
Chapter 378 88.1 - Final Exams

Chapter 378 88.1 - Final Exams

But this time, it is different since she knows that what she did just now was not something she did because of her vampire instincts but because of her own desires.


In one swift motion, Maya leaned in and sank her fangs into his neck. The suddenness of the action caught Astron off guard, and he inhaled sharply, a mix of surprise and a fleeting moment of vulnerability passing over his features.

The library seemed to hold its breath as Maya drank from Astron, her grip firm but gentle. The warmth of his blood filled her senses, grounding her in the moment. For Astron, it was a familiar sensation, yet the intensity of it never failed to affect him. He steadied himself, his hand resting lightly on Maya's shoulder as she fed.

Maya's mind was a whirl of emotions. She had intended to remind Astron of their unique bond, to assert her place in his life amidst the unspoken competition. As she drank, she felt the familiar rush, the intoxicating mix of power and connection.

After a moment, Maya pulled back, her lips slightly stained with his blood. She looked into Astron's eyes, searching for a reaction. His expression was calm, but there was a depth in his gaze that told her he understood her motives.

"Senior," he said, his voice steady despite the suddenness of her actions. "What was that for?"

Maya wiped her lips, a playful smirk appearing. "Just a reminder, Junior. Don't get too caught up with anyone else."

But, for Astron, her actions meant something different. "What you did just now….It was plain stupidity." His words were in contrast to her own demeanor. There was no playfulness in it.

"What?" And Maya was not expecting it.

"Senior," Astron said, looking at her directly in her eyes.

"What?" Maya was not expecting his reaction. People looked at her for a second as she raised her voice, but then they turned to what they were doing.

"Senior," Astron said, looking directly into her eyes. "You need to hide your identity as a vampire from the world. You need to know how to control your desires. Everything has a place and time, and we need to be careful."

His words made sense, but Maya couldn't help but feel like she was being treated unfairly. She narrowed her eyes, her voice lowering to a whisper. "I know that, but why are you acting like this?"

Astron leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper, but the intensity in his words was unmistakable. "What if someone saw you? What if they got suspicious? In a place filled with countless people, how can you act like that and risk everything we've done so far?"

Maya's eyes flashed with a mixture of frustration and hurt. "I was just... I didn't think. I felt…"

Astron interrupted, his tone softening slightly but still firm. "We can't afford not to think, Senior Maya. One mistake, one slip, and everything we've worked for could be jeopardized."

Maya clenched her fists, her whispers heated. "You think I don't know that? It's just…"

Astron sighed, his expression softening as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "I understand, Senior. But please, be more careful. We can't afford any risks."

The tension between them lingered, a mix of concern and unspoken emotions. Maya knew Astron was right, but it still stung to be reprimanded. She nodded slowly, her eyes meeting his with a silent promise to be more cautious.

"Fine," she whispered, her voice softening. "I'll be more careful. But you need to understand, sometimes… it's hard."

Astron's expression didn't change. "It can be hard, but If I know one thing, the world never sees what is hard or not. It only cares if you act according to your circumstances."

For some reason, it made Maya feel like she was getting lectured, but she couldn't refute it.


They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their conversation settling between them.


The library, once again, seemed to hold its breath, the whispered exchange a stark reminder of the delicate balance they had to maintain.



Inside a room, the sound of a pen touching the paper echoed. The room was dimly lit and the atmosphere was somehow solemn.


A girl with silver hair cascading over her shoulders leaned back on her chair, releasing a heavy sigh.

"Mother, why are you not replying back?"

Her expression was…..different from usual. The typical seriousness and confidence were absent, replaced by a deep concern etched across her features. She had always prided herself on being composed and unshakeable, but the lack of communication from her mother had unsettled her profoundly.

For days, she had tried reaching out, sending letters, and using every means available to her within the academy's strict confines. But no response came. The silence was maddening, especially given the gravity of the last message she had received.

Her mother's warning about that guy had been cryptic yet urgent, leaving her with more questions than answers.

With the academy's stringent restrictions over the cadets, she was also unable to leave the grounds to seek answers herself.

The isolation only deepened her worry. She knew her mother was capable, yet the lack of contact gnawed at her, filling her mind with worst-case scenarios.

The weight of her thoughts pressed down on her, but then a realization struck. Wasting her time fretting and waiting for a reply would do her no good. She needed to focus on what she could control and continue her mission. Her mother had always taught her to be resilient, to adapt, and to overcome obstacles.

Sitting up straighter, Seraphina steeled her resolve.

"The other plan seems to have failed."

As she looked at the photographs that were sent to her, she couldn't help but shake her head.

"Maybe I overestimated their relationship or underestimated?"

