
Chapter 2159: Changing Reality Into The Intangible

Lu Yin studied the figurine for a while, and he gradually developed a bit of understanding regarding it. It seemed that God of Flames’ mind really had been erased during his transformation. Regardless of whether it took on the form of a candle or a wax figurine, what remained constant was that Lu Yin could manipulate and almost perfectly merge with the practically endless runes as though they were his own.

Lu Yin\'s eyes were glowing, as this was quite intriguing. God of Flames had been a peak Envoy, and if Lu Yin was able to freely manipulate God of Flames’ runes, then it meant that Lu Yin’s mastery of Truesight was enough for him to go against a peak Envoy head on.

Even though he already did not fear experts with power levels of over a million due to the power that he had inherited from Progenitor Chen, more combat strength was never a bad thing.

In essence, this wax figurine was a rune generator for Lu Yin. Even if he left the Fifth Mainland, he would be able to manipulate and control the runes of a peak Envoy, and that was even before Lu Yin used any of his personal strength or power.

This would give him a wonderful means of keeping his own strength hidden, which would be extremely useful when he visited the Perennial World.

As the scenery changed before his eyes, Lu Yin left his Timestop Space, and he quickly pulled out the mirror so that he could speak with Progenitor Smoke.

"Senior, please come out. I need to ask you for some advice." Lu Yin entered the pocket dimension within the mirror and softly called out.

The woman’s impatient voice emerged from the fog. "We’ll talk later."

Lu Yin gave a dry laugh. "There’s no one else who can offer me guidance in the current universe other than you. Even during the Heavens Sect era, there might not have been anyone better qualified. After all, thinking is your specialty."

Some while later, Progenitor Smoke finally appeared, her white clothes fluttering about as she stared at Lu Yin with her beautiful eyes that radiated her overbearing status. "I\'m very busy right now, so hurry up."

She then looked down at the wax figurine standing on Lu Yin’s shoulder, and she seemed surprised to see it. "What’s that? A little person?"

"Is there a miniature race of humans?" Lu Yin felt a bit confused.

Progenitor Smoke rolled her eyes. "I have no idea! What the hell do you have here? It doesn’t seem to have a consciousness."

Lu Yin briefly shared the story of how the figurine had come to be.

Progenitor Smoke’s mouth hung open when Lu Yin finished. "That’s actually possible? What in the world was Old Fu studying?"

"You didn\'t know about this?" Lu Yin asked.

"I had no clue. Old Fu was always a quiet person who kept to himself, never doing anything other than reading his books. Other than Hui Wen, no one bothered to pay attention to Old Fu. He was just a boring guy who never actually did anything. Compared to him, even Ku Jie acted like a normal person.

"Right, you said that you want some advice, right? Is it about this little doll?"

Lu Yin grew solemn as he asked, "I would like to ask you, Senior. Was there anyone from my Lu family who practiced Truesight back then?"

Progenitor Smoke nodded. "Yes, Lu Jian."

Lu Yin\'s eyes lit up. "Who was he? A member of the direct line?"

Progenitor Smoke was intrigued by Lu Yin’s knowledge. "How did you know that? Did your little doll tell you?"

"This thing doesn’t have any intelligence at all," Lu Yin said, "Please tell me about Lu Jian, Senior."

Progenitor Smoke thought for a moment. "Lu Jian was Uncle Lu Feng\'s younger brother, and they were indeed true brothers. Lu Jian was a bit arrogant, and he always had a strong sense of pride. He was older than us, but we were all pretty close in age. He liked following Old Fu around, especially after Ku Jie beat him up. After that, Lu Jian was almost always with Old Fu.”

"And you are absolutely right, he was a direct descendant of your Lu family."

"Then what about his cultivation? How high was his mastery of Truesight?" Lu Yin asked eagerly.

Progenitor Smoke frowned. "I didn’t know him that well. The rest of us were all becoming Progenitors one after another, but I remember that he was always a Semi-Progenitor. Actually, Hui Wen said that the guy would never be able to become a Progenitor. Something about his will not being steeled enough. Lu Jian wasn’t the only person from your Lu family who was competing with all of us back then, but unfortunately, all of the others were eventually wiped out. Also, Uncle Lu Feng didn’t have any children at that time, as all of his kids were born after we were all already Semi-Progenitors.”

