
Chapter 1348: Vanish

Chapter 1348: Vanish

"Who the hell are you? Why do you have the Neohuman Alliance’s Vitality Poison?" Bu Laoweng shouted hoarsely.

Ming Yan knocked the old man out and immediately called Lu Yin. She already knew his contact information, but since she had always been on Shenwu Continent, she had never been able to call him since no signals could get out of the sealed continent. Fortunately, Bu Laoweng's gadget was one of the special models. Otherwise, even if he had received certain information, he would never have been able to call people in the Innerverse and Outerverse. Lu Yin should be in one of those two regions at this time.


In the Outerverse, outside Earth, Lu Yin and Jiang Chen were standing in the observation station that orbited Jupiter. They were staring at the massive planet in front of them.

"You really can't get in?" Jiang Chen asked.

Lu Yin shook his head. "I tried before. Why don't you try?"

Jiang Chen pouted. "You go first."

He was not stupid. Who knew if this would be dangerous? Besides, his father had taught him to be cautious.

Lu Yin looked at Jian Chen. It really did seem like this person knew nothing of Jupiter. Could he really not be from the Hidden Earth Society?

As they stared at Jupiter, Lu Yin summoned the station master.

The station master was a bit of a brute, but he was still a Hunter. His name is Aru. "Aru greets his Highness."

Lu Yin let out a sigh as he glanced at Aru. This man seemed to be slightly familiar. Lu Yin asked, "Has anyone recently approached Jupiter?"

Aru replied in a respectful tone, "No."

Lu Yin stared at Jupiter with deep eyes. At this moment, his gadget beeped that there was an incoming call. He looked down and saw it was a call request from an unfamiliar ID. He wanted to refuse the call, but after thinking for a moment, people who could reach him personally were not ordinary people, so he picked it up.

The voice of the white-haired Ming Yan instantly erupted from the gadget: "Lu Yin, there’s a man on Jupiter near Earth whose name is Aru. He belongs to the Neohuman Alliance."

Lu Yin heard her words, as did Jiang Chen who was next to him, as well as Aru, who had been respectfully standing behind the two youths.

No one had expected such a coincidence, so at this moment, all three people heard Ming Yan’s message.

Aru's eyes suddenly turned dead, and he lifted his head to stare at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's mind raced like lightning. He looked at Aru, and suddenly remembered that he had previously used the name Barudar, and he had been the station master of the Gema Space Station.

When Lu Yin had first made his way to the Great Yu Empire from Earth, the ship he had been on had stopped by Gema Space Station. Station Master Baruda had spoken with Sigmund Mathers, and that communication had led to Sigmund being accused of colluding with the Neohuman Alliance as soon as the ship had arrived at Zenyu Star. The charges had been specifically made because Barudar had fled with twenty-six corpse kings.

Lu Yin had not expected to meet Barudar at this place.

Reflexively, Lu Yin caused an astral chessboard to appear beneath his feet, and Lu Yin and Jiang Chen were both moved as Barudar attacked. Suddenly, a strange and creepy doll entered Lu Yin’s vision. His pupils instantly constricted; that was Shaman God’s doll.

Instantly, all of Lu Yin’s perception changed. His vision was suddenly based from the back of his hand, and he was smelling from his legs. All of his body’s senses had been rearranged. Fortunately, the Ce Secret Art had already activated, and Lu Yin had moved himself and Jiang Chen away from the space station.

At Lu Yin’s side, lightning erupted from Jiang Chen's body, as he was feeling a terrible sense of danger. Barudar's power level spiked several times. It reached the Enlighter level, and then continued on to 300,000, 400,000, and even 500,000. His eyes saw Lu Yin and only Lu Yin. This youth was a must-kill target for the Neohuman Alliance.

Based on the distance between Lu Yin and Barudar, as well as Barudar's power level, they were basically touching. Also, Barudar was not relying on his own strength, but on Shaman God’s after the doll had appeared from a transportation sourcebox array.

