
Chapter 918 - Sunlit's Imperial Offer

With his appearance thus finished, he turned on his heel and left the dressing room, passing several nude maids standing by equally-nude statues of idealized women, sparing them only cursory looks. It was rare that it happened, but he couldn’t justify delaying this any longer no matter how aroused he may be.

It was to the exit of his ark that he strode, and upon exiting, he found himself confronted with a welcoming party numbering in the thousands, all cheering or clapping as he appeared at the top of the ramp. His honor guards flanked his exit, and he waved and smiled at as many people as he could, taking the opportunity to inspect the crowd.

His ark had landed on one of Occulara’s largest arkpads, allowing most of the rest of his armada to land alongside him. They were already disgorging their passengers, though they mostly consisted of the guards and aides that insisted on joining him wherever he went.

‘Like a stench from a whore’s gash—always following me,’ he thought as his attention flitted behind him for but a moment, taking in his people’s disembarkation. He could easily order them to stay wherever he wanted them to when he was in his home Empire—as he often liked to do just because he could—but in another land, he had to have his entourage. Others might think less of him if he didn’t bring them and keep them highly visible. But he put them out of mind for the moment to focus on people who actually mattered.

He winked at the Grand Druid, reveling in her momentary look of disdain. He loved that he could get such a reaction out of the old woman.

He made eye contact with the Lord Protector, yet spared him little more than a quick nod.

The Director of Heaven’s Eye was out in front, and it was to him that Sunlit began moving. However, beneath the smile he still wore, his mood had rapidly deteriorated, for the one person he’d been hoping to find waiting for him wasn’t here.

Leon Raime was missing from this welcoming ceremony. There were several other Chiefs of Heaven’s Eye present, including one with a delightful head of red hair, but none of them seriously interested him.

Though, if he were honest, he wasn’t so sure Leon’s absence was a bad thing; he might have lost control and tried to take the boy right then and there if the opportunity had presented itself.

“Your Imperial Majesty,” the Director said as Sunlit made his way over, his gold-clad honor guard shadowing his movements. “Welcome to Occulara.” The Director bowed, and the many Heaven’s Eye officials around him took that as their cue to do the same. None bowed particularly low, and Sunlit had to fight the urge to get offended.

His eyes drifted in Penelope’s direction, drinking in the sight of her relatively short, chin-length black hair, her somewhat almond-shaped eyes that hinted at either Han or Sakuran heritage that was especially rare in his southern Empire, and her egg-shaped face. She was quite the beauty, and he couldn’t help but relish the sight of her lowering herself before him, as all women ought to.

Turning back to the Director, he asked in a tone that was decidedly more playful than he felt, “I’m happy to see that I’m so welcome! Some of my advisors were hesitant to see me off, citing unsubstantiated claims that Heaven’s Eye was leaving behind its venerable claims of neutrality! But nothing could be further from the truth, am I right?”

“Absolutely nothing,” the Director smoothly agreed, the old man smiling warmly.

‘Cheeky shitlicker,’ Sunlit silently spat.

“Sunlit,” Anastasios said as he stepped forward, a diplomatic smile brightening his aged face and making his wrinkles much more pronounced. The Lord Protector offered his hand and Sunlit had to force himself to touch the geriatric’s disgusting skin. “Your visit was unannounced until quite last minute; you’ve had my people scrambling around trying to get ready for a proper state visit.”

Sunlit gave the man a charming smile and said, “No need to have bothered trying something so far outside of their wheelhouse. Since we’re in Occulara anyway, should it not be Heaven’s Eye who gives me my due welcome?”

“They may run this city,” Anastasios said, his tone sliding into something sharper and more threatening, “but Ilion still holds dominion over these lands.”

“Then perhaps it was right and proper for me to come without warning. Heaven’s Eye is in a deep crisis that needs to be solved as soon as possible!”

As he spoke, the Grand Druid approached from his other side. “And what crisis might that be?” she asked, her voice carrying only the barest amount of respect that was due for one of his elevated station.

