
Chapter 169: - Please Love Me

Ferloche, who had been praying incessantly inside the frozen cold church, couldn’t hold back her whimper.


As she looked down at her knees, Ferloche involuntarily gasped.

Her knees were in such a pitiful state, bruised and frozen purple from kneeling on the cold floor for too long of a time.

– Shaah…

Staring at her knees, Ferloche instinctively reached out her hand, trying to release her divine power. However, as nothing came out, she quickly bit her lip anxiously with the same realization she had for months.

The healing power that once could cure everyone, no longer held any effect.

Only a faint ray of light glowed, meaninglessly illuminating Ferloche’s knees.

“Please… grant me the ability to ‘Retry’…”

In such a desperate situation, Ferloche murmured with a quivering voice.

“Please, bestow upon me ‘Retry’…”

However, her prayers were the only thing that echoed endlessly inside the empty church.

Ever since their brief encounter inside the dream after the Final Battle, the Sun God had not contacted Ferloche again.

As such, as soon as she recovered her consciousness, Ferloche had been desperately attempting to communicate with the Sun God in the church while holding on to her last and faintest glimmer of hope.


However, it seemed like the time had come to give up and abandon everything, letting all hope dissipate along with Frey.

Because, even at this very moment, the sun, once visible through the cracks in the church walls, was gradually growing dimmer.

“That time…”

As Ferloche observed the sight of the fading sun, her head hung low and she murmured.

“If only I hadn’t pierced his heart… What would have happened…”

At this point, even though everything is now in the past, Ferloche still mindlessly went over that fateful day, as she regretted her every action and moment.

If only she hadn’t pierced Frey’s heart and given everyone a chance to hear his last words. If only, Frey had stayed in this world for a little longer, even just for a brief moment. There might have actually been a possibility to persuade him not to choose extinction.

If only Ruby’s body, torn apart by Frey, began to transform into her Demon King form sooner. If only someone witnessed something strange previously. If only someone informed Frey’s family faster. If only they had apologized to Frey while he left his will. If only. If only. If only….. Maybe the results could have been different.


However, no matter how much she speculated on such assumptions, it was now all in vain.

The sun had lost its light and the world was shrouded in darkness and cold. Everything was coming to an end.

And even in such a situation, Ferloche could do nothing but pray.

“Now… Only now do I remember…”

She closed her eyes tightly.

“I had promised to serve you…”

Recalling a dream she had not long ago, Ferloche could only murmur in retrospect.






In a memory of a previous cycle that she recalled while lying unconscious.

“Frey… Do you know that…?”


In the last scene of that memory, a world was in ruins, as Ferloche quietly spoke to Frey, who was sitting blankly.

“There is no God.”


Frey had an expression that seemed to say, ‘Isn’t it God who has turned us into such a situation? What the hell are you talking about?’ To this, Ferloche spoke with an even firmer and clearer voice.

“In this world that has been destroyed, there are only you and me.”


“There’s no one else. No gods… Just the two of us.”

When Frey frowned slightly at these words, Ferloche smiled and continued.

“So, I’m unemployed now.”


“No, I guess not. I don’t think that’s the right way to put it.”

“What are you trying to say?”

As Frey asked, looking slightly lost while gazing at the sky, Ferloche, who still looked at him fondly, replied,

“Now that I have no god to serve, I’ll serve you instead. Only you.”

Ferloche carefully held Frey’s rough hand while whispering.

“Since I don’t have to be a devotee, fulfill any duties as a Saintess, or follow any rules… I also no longer need to protect my chastity.”


“In this ruined world, only you matter.”

“I love you… Frey.”


“I’ll love you forever, no matter what happens.”

Having said that, Ferloche leaned on Frey’s shoulder and closed her eyes.

“…All right.”

Gently stroking Ferloche’s head, Frey answered cautiously.

“Indeed, I can’t let things go on like this.”


After suddenly standing up from his seat, Frey began speaking with a serious expression.

“I’ve thought a lot about giving up and running away. I’ve also considered just watching the ending and spending the rest of my life in peace.”


“However, this is by no means a happy ending.”

After saying that, Frey looked around.

“It’s just escapism, nothing more.”

“What do you mean…?”

“Don’t worry, Ferloche. I’ll make everything better.”

