
Chapter 246: Date?

Chapter 246: Date?

Hold on a sec.

Why are you here?

Two guards at the entrance stopped a woman approaching unsteadily.


But the woman they obstructed groaned softly, attempting to push her way through.

State your purpose here ugh.

What what strength is this?

The guards were not ones to easily let someone through, but strangely, they were being pushed back by her.

They werent ordinary guards but warriors stationed by Clana in her secret hideout.


When they finally drew their weapons, the womans eyes sharpened.



Suddenly, all their weapons fell.

I just received a message. The letter I got a few hours ago only had the location of this place.

Isolet, clearly drunk, observed the astonished guards.

So, I cant explain why.

Even in her intoxicated state, she spoke coldly and entered the building quietly.


Once inside, she discreetly surveyed her surroundings.

Theres some space expansion magic at play here. Or perhaps its an illusion.

The unassuming exterior of the building belied the grandeur of a palace that awaited inside.

Certainly This isnt the work of an ordinary person. An average individual couldnt achieve this. Then, who?

She speculated that the sender of the letter was no ordinary person. Lost in her thoughts, she chuckled.

Well, it doesnt matter now.

Her expression quickly darkened.

Ive already lost my purpose in life. Ive already lost everything.

She came here hoping the anonymous letter might be related to Frey.

Otherwise, she would have stayed confined to her room.

This way, please.


Isolet bowed her head quietly and followed a maid who appeared from somewhere.

Kindly wait here.

After silently trailing the maid for a while, Isolet reached an elegantly adorned waiting room.


Following the maids instruction, Isolet sat on a little couch in the waiting room and sighed gently.

Rustle, rustle

Lost in thought for a moment, she abruptly pulled something out.

It was Freys picture and his shirt.

She had gotten the picture while visiting his house and hadnt returned the shirt since the Heros Inauguration Ceremony.


Still a bit drunk, she fussily looked at the picture while wearing his shirt inside-out, a habit she had developed for the past week.

I should have I should have kept him confined then

In her drunken state, she sought solace in the lingering scent and Freys energy. Then, she gazed somberly at Freys photo.

I shouldve hidden him Somewhere, no one could find him So that everyone would forget

The photo appeared worn even though it wasnt that old. Isolets voice darkened, just like her expression.

Even as a ghost Wont you appear just once more? Just one more time?

At that moment, Isolet whispered desperately.

Ill take good care of you Please

Growing agitated, she almost lay down on the sofa.

I can even get you plastic surgery so that you dont get caught. If not, you could be my servant. And if that doesnt work for you, I had plans to escape to the eastern continent and live in the quiet countryside. I even checked out houses

Her warm tears soaked Freys shirt and the photo.


After struggling on the sofa for a while, she sniffed, and suddenly her eyes widened.

Someone is here.

She couldnt see who it was as she was draped in Freys shirt, but her heightened senses, even more acute since the inauguration ceremony, sensed the gaze.

Is this another trap to kill me?

Her mind settled, and she began to ponder.

Well, it doesnt matter now.

Eventually, she gave up, bowed her head, and whispered.

Whos there?


Then, she heard a trembling voice.


That voice sounded very familiar.

What, what are you doing?

Frey, clad in a patient gown with a terrified expression, gazed down at her.


Something inside Isolet snapped.






We, Were here!


F, Frey Im going to see Frey Hehe.

Serena and Miho got out of the carriage. Serena looked around and hummed.

Miho, is Frey going to be fine? He wasnt seriously injured, right? He got a serious injury, and we havent visited him yet

Despite the unfamiliar countryside scenery and smell, Serena smiled, but she suddenly asked anxiously.

Last time I checked, he was showing significant improvement. Please, stop asking, human.

Unlike Serena, Miho was visibly irritated, perhaps reminiscing about her hometown, and replied while looking at Serena.

But, how did you shake off all those pursuers?


Werent you being followed? By that girl, Vener? Verer?

Upon hearing that, Serena whispered with a sly grin.

Theyre gone now.

Youre terrifying, human.

Miho shook her head at Serenas cold smile and pointed to a rundown building.

Over there. Frey is there



Ignoring Mihos words, Serena ran toward the building, calling out Frey. She entered the building, passing by the guards who recognized her and nodded quietly.

