
Chapter 334 78.1 - Crossing Table

Chapter 334 78.1 - Crossing Table

The man sitting on the right side opened his mouth first. On his clothes, an indicator of his name could be seen.

It read – Director Noah Blackthorn.

He was a direct descendant of the Blackthorns, being able to carry the surname in his nameplate. His standing in the family didn't seem to be something low in any case.

His clothes were made of the most expensive fabric. He looked handsome with his lean body as well as his chestnut hair. Yet his green eyes hold a certain coldness underneath, showing that he wasn't someone who should only be judged by his good looks.

"That is what we suspect."

Following that, the woman in front of him answered his question. She had a rather refined and slender figure. Her body looked to be taken care of, as she seemed to know her strengths from the way she carried herself.

On her nameplate, it read – Assistant Director Sonia Hall.

She wasn't from the direct line of the family, yet she was able to attend this meeting and get the highest rank one could attain without being a direct descendant.

It was because of her own merits as well as talents that brought her here.

Noah Blackthorn leaned forward, his eyes fixed on the small, pitch-black sphere that lay on the table between them. Its presence seemed to weigh heavily on the atmosphere of the room, casting a shadow over their discussion.

"It's unnerving to think that this sphere could be linked to 'them,'" Director Blackthorn remarked, his voice tinged with concern. "The Order of Euthanasia is not to be trifled with. Our ancestor's pact with them... it's shrouded in mystery, but we cannot ignore its significance."

Assistant Director Hall nodded solemnly, her gaze also locked onto the sphere. "Indeed. The symbols etched upon it, the aura it emits... everything about this artifact suggests a connection to the other world, to the Order. We must tread carefully."

And then, they had turned their attention to the young man who hadn't spoken. After throwing a quick look at him, Noah continued his words.

"From what we can see, this artifact was found in the mines. According to the analysis, it can be observed that this sphere has the ability to corrupt souls. Especially for the non-awakened, being subjected to its aura is akin to losing their rationality. They will seek the artifact, and to possess it, they will do everything."

Sonia looked at the sphere, her eyes probing deep into it. Even though she could be regarded as one of the most informed people in terms of artifacts, even she wasn't able to completely analyze its properties.

The artifact was unfathomable, making it almost impossible to see what lay beyond.

"Its characteristics match the description of the student who had hunted the evil spirit. According to his words, the evil spirit was formed because of this artifact. The miners massacred each other, and the energy of death, coupled with the concentrated mana of magic stones, resulted in a mutation."

She finished her words.

'However, there is a certain part that is not clear. How did this evil spirit lay under the ground all this time, and yet it hadn't attacked the mines before? It wasn't until the students came that it attacked. Was it waiting for something? Maybe someone triggered?'

This part wasn't clear, as Sonia couldn't completely grasp the reason, yet he didn't speak further, looking at other members' suggestions.

As the discussion continued, the figure at the head of the table, the current head of the Blackthorn family, remained silent, his cold eyes piercing through the object in front of him. Finally, he spoke, his voice carrying the weight of authority and experience.

"The reason for the mine in the Northeast Arcadia State was because my grandfather decided to proceed without consulting his advisors," he began, his tone grave. "Many thought his decision was reckless, a waste of resources. Yet, against all odds, he achieved unprecedented success with that mine."

He paused, his gaze never leaving the sphere. "However, his success was short-lived. Not long after, he lost his life under mysterious circumstances."

There was a solemn silence in the room as everyone absorbed the gravity of his words.

"It seems that this artifact's origins are not something that can be evaluated rashly," the head of the Blackthorn family continued. "Regardless of the past, you shall study this artifact under Area-04."

He looked into Sonia as he signaled. "However, the information shall be confidential. Any test subjects used shall be dealt with. Is that clear?"


"Then, this meeting shall be over."

After the meeting concluded, Sonia rose from her seat and left the room, her mind already buzzing with plans for studying the artifact under the strict confidentiality of Area-04. Noah Blackthorn exchanged a glance with his father, the head of the Blackthorn family, before rising from his seat as well.

"Father," Noah began, addressing the head of the family with respect.

The head of the family nodded, dismissing his son with a wave of his hand. "You may go, Noah."

Noah nodded and left the room, leaving only his father and the young man, Victor, alone together.

The head of the family regarded Victor with a piercing gaze, his expression unreadable. "What do you make of this matter, Victor?" he asked, his voice low and serious.

Victor shifted uncomfortably under the intense scrutiny of the head of the family. From the moment his brother got kidnapped, he hadn't seen his father much, only from time to time.

