
Chapter 481: Deeper into the Deep Sea

Beyond the confined scope of the submarine’s spotlight, Duncan could still make out dim shapes and flickers of light, allowing him to perceive the environment from an entirely new and unfamiliar angle.

Through the glass porthole of the submarine, he noticed his newly formed entity floating in the murkiness of the deep sea. Curiously, it lifted what could be described as a limb to touch its own face, which lacked any distinct features. Duncan couldn’t feel the sensation of eyes because this new form didn’t have any, nor did it have hands or feet in the conventional sense. An unusual, rough texture was felt when the end of its limb brushed against the face.

Driven by an unexpected gut feeling, Duncan directed this new form to press against its featureless face. Almost magically, the face began to change. The dark, smooth surface started rippling, and within moments, two eyes materialized. His perception and experience instantly became more intense.

Still adjusting to the controls of this rudimentary new form, Duncan began to cautiously move towards the submarine. His newly formed eyes scrutinized its inner workings and reflected his own form in the glass. The experience was both exhilarating and unnerving.

Suddenly, Agatha gasped at the sight of the mysterious entity outside the submarine’s cabin. She spun around to find Duncan, still in his original form, standing at the control panel. “You really startled me,” she said.

“People tend to have that reaction around me,” Duncan coolly responded, his eyes still focused on the submarine’s control panel. “You might as well get used to it.”

Agatha’s senses heightened. She nervously glanced between Duncan and the unsettling form floating outside. She couldn’t shake the thought that it was typical for Captain Duncan to incite fear, even in such an unusual setting as the ocean.

Though she was scared, she couldn’t articulate her concerns. Instead, she changed the subject, asking, “So, what’s your next move?”

“Having adapted to this new, temporary form capable of navigating the dark waters, my aim is to scout the path ahead,” Duncan casually said. His fingers danced over the control panel, adjusting settings and levers. The submarine’s engine made a strained grumbling noise in response. “We also need to ascend slightly. This vessel isn’t built to withstand these extreme depths for too long.”

As water was expelled from the decompression chamber, the submarine began its slow ascent toward the surface. Agatha, however, seemed entranced, her eyes glued to the porthole. She watched Duncan’s secondary form, a humanoid figure, slowly fade away into the abyss of the ocean.

Soon, the omnipotent darkness of the deep sea swallowed even the faintest glow from the ascending submarine. However, Duncan was not left blind. He emitted a soft, ethereal flame into the surrounding water, using this meager source of light along with his body’s specialized senses to navigate. His path was obstructed by humanoid forms suspended in the icy waters, seemingly lifeless and frozen in place.

Despite Duncan’s best efforts to avoid these mysterious, floating entities, he couldn’t entirely dodge them. Each time he swam past, unsettling thoughts plagued his mind. It was as if these dormant figures, their countless unseeing eyes and inert souls, were on the verge of waking up. It felt like they were scrutinizing him, perhaps even ready to reach out and touch him at any moment. Yet, in the end, they remained static, like empty dolls crafted from ocean silt, devoid of life and movement.

Navigating through this eerie tableau, Duncan arrived at a precipice at the edge of what was known as the “Underwater Floating Island.” He paused, taking a moment to survey the underwater landscape that lay ahead of him.

According to reports, this area corresponded to the southeast coast of “Frost.” Above the waterline, this coastline was home to ports, warehouses, customs offices, and a charming little church perched on a cliff, framed by evergreen trees even in the depths of winter. However, beneath the waves, the scene was entirely different: only bleak, jagged cliffs stood, their haunting dark hues evoking images of primitive sculptures stripped of all adornment.

Duncan then redirected his gaze toward the heart of the underwater island. Amid the low light and encroaching shadows, he could barely make out a massive, towering structure. It seemed like either a peak of a submerged mountain or perhaps a gigantic pillar that seemed to impale the island itself.

Suddenly, Duncan’s mind flashed back to an image Martha had described during one of their previous communications. She had spoken of countless minds drowning in the ocean, each catching a fleeting glimpse of a dark abyss before dissolving into nothingness. Their collective terror had imprinted a recurring vision—a colossal pillar penetrating a vast entity deep within the sea.