With that, Frey looked at Ferloche and smiled cheerfully.

“During these five individual routes and these five deviations… I was truly happy. All of my accumulated stress was relieved at once. I think I’m ready now.”

“Wh-where are you going…?”

“I have to regain my strength.”

Then, Frey turned his back and started walking forward, and Ferloche followed behind while looking anxious.

“Y-you’re not planning to… die, are you? No, you can’t! Live with me!”


“Even though the world has ended… Us two are still alive! As long as we’re together, we can spend the time ahead in content…!”


As he continued to walk, leaving her behind, Frey suddenly stopped and turned back. He wore a bright smile as he whispered into her ear.

“…I love you.”

“Me too…”

Ferloche unconsciously responded to Frey. Feeling an unknown anxiety, she hurriedly ran towards him.

“Therefore, wait just a little more for me.”

“Wa-Wait a moment…!”

“I will give you, and everyone else… a happy ending.”

After saying that to her, Frey declared with a trembling voice.


“Just wait for a mom—”

The world turned upside down.






“Heuk… Eugh…”

During the time she fell unconscious due to the influence of the Demon God, Ferloche recalled the most precious scene she had seen in her dream. Unknowingly to her, at some point, tears had flowed from her eyes, as she paused in her prayers.

Sob… Ahhh…”

“I want to see Frey again…”

Frey, who had always given her such a bright smile. She missed him so much. No amount of imagination and dream could replace the true him in the flesh.

– Creak…

“Heuk… Sob?”

Ferloche, who had been sobbing with her head dropped low, suddenly stopped crying and jerked her head up.

“W-Who’s there?”

The church door, which hadn’t received any visitors for a long time until now, suddenly opened.

“W-Who’s there?”

Alerted by the unexpected visitor, Ferloche finally stood up for the first time in ages and fumbled around her body for a weapon.

“D-Don’t come… Don’t come closer!”

With a trembling gaze and stammering in fear, she pulled out a dagger from inside her clothes and aimed at the person approaching her.

“N-no, stay away… Don’t come!”

Although no hope was apparent as she looked at the setting sun, she still held a small expectation that she would be able to communicate with the Sun God again. However, if the person approaching were to harm or threaten her, that flickering flame of hope would vanish as well.

“If you come any closer, I’ll attack… Huh?”

However, as she held the weapon with deep resolve, Ferloche suddenly widened her eyes.



The mysterious person revealed himself as he came out from the dark surroundings; it was Frey, the very person she missed so much.


“F-Frey! Frey!! Is that you…?”

In complete shock, Ferloche tried to rush towards him with wide eyes, however, her weak knees gave out, causing her to collapse back to the ground.


“Frey? Have you really come back to life?”

Despite the excruciating pain, Ferloche managed to stand up again and started talking in a trembling voice.

“You, you didn’t choose annihilation?! T-there must have been some misunderstanding, right!?”


“Lord Frey, I’m sorry… No, it’s not that… What should I say…!”

However, she soon fell into panic.

For some reason, she couldn’t even imagine what to say to Frey, who had suddenly reappeared before her very eyes.

“I’m sorry, Ferloche, but I’m afraid I don’t have time to answer your questions.”


However, it seemed like even such childish worries were a luxury to her since she had no chance of saying anything she wanted.

“I’ll disappear soon. So, my question is…”

“No! You can’t be!”

Hearing Frey’s calm words, Ferloche dragged her bleeding knees to approach him.

“I-I was wrong! I was wrong, Frey!”


“I’m so sorry for how I treated you! I’m sorry for forgetting the promise we made! I’ll accept any punishment! So, please!”


“Please stay by my side!!!”

Ferloche grabbed Frey’s leg and started pleading as she trembling uncontrollably.

“I finally remembered… that I said I would serve only you!”


“I need you! I love you! To you who made countless efforts to save the world… Everyone misses you and cherishes the memories!”


“I’ll do anything for you. Anything you desire! I’ll dedicate even my soul! My purity, my faith! I don’t have to follow the rules of being a Saintess anymore…!”

As Frey gazed at Ferloche, he closed his eyes and smiled.

Affection towards Ferloche: 100

“Done, finally.”

With that, Frey took a step back from Ferloche, who had finally reached him, desperately staring with wide-eyes.

