
Chapter 228: From Coincidence To Inevitability


Ruby, tightening her grip on Frey’s struggling arms, peered down at him with a serene expression.


In the next instant, her moist tongue grazed Frey’s neck and traced along his cheek.


Feeling the damp and chilling sensation, Frey tried to turn his head, but Ruby, pressed intimately against him, kept her cheek against his.


Starting at his neck and leaving a lingering trail up to his cheek, Ruby moved upward, twirling her tongue around his ear and eventually taking his entire ear into her mouth.


And at that moment, Frey twisted his body with all his might and kicked Ruby in the abdomen.


Yet, as Frey’s foot made contact, a protective barrier materialized around Ruby.

“How adorable.”

Simultaneously, Frey’s leg went limp. Seizing the chance, Ruby, wearing a gentle smile, secured his leg.

“I didn’t expect you to be so aggressive.”

Then, Ruby wrapped Frey’s leg around her waist.


Ruby, once again enveloping Frey, exerted a powerful force.

“Don’t! Stop it! I don’t want to!”

Frey, looking at Ruby with a pale expression, began to kick and scream in desperation. Frey, his face drained of color, resorted to kicking and screaming in a desperate attempt to break free.

“…Accept me.”

Ruby, casting a cold gaze down at Frey, swiftly silenced him by pressing her mouth against his.

“…Gulp, gulp.”

Ruby began to share her saliva with Frey, her tongue gently entering his mouth.


Overwhelmed by the softness of Ruby’s tongue and the sweetness of her saliva, Frey felt a wave of dizziness.


As Ruby’s saliva continued to flow into his mouth, nearly suffocating him, Frey’s eyes glazed over, and his body began to tremble.


Just as Frey’s eyes were on the verge of closing, Ruby lifted her head slightly.


At the moment the thin strand of saliva connecting them finally broke, Ruby tenderly brushed her fingers against Frey’s cheek.


She directed a question to Frey, who still had a blank look.

“…How does it feel to have been invaded like this?”

Ruby spoke softly as she gently caressed Frey’s stomach, where their mingled saliva lingered.

“You’re already tainted by me.”

As Ruby spoke with a smirk, Frey’s expression turned as if he found it revolting.


In the next moment, Frey, still held by Ruby, spat on her face.


Undeterred, Ruby focused on Frey, licking off the saliva he spat.

‘First goal achieved… Now, I just need to wait for the effect to spread.’

With a blissful look in her eyes, she continued to caress Frey’s abdomen, waiting for her saliva to completely invade him.

“…Hmm. This wasn’t originally part of the plan.”

Then, Ruby’s attention was drawn to a ring on Frey’s hand.

“Seeing things like this makes me want to cross the line.”

In the midst of their struggle, a white glove was peeled off, unveiling a white ring on the ring finger of Frey’s left hand.

To Ruby’s knowledge, the ring was undoubtedly crafted from the ‘Stone of Purity.’

“No, no!”

Frey, realizing Ruby’s intentions, desperately kicked at her.

Fizzle… Sizzle…

Of course, his kicks were blocked, and Ruby once again wrapped his weakened legs around her waist.


With one hand, Ruby tied Frey’s arms above his head, and with the other, she grabbed his shirt.


In a single, swift motion, she tore his shirt open.


Buttons scattered and his shirt lay in tatters.


With a ragged breath, Ruby reached for his bottoms pressing her abdomen against his.


His abdomen was hot. No doubt, the saliva she had inserted was doing its job.

“Look at this.”

With everything falling into place, a contented Ruby began to taunt Frey.

“In the end, whether you willingly align with me or I force you to, it’s just a matter of choice, isn’t it?”


“Your eyes are still alive?”

However, Frey’s eyes continued to blaze with hatred and loathing.


To Ruby, the unwavering intensity in his eyes, regardless of the circumstances, held a beauty all its own.


The anticipation of the pleasure she would derive when those eyes eventually dimmed already coursed through her.

