
Chapter 2125: The Daosource Sect Incident

That thought led to another: just who would be wasteful enough to make a slipper like this? And that wasn’t even mentioning the blackened footprint inside it. The five clear toe prints completely grossed Lu Yin out. It made him feel like he was handling a big man’s dirty feet.

With her power reaching the Semi-Progenitor level, Progenitor Smoke’s mood improved drastically, as long as no one mentioned slippers. "Junior, show me around the universe. After being trapped for so long, I have no idea how things have developed. Also, look for the Mountains and Seas."

"You want to find the Mountain and Sea you controlled?" Lu Yin asked.

Progenitor Smoke nodded, and she suddenly looked a bit down. "It’s my home."

Lu Yin agreed. "Sure, but can you give this junior a bit of time to deal with some tasks?"

"Do as you wish. I’m very curious to see how things have developed, so I’ll watch what you do. You said that you’re the current Dao Chosen of the new Heavens Sect and that you control the entire Fifth Mainland, so watching you will give me the best understanding of what’s happening in the Fifth Mainland."

Over the next few days, Lu Yin showed Progenitor Smoke around the Heavens Sect and Earth. Even though they had not spent much time together, Lu Yin had already gotten to know Progenitor Smoke much better. She hid nothing, and her personality was very open. After these few days, Lu Yin finally understood the description that Yun Tingting had used to describe the Progenitor.

The records left behind by the founder of the Smokecloud Sect had commented on how Progenitor Smoke\'s defining characteristic was that she was a maniac. When first hearing that, Lu Yin had wondered exactly what it meant, but after spending time with the woman, he understood that her mania was related to the power she had created. As Progenitor Smoke saw the outside universe, everything that she saw, she related back to her self-created power of wei.

She had claimed that she could replace the meridians within a human body with her own wei energy and even replace a stellular energy vortex to instantly create an Envoy. Lu Yin had not really believed the woman at that time, but then he had watched her take an ordinary person with no cultivation and instantly raised them to the Enlighter realm. By replacing that person’s meridians so that they could cultivate her own wei, she completely transformed a normal person.

While the substitute meridians would eventually disappear, they were able to endure for at least a few days.

According to Progenitor Smoke, at her peak, she had been able to create Envoys. Where she had lived on her Mountain and Sea, she had kept no servants, as there had been no need. All of the mundane issues were handled by puppets that she had created with the strength of an Envoy.

No matter if it was a human, an astral beast, or an object, her wei had been able to place an alternate stellular energy vortex within it.

This was absolutely terrifying.

According to Lu Buzheng, Progenitor Smoke would have been an exceptional Progenitor even during the Heavens Sect era.

Aside from her simplicity, there was another characteristic to Progenitor Smoke that drove Lu Yin crazy: she loved compliments and flattery. The more obsequious the flattery, the happier the woman was to hear it, and the happier she became, the more willing she was to tell Lu Yin about the Daosource Sect era.

For example, his ancestor, Lu Tianyi, had defeated the Celestial Frost Sect’s Bai Wangyuan on several occasions. The Rune Progenitor had been someone who had only become an exceptional cultivator later on in life. When Progenitor Chen, Progenitor Hui, and many of the others had already become famous throughout the Fifth Mainland, the Rune Progenitor had still been studiously copying texts in a sect. Then there was ancient gossip, such as the fact that Progenitor Ku had loved a certain woman, but had never revealed who it was or even confessed to the woman. Also, Lu Yin learned more about the relationship between Xia Shang and Wang Xiaoyu.

"That idiot Xia Shang was too infatuated, and he’s even got a bit of a poet’s melodramatic side. He actually got sick from standing in the rain all day staring at those red flowers," Progenitor Smoke spat disdainfully. She sounded quite resentful.

Lu Yin found it a bit odd. Did she like Progenitor Chen too?

"What’s with that look? Let me tell you something. Honestly, the fact that you’re cultivating Xia Shang\'s power leaves me very uncomfortable, so be careful when speaking to me." Progenitor Smoke glared at Lu Yin as she spoke.

Lu Yin quickly poured on the flattery. "This junior understands. From the invincible power that you possessed at your peak, it seems like Senior should have been the most powerful back then. You must have been seen as a goddess who held the hearts of countless people. By the way, the person that Progenitor Ku cared for might have even been you, Senior. But due to his sense of inferiority, he was probably worried that you didn’t feel the same, and he didn’t dare say anything."

