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Chapter 21: E Rank Exam

Chapter 21: E Rank Exam

Left: Advancement Exam

Right: Examiner Room

Hmm, left or right? Amy told me to go this way, so I'll trust her.

I continue through the hallway, with the right path.

Weird, there is no one here. I thought there would be some kind of guard or barricade but no, it's just a simple wooden hallway.

After some time, I reach the end, where a simple wooden door is located

This place is really simple and unextraordinary...

"Knock, knock, knock"

Time to wait for a response...

Immediately afterwards, unexpected by Arthur, there is a response.

"Derrick if that's you, I already told you I don't want to be the Guildmaster!"

Huh- Derrick must be the Guildmaster of this Adventurer's Guild Branch. Though he was just a regular adventurer from the way he acted.

"No response? Must not be Derrick then. You can come in."

Oh, I was lost in my thoughts for too long. This is a really bad habit of mine, I should fix it.

I open the door and see a thin old gray haired man sitting on a chair reading a blue book. In a large, well furnished room with many empty desks and another door in the back of the room.

Woah, the magical energy exuding out of his body is amazing and he seems to be reading a book about water magic... he must be a mage, and a very powerful one at that!

Then, he looks up from his book and stares intensely at me.

"I've never seen you here before, you must be a new adventurer who can't read. That's fine, I'll let it go this time. Go back and take a left instead of a right, or just follow where the other adventurers are heading, you'll be set on the correct path for the advancement exam."

Seeing how he's the only one in this room and has been given the chance to be branch leader, he must be the head examiner.

"What are you doing just standing there? Do you not know how to speak Aegel?"

"Oh, I apologize, I was lost in my thoughts again. I'm in a hurry to take the advancement exam. I need to get an E rank as quickly as possible."

"Look, you're going to have to wait in line with the other adventurers to take it. Everyone's in a hurry, you aren't the only one. Now leave me and let me read my book in peace."

He returns to his book.

What should I do? Oh right, Amy gave me a special stamp!

"Sir, Amy sent me and gave me special permission to skip the line."

"Amy? Ah, that young receptionist. Vincent's little sister. Come to think of it, you kind of look alike, are the two of you related?"

He says without looking up from his book.

Why is he making small talk?

"No, I don't think so..."

"Okay, do you have the golden stamp?"

He closes his book.

"Yes, I have it right here."

I hold out my adventurer's ID

"Bring it here."

I walk over to him and carefully hand it to him.

He takes it out of my hands with precision and swiftness. He adjusts his glasses before carefully examine the ID.

A minute passes.

What's taking him so long???

He takes off his glasses and hands me the ID back.

"This is without a doubt, Amy's carving. The stamp is also real."

It worked! Thank you Amy, I'll be sure to bring you tons of candy next time.

"So, can I skip the line?"

"Yeah, yeah, someone take him to the examination grounds."

I look around.

Who is he speaking to? There's no one else in the room.

"Right, no one's here. I guess I'll take you myself then."

He softly sighs.

What? Did he just sigh!?! How is this guy the head examiner?

"What are you doing? Follow me."

He is already at the back door.

I need better situational awareness.

"Right, I'm coming.

I catch up to him and when I do, he opens the door and reveals a hallway the exact same as the one it took to get there.

He casts some kind of water disc under his feet and begins to hover across the air at high speeds.

How cool will I be able to do that eventually?

I ran to keep up with him.

"Listen to me F rank, my name is Blaine Aquafield. Since there are no examiners other than me who are free, I will be examining you. For the E rank advancement, all you need to do is show that you have, and can use mana. Simple enough right? For swordsmen, just imbue your sword with mana and for mages, cast any spell."

"Huff, huff, yes sir, huff-"

"You have pretty good stamina and agility for a mage."

Why does he keep making small talk? I'm barely able to keep up with him. Why and how is he going so fast?

Eventually, he releases his water disc.

"We're here."

Finally, I can rest.

I gasp for air as I lay down on the floor.

"You've done a good job keeping up with me."

"Huff- Huff- Huff- t- thank you. Huff- huff-"

He stays silent for a few seconds just staring at me.

"Okay! That should be enough time to rest, let's go!"

