
Chapter 087 - War of Immortals!

Chapter 087 - War of Immortals!

In the Forbidden Tower, there was a spiral staircase, reminiscent of a dragon coiled in deep slumber, its stony scales ascending into the unknown. Two shadows emerged against the backdrop of the ascending stairs, finally standing victorious at the pinnacle. Dressed in garments of royal violet and midnight black, they were Holy Son Chu and his ever-loyal guardian, Xiao He.

Xiao He, ever the observant one, remarked, "You still nursing that wound with those bandages? It was just a scratch, was it not?" He threw a sidelong glance at Holy Son Chu, his tone dripping with humor, "Those bandages don\'t look good on you."

Holy Son Chu shot him a wry smile. "I figure I\'ll remove them when the wound is fully healed," he replied, yet beneath those eyes hid a storm of emotions, a mix of haunting sadness and simmering rage. "I heard the Sword Lord is stirring up a storm?"

"He really lucked out this time," Xiao He chuckled, his frosty demeanor contrasting with his words. "Had those old-timers from Sword Heaven not come running with their tails between their legs to apologize, their precious little sanctuary would be dust by now."

Laughing, Xiao He winced as his fingers brushed an angry bruise on his cheek.

Holy Son Chu, with a conspiratorial tone, whispered, "Word is, those elders from Sword Heaven are now in cahoots with us?"

Xiao He shrugged nonchalantly, "Or so they say. The Tower Lord is giving Lin Qingfeng one more shot, what with him being married to Xiao Yu and all. But if he messes this up, his Sword Heaven? Well, it\'ll be under new management."

Holy Son Chu snickered, "We should\'ve just absorbed into our Forbidden Tower a long time ago. Would\'ve saved a whole lot of trouble."

"Hush, now," Xiao He warned with a smirk, wagging a finger. "Thoughts like that, especially the details about our little arrangement, are best kept hidden."

"Relax, Master. I know when to hold my tongue," Holy Son Chu nodded, mischief twinkling in his eyes. "You think, with Lin Qingfeng as his sole bodyguard, Yun Xiao\'s days are numbered?"

"If he manages to dodge the dagger today during that Sword Homage Ceremony, he\'ll be dancing with death every day after," Xiao He said, a grin revealing his white teeth. "Picking a fight with our Forbidden Tower? One word from us, and every wannabe assassin in the Sea of Swords will be lining up for a shot."

Holy Son Chu shook his head, amusement evident. "Poor brat thinks he\'s got the whole Sea of Swords behind him. Doesn\'t he realize it’s practically our backyard now? You go and kill a prince, then expect to play divide and conquer with us? Good luck with that."

"He\'s quite the naive one," Xiao He said, a hint of amusement in his tone.

Rubbing the space where his ear once was, Holy Son Chu inquired, "How long do you give him, Master Xiao?"

"Three days, tops," Xiao He replied, his voice chilly. "If he’s still breathing after that, I\'ll see to it he isn\'t."

"With your skills," Holy Son Chu mused, "ending his life would be like swatting a fly." A grin formed on his face as he inwardly thought, "If he kicks the bucket soon, it’s like my loss never happened."

Yet, how he’d explain the absence of his ears in the days to come was a puzzle he hadn’t solved. It was quite the predicament.

Without warning, they stood before a mammoth, shadowy door. Muffled sounds, like the distant growls of some slumbering beast, echoed from its depths.

"Ye Guying!" Holy Son Chu peeked through a slender crack, his eyes widening in horror. "The Tower Heart inheritance is something else," he whispered. "Can you imagine his prowess three days from now? Might he..."

"He\'ll outshine even me," Xiao He interjected, eyes gleaming with respect.

"That Dao Seed Talent of his," Holy Son Chu confessed, a touch of envy in his voice, "makes me feel like I should hand over my Holy Son title on a silver platter."

Laughing heartily, Xiao He slapped Holy Son Chu’s back. "Word has it, the Tower Lord\'s planning on dubbing him the Young Tower Lord once he emerges. Unlike our Holy Son, that title\'s got some weight behind it. Just a step below the Tower Lord, yet miles above the rest in the Sea of Swords. What’s a mere Sword Lord of Sword Heaven in comparison?"

"\'Young Tower Lord\', huh?" Holy Son Chu smirked. "Sounds just about right for him."

"It\'s no exaggeration," Xiao He continued. "Ye Guying is like a diamond in the rough. He initially only had a Comet grade Sword Soul, but he’s endured and thrived against the Rank 10 Azure Kite with his Nine Dragons Dantian. Boasting both Dao Seed and Sword Soul talents? The lad’s in a league of his own."

"I can\'t believe that Yun Xiao waltzed straight into Sword Heaven. He actually thinks he\'s got some glittering treasure with that Star grade Sword Soul of his that outshines Ye Guying\'s double gifts?" Holy Son Chu remarked, an eyebrow arched in amusement.

"Facing the entire Sea of Swords with no friends or heavy hitters in his corner? He\'s a lamb waiting for the slaughter," Xiao He responded, pausing to chuckle before continuing. "Gifted but brainless. A lethal combination of ignorance."

Holy Son Chu let out a hearty laugh.

"Ah, Tower Heart legacy! Over the past three centuries, only two people, including Ye Guying, have unlocked those legendary doors," Xiao He said, gazing longingly at the towering black door.

Holy Chu, suddenly curious, asked, "What about the other one, the... shall we say, monster? What’s she up to?"

"You\'re speaking of the Holy Maiden?" Xiao He paused, choosing his words carefully. "Rumor has it she\'s prepping for some big showdown."

