
Chapter 376 87.3 - No title

Chapter 376 87.3 - No title

Hearing this, Garrett raised his head.


With his bulky build and his stern facial properties, one most likely wouldn't expect him to show such an expression, yet Reina was able to see his serious face crumbling.

"What did you say?"

"Do you have hearing problems? I said I wanted to come as well."

Garrett's brows furrowed. "For what reason?"

Reina shrugged. "I'm just curious. You talk about that kid a lot."

Garrett scoffed. "Even if you're curious, what makes you think you can come? You're not his relative or anything, so you don't have any type of legal permit."

Reina nodded, acknowledging his point. "That's right." Then her face turned serious. "But don't forget the reason why that kid was even allowed to attend the most prestigious academy."

Garrett fell silent, her words striking a chord. He knew all too well the strings that had been pulled. After all, there was no logical reason for a random orphan with measly talent to even enter the Arcadia Hunter Academy.

That was an impossible task, even for Garrett, who had become a rank-7 Hunter of the association.

'Ah, right…She led me into this conversation, didn't she?'

Suddenly, Garrett realized. After all, Reina opened the conversation about the Arcadia Hunter Academy's final exams.

She was also the one who belonged to the agency, which was the reason that the kid entered the academy.

'Do they want to check his progress? What do they even want?'

Garrett wanted to ask, but he knew he wouldn't get any answers. That was how they worked, after all.

Reina's voice softened but held a firm edge. "You do know the agency has a stake in this, Garrett. Thus, the higher-ups need to see how he's progressing. It's not just about curiosity."

Garrett exhaled heavily, the weight of her words sinking in. "Fine. We'll go together. But remember, this isn't a social visit. We're there to observe."

Reina's smirk returned, and her eyes lost their seriousness in an instant. "Oh? Is that a date invitation? You are quite bold."

Garrett rolled his eyes at Reina's teasing. "Hardly a date invitation," he muttered, taking another drag from his cigarette. "More like a work assignment. Don't get your hopes up."

Reina chuckled, leaning against the wall beside him. "You know, for someone who saved my life back in the Elvara Ruins, you sure know how to ruin a moment."

Garrett smirked, the memory of that mission flashing through his mind. "If I recall, it was you who got us into that mess in the first place. Charging ahead without backup, almost getting crushed by a collapsing cavern. Some might call that reckless."

Reina rolled her eyes playfully. "Some might call it efficient. And if you hadn't been dragging your feet, we wouldn't have been in that situation." n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Dragging my feet?" Garrett raised an eyebrow. "You were the one who tripped the ancient trap mechanisms."

Reina shrugged with a mischievous grin. "Details, details. What's important is that we made it out alive and with the artifact, didn't we?"

"Yeah, and a week's worth of bed rest for me," Garrett replied, his tone both exasperated and amused.

They stood in companionable silence for a moment, the bustling city life around them contrasting with their quiet reminiscence. It was clear they had a history filled with missions that had forged a bond of mutual respect and understanding.

"Still, can't believe you talked me into this," Garrett finally said, his voice gruff but lacking any real bite.

"Talked you into what? Going to watch over the kid or admitting that you care?" Reina's eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Both, probably," Garrett replied, flicking the ash from his cigarette. "But mostly about the academy. There are literal monsters there, like Victor Blackthorn and the two magic heirs. And, I know that kid will never be a match for them since I myself had trained him."

Reina's expression grew more serious. "You know as well as I do that the kid's progress is crucial. If he fails….Well…..They won't let their money go to waste, at least."

Garrett sighed, nodding. "Yeah, I get it. That doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Nobody said you had to," Reina said, her voice softening again. "But well, even if he fails, I will do my best. Though, don't raise your hopes up."

Garrett glanced at her. "If he fails, then there is nothing we can do. This world is such a wretched place after all."

"…..That…I can't refute."

They shared a look, an unspoken understanding passing between them.

"Alright," Garrett said, pushing off the wall. "Let's get ready. We've got a kid to watch over."


The end of the semester has always been one of the most busy times of any type of educational institute.

After all, with many assignments coming, the projects that need to be finished, and the final exams that need to be passed, the students who need to overcome all of those at once would face difficulties.

The main reasons for that were the lack of consistency and procrastination.

Even though all of them know that the exams are coming and they won't have much time between the exams, most of the students still refuse to study for the upcoming finals and would let themselves be crushed by their weight.

That was how it would happen all the time, and the students of the Arcadia Hunter Academy were not that different.

Though many of them had their talents, there were still many who lacked consistency. To deal with such cases, the academy did its best to spread many assignments and homework every week and keep the students busy with the curriculum, but that also brought plagiarism and the lack of personnel since reading all those papers itself was hard as well.

It was something that was hard to balance.

"Yawn….I am so tired…." One student's exaggerated yawn echoed through the classroom, mirroring the sentiment of many.

"I didn't sleep at all last night," another complained, dark circles under their eyes. "I was up trying to finish the project for [Dungeon Theory 1]."

