
Chapter 487 110.1 - Whose intention whose fate

Chapter 487 110.1 - Whose intention whose fate

The [Chamber of Deception] was a labyrinth of illusions and shifting walls, a place designed to break even the most disciplined minds.

The air inside was heavy, thick with a tension that seemed to press down on Astron's shoulders as he navigated the maze. Every step he took felt like a test, each turn an invitation to lose himself in the disorienting environment.

For the past four hours, Astron had been pushing his limits—mentally, physically, and spiritually. The chamber was relentless, its tricks and traps growing more complex the deeper he ventured. It wasn't just a test of his [Perceptive Insight] but a challenge to his very willpower.

He moved cautiously, every sense heightened as he attempted to decipher the shifting patterns of mana around him. The walls seemed to pulse with energy, blurring his vision with false paths and hidden dangers.

With each step, the chamber's illusions grew more convincing, more insidious, as if it were adapting to his attempts to see through it.

'Stay focused,' Astron reminded himself, his breath steady but his mind weary. The mental strain of filtering out the deception from reality was immense, but he couldn't afford to falter now.

He had to trust in his training, in the newfound understanding of his [Perceptive Insight], and in his ability to see beyond the physical.

His eyes narrowed as he reached out with his mana, letting it flow through the chamber, searching for the true path hidden among the false leads.

The chamber responded with a surge of energy, trying to confuse him, to overload his senses with conflicting information. But Astron had learned to filter, to sift through the chaos and find the underlying truth.

It was like solving a complex puzzle where the pieces kept changing shape, but he was beginning to see the patterns, the hidden threads that tied the illusions together. The chamber wasn't invincible; it had weaknesses and cracks in its design that could be exploited.

As he moved deeper, the physical demands of the chamber began to take their toll. The ground shifted beneath his feet, forcing him to react quickly and maintain his balance as the terrain itself seemed determined to throw him off course.

Sweat dripped down his brow, his muscles aching from the constant strain of navigating the treacherous environment.

But Astron refused to give in. Every time his body screamed for rest, he pushed forward, drawing on his inner reserves. This wasn't just about reaching the exit; it was about proving to himself that he could overcome anything the chamber threw at him. He would not let this place break him.

Suddenly, the chamber shifted again, the walls around him blurring and twisting as a new wave of illusions assaulted his senses. He staggered, his vision swimming with false images—doors that weren't there, paths that led to nowhere. The mental exertion of filtering through the illusions was immense, like trying to hold back a tide of chaos with sheer willpower.

'Focus,' he reminded himself, grounding his mind with an anchor of calm. He could feel the mana around him because of the way it interacted with the chamber's tricks. Slowly, he began to decipher the new wave of deceptions, picking apart the lies to find the truth hidden within.

Then, amidst the chaos, he sensed it—a faint, steady flow of mana that cut through the illusions like a beacon. It was subtle, almost imperceptible, but it was there—the true path.

Astron followed the flow, ignoring the distractions that tried to pull him away. Each step felt like a battle against the chamber's relentless efforts to mislead him, but he pressed on, his eyes locked on the mana flow that guided him forward.

The chamber's attempts to deceive him grew more desperate, the illusions more elaborate, but Astron had found his rhythm. He moved with purpose, his mind clear as he trusted in the mana to lead him to the exit.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the illusions began to fade. The chamber's tricks grew weaker, the walls around him solidifying into their true forms. Astron could see the end in sight—a large door, unadorned but radiating a sense of finality. The exit.

He took a deep breath, steadying himself as he approached. His body ached, and his mind was exhausted, but he had made it. He reached out, placing his hand on the door, feeling the cool surface beneath his palm.

The door opened with a low creak, revealing a passage beyond—bright, clear, and free of the chamber's oppressive energy.

Astron stepped through, his breath escaping in a relieved sigh as the tension of the past four hours finally began to ease.

He had done it. He had found the exit.

As he emerged from the chamber, the heavy door closed behind him with a final, resounding thud. The silence that followed was profound and simple….


At that moment, his stomach ached….

'I really am hungry.'

He could not help but shake his head…..


<Combat Training Arena, Eleventh Day of Training, 5 A.M.>

The first light of dawn filtered through the high windows of the training hall, casting long shadows on the polished floor.

Dakota entered the arena, expecting another day of rigorous training with Astron.

She had seen him progress rapidly over the past few days, but today felt different—there was an unspoken tension in the air, something that made her pause as she stepped onto the mat.