"Even though your Lu family controlled the entire Fifth Mainland, the members of your family have always struggled to produce children, and any who are born are either born very early in life, or very late. Uncle Lu Feng was part of the older generation, being born very early in his parents’ lives, and Lu Jian was born very late in their lives. The two were actually brothers, but they weren’t even from the same era, let alone the same generation."

Lu Yin understood. This explained why no one from the Lu family had controlled any of the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas aside from Patriarch Lu Tianyi. Was it possible that the Lu family had not produced anyone during Progenitor Chen’s era who could compete with the other geniuses who had become Progenitors?

"Even though Hui Wen claimed that Lu Jian would never be able to become a Progenitor, he was still very strong for his level. He was even able to compete with Xia Shang and Ku Jie for a while," Progenitor Smoke recalled. She looked at Lu Yin as she continued to say, "As you should already know, the members of your Lu family are usually pretty talented, and if they also have a Champions’ Stage, very few people are able to stand up to them. That’s why Lu Jian was confident enough to challenge Ku Jie, and even if he ended up losing, he made Ku Jie work for it."

"Senior, do you think that the Champions’ Stage that Patriarch Lu Tianyi left behind might be Lu Jian?" Lu Yin asked.

Progenitor Smoke’s head snapped up, and she stared at Lu Yin for a moment. "That sounds pretty far-fetched, but it’s not impossible. Actually, how else could one of your family’s Champions’ Stages just show up without any explanation? I’ve never heard of anything like it before."

Lu Yin also felt it was a possibility. He even planned to go see if he could activate the Champions’ Stage with Truesight.

"I wonder, are you Lu Jian\'s descendant, or Uncle Lu Feng\'s?" Progenitor Smoke suddenly commented as she looked Lu Yin up and down. "I wonder if Lu Jian could be your ancestor."

Lu Yin was taken aback, as he had never considered such a possibility.

"Hahahaha, it would be pretty funny if your ancestor was actually Lu Jian," Progenitor Smoke said with a smile.

Lu Yin replied, "That’s not very likely. From what I’ve learned from people who knew them, there was only one direct line of the Lu family in the Perennial World."

"Well, maybe Uncle Lu Feng didn’t have any kids back then?"

"Senior, you just told me yourself that he had a child when you were a Semi-Progenitor."

"Still, you could be Lu Jian\'s descendant, right? Even if Lu Jian lost his cultivation, his children would still be direct descendants of the Lu family. Uncle Lu Feng might not have had any descendants."

Lu Yin stared at Progenitor Smoke, speechless. "Senior, are you actually hoping for me to be Lu Jian\'s descendant?"

Progenitor Smoke blinked. "It’d be more interesting that way, right?"

Lu Yin had no desire to continue this conversation, so he left the pocket dimension within the mirror and made his way towards Earth, which was where the Champions’ Stage had been left.

The Champions’ Stage had been left at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Twenty years ago, when there had been a very valid threat that Aeternus would defeat humanity, everyone had moved closer to Earth so that they could be closer to Jupiter and a possible escape route. Even though the threat had been removed, there were still many people in this region of the universe.

During the twenty years that Lu Yin had been missing for, Arch-Elder Zen had examined the Champions’ Stage on several different occasions, but he had never had any success at all. Despite knowing that the Champions\' Stage had been left behind by Progenitor Lu Tianyi, Arch-Elder Zen had no idea how to activate it.

Lu Yin stared at the Champions’ Stage in the Pacific Ocean for a moment and then took it away. Earth was too small and fragile for him to run any tests, as even the slightest shockwave or accident could shatter the entire planet. It was best to take the Champions’ Stage into outer space to test it out.

