundering from General Yun Hai.

"Sword Immortal Ye?" At the mention of this name, the imperial capital buzzed with incredulity.

In all of Cloud Nation, who hadn't heard tales of Sword Immortal Ye? He'd descended from the skies one day, slaying serpent demons and toppling the little tyrant Emperor, restoring peace and order to the realm.

"How did Sword Immortal Ye meet such a grim fate, even losing his limbs?"

The citizens felt as though they'd been struck by lightning. They stood agog, tongues tied, words failing them.

"You all recognize him? Perfect!" Zhao Jianxing's eyes darted across the crowd, his voice dripping gravity. "Now, everyone, listen closely to what I have to say."

"Yes!" came the trembling acknowledgment from the populace.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Jianxing glared at Ye Guying and announced loudly, "This man is Ye Guying, a disciple of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect. Over three months ago, he conspired with serpent demons to install Jiang Yue's family on Cloud Nation's throne, bringing catastrophe upon the people and framing the young Emperor Yun Xiao. He committed unforgivable sins! Such actions disgrace the reputation of Sword Cultivators and betray the trust of the common folk. He deserves nothing less than death! The entirety of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect has decided to mete out the harshest punishment to this traitor. Jiang Yue, who shared in his crimes, has already been executed. Her tortured soul will burn for thirty years before finding release."

The weight of his words hung heavily over the city, echoing like thunder. When the rumbling ceased, a hush descended upon the capital that lasted for what felt like an eternity.

This revelation was beyond anything the city's residents could have ever imagined.

Many among them had personally witnessed the Sword Immortal's descent mere months prior, watching as he eliminated the serpent demons, overthrew the unjust ruler, and altered the course of history. But now, with Sword Immortal Zhao's proclamation, who could doubt?

There Sword Immortal Ye was, writhing pitifully, wailing in Sword Immortal Zhao's grasp.

"Sword Immortal Ye, colluding with serpent demons and framing His Majesty..."

At that moment, memories of the young man who'd died standing filled their minds. In an instant, the entire city's hearts trembled, tears streaming down countless faces.

General Yun Hai's face flushed crimson. He fell to his knees, his head thudding against the ground in anguished kowtows. With a tormented howl, he proclaimed, "Let the heavens bear witness! The Yun Family has always been upright and honorable. Generation after generation, we've been loyal and just! Immortals bear witness, our young Emperor Yun Xiao has never let his people down, nor dishonored our ancestors!"

Hearing these heart-wrenching words, the people felt as if they'd been gut-punched. Tears drenched their garments, and words failed them. Just moments ago, they had branded that young man with the title, Little Tyrant.

But now, they realized he'd risked his youth for the nation, slaying demons and monsters with an iron resolve. He'd been framed by Jiang Yue and Sword Immortal Ye and met his end on that perilous path. What a grave injustice! Condemned and reviled by the masses, what profound sorrow did he bear?

"We've wronged a just Emperor," they whispered.

Though they had once stood tall, in that moment, they knelt again. This time, however, they weren't bowing to any Immortal. They faced the palace, the place where Yun Xiao had met his demise.

"We were blinded and misled by those traitors. You're not at fault. We failed in our duties," Zhao Jianxing declared. He hadn't witnessed the injustice firsthand but could feel the weight of that day's resentment. Now, at long last, the injustice had been laid bare. In the hearts of Cloud Nation's people, that young man was finally bathed in the light of vindication.

Zhao Jianxing looked down, and there, on the walls of the Heaven Martial Gate, stood Yun Xiao, clad in white, silently witnessing everything. He hadn't revealed himself or told the citizens he was still alive. Perhaps, in his mind, the young Emperor was already gone. From now on, he'd be a Sword Cultivator with aspirations that reached the heavens.

How long had he waited for this moment? Even if his reputation was tarnished and he faced utter defeat, he could bear it. But what about the generations of humiliation of disgrace to his Yun Family ancestors? That was unacceptable!

Standing amidst the gusts, a hint of red rimmed his eyes. Waves of emotions, vast and tumultuous as an ocean, surged within him. Yet, at the corner of his lips, a faint smile played—a reflection of his newfound peace.

"Junior Brother Yun." Beside him stood a woman in a black gown, looking radiant. She reached out and held Yun Xiao's hand tightly, bringing a warmth that felt so uniquely human amidst the cool breeze.

"Senior Sister Zhao," Yun Xiao responded, gripping her hand with equal intensity. Gazing deeply into her eyes, he whispered, "Having you by my side at this moment means the world."


Although the Immortal had departed, a stillness hung over the Cloud Nation.

"Transport His Majesty's sacred body to the Yun Family's ancestral tomb!" Yun Hai, usually a stoic man, had his eyes red and swollen from tears. Inside the tomb, he personally interred Yun Xiao. The body, having been left unattended for over three months, was feared to be in a state of decay.

Upon finishing the rites, Yun Hai, accompanied by the old retainers of the Yun Family, bowed deeply three times, then knelt and knocked their heads to the ground nine times. Tears streamed down like rain, mourning the unjust fate of the young Emperor.

"Justice has been served, but he's gone. How can our hearts ever find peace?" Sighing deeply, Yun Hai walked into the burial chamber. At its center stood a lone golden coffin, its silence profound and resonating.

"Everyone out. I'd like a moment with him," he ordered. Once alone, he sat by the golden coffin, and no longer able to hold back, his sobs filled the chamber.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed from outside.

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