
Chapter 425

Chapter 425

“Elder sis!” Su Wen immediately greeted her.

“Younger brother… elder sis… these people… are siblings?!” Young Master Zhang finally snapped out of his confusion. These people were Su Mei’s younger brothers?!

“This… younger brother… I mean, no… Hello, sir! I’m Zhang Yu, nice to meet you!” Zhang Yu hurriedly introduced himself to Su Jin.

Su Jin nodded slightly and smiled as he said, “Thanks again, Mr. Zhang, for allowing us to come in!”

“Oh? Thank you so much for that, Mr. Zhang!” the Nine-tailed Fox smiled as she spoke to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu felt like he was swimming in bliss. He nodded and beamed as he said, “Haha… it’s nothing, really… if uh, Mr. Su doesn’t mind, let’s have a meal tonight? The best restaurant in the city belongs to my family anyway, so let me give you guys a welcome meal!”

Su Jin wanted to turn him down, but the Nine-tailed Fox quickly said, “We’ll have to trouble you then, Mr. Zhang. By the way, my brother’s just arrived and I need to talk to him about some matters, so…”

“No problem! I get it! I’ll get the place ready, see you tonight then!” said Zhang Yu before leaving with a big smile on his face.

After Zhang Yu left, Su Jin asked curiously, “Why did you agree to dinner? Is there something special about that guy?”

“Something special about that guy? I… don’t think so. But it’s true that his family owns the best restaurant in town. The food’s really amazing. Take it as a welcome meal from me!” said the Nine-tailed Fox cheekily.

“How very convenient!” Su Jin laughed and shook his head.

The Nine-tailed Fox asked, “So… what’s with the little boy? There’s something odd about him.”

Her eyes were very sharp, since she had already lived for so many years. Su Wen looked like any other boy on the surface, but there was an emptiness in his gaze. He looked human, but he behaved more like a wooden puppet.

Su Jin briefly told her what was going on and she remarked in surprise, “A physical body prepared by a demigod? No wonder he looks so perfect.”

“I don’t have time to take care of him now, and I’m surrounded by a bunch of guys, so I was hoping you could help me to take care of him for the time being, and to teach him some basics about the world. But don’t you dare turn him into some twisted child,” Su Jin ended with a warning to her, afraid that she might do just that.

She nodded and said, “No problem. I love children!”

Su Jin breathed a big sigh of relief inside after she agreed to take care of Su Wen. If she wasn’t willing to take care of him, he wasn’t going to force her to. If all failed, he would have to leave him with Tracy. But those people had weird values, so if he didn’t have to, he didn’t want to let Su Wen have too much interaction with them before Su Wen’s worldview was stable.

“Su Mei, time to get ready! We’re about to start filming again,” Lu Hang walked over. He glanced at Su Jin, then his gaze got stuck at Su Wen.

“This little boy is so cute! Is he your son?” Lu Hang asked Su Jin.

Su Jin wasn’t sure how to explain the situation, so he just went along with it, “Yup, he’s my son.”

“Would you be interested in letting him become a celebrity? He’s really cute, so he would make such a great child star! Don’t you think so, Su Mei?” Lu Hang felt like he had just found someone with great potential. The more he looked at Su Wen, the cuter he found the little boy.

The Nine-tailed Fox smiled sweetly and said, “My nephew is really suited to be a celebrity! I’m sure he’ll make so many people go crazy over him!”

“Your nephew? So, this young man here…” Lu Hang was surprised at first, but since Su Mei allowed Su Jin to talk to her for such a long time, they were definitely acquainted. He just didn’t think they were family.

“Why don’t you think about it? I’ll be here to take care of him, so you don’t have to worry about him,” said the Nine-tailed Fox to Su Jin.

Su Jin hesitated for a moment, glanced at Su Wen, then said, “Wen is a little… innocent. Are you sure he’ll be alright?”

“Don’t worry. This child… will not have any issues,” said the Nine-tailed Fox confidently.

Since Su Jin had agreed to let her take care of Su Wen, he was going to respect any decision she made for him. Becoming a celebrity wasn’t a bad thing either. This child had been swimming alone in that lake and was treated as a body for a demigod to take over in the future. He had no companions, no memories of anything, and no emotions.

