
Chapter 1908: Higher Pursuits

“Burp~~, what\'s the matter Little Seven?” Big Sis sounded sluggish when she answered the call. More precisely, she sounded drunk.

Lu Yin spoke cautiously, "Big Sis, um, what do you think about becoming an overseer?"

Big Sis belched again. "What a stupid idea. Becoming an overseer means losing my freedom. Mt. Microcosms isn’t fit for human habitation.”

Lu Yin was left without any response to give. Big Sis was basically cursing the Hall of Honor. "Well, the overseers aren’t actually controlled too much, and you can head out if you want. There’s no need to actually stay on Mt. Microcosms.”

"Head out? You think I’m stupid? Why would someone leave? It’s hard to become an overseer, so obviously it’d be best to stay on Mt. Microcosms to dominate others and enjoy the respect that comes with such a status. Only idiots would leave." Big Sis shared some thoughts she had buried her heart as she spoke incoherently.

"So you mean you agree to become an overseer?"

"Are you drunk? When did I agree?"

"Didn\'t you say that you want to stay on Mt. Microcosms to dominate others and enjoy holding a position of respect? Don\'t worry, tons of people will show you their respect."

"Don\'t try to tempt me. This lady doesn’t want to be respected, I want to rob people. This is the glorious tradition of Leon\'s Armada!"

"Fine, if you stay in Mt. Microcosms, you can rob people, if that’s what you want. Just don\'t go too far."

"You really are an idiot! Why didn’t you just stay at Mt. Microcosms and wait for others to offer you their respects? You’re so stupid. How did you manage to survive until now and even win that war? Ridiculous."

Lu Yin angrily hung up. Only an idiot would try to discuss things with a drunk. He decided to call her back later.

One day later, Lu Yin\'s gadget beeped. Big Sis was calling him.

"Little Seven, why do I have the feeling you hung up on me?" Big Sis immediately asked.

Lu Yin said firmly, "Nope, wouldn’t happen. I would never dare hang up on you, Big Sis.”

"You didn’t?" Big Sis wondered. "Didn’t you call me yesterday?"

"I did call you, but you hung up on me, Big Sis. Think about it, not even a Semi-Progenitor would dare hang up on you. It’s absolutely impossible for me to do that. Just think about it." Lu Yin was getting nervous.

Big Sis remained suspicious and muttered to herself for a while. "Whatever. What did we talk about?"

Lu Yin blew out a long breath of relief. "We were talking about you wanting to become an overseer."

"That’s dumb. I’ve never considered becoming an overseer. Don\'t think I become some idiot when I\'m drunk," Big Sis admonished.

Lu Yin put on his best salesperson tone. "You said being an overseer on Mt. Microcosms would mean that you can make demands of others and enjoy holding a respectable position."

Big Sis was taken aback for a moment. She vaguely remembered saying something along those lines.

"You also said that it’s a superior method of robbery. It’s civilized, family-friendly, elegant, and elevates your life goals. You’ll soon surpass Highsage Leon and become the next pirate king."

Lu Yin’s enthusiasm started to infect Big Sis. "Did I really say all that?"

"Who else would have such ambitious goals?" Lu Yin flipped the question.

Big Sis swallowed. Her eyes started to shine. Surpassing Highsage Leon and becoming the Pirate King with a superior form of looting. Yep, that was definitely something she had said. "Alright, I agree. I’ll have a fun time being an overseer."

Lu Yin was overjoyed. "Thank you, Big Sis! You’ll definitely leave your legacy behind on Mt. Microcosms."

"Hahahaha, what nonsense are you spouting? I am a lady!" Big Sis beamed.

Lu Yin flattered her a bit more before saying goodbye and then letting out a sigh of relief. It was done.

Just outside, Ku Wei had been about to submit a report, but his expression had turned somber after overhearing Lu Yin’s conversation with Big Sis. Ku Wei was truly unable to compare to his master in any way. Even when it came to kissing ass, his master was more impressive.

"Who is it?" Lu Yin called out.

Ku Wei\'s expression instantly changed. "Master, it’s your beloved Little Wei!" he announced as he entered the room.

In the Neoverse, on Mt. Microcosms, someone emerged from the Arbitration World, which drew the attention of Mt. Microcosms’ protectors. The man who had appeared was Qing Shaohuang.