This guy is a demon! Just let me rest!

He opens the door and reveals the sun as we walk out onto a balcony. Under the balcony, there are several platforms where Adventurers are sparring against A rank examiners.

On the balcony, there are a few people wearing something like examiner clothing.

They must be Examiner assistants.

When they notice him, they immediately take a deep bow before returning to their surveillance on the examinees.

Hey, this feels like that one time with Dustin-

He randomly asks one of the examiner assistants.

"Are there any empty arenas available?"

The anxious examiner assistant stumbles on his words.

"O-oh I think t- there might be an empty one in s- section two. I- It's an honor to meet- meet you sir."

"Alright thanks."

He waves at me to come over.

"Follow me, we're going down to the empty arena.

I quickly follow after him.

He casts some kind of water shield above in a shape that deflects the sunlight.

"The sun is bad for my skin."

We arrive at the empty plate that has a barrier and he continues to keep the water umbrella over his head.

"Okay, now show me some magic."

"I have a question for the examiner, why couldn't we do this inside the building? The building is protected by a barrier."

"Are my desks protected by a barrier? Are my papers protected by a barrier? ARE MY PLANTS PROTECTED BY A BARRIER?"

He mutters something.

"Actually, my plants are, I made a barrier protecting them myself.

"Oh... I hadn't thought of that, so I apologize.

This guy's crazy, it's not like my magic was going to become unstable and explode! I'm not a novice mage! Oh wait, I am.

"Stop wasting time F rank, now show me some magic."

2nd circle Solar Imaginary Technique, Dawn! Lets just shorten it to Dawn next time.

Dawn appears above my head.

"There, can I get my E rank tag now?"

"What a weird looking fireball, but no, if it was that easy, then the law would change nothing since most nobles could use mana already. Survive three of my attacks and show me that you are strong enough. I don't care if you dodge it, block it, or send it to another dimension. Show me that you can survive."

He begins to move backwards and makes some space between us.

"First attack."

He begins to chant in the mystical language.

He summons three swirling balls of water.

Is that a water ball?

They suddenly shoot out like a beam.

No! That's a water cannon!

They all shoot out at once and I nimbly dodge two while blocking the other with Dawn.

"Second attack."

He chants in the mystical language

Damn, is he not giving me a break? Well, this was expected.

He falls down to the floor and holds the floor.

Is he... surrendering?

I feel the ground beneath me rumble.

I need to move now!

I instinctively jump out of the way just before a huge water pillar rises out of the ground like a water geyser.

Holy crap, that was way too close. I almost got hit by that! Is he seriously trying to kill me? If that was just the second attack, then the third attack will be astronomically stronger! I can't win, I should just find another way to get the Red Dragon Flower, everything will be lost if I die!

"Final attack."

He doesn't chant

Damn it, if he's not chanting then it means he has a perfectly clear image of the spell in his head, how many times has he casted that spell in order to cast it without chanting!

He reaches out his right hand and points his palm towards me.

It seems to be some kind of giant beam attack! I can't dodge it, I have to block it! But I can't do it without my sword!

Suddenly, a thought springs into my mind.

I just need to counter it with a giant beam of my own! His spell seems to be a 6th circle spell and to counter it, I'll need at least a 7th circle spell that I imagined, Solar Death Ray, but I am limited by the amount of circles that I have. All I can do is a weak 2nd circle imitation of the spell.

I summon a small swirling ball of flames. While looking down, seemingly having lost my will to fight.

I imagine him making a face of disappointment.

It seems you were not able to live up to my expectations. Still, you still did great up until this point.

I summoned another one.

Two won't change the outcome.

Then two more appear.


Then four more appear, then eight, then sixteen, multiplying rapidly before my eyes. My composure cracks as the flames continue to swell in number.

This... this... is impossible! How can this be!?!?! How can a second circle have so much mana!?!?!

The entire sky becomes a canvas of flames, each one blazing fiercely, like a multitude of stars in the night sky. The sheer number, the radiant heat, it's all overwhelming.

Hehehe, I may be limited by my number of circles, but my mana is not one of my limitations! I'll call this move, Daybreak!

This is my Victory, Blaine Aquafield!

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