He had to suppress the urge to wipe the arrogant glare off the old bitch’s face. She looked down on him now, but once he was done, she’d be on her knees in front of him, begging to receive even the most fleeting moments of his attention.

‘And the rotten cunt will get none. She gave that fine granddaughter of hers to Leon Raime—that little whore would’ve given me some spectacular children, but she had to go and spread her bitch legs for someone so much less worthy. Truly a shame, I would’ve even considered making her my Empress…’

“Don’t play coy,” Sunlit said with a sharp glare. “Your granddaughter married a Chief of Heaven’s Eye! What claim to neutrality could they possibly make now that won’t be laughed out of the room?” He then pointedly glared at Anastasios. “And you, old man; you tolerate this? When Heaven’s Eye is on ‘Ilian land’, as you claim? Heaven’s Eye is being mounted upon the Evergolden shaft and you stand there watching, mouth agape, drooling over yourself? There are words for men who watch their own being taken from them, but I never would’ve thought they might apply to a man as powerful and venerated as the Lord Protector of the Ilian Empire!”

The Sunlit Emperor grinned as he started pacing in front of the three, making it clear he was only building up steam. But the Director quite diplomatically interjected before he could keep his rant going.

“It’s such a pleasure to have you here in Occulara, Your Imperial Majesty,” he said. “Perhaps we ought to bring you inside? This was surely a long flight; I’d love to help you get settled in so that we can address your business fully rested.”

“You’re not really my type,” Sunlit said as his eyes blatantly slid from the Director to Penelope. He smiled lasciviously. “Penelope,” he hungrily said, “why don’t you be my escort?”

Penelope scowled for a split second before diplomatic disinterest returned to her face. “My father would be the one most qualified—”

“I disagree; a beautiful woman is so much more qualified to show a man the sights than an old man could ever be!”

“Unfortunately,” the Director interrupted, “my daughter has some business to attend to. Please, Your Imperial Majesty, your palace awaits…” The Director bowed slightly and held out his hand to direct Sunlit to the road where his ride was waiting.

Ignoring the proffered exit, however, Sunlit approached Penelope and grabbed her arm, pulling her into his embrace. “Surely you don’t object to showing me around the city, do you?” he asked as charmingly as he could.

Despite this, Penelope intensely demanded, “Let go of me!” She writhed in his grip and, conscious of Anastasios, the Grand Druid, the Director, and all the members of Heaven’s Eye around him, Sunlit laughed and released her.

“Watch your hands,” Anastasios said as he interposed himself between Sunlit and Penelope, allowing the latter to retreat further, her aura and killing intent spiking in equal measure.

Sunlit laughed again and said, “No need to be such a killjoy, old man. We don’t want your heart giving out prematurely, do we?” He turned to a visibly furious Director who’d advanced upon him with death in his yellow eyes and said, “Fine, fine. If she truly has business so pressing that she can’t even escort me to my palace, then I won’t insist on the woman setting aside her duties.”

‘Fucking bitch should be honored to receive even a moment of my attention!’ he raged internally, though he did his best to keep an easy-going smile on his lips.

“This way,” the Director said, holding out his hand again. His tone this time was harsher and more demanding, and Sunlit knew that if he didn’t go along with the Director, then there would be violence. While such a prospect against the Director was hardly something that concerned him, he wasn’t quite ready to antagonize the Lord Protector or Grand Druid. Not without Keeper on his side, anyway, but with how they’d been acting lately, Sunlit doubted getting his crackbrained ally in the east to go that far would be too hard.

After that, though… Keeper would have to go. The man would surely object to his plans, and Sunlit simply couldn’t have that.

The thought of having the entire plane finally in his wise and adept control nearly had Sunlit grinning like an idiot, but he only let out a shallower, more dignified smile. He followed the Director to the road where several dozen wheelless carriages were waiting, passing the cold and unwelcoming Heaven’s Eye welcoming party without much care.