“Don’t… don’t go!”

“I’m not leaving yet. Maybe we could have some time to talk…”

Responding to her, Frey showed a bright smile.

– Creak…

“Young Master!!”



As the church door opened once again, four girls rushed in at the same time, making Ferloche’s eyes widen even more.

“See! I said I could sense Frey’s energy stronger here!”

“So, the meaning behind ‘see you again’ was this…! Young Master, you’ve come back!”

“Frey! W-welcome back! I’ll immediately instate you as a future member of the Imperial family! So…”

“Frey… I love you…”

Without any warning, the main heroines, who Frey had left behind without a trace, managed to pinpoint his last location.



While rushing to Frey’s side in just a few steps, each girl eagerly pulled something out and offered it to him.


“Take this, Frey.”

“Earlier, I made the previous sandwiches in a hurry, but this time, I put my heart into making them… So, please enjoy them properly..”


“In the future, I’ll make sandwiches… no, any other food you desire for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I’ll cover all the expenses. I promise…”

Although Kania was upset that she messed up making the sandwich because of her trembling hands, it still looked delicious to anyone else.

“Earlier, I couldn’t compose myself, so I could only give you flowers. Here, it’s the berry you love. The Puppy Love Berry.”


“I’ll give you as much as you want. No, I’ll give you anything you desire. I’ll use any magic or endure any curse for you.”

Irina presented the appetizing Puppy Love Berry with great determination.

“This is the starlight flower… Before the forest got frozen, I was lucky enough to obtain one.”


“Welcome back, Frey. Once the situation stabilizes, I’ll use all the power I possess to ensure you can live happily and comfortably. And if you wish, I’ll arrange for you to move to another continent… And more…”

Clana presented Frey with a starlight flower that had the same color as his hair.

“Frey… I’ll serve you for the remaining time.”


“I-If you want, you can take another wife, or if you feel unsatisfied about me, you can take me as a concubine instead… No, no, I’m fine even as your maid; it’s alright as long as I can stay by your side for the rest of your remaining time. So, please…”

Because Serena was partially out of her mind, she was not able to bring anything with her. Consequently, she tried to give her entire being to Frey.

“Even though it’s too late already… I’ll remain loyal to you for the rest of my life, Young Master…”

“I love you, Frey… Actually, I liked you from the day we first met… Even though it’s too late, now…”

“I finally remembered the vow I made to you. Please let me keep that vow for the remaining time we have…”

The main heroines gradually started to believe that Frey had reconsidered his decision to disappear. However, that fleeting moment passed all too quickly when Serena, who was gazing at Frey desperately, noticed the pendant blinking around his neck.

“I love you forever… Huh?”


“…Time’s up.”

Likewise, as Frey mumbled while looking at the pendant, a system window appeared before him.

[ Judgement System ]

Target: The 5 Main Heroines

Content: You may judge them in any way you desire.

Do You Accept: Y/N



The same window showed itself to the main heroines as well.

The system that only Frey could see before, was now visible to everyone else.


Staring at the system window in front of them for a long time, Frey muttered.

“On what grounds?”

He pushed the system window aside while mumbling.

“…I was not qualified for it from the beginning.”


With those words, silence ensued. Only Serena, who understood the meaning of the blinking pendant on Frey’s neck, trembled.

“Ah? Euaa…?”

“Oh, I almost forgot.”

Breaking the prolonged silence, Frey spoke again after shedding a single tear.

“This time, I have to say something before I leave.”

“In truth, I always wanted to be loved by all of you.”

The girls nodded, intending to respond that they indeed would love him. However, hesitation and anxiety gripped their hearts when they saw Frey’s sorrowful expression.

“Therefore, if there is a next time…”

As he looked around at the girls, Frey spoke while wearing a smile that shone brighter than ever before.

“…Please love me just like you do right now. Please love me until the very end.”

– Crackle…

Then, in the next second, the faintly twinkling light of the pendant completely vanished, and with it, so did Frey.


“W-What’s going on?”

“…Where did he go? Young Master?”

After Kania cried out for Frey in a dejected voice, still holding the untouched coffee and sandwich, an extended silence remained.


– Crackle, crackle…


And such a silence lasted until a faint light emerged from Ferloche, who had continued her earnest prayer with clasped hands.

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