"…I suspect that this artifact is deliberately arranged by the Order, and great-father had been cued."


Victor continued to look at the sphere as if he could feel something coming out of it. Something was calling him; however, Victor didn't know if this was something special to him or not.

He didn't want to risk it, knowing his father's way of thinking. If he were to be deemed a danger to his family, he would be eliminated.

This feeling had been there for a long time, and he also suspected that this was the reason why he acted that rashly in the mine at that time.

The head of the family regarded Victor with a thoughtful expression, weighing his words carefully. "Your suspicion is not unfounded," he replied, his tone grave. "The Order of Euthanasia has always been a shadowy presence, manipulating events from the shadows. It wouldn't be surprising if they were behind the appearance of this artifact."

Victor nodded.

"Be cautious, Victor," the head of the family cautioned, his gaze penetrating. "Trust nothing, even yourself."

"I understand, Father," Victor replied, his voice steady despite the unease churning in his gut.

With a final nod, the head of the family dismissed Victor, signaling the end of their conversation. Victor turned to leave, his mind swirling with thoughts and suspicions.


After a comprehensive lecture on the intricacies of magical artifacts and their significance in terms of combat, Professor Eleanor, homeroom teacher, placed her notes aside.

The room, filled with students of varying degrees of attentiveness, fell into a hushed anticipation as they saw her gesture. After all, they had been with this professor for the whole semester, and they now had gotten used to the way she dealt with the things.

Clearing her throat, Professor Eleanor addressed the class with her usual poised demeanor.

"Before we conclude today's session, I have an important announcement regarding your last assignment. The grades are out."

She paused for a moment, letting the weight of her words sink in. The students exchanged anxious glances, the air thick with anticipation and a hint of nervousness. Eleanor, well aware of the tension her words had conjured, continued.

"I must say, the overall performance was commendable. However, as always, there's room for improvement for some. I encourage everyone to review the feedback provided carefully. Use it as a stepping stone to refine your understanding and application of the concepts we've discussed."

She then sent the grades to the students via smartwatches, ensuring each student could see their performance.

The classroom buzzed with a mix of reactions—some students nodded in satisfaction, others whispered in disappointment, and a few vowed silently to themselves to do better next time.

"If you have any objection to your grades, you shall find me in my office to check your papers."

With those words, Eleanor left the classroom without saying anything else.

Taylor's gaze lingered on her smartwatch, her eyes narrowing at the 8.7/10 score displayed. It was a good grade by most standards but not by hers. She expected perfection, or at least something close to it, especially in a team effort where she was the de facto leader.

Her eyes flicked to Asher, a mix of annoyance and accusation hidden in her glance. 'This bastard's report was lacking. It dragged my score down,' she thought bitterly, her disdain for mediocrity bubbling up inside her.

Yet, as her gaze shifted away from Asher, it landed on Astron—

the so-called gloomy bastard of their class. He always seemed detached, indifferent to the social hierarchies and dramas that unfolded around him. She had already marked him thanks to his way of behaving.

'Once you are marked, you are finished.' Taylor expected him to have fared poorly, eager to see his dismay, to witness a crack in his stoic facade.

Driven by a mischievous impulse, she decided to take a peek at his score. Muttering under her breath, she conjured a specialized spell—a trick she had mastered for moments just like this. Her vision subtly shifted, granting her a bird's-eye view of Astron's smartwatch.

To her utter shock and disbelief, the display read 11/10.

Her heart skipped a beat, and her eyes widened in an uncharacteristic display of emotion. 'How? How is that even possible?' she thought, her mind racing. Anger and confusion swirled within her, a tumultuous storm that clouded her judgment.

Taylor couldn't fathom how Astron, of all people, could achieve such a score, surpassing not only her but the constraints of the grading system itself.

'Did something happen? Did he bribe someone? No, that can't be the case. The academy can't make such a blatant mistake. Then, did he achieve something?'

As Taylor asked herself, she remembered the words spoken by the managers.

'The evil spirit…If he played a part in dealing with them, it makes sense that the academy rewards him with extra points.'

She then realized the reason why he got such a high grade. Yet, of course, it didn't mean she accepted it. No, it was rather the opposite. She hated the fact that she somehow played a part in this.

'Tch.' It was highly likely that because they had buried him there, he was able to encounter the evil spirit. He had been just lucky.

However, for a person like Taylor, whether he deserved his grade or not didn't matter. She squinted her eyes and plotted her next move.

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