Chapter 184: Laura De Charles Rosenberg (2)

As the door of the drawing room creaked open and Ferzen, followed by Laura, entered the room, Veronica, who had been waiting while sipping her tea, adjusted her posture.

Even though he was a descendant of Brutein and an Apollyon-class warlock, if he tried to dismiss her concerns, Veronica was prepared to keep Laura away from him.

It was important to note that Veronica supported their relationship.

She was the one who had drawn the picture for her daughter, encouraging a more developed relationship.

However, with the current situation involving war, things have changed ever so slightly.

If he didn’t put a stop to Laura’s desires and just went along with them, it could be said that both her daughter and herself had poor judgment when it came to choosing a good man.

“We’ve made you wait for a long time.”

“That is not the case, Count.”

Veronica sipped her tea while closely observing Laura and Ferzen taking their seats.

Seeing that her daughter had finally regained a considerable amount of composure after being restless for a long time, it seemed unlikely that the answer the two of them had come up with would be unsatisfactory.

“Before we get to the point, I would like to take your daughter, Laura de Charles Rosenberg, as my concubine.”


“However, that’s just how I feel right now.”

Though Ferzen’s words held a contradiction, Veronica easily found a way to resolve it.

“Count, if you were to die on the battlefield, my daughter would become a widow. In that case, you could say the reason you didn’t make the relationship official was because the timing wasn’t right……”

If he truly loved her daughter Laura, Veronica wanted to ask why he had taken her to the battlefield.

Even if Laura was stubborn, Ferzen could have easily stopped her by clearly defining their relationship.

“It may be possible for me to be alive in a future where we win, but there is no possibility for me to be alive in a future where we lose.”

“Do you realize that your desire is somewhat absurd, Count? The battlefield is not a place for love.”

“It’s a bitter truth.”

“I believe that beginning a relationship while expecting a breakup and loving someone while thinking of death is wrong, Count.”

“Why do you think that, Lady Rosenberg?”

“Because love is about believing in something that will last forever, even when we know that nothing lasts forever in this world.”

Veronica’s words, while abstract and more about feelings than logic, held considerable persuasive power.

However, Ferzen was able to transition to the next part of the conversation without difficulty.

“Lady Rosenberg. People will definitely die someday.”


“The funny thing is, no one lives while worrying about the death that will come someday. Likewise, lovers are not afraid of separating through breakup. Couples are also not afraid of separation through death. Why? No matter how many times we ask that question, there is only one answer we will get. It’s because the majority of humans are like that, it’s just the way it is.”


“Being called humans are truly blessed beings. After all, we will not know the weight of something until we experience it.”


“Lady Rosenberg, I am sure that you are projecting those general prejudices onto me. However, I don’t feel that way.”

Ferzen had a counter-argument.

How could they not be afraid of death when they saw people around them dying?

How could they not be afraid when they saw lovers around them breaking up?

How could they not be afraid when they saw couples around them get separated by death?

“Do you think mortal beings will pursue immortality called eternity if they do not fear mortality?”


“Lady Rosenberg. Throughout the entirety of my 24 years of life, I have never experienced war.”


“But soon, I will have to slaughter countless people on the front lines. On top of that, I will have a huge target on my back. Do you think my pride of being the descendant of Brutein as well as my pride of being an Apollyon-class warlock will relieve all that burden and help me to survive and achieve victory?”

“Count, you are saying that you will take my beloved daughter to such a place.”

Like stamping a repeat sign.

The more Ferzen appealed, the more easily it was destroyed by Veronica’s logic.

“I am aware.”

So this time, instead of denying it, Ferzen just acknowledged it.

“Even the most cowardly child… Would be less afraid of doing something when they have their mother near them.”


“Lady Rosenberg. A lot of people in the empire are relying on Brutein. Even the Imperial Family also did so. We always move forward as we show our backs to them. They find comfort and courage when they see us like that. Since that’s the case… Who should we rely on? Who should I get comfort from?”