Please follow me.


Serena hummed as she followed the maid who had guided Isolet moments before. Soon, she became lost in deep thought.

I should only nurse him for a while.

She intended to tenderly look after the injured Frey, wiping his sweat and serving him tasty porridge.

She aimed to etch in his mind that she alone stood by him during his tough times, hoping to rekindle his love.

She had analyzed it countless times with her genius intellect; it was a perfect plan with no room for failure.

Once he fully recovers Ill ask him for a date.

Unlike an ordinary genius who might have stopped there, Serenas mind was already on the next steps.

The date will be on a secluded island. Well swim on the beach and share a hot spring And when night falls Ill set that kind of mood

If there was an issue, it was that her plans seemed more like fantasies.

I need to prepare. Whats the budget? Is there an island with a hot spring? I should create a perfume full of pheromones.

Yet, her extraordinary intellect could turn these fantasies into reality.

I wonder if a storm could strand us for three or four days. If I threaten the Tower Master, it might be possible

While happily planning her time with Frey and grinning widely, Serena suddenly had another thought.

How, how do I prepare for the baby?

She pondered a challenging question that crossed her mind.

Baby clothes Ah, I already bought them. A name? Nightsky, combining stars and the moon? No, too long. What about Night? Thats okay too



Lost in thought, Serena bumped into the back of the maid, who had stopped suddenly.

Ouch Huh?

Wiping away a tear and rubbing her forehead, Serena tilted her head in confusion.


Her expression quickly turned cold.

Sister I cant breathe

You cant leave, you cant go anywhere now Frey.

Behind the doors of the waiting room, a distressing scene unfolded.

I wont let go of you again


Her delicate fianc was cradled in another womans arms.

Though Frey was frail, the incident wouldnt have happened if the woman hadnt been Isolet.

Frey, Ill look after you. Lets live happily in the countryside.


If you dont want that, I can shelter you at my place. Or you can stay hidden in my clothes like last time. Ill fetch the scroll.


Do you want to rebel? If you wish, try it. Please, just dont disappear

Serena silently adjusted her fan while watching her soon-to-be-husband Frey, nestled in Isolets embrace, blushing and unsure.


Soon after, Isolet stood up with Frey in her arms, surveying the room like a goblin who had stolen a treasure.



At that moment, someone swiftly burst into the room and lunged at Isolet.

You shouldnt do this.

Lulu had anticipated this and had been waiting nearby.


After saving Frey from Isolets embrace, Lulu politely seated him on a chair and rested at his feet.



She threatened the drunk Isolet, who wasnt thinking clearly, while she still clung to Freys feet.

If thats how it is, Ill let it go because shes like a protective house dog.

Seeing Lulu like that, Serena smiled, happy that Lulu had followed her advice from their previous conversation.



As Isolet sat on the chair dazedly, Lulu hopped onto Freys lap, looking confused.


On Freys lap, Lulu snuggled into his embrace, rubbing her cheek and head against his stomach.

What is this? It feels rough

Feeling a scratchy sensation whenever Lulus head brushed against him, Frey naturally slid his hand inside her clothes, gently stroking her belly.


Seeing the joyful Lulu making intentional puppy sounds at Frey, Serenas expression turned cold again.

Hidden Quest

Quest Content: Remove Serenas Curse of Familial Subordination

Mission: Go on a date with Serena today

Progress: 20%


At that moment, a mission popped up for Frey.






Meanwhile, at the Hero Partys temporary meeting spot

Thank you all for coming.

The members of the Hero Party gathered in the tent instead of their destroyed headquarters, focusing on Vener giving a briefing.

Ill explain why youre all here today.

Startled by the sudden summons, everyone paid attention to Veners serious words.

Frey is alive.

Vener dropped a bombshell.

I need your help.

Still in shock, Vener continued in a hushed voice.

Its a risky task, so Ill take volunteers.

She looked at Arianne and Alice, who were already eager.

Anyone willing to join the operation to attack Frey, raise your hand


Surprisingly, the first hand raised belonged to an unexpected figure.

Youre amazing!!!


Ferloche burst in as the tent flap swung open, her body covered in bandages, and she raised her hand enthusiastically.

Ill take the lead!!

Her eyes sparkled, just like they did a week ago.

Annoying Vener!!

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