
Chapter 320: The Imperial Civil War

Chapter 320: The Imperial Civil War


When she opened her eyes, it was already morning.

It seemed like she had been unconscious after Frey tried to cut her horn.

"Hero! Hero!!"

"Are you okay!?"

The first-years surrounded her. Despite looking battered, with injuries all over their bodies, they still looked at her with worry.

- Ssk, ssk...

She quietly touched her head and felt relieved to find her horns still intact. Thankfully, she had used her magic to hide them, so the surrounding students couldn’t see.


However, the pain still lingered in her head. It wouldn\'t have hurt so much if the horn had been completely severed, but due to the wishy-washy protective measure from the system, she endured several minutes of sawing on her horn.

"I... Cough! Keheuk..."


Thanks to that, Ruby still felt like her head was pounding. As she tried to say something to the students, her eyes suddenly widened, and she vomited blood.

- Thump, thump...

Darn it.

She felt a foreign presence near her heart—A needle-like pain pierced her heart and lungs with every breath she took.

It felt like bugs crawling and gnawing on her heart, slowly eating her from the inside.

"Huff, huff... huff..."

Looking at her struggling to breathe and gasping, the students\' expressions turned even more worried.

Worries? From others? Me?

She couldn’t believe this… To receive sympathy and concern from someone….

She was someone who took pleasure in seeing others suffer as they slowly drown in overwhelming fear.

For Ruby the expressions the students were making now were nothing short of humiliation.

"Ha, haha everyone."

Despite the profanities bubbling up at the tip of her tongue, Ruby displayed transcendent patience and wore a compassionate smile on her face.

Some of the students looked at her with suspicion and disrespect. Of course, if they were just ordinary students, she would have ignored that suspicion. However, among them was Eurelia, who possessed quick wit and sharp intellect.

Therefore, she needed to avoid attracting attention as much as possible. Everyone had already seen her hit rock bottom in the recent battle. If she revealed her true nature in such a situation, it was clear what would happen.

So, for now, it was time to reassure the students.

"It hurts so much."

However, the words that came out of Ruby\'s mouth were completely opposite to what she intended.

"N-no... That\'s not what I meant..."

As a result, the students\' expressions turned pitiful, and Ruby\'s expression crumpled completely.

The curse of honesty and the curse of vulnerability still affected her. If it weren\'t for these two curses, she wouldn\'t have been so miserably defeated by Frey.

...Damn it.

But it was true that it hurt.

It felt like she had been beaten to death by Frey all day long. His punches relentlessly hit her stomach, his fingers cruelly digging into her mouth and his teeth sharply biting into her neck. All of it was still vivid in her mind.

She would forever remember the moment that bastard stabbed a glass shard filled with stellar mana into her heart, and the moment he forcibly tried to cut her horn off.

"Uh, ugh..."

As she thought about it, her body automatically shrank. A feeling she had never experienced in her life began to dominate her body. What was this? This eerie and uncomfortable emotion that made her heart beat rapidly??

"The Hero got scared..."

"Crazy bastard. He must have tortured her so much."

"That piece of trash."

Ruby, who was shaking and clutching her head, came to her senses after hearing the students’ whispers.

Before she knew it, she was curled up and shaking when she thought about how she had been beaten by Frey.


She quickly shook her head, and tried to get up. However, the chilling sensation in her heart, the lingering discomfort in her stomach, and the still vivid pain throbbing in her head compelled her to sit down again.

The students’ expressions became even more filled with pity as they watched her.

In the eyes of the students now, she was the Hero—an innocent, pure, and righteous country girl— who had suffered severe torture and been broken by the evil Frey.

If it had happened to someone else, Ruby would have been drooling in excitement, but since the subject was herself, it was far from pleasant for her.


Ruby gritted her teeth. Although she had some physical and mental aftereffects from experiencing that much pain for the first time in her life, she had Mental Strength of 10 and the title of a Demon King.

Come to think of it… why did he change so much?

As Ruby gradually regained her senses, she began to question Frey’s action. He had changed so much since the Erosion Incident.

He was not the Frey that she wanted—the one who made her body burn with desire to devour him whole. What she wanted was for that pure and noble boy to be slowly corrupted by isolation, to be broken and worn out.

He looked more like a madman who stared at people with a glint in his eyes and crushed them.