Barudar attacked Lu Yin.

Even if Highsage Grandmaster made a move, it would be impossible to save Lu Yin in the time it would take the attack to land.

Lu Yin's five senses had been mixed up, and he was unable to do a thing.

Jiang Chen shot lightning into his sword and moved to intercept Barudar’s attack.

Neither Barudar nor Shaman God had expected Jiang Chen to have the courage to step forward. He was an ant who was not worth considering. Barudar pointed at the new obstacle to remove it, but the attack failed. Jiang Chen simply disappeared, and truly disappeared.

Lu Yin's hearing shifted to the soles of his feet, and the last words he heard from Jiang Chen were: "Friend, take care of yourself."

Shaman God’s attack had completely missed, leaving him stunned. Jiang Chen had actually disappeared from Shaman God’s sight, which was something that not even an Envoy could do.

While Shaman God was still in a stunned state, Highsage Grandmaster appeared. His power was magnificent, and he attacked Shaman God.

Terrible shockwaves swept out, and the void was destroyed as the universe visibly collapsed. This was the power of Semi-Progenitors.

Lu Yin was swept out by the shockwaves, but fortunately, Highsage Grandmaster had blocked most of the force. Lu Yin was simply pushed away, though he happened to be pushed towards Jupiter.

Seeing Highsage Grandmaster take action, Lu Yin knew that he was saved. This had been very dangerous. If not for Ming Yan's message, he would not have shifted away from the sudden attack in time, and at that distance, it would absolutely have killed him.

Lu Yin stabilized himself and stared off into the distance where Highsage Grandmaster had appeared. There was no longer any problem.

Suddenly, an overwhelming force started sucking Lu Yin backwards. He turned his head and saw the huge image of Jupiter. His body was suddenly swallowed by Jupiter without any resistance.

Both Highsage Grandmaster and Shaman God were stunned by this sudden development, and Highsage Grandmaster instinctively reached out to grab Lu Yin, but just as he was approaching Jupiter, he felt an indescribable sense of danger and managed to stop himself in time.

Shaman God had a strange smirk. His doll disappeared, and Barudar's body simply exploded into cosmic dust.

Lu Yin had disappeared into Jupiter. Before he had disappeared, the last thing he thought of was Mister Mu. Lu Yin had won ZENITH, but Mister Mu had still not given Lu Yin his reward!

When Arch-Elder Zen heard this news, he unexpectedly asked Highsage Grandmaster to return, and then locked down the area surrounding Jupiter and blocked all news concerning Lu Yin.

Lu Yin’s place as one of the top ten of ZENITH was given to Liu Tianmu. Starsibyl, who had been given the opportunity to replace Wang Yi had refused. For some reason, the Technocracy had never sent anyone to replace Wang Yi, and ultimately the Hall of Honor had decided to choose a replacement.

Lu Yin’s disappearance carried untold ripple effects. He was tied into far too much that spread too far. The most obvious example was the Great Eastern Alliance, and Lu Yin also had many enemies.

With Lu Yin around, nobody could make a move, but with him gone, everyone would covet what he had.

The clearest example were the powers that led the Innerverse’s eight great flowzones. All of them had long been eyeing the Great Eastern Alliance.

Lu Yin had simply been sucked into Jupiter, which was just a planet. It stood to reason that Lu Yin should not have suffered any mishap. After all, he could easily destroy such a planet. However, the Hall of Honor’s response to Lu Yin’s disappearance showed that he would not reappear, as there was no other reason for them to have moved so quickly to fill his slot among the top ten of ZENITH.

Such actions could only mean one thing: Lu Yin would not return, and not even Highsage Grandmaster had been able to protect him.

In Blazing Mist Flowzone, the sylvan dragon clan and the Ross Empire began to amass their forces.

