
Chapter 383: Death to the Enemy (2)

Terrified that their struggling victim would retaliate, rookies would just keep stabbing them. They wouldn’t even stop to check on their victim’s condition.

It took a lot of experience or sheer ruthlessness for one to cut their enemy’s throat or stab their heart.

At the last moment, both the killer and the victim would come to a realization. The killer would learn whether they were simply trying to scare or genuinely aiming to kill, and the victim would learn if the killer was frightened or ready to fight to death.

Seeing the resolve in Kang Chan’s eyes, Josh’s gaze wavered like a candle in the wind.

What? How? Why here?

Kang Chan smirked.

You really shouldn't have underestimated me.

In the blink of an eye, Kang Chan twisted Josh’s head, making the latter face the chair he was sitting on.

Click! Click! Click!

Alerted, the bodyguards drew their pistols but withheld themselves from opening fire.

As Kang Chan released his grip and stood up straight, Josh’s head slumped against Ethan’s shoulder.

Kang Chan then slowly turned to Romain.

“Romain,” he called.

“Mr. Kang!” Sherman called out, almost shouting, but Kang Chan’s eyes remained on Romain.

“I warned you. Anyone who messes with the ambassador, no matter who they are or which country they belong to, will face the most gruesome enemy in the world.”

Looking into Romain’s stiff eyes, Kang Chan steeled his resolve.

“Sherman, if I get shot here, the missile at our base in Mongolia will be aimed at New York. I’m sure you’re well aware that Vasili and Yang Bum are already over there.”

Sherman and Romain’s expressions made it clear that they didn’t know.

It didn’t matter to Kang Chan, though. Even if he died here, he wasn’t sure if Vasili would actually launch the missile. However, now that he had pushed things this far, he couldn't afford to show any weakness.

“I didn’t know that they were planning to assassinate Lanok,” Romain said.

Kang Chan smirked again.

“I mean it.”

“Then you admit that you knew about the assassination attempts on our president, Vasili, Yang Bum, Vant, and Ludwig?”

“I didn’t know about that either.”

Romain now looked somewhat resigned.

“Even so, you should face the consequences for bringing Ambassador Lanok to Loriam.”

“Mr. Kang, continuing this act like this is—” Sherman interjected.

“Sherman, have you forgotten the terms of our agreement?” Kang Chan asked, cutting Sherman off. “All I wanted was Josh and Romain. Are you trying to break our agreement and force a final confrontation?”

"With you handling things this way, what do you expect my position to be?"

"Why should I care about your position? Remind me, what did you do when the ambassador was attacked and my allies were targeted? Would you react the same way if someone tried to assassinate the President of the United States?"

Sherman met Kang Chan's gaze but offered no retort.

People didn’t change easily, especially not someone like Sherman. It was clear that he had hoped to mediate and gain something out of this meeting on the plane, but now he could only look at Kang Chan with a frustrated and helpless expression.

I didn't think he'd come on so aggressively!

His eyes conveyed his thoughts to Kang Chan.

"Alright, let’s get this sorted out," Kang Chan said.

Kang Chan stood by the table, looking at the three men and the corpse. Sherman looked troubled, Romain appeared exhausted, and Ethan, the idiot, seemed terrified.

"The Star of David attacked Ambassador Lanok, Vasili, Yang Bum, Vant, and Ludwig. We lost Vant as a result.”

Ethan nodded. Whether he understood or was just trying not to anger Kang Chan was unclear.

"Decisions should be made here and now."

The three men exchanged glances and then turned back to Kang Chan.

“Who’s behind all of this? The Star of David or the DGSE?” Kang Chan asked. He then turned to Romain, seemingly asking him for his answer first.

“Can we talk privately for a moment?” Romain asked.

“Don’t even think about scheming. If you start spewing nonsense, that missile aimed at New York will be redirected to Paris.”

“And you think South Korea will remain safe?”

“Romain, regardless of whether you knew it or not, you were part of the Star of David. From the moment Ambassador Lanok was attacked, France became my enemy.”

Romain threw a defiant look at Kang Chan.

Such laughable defiance.

“You’ve broken all the warnings I gave you. If you believe threatening South Korea’s safety in front of me is wise, I won’t spare France either,” Kang Chan remarked. “Don’t underestimate me, Vasili, Ludwig, the Swiss Intelligence Bureau, and my special forces teams. Such threats only work on those who fear war—on scums like you and France!”

He knew he was pushing his limits and putting South Korea's safety at risk, but he couldn’t afford to be seen as weak in this exchange. In fights where one had to protect something precious, one was always at a disadvantage and often had to face painful outcomes.

If France and South Korea both get hurt, who will suffer more? What would happen if Romain continues to resist? Well, I can just snap his neck, and all of this will be over.