He soon arrived at a mountain peak within the Heavens Sect, and once it was clear that no one was nearby, Progenitor Smoke appeared and looked around questioningly. "When Hui Wen first started approaching all of us and asking us to leave behind some of our power to protect the Fifth Mainland from any possible future threats, or at least allow some people to survive, Senior Lu Tianyi was the first to agree, and he left this Champions’ Stage behind.

"From that moment on, there was no longer any news of Lu Jian. Before that, we’d occasionally hear something now and then, but the more I think back to that time, the more likely I feel that this Champions’ Stage might really be Lu Jian."

Lu Yin grew emotional as he said, "Even though Progenitor Hui wasn’t capable of divination or anything like that, he still was able to see through the years and predict what would happen. His intelligence really did exceed most people’s."

Progenitor Smoke just sneered. "Success gets a person labeled as brilliant, while failure labels them as paranoid. It’s all about the spin that gets put on things. Hui Wen was actually pretty unreliable, so let\'s not talk about him any more. What are you going to do with this Champions’ Stage?"

Lu Yin took a deep breath. "If this really is the result of someone using Truesight, then the only way to activate it will be with Truesight as well."

Lu Yin had considered Enhancing the wax figurine that was left of God of Flames again, but the man had been a peak Envoy. On the other hand, if this Champions’ Stage really had once been Lu Jian, then he had been a Semi-Progenitor at the least, and a Semi-Progenitor from the Lu family at that. Lu Yin could not even begin to guess how much it would cost to Enhance the wax figurine until it surpassed the power of a Semi-Progenitor.

Lu Yin’s pupils then transformed into runes as he stared at the Champions’ Stage.

He had used Truesight to examine the Champions’ Stage before, but unfortunately, his mastery of the cultivation method had been too low in the past, and he had been unable to observe anything at all. However, he had reached the Infinity realm of Truesight now, and this time, Lu Yin saw something completely different when he looked at the Champions’ Stage.

Truesight did not reveal a Champions’ Stage to Lu Yin, but rather a mass of solidified runes. Lu Yin waved a hand to disperse some of the runes.

Next to him, Progenitor Smoke was surprised to see that the appearance of the Champions’ Stage suddenly changed, and it miraculously looked brand new. Its previously aged and decrepit look had disappeared, and it now looked sharp and rather more useful.

She blinked. Old Fu had always been able to make a mess of things. When he had become a Progenitor, the flood of runes that had spread across the entire Fifth Mainland had shocked everyone, including Patriarch Lu Tianyi. These runes were not something that could really be regarded as a cultivation method, as it was more like a complete civilization. The faith of the people who used Truesight had raised Old Fu to essentially become a god.

The moment Old Fu became a Progenitor, practically no one within his realm had been able to stand up to him. No one knew just how powerful Old Fu had become after becoming a Progenitor, but it was possible that he had become comparable to even Xia Shang.

While Progenitor Smoke was thinking about such things, the Champions’ Stage in front of her rose up, manipulated by Lu Yin. He stared at it and said, "With my name, I summon a champion."

As soon as Lu Yin spoke, a figure appeared, emerging from the void. It was a tall person, at least ten meters tall with a ferocious expression. There was a 100-meter long spear in the champion’s hand, and an aura swept out in all directions. It was a terrifying power that startled Lu Buzheng and the other powerhouses.

It was not that the aura was overly powerful, as it was not at the level of a Semi-Progenitor, but rather the overflowing bloodlust and killing intent. It was so excessive that it was possible to faintly detect the scent of blood.

"A blood giant?" Progenitor Smoke was surprised.

Lu Yin stared at the ten-meter tall champion in front of him, as well as the 100-meter long spear it wielded. This champion was clearly a giant, though he seemed to have been one of the lesser giants. This champion had a power level of more than a million, and summoning this champion caused stellular energy to flood out from Lu Yin’s body.

He immediately canceled the champion, and the Champions’ Stage returned to its original aged and decrepit appearance as it smashed down onto the mountain peak with a bang.

It worked. Lu Yin was incredibly excited, as this was great news: it had really worked.

It was indeed possible to use Truesight to transform reality into the intangible. It was possible to transform into an innate gift. The existence of the manifested Champions’ Stage was proof of concept.

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