
Chapter 213: Gathering The Dragon Slayers

Chapter 213: Gathering The Dragon Slayers

After listening to Su Jin’s explanation, Angel also felt that her fellow human turned dragons had been lied to by the draconic race. She wanted revenge, so she was going to look for others like her, head for the draconic race’s ancestral land, and slay the dragons again, except as a dragon herself.

Su Jin let out a sigh of relief inside. The optional quest given by the Handbook was to completely annihilate the dragon problem, but in order to do this, he would have to find a way to get to the ancestral land of the dragons and get hold of that crystal.

In other words, if he hadn’t explained all of this to Angel, the crystal would continue to be able to have a hold over the lives of the dragons. But Su Jin was going to go all the way. He had found the perfect strategy, which was to ignite a fight between those born as dragons and those who became dragons later. This way, he would be able to destroy the dragons completely, which would be the perfect way to complete this Challenge in his opinion.

After Su Jin and Angel had formed their little alliance, they decided to return to the valley where the Challenge had first started. The secret behind that valley was now very clear to Su Jin. That was the valley where all these human turned dragons had gathered. Most of the time, they would live in their human forms, but they couldn’t remain in this mode for too long. Once they reverted to their dragon form, the wild nature that came with the draconic race would erupt within them, giving them the urge to go on a rampage.

The damage the owners had seen in the valley had not been caused by other dragons but by the warriors-turned-dragons themselves. In order to protect their own children and make sure the children would not find out that their parents were actually these monsters, they built that storehouse and hid the children inside. And even when they went on a rampage, they would avoid that storehouse so that it wouldn’t suffer any damage.

But compared to the naturally born dragons, these humans turned dragons were more kind hearted. Even though they had turned into dragons, they still believed that they should not kill, and they never did any harm to other humans. This behavior was a joke to the natural dragons, and some of them even entertained themselves by creating trouble for these humans turned dragons. Klaus was one of those.

When the two of them walked toward the valley, Su Jin suddenly felt something tug at his heart. He had left a small trace of his psychokinesis on his team members, so since he could sense them, they had to be nearby.

He followed his senses and quickly found his teammates. But besides them, Natasha and the other children had also come along.

Angel immediately flew into a rage because she thought that Kano Mai and the rest were trying to hurt the children. Thankfully, Su Jin held her back in time.

“These people are my friends and they would never hurt the children. Besides, if they wanted to hurt the children, they would have done so a long time ago. They wouldn’t wait till now,” said Su Jin to calm Angel down and reduce her anger. He turned to his team members and asked, “What’s going on?”

Kano Mai knew what Su Jin was really asking. Wu Chen had relayed Su Jin’s instructions about not going near the children to her. She looked a little upset as she explained, “A fiery dragon came to attack the valley and that dragon’s target was clearly these children, so I… I’m sorry, Jin. I shouldn’t have acted on my own.”

Su Jin smiled sadly. Actually, he had predicted that this might happen. If these children were related to Angel, then it was very likely that Klaus would attack the children. And if Klaus had really killed the children, then these humans turned dragons wouldn’t back down without a fight. They would fight the natural dragons to the death.

This was the first Challenge after that major announcement, so Su Jin wanted to get everything right as much as possible. That’s why he told Wu Chen to tell Situ Jin and Kano Mai not to do anything no matter what happened. But now, he was actually relieved that Kano Mai had rescued the children.

“I guess if I had really done that, I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself, huh,” thought Su Jin sadly to himself. Being emotional was the one thing that made it hard for Su Jin to survive in the Handbook universe. Anybody who was too affected by their emotions would not be able to survive in this world. But while being cruel and emotionless might help him to survive for a while longer, his growth would be curbed as well. After all, it was clear that he could no longer get through the Challenges by himself anymore. Every owner needed a strong team.

“No, Mai, I should be thanking you for doing this. I… I nearly turned into the sort of person I hate the most,” said Su Jin as he thanked Kano Mai. He looked at the children apologetically, but they had no idea why he was looking at them like that.

“Klaus… actually dared to attack my children!” roared Angel angrily.

Meanwhile, Fabian’s eyes were red with hatred. He suddenly leaped out and flung a ball of flame at Angel. But that flame couldn’t even get close to her. The frost emanating from her body put it out when it came within half a meter of her body.

“How dare you!” Fabian had attacked her when she was already so furious, so she became even angrier and flung a sharp piece of ice at Fabian.

Su Jin did not react in time, but Situ Jin did. He used his shadow powers to swallow the ice, which caused him to frown. Absorbing the damage from the ice had injured him as well.

“Both of you, calm down!” shouted Su Jin as he grabbed hold of Angel to stop her from doing anything rash.