Even if the agents behind him tried to shoot him to death, Kang Chan wasn’t planning to just stand around and get hit, especially with Sherman as a convenient shield.

“Monsieur Kang.”


“I’d like to talk to you in private.”

Romain’s gaze remained unwavering.


Kang Chan turned to Sherman. “Mind if we step out for a moment?”

“Not at all.”

Kang Chan moved toward the plane’s door. The guards lowered their guns and watched cautiously.

The runway was still shrouded in darkness. Seok Kang-Ho and Gérard stood alert. Choi Jong-Il, Woo Hee-Seung, and other agents in suits were positioned near the plane.

Kang Chan had just snapped the neck of the second-in-command of the British intelligence bureau and dragged down the director-general of the DGSE. Nevertheless, the support of his determined men, who seemed ready to pull the trigger at any moment, made him feel confident. Of course, it would be just as much of a burden for Romain.

Following Kang Chan, Romain walked to the front of the SUVs.

“Do you have anything other than coffee?” Kang Chan asked.

“We have black tea.”

“One cup of black tea, please.”

Choi Jong-Il poured a cup of tea and handed it to Romain.

“Cigarette,” Kang Chan ordered.

Seok Kang-Ho offered him a cigarette and lit it.

Although Kang Chan likely seemed arrogant, he was only acting this way to appear authoritative. He wanted to send a clear warning that he had grown in influence within the world of intelligence and shouldn’t be treated like a novice.

Kang Chan also wanted to convey his determination to make anyone who would dare mess with his people or his country face severe consequences. He had learned through experience that in this field, creating the right atmosphere was often more effective than brandishing a weapon.

That was why he truly appreciated the looks and attitudes of Daye, Gérard, and Choi Jong-Il during moments like this.

Kang Chan slowly exhaled smoke, giving Romain a look that said, "Out with it."

“Do you really think you can take on the Star of David?” Romain asked.

“If that’s what you wanted to say, I’m very disappointed.”

“Just answer,” Romain insisted.


“Don’t think I’m afraid of dying, I didn’t know they would target the ambassador,” Romain said. He raised his gaze from the cup to Kang Chan.

Romain glanced around before adding, “In the end, I was used and discarded by the Star of David. Though it sounds like an excuse, if I had planned to eliminate the ambassador, I wouldn’t have brought him to Loriam.”

“So, what are you trying to say?”

Romain’s demeanor made Kang Chan feel a sense of disgust. He had a good idea of what was coming.

“Give me one more chance.”

It was just as he expected.

Seeing Kang Chan’s expression, Romain quickly continued, “Since the Star of David has abandoned me, rather than collapsing quietly, I want to strike where it hurts them most.”

“How can I trust you?”

Romain’s eyes hardened as if his pride was wounded by Kang Chan’s words.

“Why should I bear the burden of you leading the DGSE and causing trouble again? I can end this right here.”

Romain let out a deep sigh.

“Monsieur Kang, you trust the ambassador’s word, don’t you?”

“Stop mentioning him. The more you do, the more I want to snap your neck.”

Gérard’s gaze sharpened as he watched Romain, ready to act at Kang Chan’s signal. Romain looked at Gérard uneasily before refocusing on Kang Chan.

“How about I delegate the power of the DGSE Director-General to you until the ambassador formally instates you in the position, Monsieur Kang?”

He’s going to do what?

Kang Chan tilted his head and smirked.

Does he think I’m an idiot? Even appointing a neighborhood watch captain requires proper procedures, what more delegating the powers of the French DGSE Director-General?

“Although our president must approve of someone’s appointment into a position first, internally, I can delegate my authority to you during a crisis. That way, you’ll know I won’t misuse the DGSE,” Romain said, giving the conversation an unexpected twist.

“Since the ambassador is active again, I’m sure you know that my influence is now limited. Moreover, now that I’ve been discarded by the Star of David, I have nowhere else to go. Given this situation, I’d rather seize a chance to fight for France’s glory with my final effort.”

Is this bastard for real?

The look in Kang Chan’s eyes made Romain sigh quietly. “In a crisis, the Director-General can delegate their authority to one of the assistant directors. Call Hugo at the DGSE and confirm this for yourself. He’ll tell you the same thing.”

Romain handed the untouched paper cup back to Choi Jong-Il and continued, “The authority can only be revoked if I die and the president appoints a new Director-General or if the delegated assistant director returns the power. Those are the only two conditions.”

Kang Chan nodded slowly. “Why go to such lengths?”

“I told you, given the situation, I want to dedicate my final act to the glory of France.”

Kang Chan didn’t want to be deceived again, and he didn’t trust this cunning bastard. Hence, he just watched Romain silently.