They would not touch Lu Yin's friends or relatives, as Lu Yin had been supported by Leon’s Armada and Yuan Shi. Making such a move would create trouble for the two top powers in Blazing Mist Flowzone. On the other hand, they absolutely had to break apart the Great Eastern Alliance.

The Outerverse had seventy-two weaves, and the powers that controlled the major weaves had all begun to panic.

However, just as someone was about to make the first move, news was released from the Hall of Honor’s Interstellar Supreme Court. The Chief Justice had declared that war could not be declared in the Innerverse or the Outerverse, and that the current equilibrium should be maintained. Any actions of war would be treated as an act of war against the Interstellar Supreme Court itself.

This news shook the entire universe.

The Interstellar Supreme Court was a judicial body, and it had never once interfered in disputes in the Innerverse or the Outerverse. It was inconceivable that it would make such an unprecedented move just to protect all that Lu Yin had amassed.

Lu Yin had already been supported by a number of top powers. Yuan Shi’s existence alone was enough to deter the Innerverse powers from ever touching Lu Yin's family and friends. However, the Interstellar Supreme Court had also stepped forward for him, and this left the ruling powers of both the Innerverse and Outerverse utterly speechless. If Lu Yin was already gone, just how was he able to continue to exert such tremendous influence? Just what was the relationship between Lu Yin and the Chief Justice?

Forget anyone else, not even Lu Yin himself knew why the Chief Justice would give Lu Yin so much support. These actions actually violated the rules of the Interstellar Supreme Court.

The Judicial Commissioner the Calm of Despair looked for the Chief Justice to ask about this matter, but it was useless. The Chief Justice was determined to protect everything that Lu Yin possessed.

However, Lu Yin knew about none of this, as he was unconscious.

Blue water stretched out of sight, and strange seabirds occasionally flew through the sky while letting out soft cries.

There was a ship on the sea that was sailing in a particular direction. This ship was not large, and when the sea churned, it was revealed that the ship was covered in scars. It looked as though it had survived a battle, and some of the damage was still fresh.

There was a sturdily built, middle-aged man on the deck, and he was looking into the distance. He had deep set eyes, and he was clearly thinking about something. His fingers were unconsciously tapping on the ship. An old man walked up behind the man on the deck. The old man looked terrified, and his eyes revealed sadness, as well as confusion about the future. "-ou, Mr. Shou, can you really do this? If these matters are exposed, there is no chance of you and I surviving."

The middle-aged man turned to stare at the old man. "What are you afraid of? You should have died with your Lord a few days ago, but I saved you. I’ve already thought of everything."

The old man shuddered and turned to look back at the cabin. "But- but what if that young man wakes up? Will he be willing?"

The man surnamed Shou sneered. "He’ll become a son-in-law to the main branch of Upper Realm’s White Dragon Clan; what is there to refuse? I’m just waiting for him to wake up."

The old man could not stop his body from trembling. He sighed and lifted his head.

This was a strange place. There was an endless sky overhead with stars shining. Beyond the stars there was a vague outline. That outline was a higher land, where the more noble people lived. Everyone called it Upper Realm.

If one looked around the sea, it was possible to see rainbows far away, though they were still connected to the ground and the sky. In one particular direction, there was a blurry image that seemed to be some kind of wall that blocked a person’s sight. This strange world was the Perennial World.

It was impossible to know how long it took, but eventually, Lu Yin heard an indistinct human voice, "Go. The kid’s moving. Go tell Mr. Shou."

"Mr. Shou! The kid moved."

"Be careful with your words! He is Young Master Long Qi."

"Yes, yes, yes, Young Master Long Qi. Young Master Long Qi just moved."

"I was attacked a few days ago, and the child was seriously injured. Fortunately, he survived. Everyone remember this for me: even in your dreams, you can only even think of him as the seventh son of Long Qi."

"Yes, Mr. Shou."

Soon, the voices disappeared, and Lu Yin no longer heard anything.

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA

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