
Chapter 108 30.1 - Small Time

Chapter 108 Chapter 30.1 - Small Time

Also, the powers out there that wanted to control the growing influence of Arcadia Hutner Academy wouldn't stay idle either.

Therefore, the management team of the academy needed to put some results, and they were investigating for such cause right now. This time, demon followers shot their bullet, and now they lost their momentum because of this investigation.

Of course, from the game, I know the fact that this investigation won't reveal much. The real perpetrators of this incident will stay hidden since the ones that would be found sabotaging were nothing but tools.

This was how the demon followers operated. Blackmailing, kidnapping, impersonating….In the end, the academy and the government would stab themselves back.

Of course, the small circle of demon followers on top of the management team were also working quite hard to hinder the investigation, and the demeanor the academy decided to take was going to help them in the future.

Just as you know, Arcadia Hunter Academy is an institute that is directly connected to the government; however, even then, this place is a proud establishment. Therefore, that pride refuses to let them accept any external investigation since that would mean the academy would no longer be managed by itself.

This was also the reason why they masked the MistWraith Incident and didn't release the details of it to the media, and that was pretty helpful.

In any case, since the classes were canceled, I had pretty much free time.

'Should I visit that dungeon?'

I asked myself, looking at my stats. I was finally now on the level of a lower-rank academy cadet.

As you may have seen, top rankers like Irina, Lilia, or Julia can confront a peak rank-4 monster on their own. No, Yeti's stats were a lot higher than rank four since it was going berserk thanks to the effects of Demon Followers' disturbance.

Thus, it is safe to assume that Irina alone can confront a low-rank-5 monster. This should give you enough reference to judge how strong academy cadets are and where I would stand against them.

This was why this game was a weak to strong game. Ethan's starting point was very, very weak. Even now, if 10 Ethan confronted Victor alone, Victor would win without getting attacked even once.

Anyway, since I had the free time, I could either train or I could use this chance to explore another dungeon I had in my mind.

'A familiar would be helpful.'

I thought as I slowly made my way out of training rooms. I had been training non-stop after resting in my room, and now it was slowly approaching the night.

Though, of course, just as I was walking away, I felt the presence of someone. I had been feeling the eyes of people on me for a while, but none of them had made any move before, though that seemed to be changed now.

But, I guess this was something expected.

After I got out of the joint dungeon exploration, I was being bombarded with the harassing messages on my smartwatch. I even needed to turn my watch's calling and messaging functionality off since it was getting annoying to block countless numbers of different numbers.

However, because of the harassment, I was able to see the article on the forums of the academy posted about me.

'Whoever this is, he is really putting in quite a lot of effort.'

I don't know who I offended to make them target me this much, but they have quite a good influence since they could put an article about me while also bringing this amount of false evidence.

They even brought three girls to give some false testimony.

'This might have been the reason why Irina looked this angry at that time.'

Of course, normal people are expected to believe those things since most people don't have enough reasoning to judge what is right and what is wrong.

But, I expected Irina to have a better judgment since she must have also been subjected to such rumors before.

'I guess that was too much to ask for from a little brat.'

Just as I thought about that, suddenly, I felt the presence of those behind me.

"Hey, you bastard."

I turned to face the source of the voice, and there stood a group of three individuals, sneering and exuding arrogance. One of them, a guy with slicked-back hair, pointed at me derisively.

"You think you're some hotshot just because you made it to this academy? You're nothing but a wimp. You don't deserve to be here."

The guy stood there and smirked.

'I guess he read the article.'

I didn't say anything and just ignored him. Unless I would deal with these sources of rumors, it was pointless to fight with these mobs.

Of course, direct confrontation might also not be a good idea since they seemed quite strong.

"Heh, look at this guy trying to act all high and mighty," another one chimed in, nudging his companion. "He's just scared to fight, that's all."

They were laughing and sneering, and at that moment, memories of the past came.

'If it were the original Astron, I wonder what he would do?'

I thought to myself.

"He thinks he's too good for us, huh? Must be trying to make up for being a disappointment to his family," one of them jeered.

"Probably couldn't handle the pressure, so he's trying to act all tough here," another added, his voice dripping with malice.

"He's got that look, you know," the one with slicked-back hair sneered. "That look of desperation, like he's trying too hard to prove something. Probably trying to fill his family's shoes by forcing himself on women."

If it was the original Astron, rather than getting mad at the people like this, he would probably get angry at himself, thinking he was weak.

That was partially true but also wrong. He was doing his best, and this world is cruel. It never cares about how you feel at all.

"Hey, bastard! Are you ignoring me right now?"

Of course, there is one common thing when it comes to bullies. It is the fact that they are doing this act to satisfy themselves.

I still didn't respond and continued walking.


Until one of the three on the back blocked my path, appearing in front of me.

"Bastard….I asked you a question."


Looking at the bastard and seizing him from head to toe, I immediately observed some points.

