
Chapter 69: Exhibition Match

Unlike the formal and simple award ceremonies of her past life, the current world of beast masters loved to add some flair and spectacle to these events.

The awards ceremony in the beast master competition was a bit showy, though not as over-the-top as the entry process in coordination competitions.

The difference was that in coordination competitions, participants had to come up with their own creative entrance ideas, whereas in beast master competitions, the organizers handled it.

The award recipients just had to stay still and wait for instructions.

Returning to her seat, before Bai Yunmiao could say anything, the man sitting next to Qiao Sang enthusiastically chimed in, “Kid, which school are you from? You did amazing, way better than my good-for-nothing son!”

Just as she was about to respond, a woman seated in front of them turned around and asked, "Are you here by yourself, dear? Did your parents not come?"

Another young man sitting nearby added, “Qiao Sang, do you have any plans for the summer? If not, come to our Longwu Basic Pet Beast Daycare. Fire fang can play to its heart's content and unleash its wild nature. I'll even give you a discount.”

Suddenly, everyone around her started striking up conversations.

Qiao Sang responded to each one in turn.

She wasn't quite used to interacting with so many strangers. In her past life, living in the fast-paced city, people maintained strong boundaries, and personal interactions were rather cold.

It wasn’t uncommon to live in the same neighborhood and not even greet the neighbor next door.

But now, the strangers speaking to her were genuinely warm and friendly.

Qiao Sang understood that her winning first place had something to do with it, but more importantly, the fact that pet beasts were a common interest now brought people closer together.

As the background music played, signaling the start of San Duo and Gao Xulu’s exhibition match, the crowd quieted down, shifting their attention back to the arena.

“Genius Qiao, you're more talented than the recent graduates from our school! If they had competed, they wouldn't have even made it to first place.” Bai Yunmiao said admiringly.

“Stop exaggerating! The truly strong competitors at this stage probably didn’t even join this competition.” Qiao Sang said, removing the sunglasses from Fire fang's face.

She had felt awkward seeing those sunglasses on Fire fang Dog the whole time.

“Yap?” Fire fang dog, sensing the shift in attention, lowered its head and used its paw to take back the sunglasses, quickly putting them back on.

Qiao Sang: ... Wasn't it the one refusing to wear them earlier?

“Anyway, the timing clashed with the Interstellar Cup. But even so, you’ve beaten top talents like Hou Xiangyu and Wei Wenya, one from Litan High and the other just admitted to Yong University. You’re still so young, and yet…”

Qiao Sang cut Bai Yunmiao off mid-sentence.

“Look, San Duo has summoned Si Tongyan.”

Bai Yunmiao immediately quieted down and focused on the arena.

A red star array had just disappeared in front of San Duo. Before a beast master displays their rank badge, the color of their star array is the most common indicator of their level.

A white array represents an F-rank beast master, gray an E-rank, green for D-rank, and yellow-orange for C-rank.

Red is the mark of a B-rank beast master, proof that San Duo could contract five pet beasts.

Gao Xulu’s star array was also red. Under her red array appeared a pet beast about three meters tall, with a red back, grayish-white belly, and pure white wing tips and tail feathers.

Its feathers were adorned with intricate, almost eerie markings. They didn’t seem natural but rather deliberately engraved.

Qiao Sang vaguely recognized these patterns from her limited knowledge, they were expensive.

There were many professions related to pet beasts, and beast engravers were one of them. They used special techniques to draw patterns on pet beasts, granting various effects.

These patterns could accelerate energy gathering, enhance defense or attack, or even influence breeding abilities.

These engravings had time and usage limits.

Official competitions didn't allow pet beasts to have such engravings, as they were considered external aid, similar to equipping items, which didn’t reflect the beast’s true power.

But since this was just an exhibition match, no one would object to either engravings or equipped items.

The purpose of an exhibition match was not to determine a winner but simply to put on a good show.

However, some of San Duo's supporters were unhappy, especially Bai Yunmiao.

"Gao Xulu is already stronger than San Duo. Why send out a beast with engravings? That’s just bullying!”

“Maybe the engravings aren't meant to increase power.” Qiao Sang guessed.

"You're probably right." Bai Yunmiao quickly agreed.

Both of them focused on the intense aerial battle between Fierce Arrow Fire Owl and Swift Swallow.

Though Fierce Arrow Fire Owl was smaller than Swift Swallow, its fighting spirit was in no way inferior.

The two pet beasts clashed rapidly, exchanging skills as if they didn’t need energy to cast them.

After each collision, they would pull apart and then dive toward each other again, launching attacks from new angles, thrilling the audience with each round.

Neither San Duo nor Gao Xulu issued commands.

After about ten minutes of intense battle, Swift Swallow dodged one of Fierce Arrow Fire Owl's Flaming Air Blasts and suddenly veered toward the audience.

Swift Swallow immediately chased after it, even releasing a Gale Blast during the pursuit.

Fierce Arrow Fire Owl, sensing the danger from behind, effortlessly dodged the attack without even looking back.

The chase was exhilarating, especially as the two flying beasts approached the audience, heightening the intensity.


“Good heavens!”



They were headed toward Section A, and the audience instinctively ducked, fearing they’d be caught in the crossfire.

Fierce Arrow Fire Owl flew dangerously low, almost skimming over the audience.

Luckily, Swift Swallow refrained from launching any more attacks.

But the sight of two pet beasts zipping over the audience, playing a game of cat and mouse while dropping in altitude, was an experience more thrilling than any roller coaster.

Qiao Sang was nervous, sensing the danger as Fierce Arrow Fire Owl approached Section C. She pulled Bai Yunmiao down beside her, clutching Fire fang Dog tightly.

Within a few seconds, Fierce Arrow Fire Owl had flown into Section C. Qiao Sang could feel the rush of wind from its wings, whipping her ponytail wildly as the bird flew past.

Relieved, she started to stand up, only to suddenly find herself lifted off her seat, now hovering several meters in the air.



Qiao Sang screamed in fear, while Fire fang Dog howled in excitement.

Six seconds later, Qiao Sang landed on the award podium, her face pale. Beside her stood Wei Wenya, equally ashen-faced.

“Now, I officially announce the start of the Bai Xin Cup award ceremony!”

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