
Chapter 380: The Party Shooting

"Hey, Qin Guan! Welcome to our party!" Catherine gave him a charming, warm smile, completely different from the attitude she had had around Zhang Dekai.

Zhang Dekai was the chairman’s name. When the boy saw his princess run up to Qin Guan excitedly, his face turned gloomy.

He had hated handsome guys all his life!

His first two childhood sweethearts had been taken away from him by handsome boys. Meanwhile, girls sneered at his looks.

Qin Guan really irritated him. He was outraged. He knew that he had been better than his other two love rivals, but that shining boy was completely out of his league.

Grinding his teeth, Zhang loosened and tightened his fists. He didn’t leave though. Instead, he walked up to Qin Guan with a smile. Before he could join their conversation though, a quarrel broke out at the entrance.

"Let me in!"

"Sir, this is a private party. You need an invitation. If you have one..."

"Ha ha! You b*tches! You would have cried for mercy under normal circumstances! How dare you treat me like this?"

The intruder was Kuhn. At the beginning of the school year, he had been an energetic, handsome guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. Now he was wearing casual clothes, his hair was messy, and he smelled of wine.

"I’m going in tonight!" Smiling, he took out a black double-barrel shotgun from his yellow dust coat. It was a common model used by British hunters.

He pointed the gun at the noisy crowd. Everyone fell silent before they started screaming.


The security guard sensed the danger and tried to leave as soon as possible. It was a pity that he was too close to Kuhn and he wouldn’t let him go.

Bang! Smoke escaped the barrels. Brass shells fell to the floor with a clanking noise.

Crack, crack.

Like an experienced hunter, Kuhn pushed new bullets inside with a calm face.

The man lying before his feet was moaning in a low voice, one hand covering his belly. There was still gunpowder smoke lingering around his body.

Kuhn didn’t pay attention to the victim though. He was looking for Qin Guan in the crowd. Scared people were running back and forth, trying to escape. They fled in all directions, not caring which way they headed.

Qin Guan felt strange. He looked at Xu quickly and then pulled Cong Nianwei close.

His presentiment had come true! Something big was happening!

When Kuhn had taken out his gun, Qin Guan had grabbed Cong Nianwei’s hand and pulled all the odd things off his uniform.

When he turned to Xu to help him escape, he saw that the wolf had caught up with him with shining eyes.

He looks excited.

There was no time left for him to think though. Kuhn had already pointed the gun in their direction.

Bang! Wooden splinters flew everywhere. Qin Guan hid cleverly behind a wooden table.

The side door was only three meters away. It’s too late to react.

"F*ck! I’ll take you down!" A strong zombie rushed out to Kuhn from the side.

Bang! He was shot in the leg.

"Now! Run!" Qin Guan pushed Cong Nianwei towards the door with effort.

Cong Nianwei was not a girl in a romantic novel though. She didn’t cry out or refuse to leave her lover. That would have been a silly decision in that situation.

Cong Nianwei’s legs and arms were hurting from the bruises she had acquired by rubbing against the floor. She knew that she would only be a burden to Qin Guan, so she had to take advantage of this chance and leave.

Xu was no innocent boy. He knew that Kuhn would not let him or Qin Guan go. Grabbing this opportunity, the two of them rolled behind a large pillar.

Coincidentally, Zhang Dekai was also behind that pillar, trembling in fear. Before they could say something, another shot was heard.

Bang! The stone wall was shattered, fragments falling on Zhang’s hair. Kuhn was approaching.

"Stand out! I can see you two! Let’s finish this!"

Finish this? Are you kidding?

Zhang Dekai was suddenly enlightened. It’s you who caused this disaster. You should deal with it yourselves. He pushed hard against the wall with his feet, trying to push Qin Guan out.

You should stop that madman. He kept pushing with effort, but he rolled out himself instead...

He was exposed now. Looking around blankly, he realized what the actual situation was.

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