Astron was already there, standing in the center of the hall, his posture relaxed yet exuding a subtle intensity.

He turned to face her, and for a moment, Dakota was taken aback. There was something different about him, something fundamental that had shifted since she last saw him.

His purple eyes, usually sharp and focused, now carried a depth that hadn't been there before—a faint, almost imperceptible glimmer that hinted at something more.

His entire presence seemed more controlled, more centered as if he had tapped into a reservoir of power and understanding that hadn't been there before.

Dakota's eyes narrowed slightly as she approached, her instincts alert. "You look different," she said, her tone laced with curiosity. "Something's changed. What happened?"

"I had a bit of a breakthrough yesterday," he replied, his voice calm but carrying an underlying intensity.


"Indeed," Astron replied as he threw a punch.


The energy behind the strike was a little bit different, as was the feeling it gave.

"I realized that the way I was circulating my mana was holding me back. So, I made some adjustments."

"Adjustments?" Dakota repeated, her interest piqued. "What kind of adjustments?"

"Instead of relying on a single virtual core, I've started using multiple judgment points throughout my body," Astron explained. "It's made a huge difference in how I control my mana and how it flows during combat."

"Show me," Dakota said, her voice firm but tinged with curiosity. "I want to see what you've been working on."

Astron nodded, stepping back to give himself space. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, centering himself as he activated the multiple judgment points within his body. The energy began to circulate faster and more fluidly than ever before, flowing through the network he had created.

When he opened his eyes, the faint glimmer in his purple irises seemed to intensify, and Dakota could feel a shift in the air around him. It was as if the very atmosphere had changed, charged with a new, potent energy.

Moving into the [Storm Stance], Astron began with [Thunderclap], his fist shooting forward with explosive force. The impact was immediate and powerful, the energy radiating outwards in a controlled burst that sent a shockwave rippling through the hall.

Dakota watched in astonishment—the speed and precision of the strike were far beyond what she had seen from him before. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

But Astron didn't stop there. He moved into the next strike, [Typhoon Burst], his body spinning fluidly as he released the energy in a sweeping motion. The mana circulated perfectly, spreading through his limbs with no hesitation, creating a powerful gust that swept across the arena.

Dakota's eyes widened as she observed him, the realization dawning on her that this wasn't just a slight improvement—it was a complete transformation.

'What? In just one day?'

The way Astron moved, the way he controlled his mana, everything was different. It was as if he had unlocked a new level of mastery overnight.

'Haha...This kid…..Just one breakthrough, and he is already here…..Just what the hell is this…?'

As he moved through [Quake Fist], [Tempest Wave], and finally [Stormbreaker], each strike was executed with a level of control and power that left Dakota in awe.

The energy around him responded instantly to his commands, flowing through his body with a fluidity that belied the complexity of the technique.

When Astron finished, the training hall was silent, the echoes of his strikes still reverberating through the air. He stood there, breathing steadily, his body radiating a calm but intense energy.

Dakota slowly approached him, "You brat….." and then slapped him from his back. "You really are a beast of a different breed."

Astron's eyebrows twitched a little, showing a reaction. But before he could respond, Dakota's grip tightened on his shoulder, her eyes burning with fierce determination.

"But it seems this has made you a bit cocky, hasn't it?" she said, her tone dropping into something more serious, more intense. Her gaze bore into him, challenging him in a way that made Astron straighten up instinctively.

Dakota's expression hardened a dangerous glint in her eyes. "Don't think for a second that just because you've made a breakthrough, you're invincible. You've done well, but you're far from finished. With how you're doing now, I think it's time to push you further. You're ready to learn the last two techniques of the [Storm Stance]."

Astron's kept his composure.

He knew that with every compliment Dakota gave, there was always a new challenge waiting right behind it. That was her character, so he was already expecting this to come.

"The next techniques aren't about offense," Dakota continued her grip still firm. "They're defensive, but don't think for a moment that makes them any easier."


Astron mumbled.

"Brat…..Don't come at me with the words, 'The best defense is offense.' Real life does not work like that all the time. There will be situations where you will be forced to defend, whether or not. Be disciplined, don't be narrow-minded."

"I did not say anything."

"Your eyes told me what I needed to know."

"I see." Astron nodded. Dakota was right, as Astron had never learned any type of defensive techniques before, nor did he want to do so.

"Now, let's start."

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