She wanted to scream at Frey to come back to his senses, to become the pure and noble Frey she desired.

Surely, according to the system…


Ruby, muttering to herself as she recalled the information window she saw while being beaten by Frey, soon let out a groan and lowered her head. Taking a deep breath, she felt like a needle pierced her heart.

Was this the pain Frey always felt? It seemed absurd. He must have exaggerated it. Or was it just the ramblings of a crazy person?

I will definitely pay you back for today, Frey.

Ruby, who was gritting her teeth so hard that blood started to flow from her gums, muttered inwardly.

Even though he went crazy, it seems like he still had love for his younger sister. Did he do that on purpose? What benefit could he get from revealing his weakness like that?

Coming in her view was none other than Aria.

For the past few months, she had been meticulously preparing a trump card, and the weapon capable of delivering the most significant blow to Frey was already in her hands.

He might pretend to be fine when he acted like a lunatic, but it won’t be like this forever. When the time was right, Aria would deliver the final blow to him.

In the end, she would become the winner.

[The Curse of Vulnerability MAX\'s duration has ended]

[The Curse of Honesty MAX\'s duration has ended]

Thinking that, Ruby, who had been muttering to herself, showed a chilling expression when the message she had been waiting for appeared before her eyes.

I will take revenge for what you did today…

Without these two curses, Frey could not defeat her. Even with this broken body, she still could find him immediately and carry out her revenge.

Definitely, as much as I suffered today…

So, despite her broken leg and fractured waist bone, Ruby forcefully staggered to her feet.

System Notification

[The duration for the skill \'Remove the Rank Badge and Fight\' has ended.]


However, as if to deny her revenge, a system notification came up.

[Did you enjoy sparring with the Hero?]

"Hero, it\'s okay. We\'re here for you."

"Don\'t cry! This kind of thing could happen."

"Look at your injuries... How can he do this..."

Blood surged to her head, and she felt a dizzying rage as the students whispered and held her tightly to console her.

"Hero, you did your best. Now take a rest."

"Let\'s gather our strength together and defeat Frey!"

Damn it, fucking damn it all…

How dare these guys pity her like a drenched cat? She was the Demon King; she could slaughter them all with just a flick of her finger.

What even more infuriating was that her current state exactly matched that description.

"I hope you remember this moment as a trauma for the rest of your life.”

The words Frey whispered to her were replayed in Ruby\'s mind.

"Here, I brought Lady Ferloche!"

Ruby, who was making a face as if she might explode at any moment, froze upon hearing those words.

"...Strange, as expected."

Upon seeing that, Eurelia quietly muttered and moved her steps.

"You\'re not very fake right now, Ms. Ruby!!!"

Today was the worst day in Ruby\'s whole life.






Early morning at the Sunrise Empire\'s Imperial Palace.

Although it was usually a place with a languid and peaceful atmosphere, the current place was unusually tense and busy.

"Have you heard the news?"

"Don\'t even talk about it. It\'s a mess right now.”

This was because Frey\'s letter arrived at the Emperor\'s residence yesterday evening.

The Imperial Palace was protected by countless ancient magic, as much as the Sunrise Academy.

Even though it was just a letter and a photo, the fact that it had broken through the windows and entered into the palace was a huge incident in itself.

"Did Princess Clana really start a rebellion?"

"I didn\'t expect that. It was quite surprising."

Moreover, the letter\'s contents were nothing less than a \'declaration of war.\' Therefore, the Imperial Palace was turned upside down.

Before the day had even passed, not only the vassals but also the knights, maids, and servants were talking about the incident.

“Then, shouldn’t we leave? Is it okay for us to stay here?"

"...Indeed, the knights say it will be quite a big battle."

Even the maids who were cleaning early in the morning were having similar discussions.

"Rumors say Princess Clana has already absorbed the Crown Prince\'s faction. She\'ll advance to the palace soon, they say."

"Th-then... should we escape now?"

When one maid suggested that, another sweeping the corridor gave a dispirited expression and mumbled.

- Thud!

"Ah, ouch!"

However, right after that, she was hit on the head.

"Wh-who... Ack? Head Maid?"

Holding her head and feeling dizzy due to the hit, the maid looked wide-eyed when she saw the person standing behind her.

