
Chapter 361 - Great Reception For The Visitors

Chapter 361 - Great Reception For The Visitors

Tang Shaoyang was still sitting in the meeting room. The door opened, Zhang Mengyao and Wei Xi entered the room.

"We have guests?" Zhang Mengyao asked as soon as she entered the room. She received a message from Tang Shaoyang that there was a diplomatic visit from the neighbor.

"They are still in TEIS\' post for the registration visit. Who knows that the guest\'s program comes to use this quickly," He grinned at Zhang Mengyao and Wei Xi.

Wei Xi shook his head, "Who are these people?" This made him curious. He wondered who came to visit their base. Most of the people that came to the base, coming with an intention to stay, not visiting.

"They come from the SZ City Establishment, and they are people from the military force," as soon as Zhang Mengyao heard that it was a military force who visited. She immediately massaged the space between her forehead.

Even though she had not met them in person, she was sure that these people came up with no good intention. A conflict was bound to happen with the visit.

*** ***

East Gate TEIS Post

"What!? We have to pay with Game Coins too?" One of the soldiers raised his voice at Zhao Zhong.

As someone coming from an establishment with a smart base, the soldiers knew well the importance of the Game Coin. It was the new currency for the Game.

Yan Kui also frowned, he had taken a step back by filling the form. But he did not expect that they needed to pay a fee to enter the base. He almost signed the form until he noticed the fee at the end of the form.

If he signed the form, he had to pay 50 GC. His signature meant he agreed to pay.

"You are going too far! We are the soldiers of the country, how can you do this to us!?" Another soldier raised his voice. They were expecting better treatment since they were soldiers. However, now they felt like they were scammed.

"That\'s the procedure to enter the base. If you don\'t agree, you can leave," Zhao Zhong shrugged.

"Let me talk this out with your Leader," Yan Kui furrowed his brow. He was not as hot-headed as his subordinates. He remained composed in this situation, the reason why he was chosen to lead the team.

Zhao Zhong fell silent for a moment. These people looked like a miser to him that they could not afford 50 GC. They could get 50 GC from killing stage-1 zombies.

"Alright, you don\'t have to pay until you meet our leader," He gave the soldiers a leeway, "However, you have to sign the document. We need that for our archive."

Yan Kui paused for a moment before he signed the form. He told his subordinates to sign the form too. He was confident that this nonsense fee would not be applied to them.

"See, if you just follow the procedure, we will be on our way already to the main base," Zhao Zhong gestured to Guo Xun to retrieve the form.

After that, Zhao Zhong led them outside. He had prepared the cars outside.

"What about our armored car? We want to bring it with us!" The soldier did not want to leave their armored vehicle behind. The reason they used the armored vehicle was to intimidate the people on the base.

If they left their vehicle behind, the purpose of bringing the vehicle was no longer there. On top of that, they did not trust these people. They did not want to leave their precious armored vehicle to these people.

"Then you can leave now!" Zhao Zhong\'s voice became stern all of a sudden, "You keep complaining here and there, do you know that you are in our territory? If you want to enter our territory, then follow our rules or else leave!"

Zhao Zhong was rough and straightforward. He had been holding back all this time, but these people kept testing him out.

Yan Kui waved his hand at his subordinates, "It\'s fine, we will follow your arrangement."

Not that he was afraid of Zhao Zhong, but Zhao Zhong should be someone strong. The inventory was something precious, only a handful of people had it back in SZ City Establishment.

He did not want to get on the bad side with someone as strong as Zhao Zhong. He believed that he would work together with the man in the future.

"Good!" Zhao Zhong got into the car. Three cars followed the empty road, passing through the empty buildings.

It was like a dead establishment in Yan Kui\'s eyes. But soon his mind changed when he got into the core base. Fifteen tall buildings were erected, he noticed that people were coming in and out from the building.

He quickly realized that these buildings were newly built. He was a native of SZ City, but he often visited SH City. So he was sure that this place did not have this kind of area before.

Yan Kui was sure that more than ten buildings were built recently. Upon realizing this, he was getting even more surprised. It was not that their establishment did not have the new building. It was just that he was surprised that this base manages to build more than ten buildings.

Soon the car stopped in front of the three tallest buildings. Yan Kui soon recognized the three buildings. The three buildings were high-end buildings.