Upon reflection, Duncan realized the immense entity he was now observing appeared strikingly similar to the “Original Blueprint” of Frost that Martha had described. And as for the towering pillar? Was it a manifestation of the Nether Lord, making its incursion into the real world? Or could it be something else, perhaps the thing that was rumored to be a false creation?

The questions loomed large, filling Duncan with a mix of dread and anticipation as he contemplated his next moves in this alien, underwater world.

Duncan halted his forward movement, staring contemplatively at the distant “pillar” that beckoned him from afar. After progressing only a short distance, he found himself disheartened. The underwater journey ahead was daunting, stretching across what would be half of a city-state on land.

Underwater distances had a deceptive quality, particularly when traversing a setting as punishing as the deep sea. Although his current form seemed impervious to the immense pressures that would crush a regular human, he realized that covering such an expansive distance would be a draining and tedious undertaking.

As he pondered, an idea started to crystallize in his mind. With a sense of hesitant experimentation, Duncan slowly raised an arm and waved it in the water. A dim green flame followed the motion of his hand, quickly morphing into a swirling vortex—a portal. Almost instantly, a skeletal bird, wreathed in roaring flames, burst forth from the portal and circled around him. Ai squawked in a piercing voice, “Who summons the fleet! Transmission successful! Transmission successful! Open the door, the delivery has arrived!”

Duncan was completely taken aback.

Ai, flapping her fiery wings beside him, moved through the billions of tons of oceanic pressure as if she were soaring freely through the sky. Her voice, a sharp and dissonant synthesis of tones, prattled on ceaselessly, piercing enough to tunnel its way into one’s consciousness.

It was astonishing—this environment of extreme pressure and darkness seemed to have no adverse effect on Ai at all.

Initially, Duncan had only hoped to test whether Ai’s unique ability for “teleportation” could prove useful in this underwater expedition. He had been ready to teleport her back to the submarine if she was unable to adapt. But her performance was exceeding not just the baseline, but also soaring past any expectations he had.

Dumbfounded, Duncan watched Ai loop around him, unfazed by the water as if it were merely an illusionary obstacle. After a lingering moment of awe, he extended his arm and the bird obediently alighted upon it. She cocked her head, looking quizzically at him. “What’s up, what’s up, what’s up?”

Duncan opened his ‘mouth,’ then realized his current form didn’t actually have one. Even if it did, he was uncertain how verbal communication would work in this underwater realm. Opting for an alternative, he focused his thoughts intently, striving to mentally transmit his questions to the avian spirit.

“We are underwater now. Do you sense anything unusual?”

Peering into Ai’s eyes, Duncan sought any sign that she had understood him. Her head tilted slightly, a gesture that usually indicated curiosity or contemplation. With bated breath, he waited for her response, hoping that their newfound synergy could unlock further secrets of the abyss that lay before them.

“GG, you’re surfing too!” The bird’s voice resonated with a sudden burst of enthusiasm, causing it to flap its wings vigorously. As Ai did so, a shower of ethereal green sparks cascaded from its skeletal form, illuminating their immediate surroundings in an eerie glow. “Skywing 3G, so fast, Skywing 3G, too fast!”

Duncan’s eyes took on a contemplative cast as he processed Ai’s animated exclamations. He found himself lost in thought, mulling over the implications of what had just transpired between them. Time seemed to slow as he pondered, so absorbed was he that he didn’t immediately respond to the spirit bird.

Noticing his lack of engagement, Ai grew less frenetic and settled down. She curiously pecked at his arm before asking, “No response from the application?”

This question acted like a mental reset button for Duncan, pulling him back from the depths of his contemplation and refocusing his attention on the urgent matters that awaited him. There was much work to be done, and every moment was precious in this unpredictable environment.

He lifted his head, his gaze cutting through the murky expanse towards the enigmatic darkness that lay beyond. A renewed sense of purpose filled him, and he turned his focus inward, mentally formulating his instructions to Ai.

“Take me to that place,” he thought, projecting as clearly as he could.

“Command received! Command received!” Ai’s response came swiftly, her voice tinged with the usual exuberance. Her wings beat even more energetically than before, whipping up flames that spiraled around her in a blazing vortex. “Mission will be accomplished!”

As he heard Ai’s confident affirmation, Duncan couldn’t help but feel a mix of anticipation and trepidation. With her at his side, they were about to delve into the unknown, and for the first time in a long while, he felt an inkling of excitement laced with the suspense of uncertainty.

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