Progenitor Smoke\'s eyes lit up, and she patted Lu Yin’s head. "You’re right! Why didn\'t I think of that? No wonder every time I saw Ku Jie, he looked so serious, and I always felt like he was trying to hide something."

Lu Yin hurriedly continued stroking the woman’s ego. "It sounds like that must be right. You must have been the one that Progenitor Ku cared for, but his low self-esteem kept him from ever expressing himself."

Progenitor Smoke sighed. "If I had known about it back then, I wouldn\'t have made fun of him that one time. You know, that guy lived a miserable life, so it\'s only normal for him to have low self-esteem. Still, don\'t look down on him. Ku Jie, Xia Shang, Bai Wangyuan, and Wang Fan were all from the same time, and there wasn’t much of an age difference between them. There were a lot of impressively talented people from that era, and all of them became outstanding Progenitors. There were a lot of other talented people as well, but as far as I know, many of them were beaten up by Ku Jie, including direct descendants of your own Lu family. In particular, there was a haughty man named Lu Jian who lost to him."

"What happened?" Lu Yin was curious. Even the Ku family knew almost nothing about Progenitor Ku\'s life.

Progenitor Smoke nodded. "You know, all of them were arrogant in their own power, and they were an entire generation that rose up to lead the Daosource Sect, so it was only natural for them to compete with each other. In the end, Xia Shang stood above all the others and was completely invincible in combat, though Bai Wangyuan, Wang Fan, Lu Jian, and the others were just a bit behind him. Old Fu was practically a stiff, always studying his poetry and books. Ku Jie was the only person who continued to silently chase after Xia Shang, but who believed that he could do it?

"Also, you can’t forget about that sneak Hui Wen. He constantly made sarcastic comments whenever he wasn’t busy, and he always said that there were only a few people who deserved to be acknowledged by him, and Ku Jie was on that list. Ku Jie never said anything, but after Hui Wen said that, the others all looked to pick a fight with him. As for the results, neither side would ever acknowledge anything, but it was apparent enough when they all started avoiding him.

"If you want my opinion, if not for the fact that Ku Jie always stayed so far out of the spotlight, he would have stolen all of Xia Shang’s glory."

Lu Yin quickly asked, "Did Progenitor Chen ever fight against Progenitor Ku?"

Progenitor Smoke thought for a bit. "I guess that they must have, but even if they did, they kept it a secret. Xia Shang made a point to never mention his own embarrassing shit, while Ku Jie would never say anything at all. Even if those two beat each other senseless, no one would know.

"Back then, the biggest scandal involving Xia Shang was that he was hunted by the Daosource Sect. He used the Nine Clones Secret Technique, and one of his clones became a colossal giant which caused a lot of mayhem and even Patriarch Lu Tianyi was so pissed that he ordered his arrest. He also mentioned that no one from the older generations was allowed to step in, but no one from the same generation could do anything to Xia Shang…"

Lu Yin found it fascinating to hear about stories of the Daosource Sect era from Progenitor Smoke. Eventually, he was not the only one listening to the woman’s stories, as Kui Luo, Lu Buzheng, Ku Wei, and many others also went to listen. Even Silver showed up with his ever present smile.

Time continued to pass in this manner for half a month, during which time Lu Yin and the others learned a great deal about the Daosource Sect era. Only the arrival of Aurora Fortress broke the routine they had all settled into.

"I greet Alliance Leader Lu." Director Zhi quickly bowed when he saw Lu Yin.

To the man’s side, Zhi Shao also offered a bow. "I greet Alliance Leader Lu."

Many people still called Lu Yin Alliance Leader Lu, all of whom had been members of the original Great Eastern Alliance. As for people who came along later on, they typically referred to Lu Yin as Dao Chosen Lu.

Lu Yin still preferred to be called Alliance Leader Lu. "It’s been quite a long time, Director Zhi."

The older man sighed. "Despite the passage of twenty years, I see that after all this time, Alliance Leader Lu hasn’t changed a bit. You look as young as ever."

Lu Yin smiled. "That’s just because I didn’t experience the passing of these twenty years. I actually traveled through time and space before I showed up."

