
Chapter 490: Video

Chapter 490: Video

Although there were no concrete rankings for Limiteers, which meant that everything was based on merely hearsay, Mu Rong was still one of the three strongest Limiteers of the universe’s younger generation. Lu Yin had been able to defeat him without any tricks, leaving Ye Xingchen as the only untested unequaled Limiteer. However, the Ten Arbiters’ past words had suggested that Mu Rong’s power exceeded Ye Xingchen’s.

Against such an opponent, it was not unacceptable to admit defeat.

One person’s strength had been enough to reverse the entire situation. This was the strength of a true expert.

The Daynight clan, Wen family, Second Grade Hall, and other various powers retreated, but Mu Rong did not give chase. Liu Xiaoyun and the others did not have enough strength to pursue anyone, so they allowed everyone to leave. At this moment, control of Pyrolyte Mountain had returned to the Sword Sect.

With the unexpected support of Mu Rong, Pyrolyte Mountain would belong to the Sword Sect in the future.

Liu Xiaoyun looked for Liu Shaoqiu and helped him up. “How are your injuries?”

Liu Shaoqiu shook his head. “I’m alright. I only injured my shoulder. I’ll be fine with a few days of rest.”

Liu Xiaoyun nodded, lent Liu Shaoqiu a shoulder for support, and then looked over at Mu Rong.

The rest of the Sword Sect disciples were also curiously studying Mu Rong, as not everyone had been lucky enough to encounter an absolute powerhouse. To Limiteers, Mu Rong stood at the apex, and he would definitely join the Top 100 Rankings as soon as he broke through to become an Explorer. Most people would not meet such a person throughout their entire lives.

Yōu Ye\'er was exceptionally curious about the young man, and she wanted to chat with Mu Rong. However, his face held an indifferent expression as he sat atop Pyrolyte Mountain. He had only come here to fulfill his promise to the Sword Sect, and he was uninterested in everything else, which disappointed Yōu Ye\'er.

The battle for Pyrolyte Mountain had ended, and the Sword Sect was finally able to relax in outer space. Fortunately for them, Mu Rong had arrived just in time, leaving Nightqueen Qiuyu and Karthika with a bitter taste in their mouth. However, losing Pyrolyte Mountain was not what angered Nightqueen Qiuyu the most. She was more furious that Ling Que, that slimy brat, had actually run away!

Nightqueen Qiuyu did not know about the matter of the previous battle between Ling Que and Mu Rong, so she thought that the youth had just fled because of Mu Rong’s reputation, which infuriated her to the point of trembling from head to toe.

“Have we found a method to allow Explorers to descend to Planet Pyrolyte yet?” she barked, causing the Daynight clan’s spacecraft to shudder.

The Daynight clan members were afraid. “Not yet, please forgive us.”

“A bunch of trash!” she scolded coldly as she continued to stare at Planet Pyrolyte.

With Mu Rong acting as a guardian, they would be forced to forget about Pyrolyte Mountain. The Wen family had similarly gained Ling Que’s support, so even if they found a place that was slightly inferior to Pyrolyte Mountain, the Daynight clan wouldn’t be able to do anything to them either.

When had the Daynight clan fallen to a third-rate position? Such a thing was unacceptable to Nightqueen Qiuyu, and she once again thought of Lu Yin. If that person was willing to help them, then the situation would change once again. However, that person’s status was sensitive, and he could not be easily threatened, which was annoying.

The various powers in space above Planet Pyrolyte had all watched the battle for Pyrolyte Mountain, and there were naturally some who had recorded videos of parts of the battle. When they left the Astral Wilderness and returned to the Northcastle Weave, they would upload the video clips onto the network.

There was no lack of people in the universe who enjoyed watching such videos. Also, since so many genius Limiteers had gathered in one place with multiple people sharing videos, an intense discussion of the matter was soon sparked. Of course, no one dared to talk about the venue and the reason for the battle, which remained top-secret, but the matter was already known by countless organizations.

On Zenyu Star, after Karthika left, life slowly returned to normal, and the planet became a bustling capital once again. There were at least some places that were able to attract Hai Qiqi’s attention, which allowed Lu Yin to temporarily shake her off.

Still, not even two days passed before Hai Qiqi reappeared in front of Lu Yin, giving him a headache. “What now?”

