
Chapter 243 56.1 - No title

Chapter 243 Chapter 56.1 - No title

After the competition finished, I was left alone on the weekend. I wanted to implement the things I had learned while observing Lilia, but it was harder to put what I had in my head into reality itself.

Even though it may look like I had solved the problem, implementing it in practical situations didn't seem to work at all.

Therefore, I decided to study magic a little bit more so that I could understand that concept better.

In a sense, it was always better to get myself better with the basic concepts, as that would open a lot more doors to improvement.

Last time, with Irina's help and my study speed, I was able to get a grasp of how the basic blocks of magic worked, and the level 0 magic formulas were all engraved into my head.

And now, I think I have a good grasp of the basics.


Utilizing the first basic elemental block of wind, I was able to create a small current of wind. It felt a lot different from how it was compared to directly interfering with wind positions. It wasn't instinctive but like operating a machine.

You would give a command to your magic circuits, and that command would trigger a reaction. In a sense, you are just the supplier of the energy for the circuit, and it does everything else for you.

But that is the case if you are able to construct that circuit correctly. Each basic block individually needs to be designed specifically suitable for the formula you want to create, and they must not interfere with the other following blocks.

That enables the magician to think of them as separate blocks without looking at what is inside the books. It is quite similar to engineering in this aspect. Of course, some of those magicians, like Irina, possess the initial ability to control mana without even calculating everything.

Their ability to feel that to such a level makes them considered as genius since that itself is a barrier differing others from one. I don't know if I possess such talent, but after trying different methods to confirm that, it seemed I didn't have it.

[Introduction to Level 1 Magic – Utilizing Mana Formulas]

And now I was looking at the book right in front of my nose. It was the following book of the first one I had studied for the past week, and I liked the style of author and publisher. The editor seemed to do his job fine as well, so I decided to go with this.

The soft glow of the library's reading lamp provided a comforting ambiance as I continued my nighttime study.

The transition from Level 0 magic to Level 1 seemed like a significant step, and I anticipated that the complexity of the formulas would increase.

The book began by introducing the concept of mana formulas at a higher level, emphasizing the need for careful design and precision in constructing magical circuits.

I noted that, much like engineering, creating effective magical circuits required a deep understanding of the individual components and their interactions.

As I delved deeper into the text, I encountered examples of Level 1 magic formulas. The symbols and patterns seemed more intricate, and the equations became more complex.

The author stressed the importance of maintaining a balance between each component, ensuring that one block did not interfere with the others.

"Level 1 magic is like assembling a delicate clockwork mechanism," I murmured, drawing parallels between magical circuits and intricate machinery. The analogy resonated with me, providing a mental image that helped me grasp the essence of the advanced magical concepts.

The text guided me through various examples, explaining how different combinations of basic blocks could lead to the creation of more powerful and nuanced magical effects.

The level of detail required for successful implementation became evident, and I realized that precision was paramount in Level 1 magic.

For the Level 1 magic, the equations weren't as hard as they seemed, and considering what I had done to derive the mana wavelength of the dungeon at that time, it seemed nothing.

But at the same time, it was not.

「Generation: Wind」:

「Create」+ -「Wind」 >「Rotate」-=「Curl」

The formula itself seemed simple, but it contained four distinct blocks interconnected in a precise sequence, each contributing to the final magical effect. The seamless integration of these blocks showcased the elegance required in Level 1 magic.

As I scrutinized the formula, I understood that the success of the spell hinged on the flawless execution of each individual block. The "Create" block initiated the process, followed by the controlled manipulation of wind represented by "-「Wind」." The subsequent blocks, "Rotate" and "Curl," added nuances to the magical current, directing it with precision.

Of course, each operator between the blocks showed a different type of connection. Even if the blocks were the same, if the connection was different, the output would also be.

Considering you would never only want to randomly create a wind out of nowhere without knowing where it would go, the 「Rotate」-=「Curl」 this block actually represented where your wind would go. It was a way to ensure that your output would be stable.

'Even then, if it is like this, things will get a little interesting. Precision is the key, I suppose.'

Precision, I realized, was the hallmark of Level 1 magic. The intricate maneuvers of magical energy required a keen understanding of how each component influenced the overall outcome. It was like orchestrating a symphony, where every instrument played a specific role to create a harmonious whole.

Just like that, I continued to spend my whole life studying level 1 magic alone.


<Monday 8 A.M>

It was the same day for the students, and most of them were having a difficult time due to the Monday syndrome. Most of them had dark circles under their eyes, seemingly unable to sleep yesterday, thanks to it being a weekend.

"Sigh….Man, I really don't want to study at all…."

"You think we want?"

"…..Yaaaaawnnnn….You seem to…"

"Close your stinky mouth bastard….You are scaring girls…."

