
Chapter 223 49.3 - Lilia Thornheart

Chapter 223 Chapter 49.3 - Lilia Thornheart

And then I noticed the traces of the said person.


She was one of the main cast members- a girl with a weird personality who is both liked and not liked by the players at the same time.

I was on the more neutral side as she didn't strike me as someone who should be hated or loved. She was a character of her own with her own struggles and life choices.

However, that didn't mean I was going to let her go. Since she pried on my secret, that meant she was interested in me.

'Showing off to Carl paid off.'

That was my intention from the start, as I started thinking about how I should at least keep my relationship with the future main cast stable. I didn't need to be close to them, but at the very least, I needed to change my attitude.

Laying low is good, but there are times when showing sufficient strength is better. Especially knowing how the main cast operates. They are not some sort of teenage brat. Even though they sometimes behave like that, when it comes to serious things concerning both their lives and families, they value the people close to them.

I myself also operate in the same way; thus, putting myself into the position to use them seemed like a better idea to me.

And Lilia approaching me on her own was the first result of that. After catching Lilia off guard, the only thing I needed to do was to direct the conversation in a way that I could increase my affinity with her while also putting some emotions in her head.

The first step was to make her panic, then mock her state. After that, I needed to make sure what she did was a big deal for me, and considering my past actions, she was already inclined to believe that.

Thus, at the end of the day, I secured a slight favor from her.

'Learning from the future Bow Empress. Certainly, not a bad result.'

I thought while walking with Lilia.

While walking with Lilia, I decided to maintain a casual demeanor, in contrast to the intense training moments.

Observing her closely, I realized that Lilia was not the type to easily reveal her true intentions, and I had to be cautious in navigating the conversation.

Even though I had easily directed the conversation, that wouldn't be the case every time. There is even a chance that she may have already realized it.

Lilia tilted her head slightly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Alright then, Astron. Prepare yourself for a show."

Whether she was excited or not, I wasn't sure. But one thing was certain.

'I need to make the most of this opportunity.'

Just like that, I focused on how she used her bow.


After saying that, Lilia moved to the center of the training room, creating a comfortable distance between them. With a swift motion, she summoned her bow, a beautifully crafted piece that seemed to emanate an ethereal glow. Lilia's fingers danced gracefully over the bowstring as if playing an intricate melody.

"Watch closely," she whispered, her voice carrying a certain authority.

Lilia's training routine began with a series of meticulous stretches, ensuring her muscles were warmed up and ready for action. Since she was proficient with utilizing mana, she even used it to speed up the process.

It wasn't something that was common and was hardly seen by other Hunters, but it was thanks to her special trait enabling it.

'Let's put on a good show.'

It would be good to impress this guy before him, as in that way, she could gain his respect and possibly recruit him more easily.


She focused on her breathing, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. Her movements were deliberate and controlled, each step a part of a well-choreographed routine.

"Start the eighth stage."

[Understood, Student Lilia.]

In a matter of minutes, she was ready with her preparations.


And then, instantly, her body lit up, covered by a special type of shell all around herself. This was a technique that made her family one of the strongest Hunters in the world. The ones with a good aptitude for it would be selected as the Hunter Head.


Then, without warning, she unleashed a rapid flurry of arrows, each one hitting its mark with pinpoint accuracy. The targets she had set up around the room were pierced effortlessly, leaving no room for error. It was a mesmerizing display of skill and precision.

Her thoughts had already emptied her head, as all the things inside her head were the target before her and her mana.

Even the desire to show off disappeared, leaving only tranquility.

As Astron observed, he could feel the intensity in the air. Lilia's mana, invisible to the naked eye, began to weave around her like an intricate web.


His eyes, shining because of the mana amplified to its receptors, were locked on Lilia's body, even up to the smallest mimics. And what he was seeing was something different. It was something he had just recently thought, but the application of it was a little weird.

'Her mana control and purity of her mana is certainly top-


Even in the game, Lilia was one of the powerhouses for a long time while not focusing on her career as a Hunter.

If not because of the calamity that had descended on the world in the later stages of the game, she would probably never pursue strength. However, the calamity brought every Awakened together, forcing her to take the role of missing Bow Empress.

She actually had the talent already, but she didn't have the time.

'Remembering how sad and regretful she looked in the game, it could be understood.' Astron thought.

A girl with a cold personality who made use of people. Even though she was such a girl, in the game, she still shed tears for those who died under her command. She actually held herself responsible for her decisions and the ones who died.