If a hero was a being that saved the people.

Then, who would save the hero?

Although it was extremely simple, it was a logic that was difficult to refute.

“Veronica Liel Reyna Rosenberg. I have no mother or father by my side. And I cannot rely on my brother, my only blood relative, on the battlefield.”


“Then shouldn’t I hope that I could rely on the woman that I love…?”

Ferzen knew that it was nothing but greed.

However, was that greed something that should never be desired?

After speaking, Ferzen bowed his head.


At that moment, Laura, who had been quiet ever since she entered the room, reached out to Ferzen.

She then wrapped her delicate hands and small body around Ferzen.


On the other hand, Veronica, who was watching her daughter seemed to be angry and wanted her to stop painting the man she loved as a weak and miserable coward……

Closed her lips as soon as she tried to say something.

The child who was sickly from birth as well as the child whom she always worried about whenever she took her eyes off her even for a moment……

Seeing that she had become a mature woman and knew how to protect the man she loved made Veronica think that she should no longer hold her in her arms.


Veronica conveyed her words to her daughter, Laura, as she slowly closed her eyes.

Then Laura got up from her chair and quietly left the drawing room while holding Ferzen’s hand.

Immediately after, in the midst of the deafening silence, Veronica smiled.


Looking back, she realized that her husband was also too immature to go through life alone. That was why he asked her to stay by his side.

Without a doubt, Rosenberg was a sacred place for culture and art.

However, it seemed like the specialty of the women in the family was……

‘Becoming someone that their husband could rely on.’

Now, how should she convince her husband?

Veronica could feel her head throb as she thought about that.

* * * * *

“You provided good assistance.”

“…… ”

Assistance, huh?

As they walked down the hallway side by side, Laura glanced up towards Ferzen’s face as she heard his voice.

Every single action he had shown in the drawing room must have been an act.

In fact, if everything he said was true, it wouldn’t make sense for Ferzen to send Yuriel to the rear.

However, because Laura did not feel any pretense when he complained about the burden he was carrying, she unconsciously reached out and hugged Ferzen.

“Then I will stop by your room for a moment in the evening. Please rest until then.”

“I u-nderstand……”

Laura sighed as she looked at Ferzen who was walking away from her.

‘You stupid brat……’

You might have been acting.

‘But…… ’

I was not acting at all.

This vulgar feeling, which she was experiencing for the first time, was quite frustrating. And suddenly, Laura felt her throat closing up.

* * * * *

‘It’s definitely not a big deal.’

In a night shrouded in darkness, Laura stood somewhat awkwardly before a full-length mirror in her assigned bedroom.

In its reflective surface, she beheld a woman so beautifully dressed that it was difficult to believe she was preparing to retire for the night.

Should she change her attire right now?

Laura bit her lip, her primary concern being that her makeup might appear too conspicuous to his discerning eyes, especially considering she had applied it to achieve the ideal complexion against her naturally pale skin.

The fact that she was going to such lengths to impress the only man she had ever known wounded her pride.

‘…I look like a woman.’

It was evident to anyone who saw her in this state that she was trying to keep the man who would come to visit her late into the night.


At that moment, Laura started, her gaze fixing on the door as she heard the doorknob turn without the courtesy of a prior knock.

Naturally, it was Ferzen who entered her room.


As he closed the door and gazed at her in silence, Laura felt her heart quicken.

Perhaps it was the inherent sensitivity that came with being a woman, heightened under the scrutiny of her man’s eyes.

As his eyes swept over her highlighted collarbones and exposed white legs, Laura unconsciously felt a slight tingling in her lower abdomen.

She did not even look away out of shame and just did the same thing he did; scanning his body before stopping in his crotch. She then recalled the male scent that she could now recall at any time……

She laughed wryly in her heart at her own lewdness which she naturally embraced without the slightest resistance.