Hai Qiqi urgently said, “Check the network! Someone’s uploaded videos of a bunch of Limiteers fighting, and even Mu Rong’s there!”

Lu Yin was surprised; Mu Rong fighting against Limiteers? Could it be a video of the battles on Planet Pyrolyte? He immediately turned his gadget on and brought up the most popular video on the display. It was hard to miss even if he didn’t want to see them.

Lu Yin opened the topmost video, which was a recording of when Mu Rong had fought against two people by himself, pushing both Ling Que and Zhanlong Daynight back.

Mu Rong possessed such impressive strength, and he had not been caught off guard either. Lu Yin looked at the dark red battlefield in the video. Is that Planet Pyrolyte? Hold on, Zhanlong Daynight?

Lu Yin’s expression changed. Why had Zhanlong Daynight appeared on Planet Pyrolyte? Hadn’t Lu Yin himself thrown that person into the Reverent King’s household?

As he watched the battle on the video, Lu Yin’s eyes flickered, and his fist involuntarily clenched. Zhanlong Daynight, Ming Zhaoshu, the Shenwu Continent, the Daynight clan. The fact that Zhanlong Daynight had been able to leave the Shenwu Continent was definitely the work of Ming Zhaoshu, as there was no other way for the Limiteer to escape. The most troubling matter was that Ming Zhaoshu had found someone stronger than Lu Yin to work with: the Daynight clan.

Lu Yin was apprehensive, and he became too preoccupied with his thoughts to properly watch the video. He was too focused on the Shenwu Continent and Ming Yan. If Ming Zhaoshu and the Daynight clan began cooperating, then the Shenwu Continent would soon face huge upheavals, and what would happen to Ming Yan in that case?

Lu Yin did not care if the Daynight clan managed to gain control of the Shenwu Continent, as only Ming Yan mattered to him. For Lu Yin, she was the most precious person on the entire Shenwu Continent. His greatest worry was if Ming Zhaoshu had used Ming Yan as a bargaining chip. If Ming Zhaoshu was able to toy with Lu Yin’s heart, then he could also do the same to Zhanlong Daynight.

Having affection for someone often spawned such thoughts, as a person would unreasonably assume that others also liked the same person, and Lu Yin was no exception to this rule. His biggest worry was that Ming Zhaoshu might use Ming Yan as a bargaining chip to gain the Daynight clan’s cooperation. Although the possibility of such a thing was low, Ming Yan was too pretty and attractive, so Lu Yin could not help his thoughts from veering in such a direction.

“Hey, what are you thinking of? Keep watching!” Hai Qiqi ordered.

Her words struck Lu Yin out of his reverie; although he desperately wanted to go to the Shenwu Continent and gain a better understanding of what was happening, with his current strength, he might not be able to keep himself safe. This was not the right time to make such a move. Besides, he still didn’t have the means to take Ming Yan away. Currently, the highest priority task was to find Zhanlong Daynight and figure out what had happened.

Lu Yin took a deep breath. There was no benefit to overthinking things, so he needed to calm down and carefully consider his options. He closed his eyes, slowly exhaled, and then continued watching the video.

The second video showed the confrontation between Ling Que and Liu Shaoqiu’s Fourth Sword. The video had been edited to not show the entire battle or the conversation between the two, just the battle and the results. This particular video was extremely sensational. Liu Shaoqiu’s fame had shot to the stars during the Astral Combat Tournament, but such a person had still lost to Ling Que. This loss triggered countless discussions, and many left comments beneath the video.

‘The Thirteen Swords is nothing much. It’s losing everywhere—to Lu Yin in the Astral Combat Tournament, to that Technocracy woman during the Tournament of the Strongest, and now to that pretentious person.’

‘Don’t spout such crap. The Thirteen Swords is very strong. It’s just these opponents are even stronger. That Technocracy woman was the representative of an entire domain, and that “pretentious person” is one of the four unequaled Limiteers. It’s rumored that Lu Yin was even able to defeat Mu Rong, which means that he’s the number one Limiteer in the universe. Liu Shaoqiu’s defeats aren’t that bad.’

‘I heard that there’s an inheritor of the Thirteen Swords among the Ten Arbiters. I feel like this Liu Shaoqiu is just a watered-down version of that Arbiter, as they should be the true heir of the Thirteen Swords. That technique shouldn’t be defeated that easily.’