"Why are you gossiping instead of cleaning?"

"Sorry! I’m sorry!"

She was none other than Anne, the Head Maid overseeing the imperial maids.

She was originally a servant at the Starlight Mansion, but she exposed all of Frey\'s misconduct, corruption, and scandalous private life, making a name for herself and rising in status.

Not only her but also a significant number of servants, who were revealing Frey\'s ‘wrongdoings’, now lived a life of luxury within the palace.

Among those people, Head Maid Anne stood out as the representative figure, continuing to spread stories about Frey even after obtaining the position of head maid at the palace.

"You know I have the authority to cut your salary, right?"

"I-I\'m sorry. I’m really sorry. Just this once. Please overlook it. If my pay gets cut anymore, my siblings won\'t have enough for food..."

The press and gossipers respected her as a courageous and virtuous woman who, despite being tortured sexually by Frey, bravely exposed the story of her resistance until the end.

In addition, she, who gained recognition for her contributions, rose from a humble background to become the \'Head Maid\' of the Imperial Family and even wielded significant power. Common women and maids looked up to her as an object of admiration.

"That’s not my business."

However, in reality, her true nature was quite different from what was known.

"Head Maid... Please..."

"Twenty hits with a stick. Be grateful I\'m not cutting your salary."

"Th-thank you... thank you..."

The occasional transactions between the Imperial Family, the Church, and her, as well as her rather sinister character when she served Frey, were not well-known despite her fame.

"You should know that you owe me. If you were in Starlight Mansion, you\'d probably be standing by the window, shaking your hips right about now."


At Anne\'s cold tone, the maid, certain that she would face a whipping with a stick, involuntarily lowered her head.

"No matter how much I think about it, I don’t think such a thing has ever ha—"


"N-nothing. It was nothing."

The maid, who was coming from the same background as Anne and had been standing beside her, mumbled something. However, under Anne\'s icy gaze, she promptly closed her mouth and shut her eyes.

Servants who had shown support for Frey during the investigation were now working in the Imperial Family under semi-forced employment, performing menial tasks.

Those who supported Frey had to work themselves to death under the whim of those who spread nasty rumors about Frey.

"Um, Head Maid. But... have you heard the rumors?"

"What rumors?"

As Anne, who was displaying hysteria, was about to move, the young maid who had been scolded by her asked her a question.

"P-Princess Clana and Lord Frey have rebelled..."


"If they attack the palace, it will be a big problem, right? S-so..."


The maid, quietly observing the bad-tempered woman often referred to as a \'tyrant\' among the maids, spoke softly. Anne wore a dumbfounded expression before bursting into laughter.

“There’s already a meeting related to that this morning.”

"I-is that so?"

"It was an emergency meeting with only important figures. Even the Emperor was present. As a person in a significant position, I naturally attended."


She had simply been called to the meeting and stood anxiously in a corner until it ended, but Anne was so adept at lying that her lie flowed naturally.

“To simply put, we are safe here.”

"Pardon? How come?"

As Anne spoke calmly, the young maid tilted her head and asked.

“Because even if they declared a war, that doesn’t necessarily mean that war will immediately occur.”

"It is true that during the battle at the academy, the Princess and Frey\'s faction emerged victorious. However, that doesn\'t mean they can charge into the palace immediately.”

With an arrogant expression, Anne began lecturing.

"In the Imperial Capital, there are at most 100 to 200 soldiers of the Princess. It\'s a far cry from the numbers needed for a full-scale war."

"B-but... I heard that they have talented individuals that can defeat even knight commander-level talents, right?”

Upon hearing that, Anne rolled her eyes for a moment, then folded her arms and continued her response.

"That power likely belongs to Professor Isolet. Being born with the blood of a Sword Saint, she probably awakened her powers by chance. Even if she is of the level of a knight commander, there’s still a chance that she would lose.”

"Th-then that\'s still a big problem. Even a knight commander-level individual can destroy a kingdom alone... Eiikk!"

The young maid, who was creating a fuss with her words, received another hit on her forehead.

"That\'s only on the level of minor kingdoms. Do you think the Empire’s elite knight orders and soldiers are that weak?"