Whatever the case was, she was unable to get the reaction she wanted from him or Irina.

"And that guy didn't contact me from then. I guess I should take this as his answer."

If that was what he wanted, then she could only comply. It was not like she needed to force him right there right now.

Even though he was the name, her mother directly mentioned, if she needed to sacrifice too much to get him, it wouldn't be worth it.

If a rose was filled with too many thorns, it was bound to stay alone.

"Well, we will see about that. There is another star appearing as well. And this star seems to be the one with the ability to shake the world."

Looking at the blue-haired student, Seraphina smiled. After all, in this world, there were always many options.

And some of them could be shaped a lot more easily.


In Arcadia Hunter Academy, there were exactly four courses that were theoretically tested by the academy. At least, this was the case for the freshmen.

The written exams and the oral exams for each course would take from Monday to Thursday.

The schedule was as follows:


Monday – Dungeon Theory 1

Tuesday – History of the Valerian Federation

Wednesday – Combat Theory

Thursday – Introduction to Mana


And, whether the academy did this entirely or not, the first and the last practical exams were the hardest.

It was not a subjective opinion but mostly a collective opinion of the students.

And now it was Monday morning, just before the first exam started.

The classroom was silent, without any sound being made. The students who were forced to wake up early had bags under their eyes.

Some of them were filled with emptiness, while some of them were calmly waiting for the papers to be distributed.

TOK! TOK! TOK! At that moment, the classroom door swung open, and the sound of high heels striking the ground echoed through the silent room.

A woman with a somehow commanding but seductive presence entered, her posture straight and her gaze cool.

The students' heads turned almost in unison to see a new Instructor, whose nameplate read Rachel make her way to the front of the class.

It seemed she had a habit of chewing gum, which she did now with a deliberate, almost rhythmic motion.

As she reached the front of the classroom, she took a moment to survey the students, her eyes lingering on each one just long enough to make them feel slightly uneasy.

The room was filled with tense anticipation. Rachel had a reputation for being tough but fair, and the students knew that whatever she had planned for them would be challenging.

"Good morning, class HA-213," Rachel began, her voice clear and unwavering. "I trust you're all ready for the first exam of the week—Dungeon Theory 1. I will be in charge of your overseeing today."

She reached into the briefcase she had set on the desk and then flicked her hands.

Suddenly, a bunch of silhouettes appeared right beside her. They looked human, but at the same time, they lacked subsistence.

As if they were robots, rhythmically, they grabbed the papers and then started distributing them onto the tables of students.

As for the students, the ones who could spare some of their attention were watching that with awe.

After all, right now, they were witnessing one of the rarest forms of talent.


"Good luck," she said, a slight smirk playing on her lips as she handed the last paper to a student in the back row. "You're going to need it."

Rachel made the manifested humans return to the front of the classroom and leaned against the desk, crossing her arms as she continued to chew her gum. "You have exactly three hours. Begin."

With that, the students turned their attention to the papers in front of them. The exam had begun.

Ethan, seated near the middle of the classroom, glanced down at his paper. He took a deep breath and started reading through the questions.

As expected, they were designed to test not just rote memorization but a deep understanding of the subject matter and its practical applications.


Question 1: Describe the key differences between the primary dungeon classifications and provide examples of creatures that inhabit each type.


Ethan's mind raced as he began to formulate his response. He had spent countless hours studying for this moment, and despite the initial wave of nervousness, he felt a sense of determination.

This was the second step towards his goal of breaking into the top 100, and he was determined not to let it slip away.

Time ticked by as the students scribbled furiously on their papers. Rachel's presence at the front of the room was a constant reminder of the high standards they were expected to meet.

Occasionally, she would glance at the clock, her expression never changing, maintaining the pressure.

As the minutes turned into hours, the initial panic some students felt began to fade, replaced by a focused drive to complete the exam to the best of their abilities. The room was filled with the sounds of writing, the occasional cough, and the steady ticking of the clock.

Finally, Rachel called out, "Time's up. Pens down."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the room as the students put down their pens. Rachel moved through the aisles once more, collecting the papers with the same deliberate pace she had shown earlier.

"Remember, this is just the beginning," she said as she gathered the last of the exams. "You have three more days of this, so make sure you're prepared. Dismissed."

As the students filed out of the classroom, Ethan felt a mix of exhaustion and accomplishment.

One exam down, three to go. He knew the hardest part was still ahead, but for now, he allowed himself a moment of relief.

However, he had a lot of questions to ask his friends.

Especially the girl who was sitting right before him, Irina.

"Hey, ho-"

But before he could ask her, Irina stood up and left the room. Though before leaving, she threw a look at some of the seats back.

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