Nearly every nation in the political sphere of the Empires had some kind of presence in Occulara. Since it was the headquarters of Heaven’s Eye, it would’ve been foolish not to at least have a consulate. Sunlit, however, as did most of his Imperial colleagues, had a palace along the banks of the Scamander. It was hardly the largest or most well-appointed of his properties, and most of the time was left fairly short on staff, but it was still large and opulent enough for Sunlit’s entire entourage.

As Sunlit entered and his stewards began taking control of the palace, Sunlit continued inside, the Director following close behind at Sunlit’s invitation. Upon reaching the private sections of the palace in the back, Sunlit led them into a fairly small sitting room.

The room wasn’t decorated as Sunlit would’ve preferred, though he’d only ever visited the palace once in his life. Instead of his usual focus on nude women in just about every art form, this room—and the palace as a whole—lacked essentially all personal touches to its decoration. Opulent, yes; warm and welcoming, no.

Sunlit relaxed for a moment as the Director remained standing, pointedly ignoring the other chair in the room.

“Speak your piece,” the old man growled, irritating Sunlit to no end.

But the Emperor didn’t let that show. Instead, he lightly asked, “How’s Leon Raime doing? I admit that I was hoping to see him today. He aided my people in repelling the Sky Devils from Argos and I wanted to thank him again for that.”

The Director flatly replied, “He’s busy.”

“Of course he is, but so busy he can’t welcome an Emperor to the city?”

The Director coldly stared back at Sunlit and didn’t verbally respond.

“My, my, so rude you are, Director. What have I done to elicit such treatment?”

“Touch my daughter again,” the Director spat, “and you’ll learn that tenth-tier or not, I can still take your head.”

“Heh. That’s a good one.” Sunlit was on his feet in a moment and his golden lightning filled the room. The Director was armed and armored in a flash of light, but Sunlit charged, slamming his hand into the Director’s abdomen. Upon making contact, his hand exploded with lightning, sending the Director flying back through the magically reinforced wall behind him and into the hallway.

Sunlit didn’t pursue and instead let his aura die down. He had ordered some privacy for this meeting, so when he heard some hurried footsteps from further in the palace investigating the noise, he called upon some darkness magic and ordered them off. He wasn’t scared of the Director and didn’t want anyone interfering in his business.

“There’s no need for such threatening language,” Sunlit called out as the Director picked himself up outside. “Come on in and let’s talk as men; squabbling is for the women! And we have much to discuss!”

“Then speak!” the Director shouted, not sounding much the worse for wear despite taking Sunlit’s strike.

Sunlit suppressed an impressed snort. He didn’t think the old man had that kind of fortitude.

“I don’t feel like shouting, so sit down,” Sunlit repeated. The Director didn’t comply, but he at least climbed back into the room through the hole he’d made as he went through the wall. “Heaven’s Eye and I have some… aligned interests,” Sunlit said despite this flagrant show of disrespect.

“Heaven’s Eye has many interests,” the Director neutrally stated.

“And those interests are mine,” Sunlit said as he retrieved a small card from his soul realm and flipped it through his fingers. As it caught the light, he heard the Director let out a small gasp. “Indeed,” Sunlit stated with glee, “I know what this is, and you certainly do, too. Heaven’s Eye owes me allegiance.”

With a quickly-schooled expression, the Director said, “Heaven’s Eye doesn’t issue platinum cards, nor do we acknowledge that particular legend. Having a differently-colored card means nothing.”

“I’m sure you still know the significance that my having one of these cards holds, though,” Sunlit leadingly asked. “How… old they are? How such a thing could have fallen into my hands…?”

The Director stared at the card for a long moment, Sunlit obligingly holding it steady for him. Finally, the Director gave him a political smile and said, “That’s impossible to verify; the bloodline of the Thunderbird’s is—”

“—walks among us,” Sunlit interrupted. “Don’t play the fool with me, old man. I know that Leon Raime claims descent from the Thunderbird. So do I. You cannot have been unaware, and yet you made Leon Raime one of your Chiefs. You have allied with him, despite the inherent dangers.”

Sunlit rose from his seat to properly face the Director.