Angel glared at Su Jin, so he started explaining things to them, “It’s a misunderstanding between both of you, so I just need to explain what happened.” He proceeded to tell them that Angel had frozen the villagers in Fabian’s village in order to protect them from getting killed by Klaus, and he also explained to them about how humans could turn into dragons.

Fabian didn’t really believe him, so he could only sigh and say, “Let’s unfreeze the villagers first then.”

They went past one of the villagers that Angel had gone through and helped to unfreeze the people in that village first. Angel had amazing control over her freezing powers, so the villagers quickly went back to normal after being unfrozen. This made Fabian extremely excited, because it meant that his family members were all still alive.

“Thank you, esteemed warrior. I am so sorry about how foolishly I behaved earlier.” Fabian realized his mistake and quickly apologized to Angel, afraid that she might not unfreeze his family members if he angered her.

Angel could understand how he felt. Her family members had been living under the control of the dragons. And now that such a long time had passed, she feared that her family might actually be dead, like what Su Jin guessed.

“I will definitely help to unfreeze your family members, but I don’t know if they’d be able to survive being frozen and then being buried,” said Angel with a sigh.

Fabian immediately threw Su Jin a nasty glare. His eyes bulged angrily, making Su Jin feel really embarrassed about what he had done. He had merely thought that he ought to bury the bodies out of respect for them. He didn’t expect such a turn of events.

“I think…I think they should be fine…” said Su Jin awkwardly.

They soon came to Fabian’s village and pulled the villagers out of the hole that Su Jin had buried them in. Angel unfroze them all, and thankfully, everything turned out well. Fabian’s family members were all alive and well, which made Su Jin breathe a huge sigh of relief. If Fabian’s family had died as a result, he really wouldn’t know how to make it up to Fabian. He couldn’t possibly allow Fabian to kill him, after all.

Now that Fabian’s side was all settled, the next thing they had to do was to gather the other humans turned dragons and go to war with the natural dragons. Angel was well respected in her community, and Kano Mai had rescued their children, who were very precious to these humans turned dragons. So, Angel was very sure that once she called on them, all of them would come together and fight those natural dragons.

Angel left the children at Fabian’s village. Fabian promised her that the villagers would take good care of the children, especially since Angel was their benefactor.

The rest of them returned to the valley where the Challenge first began. Klaus had already left, and Angel reverted to her dragon form. She spread her wings and flew high above the valley, roaring angrily as she flew in the skies. Su Jin could sense an invisible force shoot out from her, which was probably how she called out to her fellow dragons.

She then went back to human form and got everyone to wait patiently. A day later, several dragons began to arrive in the valley. There were all sorts of dragons. Some were lightning dragons that could control electricity, some were black dragons that possessed extremely strong bodies, some were water dragons that could control water, some were wind dragons that could move at astonishing speeds, some were fiery dragons like Klaus, while some were earth dragons, who looked heavy and clumsy, but were extremely good at defending against attacks.

There were so many different dragons, Fabian couldn’t take his eyes off them. If all these dragons came together to attack a city, even the most majestic city in the empire would be turned to ash in an instant.

“My friends, we’ve been lied to for thousands of years! We’ve been enslaved for thousands of years! Today, we must fight against this unfair destiny! We had once slayed a dragon, so now… we shall slay dragons once more!” Angel didn’t need to slowly explain the situation to her fellow dragons. They had their own way of communicating their thoughts to each other.

ROAAARR! All the dragons let out an agitated roar at the same time, and the valley nearly crumbled from their roaring. Beams of light appeared in the valley as all of them changed into their human forms.

“That’s… that’s the great Aloysius of the Bright Sword!” Fabian could hardly believe his eyes when he noticed one of them. But when he saw who the rest were, he nearly fainted. “Sir, are you… are you the great arbiter, Mr. Evanson?”

“Oh my god! That’s Kevin the Windrider! Sir Ash, the lord of Azure Waves! That’s… that’s… the Soul Chasing Sword Lotus! These people… these people are the most powerful fighters of the empire, the legendary warriors who have slayed dragons!” Fabian looked like a diehard fan meeting his idols for the first time.

Su Jin whacked his head and said, “Pull yourself together! Didn’t I tell you that these dragons were once those warriors? Why do you still look so starstruck?”

Fabian remained terribly excited as he said, “You don’t understand. These great men and women are all legends of the empire! Each one represents part of the empire’s history! They are all people who protected this world from the evil dragons!”


His words, however, did not make any of these legends feel any happier about themselves. Instead, they bowed their heads in shame. They had been protectors of the empire and this entire world, yet they had become slaves to the evil dragons. This was their greatest pain and shame!

Angel looked at her comrades and called out loudly, “We were wrong before, but now, we are going to right this wrong! We’re going to head for Dragon Island right now and slay the dragons!”

“Slay the dragons! Slay the dragons!” Thunderous roars instantly filled the entire valley.

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