‘Yes, Frey. Since it’s come to this… Beyond isolating you here, I’ll completely…’

Ruby looked at Frey, who had been glaring at her throughout, and with that thought in mind, she dug deeper into him.

‘…Break you.’



At that moment, a barely perceptible barrier appeared.


Frey’s legs, which were wrapped around Ruby’s waist, slipped away, the warmth on Ruby’s abdomen disappeared, and Frey’s arms became free.


[Your current action is classified as an ‘attack’.]

[You can blind me all you wish, but you can not get any further than that.]

Then, a red message appeared in front of Ruby.

“…I got too excited.”

Feeling a sense of loss, Ruby knocked on the delicate barrier separating her from Frey and spoke.

“For now… Let’s calm down… and then…”

She spoke with a smile.

“Open the door!”

Bang bang bang!


Ruby widened her eyes upon hearing the commotion at the door.

“…I did set up Anti-Recognition Magic, didn’t I?”

She was confident that, when locking the door, she had also cast a spell to prevent anyone from discovering this location.

What was going on…


The door handle was shattered, likely from an external impact.

Who would dare bypass her magic? Moreover, to completely shatter it?

“The door… seems to be open…?”


Seeing the situation, Ruby realized that someone was opening the door.


She quickly made a decision.

She had to speed up her plan of isolating Frey.







The atmosphere in the room went cold.

“What is going on here?”

Ruby’s escort, Vener, leading a group of passing maids, knights, and a few nobles, posed a question amid the tense situation.

“That, that is…”

Ruby, her clothing somehow disheveled, responded with downcast eyes and a trembling voice.

“I was just having a conversation with Frey and…”


“He, he suddenly…”

She stopped there, bowing her head deeply.

“…That’s enough.”

Vener placed a hand on Ruby’s shoulder, draping a cloak around her.

Step, step…

She began to approach Frey with a cold expression.

“You know very well what you’ve done.”

“I… Cough!!”

Before Frey could explain himself, Vener landed a punch in his abdomen.


“Get up.”

Frey’s vision blurred slightly as he lowered his head, and Vener seized his hair.


She delivered a sharp slap to Frey’s cheek.

“Just wait….”

“You dare touch the Hero? You’re out of your mind. I’ll execute you right now…”

“Please, wait a moment!”

As Vener continued to address Frey with contempt, she glanced down and felt someone grabbing her leg.

“Hey, you have to listen! Why are you being stubborn?”

It was Glare, the very person who led everyone to this location.

“…Get out of the way, kid.”

“Hey! Don’t do this…”

“You still don’t know anything. This guy is…”

Despite Glare’s desperate plea while holding onto Vener’s leg, Vener stood still.

The woman, an ardent admirer of justice, was undeniably an elite. She had graduated as the top student from Sunrise Academy just a year ago and was even the Student Council President.

However, she didn’t have the keen insight to recognize the disciple of the Magic Tower Master, who had stepped out into the world for the first time today.



Vener had already formed the conviction that this incident was a situation where the Hero Ruby attempted to reform the wicked Frey but found herself almost overwhelmed by his repulsive advances.

“Wait! She’s a hero! How could a hero be overpowered…”

“Then, are you saying the Hero attacked Frey?”

So, Vener saw Glare as a hindrance.

“If you don’t move right now…”

She reached out with a cold expression.

“If, if it was the other way around!”

Avoiding Vener’s grasp, Glare shouted with her eyes tightly closed.

“What would you do if it was the other way around?”


A chilling silence enveloped everyone present.


However, that silence…


“Hehe… heh…”

“…That’s funny.”

Was soon replaced by mocking laughter and sarcastic remarks.

“Well, do you have any evidence?”


As Vener asked the question in that situation, Glare ground her teeth.


Suddenly, someone yanked her from behind, causing her to stumble backward.


Recovering, she rubbed her sore backside, determined to stand again despite the discomfort.


Observing the collective sneers and glares directed at Frey, she wore a stunned expression.

“Something… Something’s wrong…”

And so, Glare had turned pale.

“This isn’t right…”

Muttering to herself, Glare attempted to rise from her spot.