“I agree with the ambassador’s decision to appoint you as the commander of this fight, Monsieur Kang. The DGSE and its Director-General’s authority will be a significant asset to you,” Romain declared, his tone noticeably different.

With a bitter smile, he added, “The ambassador probably anticipated this situation when he suggested appointing you as Assistant Director. It’s as if he foresaw this exact moment.”

He seemed to have realized that he was merely a pawn in a larger game.

Damn it!

If Romain’s smile was genuine, then that meant that their roles, whether king, queen, knight, or bishop, made no difference—Kang Chan was also just a piece on the chessboard.

Did Lanok really want this? Was that why he intended to appoint Gérard as the Inspector Director-General?

This was a fight against the Star of David. Kang Chan needed to protect Lanok, Vasili, Yang Bum, and Ludwig. Hence, gaining additional strength wouldn’t be that bad.

Finally reaching a decision, Kang Chan took out his phone and called the DGSE.

- This is Hugo.

These guys never change.

"I’ll put you through to the Director-General. Speak with him."

Without waiting for a response, Kang Chan handed the phone to Romain.

Staring at Kang Chan, Romain raised the phone to his ear and said, “Hugo, it’s the Director-General. Execute operation Glory of France.’ The hero is Deputy Director-General Monsieur Kang. Verify the approval code.”

Listening to Hugo, Romain gazed at the dark runway.

“RCG 8359, FDG 2533.”

After another moment of silence, Romain finally said, “Approved. Please hold on.”

He handed the phone back to Kang Chan, who in turn brought the phone to his ear.

- We are transferring the Director-General's authority to you, Deputy Director-General. Will you accept this responsibility for the glory of France?

These bastards!

They always asked tricky questions to make lying difficult. Refusing here would be even trickier.


- Approved. As of this moment, all information and decisions of the DGSE have been transferred to you, Acting Director-General. It is an honor to serve you, sir.

Feeling as if he were under a spell, Kang Chan took a deep breath. He then suddenly realized that this wasn’t what he had wanted.

“We’ll talk later,” Kang Chan said. He ended the call and looked at Romain.

“From now on, you have to make sure I don’t die,” Romain said.

“Stay at the embassy for now,” Kang Chan replied.

“Got it.”

Romain’s polite reply made Kang Chan feel awkward, but Kang Chan didn’t pay it any attention.

Gérard watched Kang Chan with a strange expression.

“Let’s go inside.”

Romain turned and walked back to the plane, and Kang Chan followed. By the time they had gotten back to the table, Josh was already nowhere to be seen. Romain sat next to Sherman while Kang Chan looked at Ethan, forcing him to reluctantly move to where Josh had been sitting.

Taking his seat, Kang Chan said, “Romain will be staying with me for a while.”

Right after, with a nonchalant expression, Romain casually revealed what had happened outside.

“I’ve transferred the powers of the DGSE Director-General to Monsieur Kang. From now on, any matters regarding the DGSE should be discussed with him.”

Sherman exhaled heavily, looking troubled, while Ethan simply nodded again. Kang Chan thought it was puzzling how Romain had survived for so long as the Director-General of the DGSE.

“Can we leave now?” Ethan asked.

“Ethan, it’s best not to get involved with the Star of David,” Kang Chan warned.

“I’m not like Josh.”

Kang Chan nodded. If he said that Ethan was like Josh, Josh would probably rise from the dead and twist his own neck back to its original position just to prove him wrong.

“Monsieur Kang,” Sherman called, his tone different from before. “I appreciate your strength and decisiveness, but please remember that actions like today will just create more enemies. Try to consider the mediator's position as well.”

“I didn’t want mediation, Sherman. I wanted Josh and Romain handed over.”

“Regardless, handling matters this way resolves nothing.”

Kang Chan looked at him firmly.

“I don’t know how foreign intelligence bureaus have been dealing with the Star of David until now, but don’t expect the same thing from me, especially not when it comes to messing with my people.”

“Monsieur Kang, you don’t understand the true power of the Star of David. Do you think the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia have tolerated them until now because they don’t know how to fight like this?”

Sherman sounded as if he was trying to calm Kang Chan down.

Since Sherman was being reasonable, Kang Chan saw no reason to get angry. However, he had even less reason to change his mind or back down.

“Sherman,” Kang Chan called.

Sherman silently met his gaze.

“You don’t know me any better than you know the Star of David. This is just the beginning. Watch closely and witness how I fight.”

Sherman let out a loud sigh.

“We’ll leave now.”

Kang Chan nodded and stood up.

“Take care on your way back.”

“Good luck.”

After shaking hands with Sherman and Ethan, Kang Chan watched as Romain, with a somber expression, briefly shook hands with the two as well before following Kang Chan out.

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