“Those clothes……”

“I-it…… is for the b-banquet…… S-since I won’t be able to wear this for a while…… I-I tried…… it in advance……”

Laura weakly grabbed the hem of her skirt, thinking that the excuse that she cooked up hastily was not bad at all.

“You are beautiful.”


She wasn’t expecting that.

No, given the context, it was a moment when a man should say those words even if it was only superficial.

So even though she didn’t expect that, Laura was still instinctively looking forward to his next words.

In fact, hearing the words that she was beautiful from his mouth made her heart flutter for some reason.

“I will try to keep what I have to say short.”


“I personally stepped forward against your mother, so once the war ends…… You will have to come forward and persuade Euphemia and Yuriel yourself.”


“It’s not something that you should do, but it’s what you have to do.”

Ferzen was forcing her to do something that was very difficult.

Since the damage Ferzen had suffered from her problem was considerable, Laura decided that it was only right for her to bear the aftermath alone.

“I-I understand……”

“That is all I have to say.”

Just three words, not including his appreciation of the clothes.

As mentioned before, he just briefly told her what he wanted to say, then turned his back and grabbed the doorknob.


Without realizing it, Laura opened her mouth and stopped him in his tracks.

“Is there anything you want to say?”

“Oh, no……”

There was not a single thing she wanted to say.

So why did she call him?

“Ah. I forgot to mention, but when trying to persuade Euphemia, try not to bring up your family’s background.”


“This is not a request, but an order, so there is no need to ask.”



“Yes…… ”

“Have good dreams.”

“Y-you too, Count.”

After he finished and left the room, Laura quickly sat down on the bed as she felt her legs weaken a little.

He told her to not bring her family background–The Rosenbergs–when she persuaded Euphemia.

Perhaps it was because of her lack of self-esteem that stemmed from the fact that she came from a lowly family called Louerg.

In fact, Laura had noticed that Euphemia had very low self-esteem, so it was only natural that Ferzen knew about it too.

The order was probably given with that in mind.

‘For something you don’t have…… ’

Aren’t you receiving an overwhelming amount of love?


At that moment, Laura was embarrassed by the overwhelming jealousy that washed over her and clenched her fists.

What should she say?

She had a gut feeling that if she dug a little deeper into the jealousy she had just felt, she would become very ugly.

For example, if Yuriel died on the battlefield.

And Euphemia miscarried……


Laura shook her head, wondering just what she was thinking about.

At the same time, a cold chill seeped into her snow-white skin.

As she became a part of his harem, she felt like she was finally able to see things that used to be invisible throughout her life.

She now understood the reason for the pointless, ugly, yet tiring fight between Yuriel and Euphemia.

What’s even scarier is that it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Just like her, they probably also hid these ugly feelings.

‘Should I……’

Really persuade such women?

As a different kind of fear overtook her, her confidence slowly crumbled bit by bit……

Laura hurriedly hugged the rabbit doll that was sitting in the bed with her arms.

Only then did she finally feel a little bit calmer than before.


It was really, really, slightly.

TL Note:

My babies! As my little gremlin (MZ) told ya’ll (I mean I told him to tell u guys, if he didn’t then go to town on his ass! You all have mommy’s permission~~) Anyways I started a new project that is —-

That’s why Villan chapters were delayed, but fear not! Next week I should have everything back in order, so thank ya’ll for the love you’ve show ya’ll Degenerate bastards!

On another note, If you wants to help mommy a loooot, there’s a prick on NU whos posting edited MTL about Guillotine, he’s fr messing a lot with my work (Fuck if it wasn’t for the Genesis supreme commander, I would have to drop my new baby!) So if u have the time please report him on NU, or if yur feeling particularly evil, report the blog Lmao (I don’t believe it would do something but….Who knows)

Anyways please show Guillotine some love as that is a novel I fell in love with and I wanted to give it the translation it deserves. (Can U belive they wanted me to translate Otherworld TRPG Game Master???)

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