“…Step back.”


The person who had pulled Glare back whispered to her, making her hesitate for a moment.


“Who is it again? I don’t need interruptions…”

And at that moment.



A resounding crash echoed throughout the room.


After the dust settled, Vener found herself pinned against the wall.


Coughing for a moment, she hastily drew her sword as the one responsible for the disturbance approached her.


Her opponent also drew her sword, deftly shattering Vener’s, leaving her holding just the hilt in a daze.

“Hero and Vener.”

With a sword pointed at Vener’s neck in this tense situation.

“You’re being summoned by the higher-ups.”

Isolet struggled to control the hot energy within her.

“You… What are you doing right now…”

“And also.”

With an authoritative aura, she turned her attention to Ruby.

“Hero, you and I will have a discussion later.”

She looked at her suspiciously.

“…Vener, follow me.”


“Follow me.”

After a brief moment, as Isolet took Vener and left the room, Ruby chewed on her lips anxiously.


“Haa… haa…”

Locating Frey, who had slumped to the floor while catching his breath, she inquired.

“Don’t tell me, you planned all of this?”

She asked, her brow furrowing.


Frey responded with a faint smile.


Ruby stared intensely at Frey.

“…Take good care of it.”

She whispered in a gentle voice.

“…After all, you’re now mine.”

Softly caressing his abdomen, she smiled.


Then, casting a glance at Frey, who had once again turned pale, Ruby lovingly caressed his belly once more before leaving the room.


A moment of silence followed.


Some time had passed since Vener was pinned to the wall, and Frey remained seated on the floor, his legs coiled around his arms.


Suddenly, Frey began to retch.


Tears welled up in his eyes as he spat out saliva.


The saliva Ruby had forced into him formed a puddle on the floor.

“Haa… haa…”

Frey, looking on, began to murmur with a shaky voice.

“I… I won’t be corrupted… Stupid woman…”

Feeling the heat and the strange sensation that had been overwhelming him beginning to fade, he continued,

“Later, I’ll… use it against you…”

Feeling firsthand the effects of what Ruby had forcefully left throughout his body, Frey tried his best to expel it.

Beep, beep, beep!


When the communication device rang, he composed himself and answered.

– Fre- Frey! What happened?! I heard you had a fight with Ruby!”


Then he heard the familiar voices of Clana and Serena.

– You weren’t supposed to interact with Ruby during the mission, right? What happened?

“…It’s not a big deal, just a minor incident. You don’t have to be concerned.”

– But still…!

“I’m fine… Really, I am.”

Reassuring her with a soft tone, Frey sensed her worry.

“…I love you, Clana.”

Closing his eyes briefly, he whispered.

– I… me too.

Hearing that, and somewhat taken aback, Clana responded.


Frey ended the communication.

“Ugh… Ugh…”

With a distant look in his eyes, he mechanically tried to rid himself of the traces Ruby left inside him.

“You know what?”


“The Young Master… pounced on the Hero!”

“…I’m not even surprised now.”

Voices reached him from a gap Glare had opened earlier.

“…When will that brat die?”


Realizing that the voices belonged to the servants who once worked in his mansion, Frey quietly bowed his head.

Hidden Quest

Quest Content: Corruption

A system window appeared before him.

Hidden Quest

Reward: Everything

This system window shone more than ever.

Hidden Quest

Do You Accept: Y/N


While watching the prompt, with a hand covering his mouth, Frey subconsciously tried to clear his throat.


Hearing a noise ahead, he closed the system window and quietly looked ahead.

“…Ah, hello.”

When the door opened, it revealed Glare with a trembling expression.







‘What… What did I do?’

Upon seeing Frey in the room, his dark expression and unconscious throat-clearing caught Glare’s attention, prompting her internal reflection.

‘What… What exactly?’

Just before entering the room, she had unintentionally overheard Frey’s conversation, where he seemed indifferent. The echoes of his retching and the hushed discussions among passing maids in the hallway lingered in her mind.

Now, she was looking at the pitiful state of the young man before her.

“Um, Oppa.”