Letting him become a celebrity would enable him to receive lots of love from so many people, which sounded like a nice way to make up for the time he had spent alone. And with the Nine-tailed Fox watching over him, he should be fine.

“Alright then, I’ll leave him to you. But you’d better watch him closely!” said Su Jin solemnly.

The Nine-tailed Fox had an equally solemn expression on her face as she nodded and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he has a wonderful childhood!”

“Well, that’s exactly what it means to be a child!” Su Jin smiled as he ruffled Su Wen’s soft hair. Su Wen rubbed his head against Su Jin’s hand like a little cat.

Lu Hang was even happier than them both. First, Su Mei had been entrusted to him from nowhere and took the country by storm within two months, and now, he had picked up another little one with great potential. The little boy was just as good looking as Su Mei, so as long as he managed the boy well, he would have another huge star on his hands. His position in the entertainment industry was going to skyrocket.

Su Jin spent the rest of the time with Su Wen to watch the filming of the reality TV show, which ended up taking up the rest of the day. Once the filming wrapped up, Zhang Yu came punctually to pick them up for dinner.

Zhang Yu was very generous in hosting them. He led them to the most luxurious private room in the restaurant, which was normally reserved for high ranking politicians and people of similar status. He also told the head chef to cook his best dishes.

Su Wen had never eaten before, but his sense of smell worked perfectly fine. He didn’t know that he was supposed to put food into his mouth, but he began to salivate involuntarily when he smelled the food.

“Er… Mr. Su? I think Wen might be hungry? Do you want to let him eat first?” Zhang Yu thought that Su Jin might be a strict parent, so Su Wen did not dare to start eating if Su Jin did not say so.

But this was really just Su Jin’s oversight. He had forgotten that Su Wen didn’t even know what food was. He smiled and nodded, then gently patted Su Wen’s shoulder as he said, “It’s alright, if you’re hungry, go ahead and help yourself!” At the same time, he put in the concept of food and eating into Su Wen’s mind.

Su Jin didn’t want to influence Su Wen too much, but making a little boy learn basic things about the world as though he was a new born didn’t seem right either.

It was as though a switch had gone off in Su Wen’s mind. He immediately began wolfing down all the delicacies before him at an insane speed.

Zhang Yu got a terrible shock. How long had this boy gone without eating? But that wasn’t the only problem. Even if the boy were hungry, he couldn’t possibly eat like this! Even if his entire abdomen had no other internal organs except one huge stomach, there was only so much it could contain. Su Wen had already finished off as much food as five adult males.

Su Jin tapped the air with a finger to alter Zhang Yu’s thoughts slightly to make him think that all of this was normal. Zhang Yu was treating them to a good meal and was very sincere about it, so he was a nice guy and Su Jin didn’t want to erase his memories, since that would be repaying his kindness with evil.

At the end of the meal, Su Wen’s stomach wasn’t even bulging. His digestion system was so efficient, even if he had to eat a dragon now, Su Wen’s god level body would digest it without any problems.

“Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for the wonderful meal,” Su Jin thanked Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu smiled and replied, “You don’t have to be so formal around me! Look for me the next time you visit N City!”

Su Jin smiled and nodded, then he said quietly to Su Wen, “Listen to your aunt and be good, okay? I want you to grow up well and happy, okay?”

Su Wen seemed to sense something and suddenly grabbed hold of Su Jin’s shirt. There was a little fear in his eyes, as though he was afraid that Su Jin would leave him.

Su Jin patted his head and said with a smile, “Don’t worry. If you miss me, tell your aunt and we can meet anytime.”

The Nine-tailed Fox took Su Wen’s hand and said with a smile, “He’s right, don’t worry, I’ll bring you to see Daddy when you want to, alright? Be good, otherwise it’ll make things hard for Daddy.”

Su Wen reluctantly let go of Su Jin’s shirt and Su Jin actually felt a little sad about it. He bid farewell to Zhang Yu, then said to Su Wen, “Grow up happily and enjoy life, because you deserve it!”

After that, he disappeared into the night, leaving Su Wen to hold the Nine-tailed Fox’s hand tightly. Tears welled up in the little boy’s eyes, even though he had no idea why he felt like crying or what it meant at all.

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