Director Zhi and Zhi Shao both stared at Lu Yin with wide eyes. They had never even heard of such a thing, and most people in the Fifth Mainland were ignorant of what Lu Yin had lived through. "Alliance Leader Lu, what does that mean?"

Lu Yin just smiled. "I’m quite sure that your Aurora Enterprises must have studied time and space, so just understand that I traveled twenty years through time. Basically, while twenty years have passed since you last saw me, Director Zhi, from my perspective, it’s only been a bit more than half a year since we last met."

Director Zhi was shocked. "You traveled twenty years through time? How?"

"Haha, let’s talk while we move," Lu Yin answered with a smile. He was not trying to show off. The Origin Progenitor’s sword was something that had always been a matter of public knowledge, so there was no need for Lu Yin to hide it.

After all, as long as the Seven Skygods themselves did not appear in the Fifth Mainland, there was no one that Lu Yin needed to fear. Even if the Sixth Mainland’s three Progenitors were still around, Lu Yin was confident that the power he had inherited from Progenitor Chen was more than enough to deal with those three.

Progenitor Chen\'s reputation for being peerless and invincible provided Lu Yin with utter confidence.

It was that same reputation that had been the reason why Xia Ji had focused his breakthrough to the Progenitor realm on Progenitor Chen. Xia Ji could not believe that Progenitor Chen could ever be defeated. It was a matter of faith. How could Xia Shang ever be defeated in combat?

However, when Lu Yin had broken through to become an Envoy, he had defeated a manifestation of Progenitor Chen at the same cultivation realm as him, which had struck a terrible blow to Xia Ji’s faith in his ancestor. This had become the primary reason why Xia Ji could not coexist with Lu Yin.

Lu Yin entered Aurora Fortress. "This place really hasn’t changed much at all."

Director Zhi replied, "The Three Fatalities Heavenly Gate was not too harsh on my Aurora Fortress, as long as we delivered the promised microarray equipment on time."

Lu Yin smiled. "Is that a reminder, Director Zhi?"

"I wouldn’t dare to be so presumptuous."

Lu Yin soon saw Biao Zi again, who was the lead engineer for Aurora Enterprises. He was the man who had made the first modified universal armor for Lu Yin that incorporated microarray technology. Additionally, Lu Yin met with Realm Array Master Xuan, Wan Gong, Blaze Engineer, and many other people.

With the passage of twenty years, some people had grown old, while others looked the same as before.

"Master Xuan, you’ve worked hard." Lu Yin addressed Realm Array Master Xuan. Twenty years was not a long time for cultivators, but Master Xuan clearly looked much older.

Despite his aged face, the man remained vigorous and spirited, and he smiled at Lu Yin. "It hasn’t been difficult, as this time has proven very fulfilling."

Lu Yin was surprised, and he glanced over at Director Zhi.

Director Zhi gestured for Lu Yin to follow, and he then led Lu Yin into the deepest regions of Aurora Fortress. "Alliance Leader Lu, in addition to simply producing more microarrays, it’s been very important to research how to utilize and combine microarrays with alternate methods. This is what Master Xuan is most passionate about, and it was also how we have managed to retain a Realm Array Master for this project."

Lu Yin was surprised. "Combining microarrays?"

Director Zhi answered solemnly, "This was something that was suggested by Gatemaster Hen Xin. Do you know why he took my Aurora Enterprises under his Three Fatalities Heavenly Gate? It was all because of the fact that, during the Heavens Sect era, someone had already come up with microarray technology. They had even succeeded in combining and integrating it with other methods."

Lu Yin immediately remembered the microarray that he had taken from Bai Shaohong that had held three Void Rip attacks. The entire reason why Wan Gong had successfully finished his research into microarray technology had been due to the inspiration that he had received from that microarray. Lu Yin wondered if the Celestial Frost Sect had already studied myriad uses of the microarrays.

That was why, after the army from the Perennial World had been captured, Lu Yin had tasked people with investigating the matter while also questioning people like Yu Chen, Liu Shaoge, and Elder Xi Zi. The only thing that Lu Yin had been absolutely certain about was that someone had already developed microarray technology before the current era.

"Are you saying that Hen Xin understands the uses of microarray technology?" Lu Yin asked solemnly.

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