
Chapter 299 - The Monster Inside

Chapter 299 - The Monster Inside

Black scales started to form out, replacing his skin. The scales covered the legs up to his face while his light blue eyes turned into deep blue eyes. Two black horns protruded backward from his forehead, as a long dragon tail came out along with the dragon\'s wing.

Tang Shaoyang\'s original height was 1.87 meters, after the [Dragon Transformation] his height reached over three meters.


Name: Tang Shaoyang

Race: Human

Main Class: Spirit Lord

Second Class: Sky Slayer [Level - 200]

Age: 26

Affiliation: Tang Empire

Level: 200

Talent: Divine Body

Bloodline: Black Dragon

Attribute Point: 1352

Strength: 13366

Agility: 9219

Vitality: 12474

Stamina: 9222

Magic Power: 18594

Sense: 1416

Mana: 185940/18594

Slayer Essence: 10100

Slayer Energy: 11000/11000


The [Dragon Transformation] did not give him an additional skill, but it doubled almost all his attributes while Magic Power was tripled. Of course, the cost to maintain the [Dragon Transformation] was his mana. It took him one mana per second, so with his current amount of mana, he could maintain the transformation for over three thousand minutes. More than enough to wipe all his enemies in the city.

"It seems it\'s impossible for you two to win the contest," Jacky commented as he watched his new leader transformed. He was not surprised since Tang Shaoyang had told them everything, including the bloodline inheritance.

It was obvious that the two could not win against Tang. Even when he was not transformed, Kairu could not win against him let alone now.

While four beastmen expected this, their enemies were not. They were shocked to see Tang Shaoyang transformed. Especially Carlos, and the six leaders of the Diamond Rank Parties. The transformation caught them off guard.

"You never told us anything about the bloodline?" One of the Diamond Rank Adventurers who tried to attack Tang Shaoyang earlier yelled at the old man.

However, Carlos Artura did not respond to his rage as himself also shocked. What he knew was that Tang Shaoyang probably had two classes, that was the information he informed the Adventurer Guild of the main branch of Eidenburgh.

"Get Ready-" the Diamond Rank Adventurer was about to yell at his party to get ready in the formation, but the words stopped halfway as Tang Shaoyang appeared in front of him, kicking his stomach.

No one could see when Tang Shaoyang moved, it was more like instant teleportation. The Diamond Rank Adventurer\'s body revolves in the air before his body crashes onto the reinforced city.


The sound was so loud that caused the ones who heard it to shudder. They subconsciously imagined what would happen to them if it was them in the Diamond Rank Adventurer\'s position.

After crashing onto the reinforced city wall, the body slid down to the ground. The body was no longer moving, it was unknown whether the man was still alive or dead.

But the battle had just started, the next one, crunching noise echoed through the air along with agony shrill. The scream sent chills to everyone\'s spine as they subconsciously looked toward the voice.

Another Diamond Rank Adventurer had his head crushed by Tang Shaoyang\'s grip. The moment their eyes landed on the scene, the body was already headless as the scream had stopped a few seconds ago.

While everyone was still trying to process what actually happened, they saw Tang Shaoyang grabbed another Diamond Rank Adventurer. They witnessed with their eyes that the adventurer had his head ripped off forcefully from the body.

The bloody and cruel display caused everyone to hold their breath. On top of that, Tang Shaoyang had a callous smile on his face as he ripped the man apart. It was as if the man enjoyed killing the adventurers.

"AAAAH!" In the next moment, many female adventurers shrieked in fear. Despite their experiences on the battlefield, most of the adventurers never encountered such a display of the battle.

Carlos Artura and the man who brought Sera in the bag went weak instantly. They knelt in front of Tang Shaoyang as they lowered their heads. The two did not dare to look at the terrifying gaze.

"Don\'t worry, you two will be my dessert. I will have my main course first," with a big grin, Tang Shaoyang scanned the remaining fifty adventurers. More than half of them were Diamond Rank Adventurers while a few of them were Heaven-Diamond Rank Adventurers.

"Don\'t worry, he\'s only alone-" A Heaven-Diamond Rank Adventurer tried to rally the other adventurers\' morale. The moment they lost their will to fight, it was the moment they would lose the battle.

However, he lost his life before he could even finish his words. His throat was pierced with crimson blade energy before the crimson blade split his body into two, from the top to bottom. The armor he had could not block the blade.

"This is insane! He\'s no longer on a criminal level but should be on a disaster level! I am out, I don\'t want to die!" An Assassin class Diamond Rank Adventurer screamed madly as he turned around. He tried to escape from the living hell as his body turned invisible.

Tang Shaoyang was much faster with his current attributes. Even though the adventurer went into stealth, Tang Shaoyang caught the assassin. His [Dragon Eyes] could see mana, so he could easily find the assassin.