“Ally with me, instead. I’ll give you whatever you want—women, power, position. All three? Neither? Something else entirely? I don’t care. Name it and it’s yours.”

“And the price for such favor?” the Director asked.

Sunlit grinned. “The Sky Devils threaten us all. I would see that they’re eradicated. Beyond that… well, we can cross that bridge when we come to it. But you ought to realize that I’m an ambitious man; I have plans for Aeterna, and I want you at my side when I put them into motion. Whatever you hope to gain through Leon Raime, I hope you understand that you can gain from me far easier and far quicker. Ally with me and we’ll rule this plane!”

Sunlit knew men like the Director. They surrounded him in Thunderhaven, all clamoring for his favor. The Director had power, but Sunlit knew he craved more. He was an ambitious man, too; Sunlit just had to offer him what he wanted, and he’d fall into line. They always did.

“Am I to believe that you consider yourself such a descendant of the Thunderbird that you can replace Leon Raime in my plans?” the Director skeptically asked. “What proof do you have?”

“Is this not enough?” Sunlit asked as he twirled the platinum card through his fingers a few more times. With a good-natured laugh, he said, “I have the proper lineage reports, though I’m more concerned that you doubt my word. Do you distrust me so much, Director?”

“Why should I trust a man who makes such advances upon my daughter?”

Sunlit scoffed. “What’s a woman between men? Once your daughter has taken her rightful place in my harem I’ll send you a few good concubines; they’ll give you some proper sons.”

The Director glared at him for a moment before his expression softened. “You make it hard to turn you down.”

‘Of course I do, you old cocksucker.’

“I want an alliance, Director,” Sunlit stated. “Join me and the plane will be ours. Perhaps even more than that once we finish securing the central regions and have unfettered access to all that the Thunderbird Clan—my Clan—left behind on this plane.” Sunlit walked forward and extended a hand. “What do you say?”

“This is a monumental decision,” the Director said. “This is one I will have to carefully deliberate.”

Sunlit’s smile froze, and after a moment, he retracted his hand. “Yes, yes, of course. One cannot make such decisions without properly weighing all the benefits. Please, take some time to think my offer over. I’ll wait for your response. But do keep in mind: Ilion and Evergold want to make peace with the Sky Devils! Those very same bastards that sacked Argos and seized the Sword! That have raped and pillaged these lands for eighty-thousand years! And now Ilion and Evergold want to invite them back in and let them continue to ravage our land!”

“Were they not followers of the Thunderbird Clan at one point?” the Director pointed out.

“As the current head of the Thunderbird Clan, I disavow them completely,” Sunlit smoothly replied. “An owner should always be responsible for putting his dogs down if they turn rabid.”

The Director softly grunted. “I will think on your offer; as tempting as it is, there are many points to consider. I will give you my answer soon.”

“I hope you choose wisely,” Sunlit menacingly replied. His aura then sharpened and fixed itself around the Director, freezing him in place. “It would go without saying what would happen if you bring up my offer with anyone else…” A few bolts of golden lightning reached out from his body to flicker at the Director, each arc coming closer and closer until a few hairs on the Director’s chin were singed.

The old man tried to play it cool, but Sunlit felt him instinctively try to lean away from his lightning, but Sunlit held him in place. Only a fraction of a second before his lightning struck the Director properly did Sunlit finally release the old man, allowing him to avoid receiving a lightning burn.

The Director stumbled back, nearly falling ass-first through the hole in the wall. He righted himself without much grace, then used the door to hurriedly leave. Sunlit grinned as the rat scurried away, undoubtedly salivating at the hint of cheese that Sunlit had laid out.

While not receiving an answer immediately enraged him, he was content with letting the Director go, confident as he was that he’d agree.

Now, it wouldn’t be long before Leon Raime was in hand. If all went well, he’d have a proper awakening ritual, and if not, then Sunlit had no problem waiting until his blood mages ripped the secret to his power out of him. Once that happened, Sunlit would finally be able to right the wrongs done to him long before he was even born.

His birthright would be returned.

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