"The Imperial Family has an abundance of knights at the level of a knight commander. Moreover, there are elite soldiers capable of facing someone at the knight commander level with just three of them. On top of that, with a simple mobilization order, they can assemble a massive army and various ancient magics. The empire is not something that can be easily toppled, unlike the Academy.”

Talking boastfully as if she were the Emperor himself, she then glanced around quietly and cleared her throat.

"Ehm, Hmm hmm. Unlike the Empire, the military forces and knight order belonging to Clana\'s faction are scattered throughout the empire. So, to gather them all, it would take at least a month."

Saying that, Anne touched the Imperial map hanging on the wall, drawing a line between the academy and the Imperial Palace.

"In the end, the war that will be known as the \'Imperial Civil War\' will likely become a long-term conflict. The academy is a strategic focal point with as much ancient magic as the palace."


"Clana\'s faction will use the academy as their base, and the Emperor\'s faction will use the palace. A fierce battle will continue in the future."

Anne, who recited the conjectures derived from the all night long analysis of the imperial strategists and advising staff, spoke with a confident expression.

"So, this war will probably take at least 2 to 3 years."

"Then... what happens after that?"

A voice mixed with worry emerged from the lips of the young maid.

"That\'s not my business."

Responding with a cold tone, Anne turned away.

"By the way, it seems like you haven\'t cleaned anything until now. There\'s no break time today."

"Ah, uwah...!"

"Hurry up and clean. Don\'t worry about unnecessary things."

"T-That! The place I cleaned... ugh..."

Saying this to the young maid, she smiles coldly and walks briskly down the hallway she had painstakingly cleaned.

"That’s right, it\'s not my business."

Then, Anne muttered in a low voice.

"It\'s good for me if the Imperial Family wins. I get to witness the execution of that disgusting bastard."

The corners of her mouth quietly twitched.

"If they fail, I can just go to the Church. I have made a deal with them, so it will be fine. I can go to another kingdom as well."

- Flap, flap...

"I’m admired by women from all over the world. Wherever I go, I’ll be treated well... Hmm?"

These days, she couldn\'t help but constantly seek out the world\'s media and magazines clamoring about her, which had become a distinctive feature of her life.

Therefore, Anne walked with a graceful stride, strolling down the corridor with the thought that it didn\'t matter how things turned out. But, soon, she tilted her head.


"W-what is it?"

Right on the window beside her, an owl was flapping wildly.


During her time as a maid at Starlight Mansion, there was a white owl used to frequently visit the mansion, almost too often.

One day, in a fit of anger, without anyone noticing, she struck it with a dust cloth, and it was that very bird which had pecked her forehead, leaving a scar.

- Crash!


As she stared blankly at the owl, the window suddenly shattered as the owl flew in, causing her to crouch down.

- Thud...!


After dropping a letter in front of her, the owl glanced at her disdainfully before disappearing.

"H-Head Maid...!"

"Are you okay?"

Hearing the voices of young maids running towards her from a distance, Anne opened the letter with trembling eyes.


After a while, she stiffened and her eyes widened in shock.

[How have you been, Anne?]

A very familiar handwriting caught her eye.

[You betrayed my father, who picked and raised you, and now you\'re living luxuriously in the palace.]

The distinctive handwriting, that particular silver ink… there was no mistaking it, it was from him.

[By the way, I read the autobiography you published.]

"Uh, uwaa..."

[I feel really sorry for violating you with my gaze all these years.]

As Anne continued to read the letter, beads of cold sweat started to form on her forehead.

[So, I decided to apologize in person.]

At the same time, Anne slowly turned towards the window.


Seeing the forces boldly advancing through the main gate of the Imperial Palace, her eyes filled with terror.

[So, where are you right now???]

At that moment, her gaze met the chilling smile of the silver-haired boy standing at the forefront of the forces next to Princess Clana.

- Toot...! Toot...!

"It’s the enemy troops! Close the gates! Lower the castle gates!”

“It’s an emergency!!! The Princess has breached the gate!!! Each unit, take positions!!”

Trumpets and shouts echoed loudly throughout the imperial palace.

"Uh, uwaaah...."

"Head Maid!"

Anne watched the chaotic scene and collapsed to the ground, still clutching the letter in her hand.

"Th-this can\'t be...."

“It’s an attack!!!”

This was how the imperial civil war, which went far beyond the expectations of the imperial strategists, /genesisforsaken

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