‘Hold on, commenter above, who said that Mu Rong lost to Lu Yin? That’s just a rumor. Although it’s been spread everywhere, it’s definitely false. In any case, I don’t believe it.’

‘This old lady doesn’t either.’

‘Now that you’ve mentioned it, that pretentious person really deserves a beating. Those cheerleaders behind him are also unequaled.’

As he read through the numerous comments, Lu Yin loaded the next video. This one was also of Ling Que’s battle against Liu Shaoqiu, but this one had been taken from a different angle. There were more than ten videos in a row featuring the confrontation between these two. They showed everything, from start to end, apart from the conversation between the two which had been edited out of every video.

The comments beneath the videos were not kind to Liu Shaoqiu at all since it was indeed true that he had now lost quite a few times.

Even further down the list of videos was one that showed Liu Shaoqiu’s battle against Zhanlong Daynight. The Daynight clan’s expert had also caused countless people to grow excited.

‘The Daynight clan is so powerful. They’re awesome!”

‘The person above is a Daynight braggart. Evaluation complete.’

‘That trendy hair color is enough to boast for a year.’

‘It’s too bad that the Daynight clan still lost to Mu Rong in the end. People, look at the video above: there’s one man putting on a show and the Daynight clan, but they were both scared away by Mu Rong. There’s also that Daynight woman that was sent flying by the aftershocks. In any case, that woman’s pretty hot. It’s a pity that Daynight women won’t marry outside of the clan.’

‘Stop dreaming! They wouldn’t look at you even if they could. They have to at least marry someone at the level of that group of unequaled Limiteers.’

As he kept watching more videos, Lu Yin frequently saw comments mentioning his name. Many compared him to Ling Que, Mu Rong, and Liu Shaoqiu. Some praised him while others disparaged him. Some predicted that once all these Limiteers stepped into the Explorer realm, Lu Yin would be completely left in the dust by these blessed children. Each one had extensive resources behind them while Lu Yin only had the Great Yu Empire.

Lu Yin muttered to himself, Break through to the Explorer realm? We’ll see who’s left in the dust when that happens!

However, breaking through was a problem in and of itself. He had a feeling that his next breakthrough would be extremely difficult and that he might even take much longer to break through than the others.

He looked back at the topmost video and opened the comments to see that they were filled with nothing but praise for Mu Rong.

‘Damn, this is the entrance style that I’ve always dreamed of! Able to immediately differentiate between friend and foe and then resolve the problem. Too cool!’

‘That\'s is Mu Rong, the unequaled Limiteer lauded by the Ten Arbiters. That title even includes the older generation, too.’

‘Didn’t Mu Rong lose to Lu Yin?’

‘Probably not. That should just be a rumor. Do the previous commenters really think that Mu Rong could lose to Lu Yin with his strength? Remember, Lu Yin is from the Outerverse. No matter how impressive his innate gift is, just approaching Mu Rong is the best he can hope for. He won’t be able to defeat Mu Rong, as he’s not fated to join the top ranks of the universe.’

‘That’s right, those are just rumors.’

Only people from the most powerful organizations had been able to see a video of Lu Yin’s battle with Mu Rong at the Sea King’s Dome. Most people had only heard rumors, and they naturally did not believe them, especially when they saw the video of Mu Rong defeating two other absolute powerhouses on his own. Someone with Mu Rong’s strength was undoubtedly the strongest in their minds, and it was impossible for anyone to surpass him.

Lu Yin did not refute the comments as he simply scrolled on. These opinions were based on people’s common knowledge, and it would be strange if they changed their opinions just based on his word. After all, Mu Rong had received the Ten Arbiters’ recognition, whose reputation and vision was treated like the will of heaven in the hearts of the younger generation.

As for the Sea King’s Dome, such a place basically did not even appear on the network. There were many names and places, and even among the titles of organizations, that one would be automatically filtered out as most people were not eligible to read such information.

They only knew what the great powers allowed them to know.

Hai Qiqi stared at Lu Yin the entire time he was watching the videos and reading the comments. She fought the urge to interrupt him and ended up staring at him for ten minutes.

Lu Yin glanced at her. “Tell me what you want to say.”

“You aren’t angry?” Hai Qiqi’s eyes widened.

Lu Yin felt strange. “Angry? At what?”

Hai Qiqi pointed at the screen. “Those people don’t believe that you defeated Mu Rong.”

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