
Chapter 1211  Why do Dragons inherit his arrogance?

Chapter 1211  Why do Dragons inherit his arrogance?

A voice was heard.


All the Divine Stage Cultivators turned towards the confused voice that was heard.

Arcturus, Alaric, Lyriana, and Aurelian, all narrowed their eyes the moment they saw 2 humans, a man and a woman, who were walking towards them with confused looks on their faces.

Both humans had a strange air around them, they were… beautiful.

Their facial features were almost otherworldly, the man had short black hair, and icy blue eyes, he wore silk robes that had beautiful patterns printed on them, his features were nigh perfect and just like him, the woman standing beside him had long black hairs and blue eyes as well. The woman seemed like she was the goddess of beauty herself, even the Divine Stage Cultivators were taken aback by her beauty.

There was no trace of aura coming from the two humans, even the Divine Stage Cultivators couldn\'t help but think that they were nothing more than a normal human couple walking towards them.


That itself was an impossibility.

There were over a hundred Divine Stage Cultivators present here, all ready to fight against each other, even the Saint Stage Cultivators present here were having a hard time breathing, heck, some of them had even passed out from the ridiculous amount of pressure the combination of these Divine Stage Cultivators\' aura released.


Here they were…

Two humans, with absolutely no sort of power backing them, walked towards them without as much as considering the \'horrifying\' aura they were releasing.

A solemn atmosphere fell over the place, the Divine Stage Cultivators realized that this couple was not an ordinary couple.

All of them first turned towards the three Human Emperors, wanting to know if any of them knew anything about these two, the Human Emperors, however, shook their heads.

"Who are you?"

In the end, unable to contain his curiosity, Arcturus questioned.

The Human Couple, however, completely ignored the Dragon Lord and walked between the two sides that were about to face each other.

Then, the human male frowned,

"Why are so many Divine Stage Cultivators gathered here? And why does it look like you are about to fight?

I think we have already made it clear that Divine Stage Cultivators are not allowed to fight in Yrniel, we even gave you access to the Battle Dimension, did we not?

Then why is it that I am still seeing not one, but more than a hundred Divine Stage gathered here?"

The Human male questioned.

His tone wasn\'t extremely overbearing, he didn\'t sound like a King or an Emperor who was commanding absolute authority, his words sounded like it was coming from a father who was disappointed and angered by his children, instead of raising his voice, it felt as if he was trying to make all Divine Stage Cultivators here admit their mistakes and reflect on their actions.

Yes, a human without any trace of aura around his body, someone who was no different than a mortal, wanted more than a hundred Divine Stage Cultivators to reflect on their actions.

And as absurd as these words sounded, none of the Divine Stage Cultivators here made a move or showed their discontent, for some reason, they could tell that making a move here was foolish and would not end well.

"I do not know why so many Divine Stage Cultivators are here,

I am willing to overlook this since no major damage has been done, however, this shall not be repeated after this day.

Now return,"

The Male ordered and as if he was absolutely sure that everyone here would listen to his order, the human started walking towards the Trial Tower, the woman standing with him momentarily glanced at all the cultivators here before closing her eyes and following the man.

There was a strange sort of disdain in her eyes, she wasn\'t looking down on any of the beings here, it was just that… she simply did not acknowledge their existence.

It was as if these beings present here weren\'t even enough to garner her interest.

*Step* *Step*

This time, one of the Divine Stage Cultivators finally reacted.

It was Lyriana, who had stepped forward and blocked the couple\'s way,

"I cannot allow you to pass."

She spoke with a strict look on her face.

It didn\'t matter who these people were, Nux was taking the Human Trial and was in his most vulnerable condition, right now, she couldn\'t let any unknown being near him.



The Human Couple stared at the Elven Queen for a moment, the woman still had the same disinterest in her eyes as before, the man, however, was different.

As if he was a father wanting to correct his daughter\'s actions, he stepped forward and,

"I told you all to return, did I not?"


Before Lyriana could answer,

"And what made you think that you can command us all?"

This time, the one who spoke was Arcturus, the Dragon Lord then appeared right in front of the Human and,

"You still have not answered my question yet, Human.

Tell me who you are, else do not blame me for doing something unsightly."

Saying those words, Arcturus also released almost half of his aura formed out of his Law of Self, wanting to restrain and intimidate the human.

"A Dragon."

The woman, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke up.

"As you would expect from his descendent."

She commented, looking at Arcturus with her blue eyes that seemed to have stored the entire sky into it.

"He has certainly inherited his arrogance."

The man chuckled as he nodded as well.

Then, he moved his hand, completely ignoring Arcturus\'s Aura and,

"If only he inherited a bit of his strength as well, that could have been helpful."

"It doesn\'t matter, the Dragons have already produced a future General." The woman replied.

"The more the merrier, no?"

"Be content with what we have, a Dragon, a Vampire, and now we might get a Human."

As he heard the woman\'s reply, the man\'s expression changed and he smiled,

"I didn\'t think we humans would be the one to produce the next Future General."

"Don\'t build castles in the air, we are not sure of it yet." The woman replied and the man simply chuckled,

"You think we will have a better candidate? Are you completely ignoring the reason we are here? It\'s quite funny to see you act like this, Faustina." the man chuckled.


The woman named Faustina didn\'t say anything.

"Anyways, he is about to wake up, let\'s leave."

The man spoke but then,


The Dragon Lord called out.

He couldn\'t believe that this bastard had the audacity to ignore him so blatantly.

Sensing his intentions, all 50 Divine Stage Dragons surrounded the couple, ready to move the instant their Lord ordered.

The couple stared at the Dragons and a troublesome expression appeared on their faces.

Then, Faustina narrowed her eyes, and suddenly,


Intense pressure descended on all 51 Dragons and they all were squashed to the ground, none of them, including the Dragon Lord, was able to stand up in front of this intense pressure,

Seeing this sight, the other Divine Stage Cultivators were horrified, they all turned towards the couple with frightened looks on their faces, however, seeing the confused looks on their faces, they all frowned as well.

"Lady Faustina, I hope this fool\'s words didn\'t enrage you. He is still the current Dragon Lord of the Dragon Continent, I hope Lady Faustina can forgive him."

A voice was heard.

A voice that the Divine Stage Cultivators knew who it belonged to.

And never in their life, could they imagine that they would hear such a humble tone from this voice,

Suddenly, Vyriana appeared in front of the human couple and…

She knelt on one knee.

She wasn\'t alone, there was an unknown Vampire woman with her as well, kneeling right next to her, however, none of the Divine Stage Cultivators paid any attention to her, after all, what they were seeing was something none of them could ever imagine,

Lady Vyriana… was kneeling…

J-Just who were these two Humans…!?

"Hey, I could be enraged by his words too you know? It seems like you are ignoring me."

The man standing beside Faustina complained.

"Master told me that Lord Caesar is good at controlling his emotions," Vyriana replied.

"Are you saying that I am bad at controlling my emotions?" Faustina questioned with a playful smile on her face, this was the first time her expression had changed.

It was glaringly obvious that she treated Vyriana differently compared to others. She actually quite enjoyed teasing the Dragon woman, however,

Vyriana has had enough,

She stood up while dusting away her knee and,

"Please don\'t bother me with your little plays, Lady Faustina. My Masters were the ones who gave me this information, whatever you infer out of this, go discuss it with them. Unlike me, they seem to have quite a lot of free time on their hands."

It was the most polite way of saying \'don\'t bother me, I am busy\' Vyriana could come up with. "…you are as rude as ever."

Faustina commented.

"Tsk, why do Dragons inherit his arrogance?"

She snorted.  

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