During the chaos in the Divine Venom Dynasty, Qing Shaohuang had been taken away by the Chief Justice to be put to trial. In the end, though the emperor had not been convicted of colluding with the Neohuman Alliance, there was no denying that Yuan Taishi had been his subordinate. Qing Shaohuang had been interrogated, and ultimately banned from ruling Venom Flowzone for the rest of his life. He was instead being sent to the Starfall Sea to serve as a guard for 10,000 years.

Having even a passing association to the crime of colluding with the Neohuman Alliance was still a serious offense, and this was why it was practically impossible for Qing Shaohuang, despite having a power level of nearly 800,000, to remain unpunished. This demonstrated the Hall of Honor’s attitude towards the Neohuman Alliance, and Qing Shaohuang was only being allowed to live because they could not find any motive for him to join hands with the Neohuman Alliance. If even a single shred of evidence had been found, Qing Shaohuang would have been instantly eliminated, even if things were later proven to be false.

Another reason he was being sent to serve at the defensive line was due to the manpower shortage in the Starfall Sea.

"Depart for the Starfall Sea," a voice rumbled from Qing Shaohuang\'s own shadow. It was the Judicial Commissioner, Shadow of Death. He was responsible for ensuring Qing Shaohuang arrived at the Starfall Sea.

"Judicial Commissioner, may I first see my son?" Qing Shaohuang asked.

“Do so quickly.”

"Thank you, Judicial Commissioner," Qing Shaohuang said gratefully. He contacted Qing Sheng, who was still in the Lockbreakers World.

Qing Shaohuang’s trial had already finished long ago. After he had been found innocent of any collusion, he had been imprisoned. However, he had not been kept isolated from news of the universe. He had managed to determine Qing Sheng’s location, and had also been following along with what had been happening with the Great Eastern Alliance.

Qing Shaohuang had been arrested and investigated entirely because of Lu Yin, so the Envoy had constantly been paying close attention to the Great Eastern Alliance.

He had been ecstatic when he had first heard that the Great Eastern Alliance was going to take over the defense of the Outerverse against the Astral Beast Domain’s invasion. As an Envoy, he had fought in wars against the Astral Beast Domain, so he was aware that they were not an easy opponent. He had thus believed that the Great Eastern Alliance would suffer terrible losses regardless of victory or defeat.

Sure enough, just as he had expected, the war had escalated, and at one point, the number of Envoys participating in the fighting had exceeded thirty. Even Empyrean Imprinters had shown up, which had been truly shocking.

It was expected for the Astral Beast Domain to have such powerhouses, but why did the Great Eastern Alliance have such powerful experts as well? Only later had Qing Shaohuang learned that the Second Nightking was following Lu Yin.

After learning that the Second Nightking was one of Lu Yin’s subordinates, Qing Shaohuang had nearly gone insane. That bastard Lu Yin had sent the Second Nightking to negotiate with Qing Shaohuang to attack Lu Yin while he had been in the Divine Venom Dynasty, but the Second Nightking had actually been working for Lu Yin the entire time! What an immoral and shameless bastard!

The Second Nightking, Yuan Shi, Ya Mavis, Liu Huang, Jiu Shen, and other powerful individuals had then appeared one after another to support the Great Eastern Alliance. Qing Shaohuang had felt his willpower to get revenge slowly drain away. How could he do anything when faced with such a powerful opponent?

Qing Shaohuang had also learned that the war in the Outerverse was over, and that the Great Eastern Alliance had taken control of the eastern weaves. Even the Sixth Mainland had been forced to accept a loss. The former emperor had thus buried his hatred even deeper in his heart even as he cursed his own weakness. For the moment, he was far from being Lu Yin\'s opponent.

Even if Qing Shaohuang intended to take back control of the Divine Venom Dynasty in the future, there was only one possible result: he would be eliminated by Lu Yin. Just the Second Nightking alone was more than capable of completing such a task.

Qing Sheng arrived while his father was reviewing recent events. The young man stopped a hundred meters away from Qing Shaohuang, and a complicated expression could be seen on his face as he looked at his father.

Despite being the crown prince of the Divine Venom Dynasty, Qing Sheng had run away from home. He had once been Qing Shaohuang’s favorite child, and the two had once been inseparable.

Still, regardless of their own, personal conflicts, Qing Sheng was the only family member Qing Shaohuang was able to visit at this moment.

"Go back and take charge of the Divine Venom Dynasty. Have our Dynasty join the Great Eastern Alliance," Qing Shaohuang spoke in a bitter tone. Only he could know just how frustrated and helpless he felt while speaking those words aloud. However, there was no other way. If the Divine Venom Dynasty refused to join the Great Eastern Alliance, their fate was already sealed.