After a thoughtful pause, Glare cautiously approached him.

“…I’m sorry.”

Then, she bowed and cried.

‘Back then, I should’ve insisted more…’

She was filled with regret.

‘I was so stupid…’

She lamented not being more assertive earlier when Ruby had accused Frey.


But, in reality, Glare had no choice.

Ruby had scrutinized her with suspicion.

If she became Ruby’s focus, possessing a magical power so potent it unnerved even Glare herself, she wouldn’t have been able to assist the Hero or find a way to thwart her. Taking a stronger stance seemed impossible.

Of course, thanks to Ruby, who was impervious to photographs and magical recording devices, the mere fact that she went that far without any evidence was already remarkable.

“Hey, Oppa.”

With her hands clasped together, Glare approached Frey cautiously.

“Why-why didn’t you tell the truth?”


Frey’s eyes widened.

“I, I… I saw, the Hero, she said you…”

Glare spoke to Frey, with a serious look on her face.

“Get lost.”


Frey pushed her away, his eyes widened.

“…Don’t get involved with me.”

Frey glanced at the ring on her left hand.


Then, silence enveloped them.

Step, step.

Glare’s eyes narrowed, and she started moving slowly.

“Don’t act like you know me. Go away… Ugh.”

Frey attempted to push her away again, but he recoiled in confusion as Glare bent down and reached in front of him.


But Glare merely placed her hand on his cheek.

“…The cream, I told you to use it.”

A moment later, Glare’s soft, warm fingers were gently rubbing his cheek.

“It’s gonna hurt, hold still.”

Glare rubbed his cheek, seemingly unperturbed by any residue from the drool.

“My dream… is to protect others.”

She spoke with a trembling voice.

“Once upon a time, my life was in danger… and there was someone who saved me.”


“He gave me this ring, too. See, it’s really nice, isn’t it?”

She lifted the radiant ring from the ring finger of her left hand up to his face, and Frey’s eyes flickered.

“So, just like him… I wanted to protect someone…”

Glare observed him with her head bowed.

“…I guess I don’t even deserve it.”

She looked at Frey, who was at a loss for words.

“Were you threatened? Or is there another reason…”

“…It’s because I’m bad.”


“Because I did something wrong, something very ugly and disgusting. So, what happened was justified, and there’s nothing wrong with it.”

After watching Glare in silence, Frey stood up.

“So forget about today, kid, and don’t get involved with me anymore.”

Leaving those words behind, Frey staggered toward the room’s exit, leaving Glare alone.


Due to this, Glare lowered her head with a deflated expression.

“Hero… I…”

With trembling eyes, she clutched the ring on her little finger.

“By the way.”

Just as Frey was about to step out of the door, he stopped and looked back.

“…Thanks for the cream.”

Then, he offered her a genuinely gentle smile, one that hadn’t graced his face in a long time.

“Thanks for the help, kiddo.”

Leaving those words for the wide-eyed Glare, Frey quietly opened the door and left the room.


A moment of silence filled the room.


Glare, who had removed the ring and now placed it back on, murmured, breaking the quietude.

“Let’s start with helping. It’s nonsensical to claim to protect someone if you can’t even help.”

With a determined expression, she mumbled.

“So, I have to help that man… somehow.”

She contemplated her newly set goal.

“And, also…”

Of course.

“…I have another goal, too.”

Touching the ring on her left ring finger, she reflected on the wish she had been too timid to express earlier.

“I owe a great debt to the Hero.”

That day, Glare shone exceptionally brightly.






Meanwhile, at that very moment.

“…What’s this?”

Frey, paying little attention to the curious glances of others, headed towards the restroom to rid himself of the remnants of Ruby’s saliva.

“This is…..”

Upon seeing the window that appeared right after he declined the Corruption Quest, he was genuinely perplexed.

“What on earth?”

Quest: DLC

Quest Content: ???

Completion Conditions: ???

Reward: ???

He was looking at a brilliantly ‘gold’ window with a design he had never seen before.

It was a moment when coincidence led to inevitability.

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