Though, because of her past actions, Lilia was both disliked and liked at the same time. Some blamed her; some defended her. In the end, it was a matter of perspective.

'But, looking how she moves….She didn't slack off.'

The players were still unaware of the reason why Lilia was that adamant about controlling her guild and being the one with the political power, and Astron was the same. His knowledge related to Lilia was limited in this case.

'Let's focus.' However, Astron immediately put a halt to his thoughts that were deviating from the main task before him.

She harnessed the mana, forming ethereal anchors that connected to her bow, enhancing its speed and agility.

The archer moved gracefully, almost dancing as she released arrows with unparalleled speed. The arrows seemed to teleport from her quiver to her bow, leaving a trail of shimmering mana behind. It was a sight to behold, an artistry in combat that transcended the conventional.

'What a speed.'

Astron's eyes narrowed a little, and he struggled to keep up with the rapid movements. It was also weird in his eyes. Lilia was certainly using his body to its maximum.

Lilia's training method was unlike anything he had ever seen. She was not just an archer; she was a mage who seamlessly integrated magic into her combat style.

His keen eyes remained fixed on Lilia as she continued her impressive display. His instincts as an awakened individual heightened his perception, allowing him to notice subtle details that eluded others.

'Interesting,' he thought, narrowing his focus on Lilia's movements. Her arms seemed to move independently of the arrows she released as if there was an invisible force manipulating the strings of her bow. It was a peculiar observation, and Astron couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to her technique than met the eye.

His concentration deepened, and he activated his Mana Observation, a skill that allowed him to perceive the flow and intensity of mana in the environment. As he did, he noticed the intricate dance of mana around Lilia. The ethereal anchors connecting to her bow weren't just for show—they were the conduits of her mana manipulation.

'Is she controlling the arrows with mana strings?' he wondered, intrigued by the possibility.

The realization struck him that Lilia's control over mana was so refined that she could guide the arrows with precision, detached from the conventional physical limitations.

As Astron continued to observe, he decided to push his Mana Observation to a higher grade.

It was a risky move, as it required intense focus and concentration while also better mana control. However, he decided not to waste this opportunity and took the risk.

The air around him shimmered as he delved deeper into the mana currents within the training room.

Eyes of Hourglass.

Simultaneously, he activated his unique skill, the Eyes of Hourglass. Time seemed to slow down, giving him a momentary advantage to analyze Lilia's movements in greater detail.

In this heightened state of awareness, Astron noticed subtle shifts in the mana patterns around Lilia. The ethereal anchors, normally imperceptible, now revealed themselves as threads of mana weaving through the air. It was a mesmerizing display of magical finesse.

'This guy….He is keeping up with it?'

Lilia, sensing Astron's heightened focus, decided to challenge him further.

'Let's see if you are really looking or you are just watching it.'

She increased the speed of her arrows, pushing herself to the limit. The arrows now moved with such velocity that they left afterimages in their wake.

Astron's Eyes of Hourglass skill allowed him to perceive the intricacies of her movements even more clearly, but at the same time, he was actually putting a huge strain on his nerves, especially the nerves that connected his eyes to his brain.

The information that they were carrying started becoming too much for his own body limits.

He saw the mana threads reacting to Lilia's will, manipulating the trajectory of each arrow with unparalleled precision.

'Let's end this.'

With a final flourish, Lilia released a volley of arrows simultaneously, creating a dazzling display of lights as they streaked through the air.

The targets, now resembling pincushions, testified to the accuracy and speed she had achieved.

As the last arrow found its mark, Lilia turned to Astron with a satisfied smirk. "Impressive, isn't it? Now, what do you think?"

Astron, seemingly thoughtful, met her gaze. He paused for a moment before shaking his head slightly. "I couldn't see much," he admitted, his expression giving away a slight 'disappointment.'

Lilia's smirk faltered for an instant before she regained her composure. "Couldn't see much? You were using Mana

Observation. I thought it would give you an advantage."

Astron, closing his eyes as if contemplating, replied, "Even with Mana Observation, your movements were too fast. I couldn't keep up for more than a second. It's truly impressive, but I guess everything has its limits."

Lilia raised an eyebrow, considering his words. "So, is our little deal over?"

Astron nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Even if I could see only a little, watching a high-ranker like you perform is effective."

With that, Lilia felt a mixture of pride and curiosity. Astron, the bottom-ranked student, seemed to hold more potential than she initially thought.

However, before she could think about anything more, a message came to both Astron and her watches, making her stop her thoughts.

[Adrian: Everyone, come to the Archery Club Center. We have an announcement to make.]

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