"Showdown? Which showdown?" Chu pressed, a hint of frustration evident.

"You\'re out of the loop on this one?" Xiao He shot him a bemused glance.

Holy Son Chu scratched his head, "Clearly, I missed the news."

"Well, allow me to explain. The Sea of Swords received three golden tickets to the Heavenly Realm," Xiao He explained, a twinkle in his eyes. "Our Tower Lord handed one over to the Sword Heaven folks, probably for that Lin Chen. And for our side, It\'ll probably be Ye Guying and the Holy Maiden taking those spots."

Holy Son Chu let out a low whistle, "The Heavenly Realm!" His voice was a mix of awe and envy. "They\'re preparing for that, could it be...?"

"You guessed it! The grand War of Immortals\'!" Xiao He said, grinning from ear to ear. "All the big shots and bright sparks will be there, vying for the top spot. Just being in that lineup, win or lose, it’ll be a story for generations to come. Every participant will be a legend."

Holy Son Chu stared into the distance, a dreamy look on his face. "The Heavenly Realm... That’s the dream, isn\'t it? It\'s everyone\'s entire purpose for cultivating! A chance to ascend to the Heavenly Realm and attain immortality!"

And now here was a shortcut to do exactly that!

Even if one couldn\'t accomplish a single thing up there, to just catch a glimpse of the Heavenly Realm\'s wonders would be a lifetime\'s honor.

Holy Son Chu sighed deeply, his eyes filled with regret. "It\'s a pity, I won\'t have that chance. If I hadn’t made those early cultivation missteps, maybe..."

"You\'re giving yourself too much credit," Xiao He interjected, "With Ye Guying and the Holy Maiden on the scene, you wouldn\'t stand a chance, no matter how you trained."

"Fair point," Holy Son Chu conceded with a slight smirk, not the least offended.

"The War of Immortals will likely be dominated by those possessing both Dao Seed and Sword Soul talents. Considering how vast the world is, imagine the sheer caliber of prodigies that battle will draw!" Xiao He exclaimed. "Especially those with the Dao Seed talent. I’ve heard there are countless."

Holy Chu shrugged, "I guess I can\'t compete with that."

"Don\'t be disheartened," Xiao He said, clapping him on the back, "Your potential ranks among the best in the Sea of Swords. I bet you\'ll achieve more than that Young Sword Lord from Sword Heaven. Dominating just one corner of the world can be just as fulfilling. The Heavenly Realm? It’s not for mere mortals. No need to set yourself up for disappointment."

"I get it," Chu replied with a nod.

Xiao He chuckled, "Speaking of the War of Immortals, I heard a juicy little tidbit. Not sure how true it is, though."

"Oh? Do tell," Holy Son Chu said, leaning in, intrigued.

"Ever heard of the Empress of Divine Dawn?" Xiao He asked.

Holy Son Chu\'s eyes lit up with respect, "Of course! The undisputed Empress of the Heavenly Realm. She who commands all horizons, the ultimate sovereign. The most beautiful woman in all existence, a true deity!"

Listing all her titles, Holy Son Chu almost lost count. Eagerly, he asked, "So, does this rumor involve the Empress of Divine Dawn?"

"It does," Xiao He replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Out with it!" Holy Son Chu urged.

"I heard," Xiao He began dramatically, "that the Empress has decreed, whichever man emerges triumphant in the War of Immortals will be granted a place in the Heavenly Palace... as her consort." Xiao He\'s words carried a weight, hinting at the magnitude of such an honor.

The mere thought of becoming the Consort to the Empress nearly toppled Holy Son Chu. He leaned against a weathered stone pillar, catching his breath. His eyes danced with mischief. "So, if I follow you right, nabbing that title means laying claim to beauty, boundless wealth, the heart of the Immortal realm, and the heavens themselves? Sounds like you\'d be hitting the heavenly jackpot!"

"Indeed," Xiao He replied, amusement dancing in his eyes. "I can only picture the realm\'s best and brightest, tripping over their robes and throwing caution to the winds, all vying for that prized position."

Holy Son Chu chuckled, "The Empress surely knows how to stir the pot. Speaking of which, when do our contenders set off for this grand spectacle?"

"The moment Ye Guying emerges from his retreat, they\'ll be on their way," Xiao He said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Holy Son Chu exhaled slowly, "Time\'s ticking for me then."

Seeing his downcast expression, Xiao He attempted a joke, "Ever wonder why there\'s that peculiar age cut-off of twenty-two for the War of Immortals?"

Holy Son Chu grinned, "To give the Empress a chance at some young romance?"

A good-natured slap met Chu\'s head from Xiao He. "You goose! Did you forget? The Empress is a mere fifteen! A bud, barely bloomed."

Holy Son Chu blinked, taken aback. "Fifteen? Good heavens."


Meanwhile, in the towering spires of Sword Heaven\'s Jade Sun Tower.

Yun Xiao, with Ning Yan leading the way, stepped in. Lin Lin wasn\'t far behind. They were there for a purpose. With the challenge for the Azure Kite\'s legacy looming, Ning Yan was set to unveil the results of the Sword Homage Ceremony.

As Yun Xiao entered, he instantly became the epicenter of dozens of intense gazes.

"He lived to see another day?" Murmurs swirled, a mix of astonishment and veiled hostility.

From his elevated perch, a dashing middle-aged sword master, Ning Que, looked on, nursing a cup of tea. "Ning Yan, enlighten us. How did our young friend fare in the initiation?"

Lin Lin, unable to resist, chimed in, pointing at Yun Xiao, "Predictably, he got thrashed. No surprises there."

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