
Chapter 395

Chapter 395

But for Su Jin, creating martial arts techniques was as easy as pie. He could even create a new power system if he wanted to.

The white ape surprisingly got along very well with the siblings. But it would always bare its teeth at Su Jin. Clearly, it had not forgotten how it had been defeated by Su Jin in the past.

“Shifu, shifu! Look at the flowers I’ve picked! Aren’t they pretty?” Yun Shui carried some flowers and came running toward Su Jin to show him.

Su Jin smiled bitterly when he saw the flowers, because he realized the little girl had picked the snow lotuses he had planted. These were one of the things he intended to leave for the siblings, because these would help them in life even after he had to leave.

“Uh… yeah, they’re pretty! Real pretty!” Su Jin sighed inwardly. He doted on Yun Shui dearly and didn’t think it was worth scolding her over a few snow lotuses.

But Yun Shui’s expression fell, and she walked away with her head bent.

Su Jin sighed out loud after Yun Shui had walked away. He knew what these two siblings were trying to do. These two children were very clever. They had found out in an earlier conversation that Su Jin would be leaving them soon, and would not be bringing them along. That was when the havoc started.

They knew that the snow lotuses were prepared for them, so they thought that if they ruined these items, their shifu would not leave. They had no idea that Su Jin could make the entire mountain bloom with these flowers with just one thought.

Su Jin had thought about bringing them with him, but he gave up the thought in the end. His world was too dangerous, and it wasn’t necessarily a good place for them to be. Perhaps living an ordinary life in this world was the best for them.

Yun Shui walked out of the cave where Su Jin stayed and Yun Shan immediately approached her. He grabbed hold of his younger sister’s hand and asked, “Did shifu get angry?”

“He didn’t get angry at all… is it because snow lotuses aren’t valuable?” asked Yun Shui.

Yun Shan scratched his head and said, “That’s impossible! Father and Mother told me before that snow lotuses are worth a lot of money.”

“But shifu doesn’t seem to care about them at all!” said Yun Shui in frustration. She blinked her large eyes and wailed, “Do you think shifu is leaving us behind because we’ve been disobedient?”

Yun Shan was only a little older, but his heart went out to his younger sister. “No, no, you’ve been a good girl. I’m the one at fault. Shifu must have found out that I slacked off the last time I was supposed to be practicing. I’ll go and apologize and ask shifu to punish me, that way… shifu won’t abandon us,” said Yun Shan as he started walking into Su Jin’s cave with his sister.

Su Jin had already overheard their conversation. He sighed again, because he really didn’t know how to explain things to them.

Yun Shan and Yun Shui walked into the cave, but before they could say anything, Su Jin’s eyes suddenly widened, and he motioned to them not to talk.

A fiery flame burst out from a volcano in the distance. It moved about and roared as though it was a deity, then it began hurtling toward where Su Jin was.

The volcano was located in a great empire of this world, Great Yan. This phenomenon quickly caught the attention of the empire.

The royal astrologer told the emperor that the fiery phoenix had ascended from the volcano, yet it had not hurt a single creature, which was a good sign. The emperor was delighted to hear this and pardoned everyone in the empire.

In another peach tree forest, a pink glow began to spread through the forest. All the peach blossoms within 800 miles bloomed in the middle of winter. After this pink glow had gone around the forest for a bit, it too, came flying toward Su Jin.

The peach tree forest was located in another empire, Tianming. Three days later, Tianming interpreted this as a good omen as well, and their emperor pardoned the land too.

In a mountain range elsewhere, an unusual whirlwind gained momentum, splitting mountains and leaving destruction behind as it made its way toward Su Jin as well.

The mountain range was within another nation, Jiuxing. But unlike Great Yan and Tianming, the royal astrologer of Jiuxing thought that this was a warning from heaven to the emperor. The emperor had no choice but to write an official letter of apology for the mistakes his administration had made.

The ones who caused all these problems had no idea what sort of effect they had on these three nations.

Meanwhile, Su Jin’s face lit up. These demons had really slept for a full 20 years.

Yun Shan and Yun Shui had no idea what the change in their shifu’s expression meant, but they could sense his joy and excitement.

In less than an hour, the fire, the pink glow, and the whirlwind had arrived outside the cave and transformed back into their original selves.

Yun Shan and Yun Shui stared in shock at the three demons for two seconds, then burst out crying. The two children were still young, after all. The nine tailed fox didn’t look so scary, but Daitengu and Bifang did look pretty scary.

But their crying had shocked the three demons too. Once they regained their strength, they followed Su Jin’s scent and got here. They didn’t expect to be met with the sound of two children crying.

Su Jin had no choice but to coax the children and told them that these demons were his friends. That stopped their crying.

“What… what is going on?” The three demons were puzzled. Had Su Jin gotten married and had children during their 20 year hibernation?

“They are my disciples, Yun Shan and Yun Shui. Greet your martial uncles!” said Su Jin to the two siblings.

The three demons nearly burst out laughing. They were demons who had lived for thousands of years now, yet they had become martial uncles to these two kids.

“Greetings, martial uncles!” The children were still scared of the demons, but they were obedient and listened to their shifu.

The nine tailed fox laughed and said to Su Jin, “I didn’t think you would actually take in disciples. But since they’re your disciples and they’ve called me their martial uncle, then I ought to be generous! The two of you, take these beads and consider it my welcome gift.”

She put two nine-colored beads in their hands and said, “They’re not the best things in the world, but keep them with you at all times and they’ll come in useful if you run into danger.”

“Thank you, martial uncle!” The two children weren’t really scared of the nine tailed fox. She had nine tails, but she was very pretty, unlike the other two fierce looking ones.

Since the nine tailed fox had given the two children something, it would look bad if the other two did not give the children anything. They pulled some items out, but the two children shrank back and dared not go near them. They were very scared of the demons.

Bifang put out the flames on her body and transformed into a handsome young lady. Daitengu did the same and transformed into an elegant young man in a feather coat.

“These two things are called Heaven Burning Seals. When you hold it in your hand, you will be able to control fire. Use it to protect yourselves.” Bifang gave them two square shaped seals. Unlike what the nine tailed fox had given, this thing was for attacking enemies.

“Thank you, martial uncle!” the two children thanked her politely.

Daitengu offered them two feathers. “Keep this with you at all times. Grab it when you’re in danger and you’ll be able to fly.”

“Fly!!” The two little ones were clearly very interested in the prospect of flying and their eyes were shining brightly. But they remembered to thank Daitengu, “Thank you, martial uncle!”

After they were done giving away their items, Su Jin chuckled and said, “One for attacking, one for defending, one for escaping. You guys already discussed this earlier?”

The three demons burst out laughing as well. The nine tailed fox said, “We really didn’t think too much about it.”

Su Jin said to Yun Shan and Yun Shui, “I need to talk to your three martial uncles, so run along.”

The children hesitated for a moment, but walked out in the end.

“You intend to bring them along?” asked Bifang suddenly.

Su Jin looked conflicted as he said, “I think… I’d better not. This place is home to them. If they stick with me, their lives will constantly be in danger.”

“Oho, looks like you care very much about them. But leaving them here is not necessarily a good thing either. They’ve got a lot of good stuff on hand, and it looked like they’ve used some sort of technique to refine themselves. Aren’t you afraid that… they’d eventually become the target of owners?” asked Bifang with a smile.

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