
Chapter 559 124.6 - Fame (2)

Chapter 559 124.6 - Fame (2)

"Why do you always have to be like this?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

–"Like what?" came Astron's teasing reply, though the warmth in his tone was unmistakable.

Irina shook her head, realizing there was no point in pressing him further on that. He'd deflect as usual, and maybe that was fine for now. But there were still things she wanted to know. Her thoughts drifted back to the broadcast, to his involvement with that guild.

"Astron," she began, her voice more serious now, "that guild you're affiliated with… Why are you with them?"

There was a brief silence, but she knew he was still there, considering her question. When he finally answered, his tone had returned to that familiar calm neutrality.

–"I'm just doing my job, Irina. Repaying what I owe."

Repaying. The word stuck in her mind. It didn't sound like some deep allegiance or personal investment—it was just a transaction to him. A way to settle a debt. But that only raised more questions. Who did he owe, and why?

Her mind raced through the possibilities. She tried to recall everything she knew about Astron's past, which, admittedly, wasn't much. He was always so careful to keep his personal life hidden. But then, a memory surfaced—the final exams. The bulky Hunter she had seen, Garrett, standing tall and imposing, his presence almost suffocating, and the woman beside him.

'Could it be them?'

The realization hit her like a jolt of electricity. Garrett had been more than just a bystander. He hadn't acted like some mere observer during those exams and the way Astron had interacted with him… there was something deeper there, something personal.

"Garrett," she murmured to herself, the pieces slowly falling into place. Her gaze sharpened as she recalled the woman next to him, her aura one of quiet authority.

"They're the ones you're repaying, aren't they?" she asked suddenly, the question hanging between them.

–"You can say that, though that is not entirely, true."

She felt her heartbeat quicken again, her curiosity pushing her to ask, "Garrett… He's your guardian, isn't he?"

There was a slight pause before Astron answered, his voice calm but tinged with acknowledgment. –"That's correct."

Irina's mind raced, the pieces clicking into place. But if that was true, then… "Then if it's not entirely true," she continued, her tone growing sharper, "does that mean that woman is involved too?"

Astron's response was measured, almost too casual. –"Partially."

Partially? Irina's brows furrowed in irritation. Why did he always have to speak in riddles? It was like he enjoyed being just cryptic enough to drive her crazy. "Why are you speaking in riddles?" she demanded, her annoyance creeping back into her voice. "Just tell me what's going on instead of being all mysterious."

There was a faint sound on the other end, almost imperceptible, but she knew what it was—he was smiling again. –"Because it's fun."

Irina felt a surge of frustration, her fingers tightening around the edge of the tub. "Fun?" she scoffed, her voice laced with irritation. "I'm not having fun."

But even as she said the words, she knew it wasn't entirely true. Beneath her frustration, there was a flicker of something else, something warmer. She was enjoying this—enjoying the way he was slowly letting his guard down, even if it was in the most infuriating way possible.

Still, she refused to let him off that easily. "You're impossible, you know that?"

Astron's voice, though still calm, held that faint trace of amusement. –"Maybe."

Irina sighed, sinking deeper into the warm water, her irritation fading as quickly as it had come. She could never stay mad at him for long, especially when he was like this. "One of these days," she muttered, "I'm going to make you answer me properly."

–"We'll see about that," Astron replied smoothly, and she could almost hear the smile in his voice again.

"Bastard. I'll make you do all my errands; just wait. There's only one week left," Irina muttered with a sly grin, her mind already racing with ideas. The promised time was fast approaching, and the thought of Astron—usually so distant and composed—being at her beck and call for an entire week was too good to pass up.

She could picture it now: sending him on ridiculous tasks, watching his stoic face as he carried out her every whim, pretending like he wasn't secretly annoyed. A small, almost wicked smile crept onto her lips as she imagined all the ways she could tease him.

"Maybe I'll make you hold all my bags while I shop," she mused aloud, her voice playful. "Or you could fetch me snacks whenever I want. Oh, and let's not forget polishing my boots. You'll look so dignified doing that."

Astron's calm voice cut through her fantasy still tinged with that faint amusement. –"Somehow, it feels like the contents of the promise have… changed."

Irina let out a soft laugh, sinking deeper into the warmth of the bathwater. "Changed? No way. I'm just getting creative. The promise was for you to listen to me for a week, right? And that means doing everything I say."