He caught the assassin and threw the man on the ground before he stomped the assassin the head.


The head exploded as blood splattered everywhere. At the same time, he heard a notification of leveling up in his head. Killing two Heaven-Diamond Rank Adventurers and one Diamond Rank Adventurer for one level.

Of course, his mind was not in this thing as he turned toward the other adventurers, looking for the next target, "forty-nine adventurers left," he grinned at them.

"I surrender!" A mage suddenly threw her staff to the ground and knelt on the ground while raising her hand. She remembered Tang Shaoyang\'s that the one who surrendered would be spared.

"Don\'t you come to catch me? Why surrender?" Tang Shaoyang walked toward the female mage and ignored the others. Of course, the other adventures did not dare to make any move too. They were aware that the one who moved would be the target. So everyone stayed still and tried to think of a way to get away from the monster.

"I never agreed to take the quest… We never agreed to take the quest but the Adventurer Guild forced us to take the quest. This is not what we want, but the Adventurer Guild!" The female mage tried to shift the blame on Adventurer Guild. She changed from "I" to "We", trying to tell Tang Shaoyang her party was forced to take the quest.

Tang Shaoyang squatted right in front of the female mage, their faces only separated by a few centimeters. He could see the fear in her eyes while her body was shaking, "Trying to save your party, huh!? Quite commendable I would say."

"T-that\'s the truth!" The female mage replied, trying to be firm with her tone but the fear was so overwhelming for her.

"Let\'s say you surrender, what can I get from sparing your life? What\'s the benefit for me?" Tang Shaoyang was playing with the female mage.

The female was thinking of something, but the fear caused her mind to blank out. She could not think of anything aside from her life, at this moment, she was aware that nothing could satisfy the monster unless she gave everything she had.

However, she was hesitating. While thinking the reply, her eyes kept glancing to the side, and Tang Shaoyang noticed that quickly. He glanced to the side and found a man with plate armor and dual swords on his waist.

Tang Shaoyang grinned at the female mage, and she realized she was caught. The female mage saw Tang Shaoyang\'s figure flashed to the swordsman, "NOOO!"

"Why so dramatic?" Tang Shaoyang returned to the front of the female mage, he was not alone but with the dual swordsman. He was sitting on the man\'s back, "So what are you willing to give me for your life?"

The man was about to speak something, but Tang Shaoyang pushed his head to the ground. What he could hear was just a muffled scream as the female mage flinched at the sight of this. However, she did not dare to make any move but watched the whole scene happen before her.

Ten seconds passed and the female mage still could not give her answer. But then, she heard a scream from her lover. She looked up in shock and saw the monster was gripping her lover\'s thigh and crushed it with the strong grip of his.

"Why?" The female mage screamed.

"You are wasting my time if in the next ten seconds you don\'t give me your reply, then the next thigh," Tang Shaoyang grinned ear to ear while the man struggled hard and screamed. The man tried to break free with his skill, but it resulted in his other thigh crushed by Tang Shaoyang.

"I will give you anything, anything, but please spare me and my lover," the female mage replied loudly. She thought her lover would be safe, but he saw the man pierced her lover\'s heart with his bare hand, killing her lover instantly.

"WHY!!???" The female mage screamed at Tang Shaoyang\'s face, but soon she realized something, "You never thought to spare our lives?"

"Quite smart, aren\'t you?" He grinned to respond to the female mage.

"You die!" She extended her hand toward Tang Shaoyang, casting her spell, "[Hell Flame]!" A pillar of flame engulfed the two instantly.

This was the first successful attack on Tang Shaoyang, everyone could not help but be hopeful that the flame could hurt or even kill the monster. But they despaired as the flame dissipated, they saw the monster was holding the female mage\'s neck.

She died with her neck crushed, but none of them, including the man\'s dead body, suffered from the flame. They were perfectly fine even after the flame engulfed them.

"Now!" An adventurer yelled as he jumped toward Tang Shaoyang with his spear. He was shouting to the others to attack Tang Shaoyang together. A few adventurers followed the man to attack Tang Shaoyang, but most of them tried to run away.

Carlos Artura and his friend did not dare to look back. The screams were already telling them what happened at the back without them looking. The two did not even dare to peek, their bodies froze on the spot.

A few minutes later, the sound of fighting and the scream stopped. Carlos heard footsteps approaching him from behind. His body broke into a cold sweat and shaking fiercely, he was terrified and subconsciously closed his eyes.

Soon, he felt a hot breath on his face, causing her body to shake even fiercer. His face lost its color as fear was so obvious on his face.

"Open your eyes!"

Carlos opened his eyes and he met with Tang Shaoyang\'s gaze.

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