"Same here," a third chimed in. "I still have to study for Mana Control, and I haven't even touched the Federal Swordplay notes of the [Combat theory 1]."

The room was abuzz with groans and murmurs of discontent; students slouched over their desks, barely able to keep their eyes open. The exhaustion was palpable, and it was clear that most were not in any condition to absorb new material.

Just then, the door to the classroom swung open, and Eleanor strode in with her usual stern demeanor. The students immediately fell silent, sitting up straighter as they sensed her presence.

"Good morning, cadets," Eleanor greeted them, her tone firm. She paused, letting her gaze sweep across the room, taking in the tired faces and slumped postures. It was evident that the exhaustion was widespread, and pushing forward with the regular curriculum would be futile.

"Given the current state of affairs and this being the last week of the semester," she began, her voice carrying a note of understanding despite its firmness, "it would be pointless to proceed with today's lesson. Therefore, I will not conduct any classes today."


"Thank god…."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the room.

TAK! But it was quickly stifled as Eleanor continued.

"Instead, I will provide you with important information regarding the final exams, which will commence next week."

The students perked up slightly, their attention focused on Eleanor.

"The final exams will be divided into two categories: Theoretical exams and Practical exams," she announced. "The Theoretical exams will consist of written exams and oral exams."

Murmurs of concern rippled through the room, but Eleanor silenced them with a raised hand.

"The written exams will cover all subjects we have studied this semester. You are expected to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the material. The oral exams will test your ability to articulate your knowledge and apply theoretical concepts in practical scenarios."

She paused, allowing the students to digest the information before continuing.

"As for the Practical exams, they will be conducted in the usual format: Duels. You will be paired with classmates, and your performance in combat will be assessed based on technique, strategy, and mana control."

The room fell silent as the weight of Eleanor's words sank in. The prospect of duels was daunting, but it was a standard part of their training as Hunters, especially for the cadets of Arcadia Hunter Academy, since this was one of the most well-known traditions.

Almost every student knew about duels, and they called their families to the academy. Many scouts from high-ranking government institutions, as well as the guilds, would attend these final exams as well.

"Use the remaining time wisely," Eleanor advised, her gaze steady. "Prepare yourselves thoroughly for both the theoretical and practical exams. Remember, consistency and discipline are key to your success."

With that, she dismissed the class, leaving the students to reflect on the upcoming challenges. As they gathered their belongings and filed out of the room, the exhaustion in their eyes was now mixed with a renewed sense of purpose. The final exams loomed ahead, and they knew that the real test was yet to come.

As Eleanor left the classroom, the room remained silent for a few moments.

Julia turned around in her seat, a wide smile spreading across her face. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she looked at her friends. "Finally, some action!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "We've been trapped in this academy for the last month with nothing but theory and assignments. I can't wait for the duels."

Ethan chuckled, shaking his head. "Only you would get excited about having to fight your classmates," he said, a hint of admiration in his voice. "But I have to admit, it's a nice change from all the studying."

Irina, who had been quietly packing her things, looked up and smiled as well. "It will be interesting to see how everyone has improved," she said, throwing a quick glance at certain someone.

Lilia, who was sitting beside Irina, nodded in agreement. "And it's not just about the duels. The written and oral exams are just as important. You need to make sure you're prepared for everything."

"Hell nah….I don't care about those oral exams or something…I am here to fight." She smirked, rising up from her seat.

"You are leaving?"

"I will train," Julia answered Ethan's question. "What are you doing?" However, as she was about to leave the classroom, she turned back.

"I am chilling? Why?"

"What do you mean why? You are coming with me."


It was at that moment that Ethan realized his fate.


Emma paced back and forth in her room, her mind racing as she awaited updates from the people she had entrusted with tracking down her blackmailer.

The tension had been mounting ever since the incident in the cafe, and she knew that even if many times had passed, people still remembered her actions.


Her smartwatch buzzed, signaling an incoming message. Emma quickly glanced at the screen and saw a notification from the team she'd hired. With a deep breath, she tapped on the message and began to read:

[Miss Emma, we have some progress on tracking the blackmailer. The messages were sent from a highly secure device, making it difficult to trace. However, we managed to trace it back after the month's work. That is why, it took this long. We've sent you the app link and access credentials and the location of the device. Be cautious.]

Emma's heart raced as she processed the information. She quickly downloaded the app and logged in using the provided credentials.

A map appeared on her screen, with a blinking dot indicating the exact location of the device. Without wasting another moment, she grabbed her coat and headed out of her room.

'This place….It is the freshmen's dormitory….And, it is girl's?'

She realized this from the location.

'To think that a freshman girl dared to blackmail me…Tsk.' With quick steps, she reached the dormitory block 3. Since it was finals time, many of the students entered and exited the dorms; therefore, who entered wasn't checked too much.

Following the app's directions, she finally reached the door of the room that contained the device.

There, a name was written.

[Taylor Bowman].

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