–"That's one way to interpret it," Astron replied, his tone so neutral that it only made her more determined to break through his cool exterior. "But I don't remember agreeing to be your personal servant."

"Too late," she said with a satisfied hum. "It's happening, Astron. Just you wait."

–"I will be waiting."


Toren leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples as he stared at the report in front of him. The dim light of his office cast shadows over his tired features, but his eyes gleamed with satisfaction. Liana sat beside him, her usual composed expression betraying a hint of weariness. Across from them, Astron stood, arms crossed as he listened intently.

"Well," Toren began, his voice calm but filled with quiet pride, "we've done it. Our short-term goal has been achieved, and the results are better than we could've hoped for. Vanguard Haven is now the topic of discussion in every relevant circle, and our reputation is on the rise."

Liana nodded, glancing over at Astron before speaking. "The media coverage, the successful gate runs, and even the attack—everything played out perfectly. We're now seen as a guild that can handle tough situations, even with relatively inexperienced Hunters. The fact that the media positioned Astron as a key figure in all this only amplified the effect."

Toren looked over at Astron with a smile. "You, my friend, have had quite the impact. While you're a top-tier Hunter candidate since you are a student at Arcadia Hunter Academy, the fact that you're only a freshman means that much of your success has been attributed to Vanguard Haven's training. The media spun it brilliantly—they've made it seem like our guild molded you into the fighter you are."

Astron remained silent for a moment.

'Hmm….Not bad….'

He thought about the outcome, and he liked it quite well. He was relaying his background for future actions. Now, he would not become as suspicious as he was compared to before, and the organization would also cover him a lot more easily in the face of the media.

'Most likely, they even planned this to some extent.'

However, he did not mind that, as his goal was also the same.

"It worked out well," Astron finally said, his voice calm and measured. "The media companies knew exactly how to spin the story. I may have the potential, but they were quick to highlight that I haven't had extensive education yet. It's the perfect way to show that Vanguard Haven's training is what propelled me."

Toren chuckled, tapping the table. "And that's exactly what we wanted. The story is out there now, and people are buying into it. Your presence, combined with the team's performance, made us look like a guild capable of molding talent quickly and efficiently."

Liana added, "The attack was also a turning point. It wasn't just a typical dungeon report anymore—it became a narrative of how our team, under pressure, responded to an unexpected crisis. The media companies are all over it. That incident is now being used as proof of our readiness for more dangerous gates, and we've been contacted by side organizations who are rating us highly for how we handled the situation."

Astron raised an eyebrow. "And no one suspects that it was orchestrated?"

Liana shook her head. "Not at all. It was subtle enough to seem real but not so chaotic that it raised red flags. We've already heard positive feedback from the higher-ups in the Hunter community. The fact that we intercepted it so quickly helped. And, no one can trace it back."

"I see."

Toren stood from his seat, his imposing figure casting a long shadow over the room. With a satisfied grin, he extended his hand toward Astron. "You've done more than your share, Astron. Thanks to your efforts, everything is now as we intended. You've completed your end of the deal."

Astron met his gaze, then extended his hand to shake Toren's. The firm grip between them was a silent acknowledgment of the work they'd accomplished together. "It was a pleasure working with someone like you," Toren continued, his voice genuine. "You've not only helped elevate the guild but pushed the team beyond what we thought was possible."

Astron nodded, his expression calm but appreciative. "The time I've spent here was short, but it was a good experience. If the future allows it, I wouldn't mind working with Vanguard Haven again."

Toren chuckled lightly, clearly pleased. "We'll hold you to that. Doors will always be open for you here."

Liana, standing to the side, smiled. "You've helped us build something solid, Astron. We won't forget that."

Astron's eyes briefly scanned the room. While his role here was finished, the connections he had made and the impact he had left were not. "Good luck with the next steps," he said. "This is just the beginning."

"Let's hope we don't need it."

As Astron gave a final nod and turned toward the door, the weight of his departure settled over the room. His footsteps echoed softly in the quiet space, and for a brief moment, Toren and Liana watched him go, each understanding the significance of the moment.

With a soft click, the door closed behind him, leaving Toren and Liana alone in the room. The energy of the room shifted as the two exchanged glances.

"This kid…..Let's hope we can really keep him in the future."

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