Qing Shaohuang knew that his brother, Qing Li, had already announced this decision on behalf of the Divine Venom Dynasty, but Qing Li was not the rightful ruler of the Dynasty. Qing Shaohuang wanted the Divine Venom Dynasty to officially join the Great Eastern Alliance.

Even when compared to the Sword Sect, the Lingling clan, of the other Innerverse powers, Qing Shaohuang was the person with the deepest understanding of Lu Yin\'s methods, and he was also the one who feared the youth the most.

Since Qing Shaohuang intended to have his empire join the alliance, he naturally intended to go all in. This would make it more difficult for the Great Eastern Alliance to create problems for the Divine Venom Dynasty in the future.

Qing Sheng spoke slowly as he asked, "Where are you going?"

Qing Shaohuang glanced at his shadow. "The Starfall Sea."

"Is there anything else I can do?" Qing Shen asked.

Qing Shaohuang stared at Casanova. "Take care of your sister, and don\'t hate Lu Yin. He has his own reasons for doing things, and he did nothing wrong."

The man did not want his son to hate Lu Yin, as such feelings would only lead to disaster. It was enough for Qing Shaohuang to suffer such indignation alone, even though he might never have a chance to get revenge.

Qing Shen was no fool, and he understood Qing Shaohuang’s intentions. Did Qing Sheng hate Lu Yin? Maybe, maybe not. He was not sure himself.

He frequently remembered his first meeting with Lu Yin. There were times when Qing Sheng regretted not killing Lu Yin back then, though, at the time, it had been nothing more than a passing thought. Since he had harbored such a whim, it was possible that he did hold some animosity towards Lu Yin, though not to the extent of his father’s hatred.

Qing Shen watched as Qing Shaohuang left. His father’s silhouette grew smaller and smaller before eventually vanishing into the distance. No one could tell what was on the young man’s mind.

Lu Yin had already learned of Qing Shaohuang’s punishment and posting long ago. After all, Lu Yin had access to all of the insider knowledge of what happened on Mt. Microcosms. After all, Lu Yin controlled the overseers’ council.

"Alliance Leader Lu, Qing Shaohuang is sending Qing Shen to take control of the Divine Venom Dynasty and wants to have the Dynasty officially join the Great Eastern Alliance. It appears he has become clear-headed and is able to make proper decisions." San Liang\'s voice held a great deal more respect than it had in the past.

The war between the Great Eastern Alliance and the Astral Beast Domain had firmly established Lu Yin\'s power and influence. He commanded more than a dozen Envoys, and even Elder Jiu Shen had shown his willingness to help Lu Yin. There were even rumors that Lu Yin was being supported by a Semi-Progenitor. The power this young man had at his disposal was simply mind-blowing.

The war had also led to the residents of the Outerverse coming to idolize Lu Yin, and almost every planet in any of the eastern weaves had a civilization that had erected a statue of Lu Yin. He was currently the most respected person in the Outerverse.

Before the war, countless people had argued over Lu Yin’s decision, and many had mocked him. If the Great Eastern Alliance had suffered a defeat and heavy losses, those who opposed Lu Yin would have kicked him while he was down and made sure he would never recover. However, since he had won, public opinion had completely changed to open adoration. Everyone was heaping praises on Lu Yin. It was only human nature.

Lu Yin had gained both power and prestige from this war. It had also allowed him to gain complete control of the Allied Forces. If he wanted to go to war in the future, all he would need to do would be to give the order, and no one would be able to gainsay him. Liu Qianjue, San Liang, and many others were completely in awe of Lu Yin.

"Got it." Lu Yin ended the call and stared out at the stars.

Qing Shaohuang had made the smart decision to not try to trigger the poison he had placed on the Escaping Orb after being captured by the Chief Justice. This decision had instead left open an alternative path where Qing Shaohuang could instead develop a good relationship with Lu Yin.

After being released from prison, the first thing Qing Shaohuang had done was get the Divine Venom Dynasty to officially join the Great Eastern Alliance and persuade Qing Sheng to take over ruling the Divine Venom Dynasty. This was a move that demonstrated extraordinary foresight. Qing Li’s abilities were lacking compared to his brother’s.

Would Qing Shen actually take over and rule the Divine Venom Dynasty? Lu Yin was curious to see what would happen.

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