He remembered that the middle was supposed to be a hotel. The left one should be a department store and the right one was a sports and entertainment building. It was called a sports and entertainment building, while in fact, it was famous for the underground casino for the rich.

\'So the smart base of the SH City was this building…\' he came out of the car, following Zhao Zhong.

Yan Kui then noticed there was a line of armored people toward the entrance. Their arrival attracted the people\'s attention. Especially with their military uniform.

"Don\'t wander around, we are not to be blamed if one of you suddenly goes missing," Zhao Zhong warned the group with a smirk.

Yan Kui ignored the taunt as he followed Zhao Zhong. The other soldiers also followed with their chest puffed upward proudly. They were showing off to the people that they came from the military force.

When they reached the entrance, Yan Kui saw two people approaching them. One man whispered something to Zhao Zhong.

Soon, Zhao Zhong turned around toward him and his subordinates, "Weapons are not allowed inside! Please give your weapon to our people," he pointed at the Tarriors who came forward to retrieve the weapon.

"I don\'t think I can agree with this," For the first time, Yan Kui spoke out. Taking off the weapon was the same as stripping them naked.

"There\'s no discussion for this, follow the rule if you want to meet our Leader!" Qin Shoushan spoke to Yan Kui. The two men were Qin Shoushan and Cao Yuntai. Both received the call to tighten the security around the main base because guests came.

"Then are you going to guarantee our safety?" Yan Kui did not want to step back in this regard.

"We will guarantee yours and your people\'s safety as long as you follow the rule and remain respectful," Cao Yuntai followed up.

There was no reason to attack these people unless they did something funny. This was just a protocol, not directly from Tang Shaoyang himself, but Kang Jiayi. The protocol was reasonable hence they followed the advice.

"This is nonsense! We are the soldiers that have served the country. How can you treat us like this!?" One soldier with the rifle in his hand protested. He did not want his weapon taken from him.

"Treat you like what? You are entering a safe building, so you don\'t need the weapon. Unless you want to start a fight?" As soon as those words came out from Qin Shoushan\'s mouth, the Tarriors\' hand moved toward their weapon.

If the soldiers showed an aggressive stance, they would immediately draw their weapons out.

Yan Kui quickly assessed the situation and waved his hand to his subordinates. The most important thing was to meet the Leader. As long as he got the chance to talk with the Leader, he could win these people too.

"Alright," Yan Kui agreed and handed the gun to Tarrior next to him, "They are right, we are here to talk not to fight," even though he felt uneasy without a gun in his hand, he had to follow them.

The other soldiers reluctantly handed the guns.

\'Based on information from the people who fled from this base, the Leader is a tyrant and ruthless, but the information seems to be wrong,\' Yan Kui noticed that the survivors were well-fed and had clean clothes to wear.

It was as if the catastrophe never happened to them. Yan Kui hoped that the Leader was someone reasonable and could be talked with.

"Follow these two, they will lead you to meet our leader," Zhao Zhong motioned his hand to Qin Shoushan and Cao Yuntai.

The group followed the two inside. Yan Kui was more surprised with the interior inside. The organized first floor, the receptionist counter. He could also see a group gathered in front of something.

People armed with a weapon and light armor went out of the stairs. He even saw kids running around, chasing each other. The situation did not show that the leader was a tyrant, at all.

The group split into two elevators. Yan Kui followed Qin Shoushan while the remaining half followed Cao Yuntai.

He saw Qin Shoushan pressed number seven. That meant he would meet the rumored tyrant leader there. Quickly they arrived on the second floor. They followed the hallway and arrived in front of a door.

The door was opened by Qin Shoushan, and they entered the room.

The room was big, big enough to accommodate a hundred to hundred and fifty people inside. There was a long table with chairs. The table was about 15 meters long. It was a big meeting room.

At the end of the table, he saw a man with short hair. The man was wearing a black suit and white shirt underneath. Since there was a distance, Yan Kui failed to get a clear look at the man.

While the man attracted his attention, the people behind the man attracted Yan Kui\'s attention more. No, not the people, but the three inhuman figures that stood at the back.

Yan Kui\'s pupils contracted in shock as he was not expecting to meet a beast here. He was about to raise his gun but soon he realized that he did not have a gun in his hand.

The same for the other soldiers, they were panicked. At the sight of the three beastmen.

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