"Ha! Who are you calling stinky, you fucker? They are scared of your voice."

Laughter echoed in the room, a feeble attempt to break the monotony of Monday. The students found solace in shared misery, their banter a temporary escape from the impending lectures and assignments.

"Hey, did anyone catch that new movie over the weekend?"

A few heads turned as the topic shifted from Monday blues to weekend escapades.

"I did! It was awesome!"

"Really? I heard it was just okay."

"Well, you've got low standards then."

The banter continued, with movie reviews, weekend plans, and occasional sarcastic remarks flying around the room.

'They really have a lot of time to spare.'

Whether it was youth or not, seeing them not knowing the dangers lurking around made me wonder if these were the future generation Hunters. Of course, just looking at them from such a perspective was wrong, but we humans couldn't help but think anyway.


Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted as the door creaked open, and the professor entered the room.

"Good Morning, students."

The students quickly settled into their seats, suppressing the last remnants of laughter, as they were rather scared of our teacher, Eleanor.

'She returned, huh?'

I didn't know why she was away, but now that she had returned, the atmosphere returned to the same as well.

She threw a look at me for a second, her eyes narrowing. It was a brief second, but I realized the meaning behind her gaze instantly.

'She was informed.'

It seems the events that happened on the trip wouldn't miss her ears, and considering her influence, that is quite a normal outcome.


As she dropped her papers on her table with a loud sound, she turned her attention to us.

"As you all know, the practical test you've been preparing for involves more than just deciphering magic formulas. Today, I am here to shed light on the true nature of those formulas you've been analyzing in your reports." Eleanor's eyes scanned the room, her stern expression unwavering.

'So, she will finally reveal it.'

Even though these events were going in a direction that I didn't know at the start, thanks to us deciphering the formulas, I knew what the next practical training would be.


"They meant something?"

"I thought they were just random scribbles?"

The students erupted into a loud voice as they were surprised. It was nothing unexpected, as the fact that they spent a lot of time trying to understand what they meant but failed still remained in their memory.

"These formulas," Eleanor continued, "are not just random configurations of mana. They are, in fact, special blocks of a map—a map that will guide you to the next location of the upcoming test." She paused, allowing the weight of her words to sink in.

Murmurs erupted among the students. "What? A map? That doesn't make any sense."

"Did anyone else know about this?"

"I thought we were just analyzing magic formulas!"

Some of the students were infuriated.

'They are now regretting not giving everything they had.'

This was a common occurrence when on Earth. When the objective of the assignments was clear, most of the students tended to do just the bare minimum to satisfy those objectives. This was especially the case when the grading rubric was revealed to the students.

They would just make sure that their assignments met those conditions stated in the rubric without actually trying to understand the concept and doing it fully.

But, once that assignment becomes something detrimental for another case, they would regret it, and this was exactly what they were experiencing right now.

Eleanor remained composed, her gaze piercing through the confusion. "The connection between magic formulas and maps might not be evident at first glance, but rest assured, this is a crucial element of the test."

The students exchanged puzzled glances, the room filled with whispers of disbelief and confusion. Eleanor, however, seemed unfazed, her gaze uninterested.

"Now, before you protest, understand this," Eleanor continued, "You've been given ample time to analyze and understand these formulas. Today, I reveal their true purpose. You have until Thursday to find the location indicated by these map blocks. The knowledge you've gained from the formulas will serve you in navigating the challenges that lie ahead."

A wave of unease swept through the room. "Thursday? That's not much time!" "How are we supposed to find a location from these formulas?" "This is insane!"

Eleanor raised her hand, silencing the room. "I assure you, this test is designed to challenge not just your intellectual abilities but also your resourcefulness. Consider it a real-world application of your skills as future Hunters." However, the tension in the room spiked when Eleanor dropped an unexpected bombshell. "

Also, there was already a group who had found out what this test was about even before they were informed."

A collective gasp swept through the room. Students exchanged bewildered glances, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what they just heard.

"What? How is that even possible?"

"Did someone leak the information?"

"This is basically impossible!"

They were pathetically looking around, searching for possible people who could have done such a thing. Naturally, if it was known that it was our group that could cause quite a stir, I am thankful that at least she didn't mention the name of the leader.

Thinking like that, my eyes are met with Irina's amber eyes. She threw a quick look at me, and then she immediately turned her gaze to somewhere else.

However, I didn't miss the small smile that formed on her lips.

The students exchanged skeptical glances, but Eleanor continued without batting an eye.

"You are dismissed for the day. Use your free time wisely to unravel the mysteries within those formulas. Remember, plagiarism won't be tolerated. Each of you must find the location independently."

And just like that, with those words she left the room, leaving us all alone.

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