'Right feet unconsciously on the back, slightly humpy posture, strong trapezes, and rear delts. He is a right-handed spear user.? Clothes devoid of any sweat and dirt, he didn't train today. Eyes that are constantly checking his watch mean he is somehow connected to the instigator.'

"Why don't you show some respect when someone's talking to you?" the guy snarled, his anger escalating. His companions were circling behind me, attempting to make me feel trapped.

"Move," I repeated calmly, refusing to let their aggression affect me.

"Think you're tough, huh? Think you can just ignore us?"

His words were just a facade for his insecurity. He was itching for a fight, probably to prove himself to the one who was paying him to do.


Before I could react, he lunged at me with a punch. His technique was sloppy and predictable.

The motion of his body and the intention in his eyes were easy to read. I leaned back, dodging the punch with ease. He was faster than most people I had encountered, but he was probably underestimating me.

"Huh?" he stammered in surprise, momentarily taken aback by my dodge. "You!" he exclaimed, anger flaring in his eyes.

Before he could attack again, a commanding voice resonated through the corridor.

"That's enough."

Turning our attention to the source, we saw Irina approaching. Her presence was overwhelming, radiating authority and strength.

'Finally...' I thought, looking at her. She had been there for a while now, and she didn't do anything and watched while trying to mask her presence. Of course, even without her, I could deal with these bastards, but I would need to get quite beaten to make the best out of it.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her gaze focused on me.

"I'm fine," I replied, standing my ground.

"Report them to the faculty," she advised, her eyes piercing through the bullies. "Don't let them get away with this."

The bullies, now aware that their intimidation had failed, exchanged uneasy glances. Irina's reputation was enough to make them think twice about pushing the situation further.

"We'll remember this," the leader spat, trying to save face.

Irina remained unfazed, her posture emanating confidence. "I suggest you think carefully before you do anything foolish. I dislike bugs trying to eat more than they can chew."

The bullies hesitated but then reluctantly turned and walked away, their bravado melting in the face of Irina's presence. The fact that she was the third rank of the academy and a member of the Emberheart Family was enough to make them escape with their tails between their legs.

"I guess I should thank you?" Turning my attention to her once again, I asked. Even though she was quite an irritating woman, she was the one who helped me in the end.

"It was the right thing to do. I didn't do it particularly for you."

"Is that so?"

"I guess with this, our debt is cleared." She said with a haughty tone, reminding me of her from the game.

In the game, Irina was such a character, always going in her own momentum. But, of course, against me, this didn't work.

"Of course not," I replied, refusing to let her do as she pleased.


"This wasn't something I had requested from you. Also, you just said you didn't do it, particularly for me. Doesn't that mean you expected nothing from me in return?"

She clicked her tongue in irritation, caught off guard by my logic.

"Don't click your tongue like that. It was you who said those words," I pointed out, crossing my arms.

"I know that...."

Saying that she started staring at me like she wanted to ask something.

"What? If you have something to ask, just do it."

"...Why are you not fighting back?"


"I mean against those rumors…..Why are you not trying to clear your name?"

"So you are believing me now."


"I guess you have a brain."

"Tch…..If you are going to talk rudely like that, I am going away….." She threw an irritated gaze at me and started walking away.

"You can't blame me for thinking like that, can you? What would you think about yourself if you were in my shoes?"

But, of course, this attitude was something she deserved.



"Sigh…." With a hearty sigh, she turned back and came closer, standing before me. "So? What do you want from me?"

"What do I want from you, huh?"

"Don't request something illogical." She said, slowly covering her body as if trying to refer to those rumors.

"What do you take me for?"

"Hmm...Arrogant, rude, selfish….."

"Aren't you describing yourself?"


"Anyway, I wouldn't request your body even if you are the last person in this world, don't worry."

"Oh yeah? We are on the same page then."

"Good to know."

"So? What do you want from me?" She repeated again, her arms crossed.

I have been thinking about this for a while, and the best thing I can request from her is simply-

"Give me money."


"How much?"

"100 thousand Valer."

"HA! 100 thousand Valer? Are you joking right now?"

"I am not."

"If you are not, then why are you asking for such a huge amount?"

"Because that's the price for saving your life," I retorted, referencing the incident when she was unconscious and I protected her from the Snow Wolves and Snow Squirrels.


She was left speechless. Of course, we both knew that there was a possibility of her not dying there even if I hadn't protected her. But again, that was just a 'possibility,' and my defending her would be a 'fact.'

Of course, she could apply the same logic I had used just at the start of the conversation here, but she wasn't good enough for that for now.

"Anyway…Here, this is my bank account." I opened my watch and showed a small QR code on there. "You can deposit any amount you deem equal to your life; I won't complain about it."

"Tch. I really hate you." She said while slowly scanning the code and tapping on her keyboard.

"Is that so?

I replied and started walking away. At this point, I didn't need to spend any more time here.

"Yes, it is so."


Following that, a notification came.


150.000 Valer is deposited to your account.


'I guess, she is at least generous.'

In my head, her standing was raised a little.





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