
Chapter 1021 Everything Belongs To Me

Once he left, Amaya and the others could move their bodies again. Silence fell over the place. None of them thought that Nux would use his powers of them like this.

"We still have a chance, let us ask Master for another Artifact that would take us to Waranal, once we are there, finding him won\'t be difficult."

Astaria wasn\'t planning on giving up. She didn\'t know what had happened to Nux, however, she knew he was in pain and she wanted to help him.

Others had the same thought. Melia had already opened the Portal and had walked out of the [Core]. Astaria and the others followed, Vyriana, who saw them frowned in confusion,

"You all are still here?" She questioned with a confused look on her face.

"Master, can you give us another Artifact that would send us to Waranal?" Astaria questioned. Even someone like her could be quite shameless when it came to it.

She has been with Nux for all this while, after all.

"He didn\'t take you people with him." Vyriana was quick to catch on.


Astaria and the others turned silent.

"I will support his decision."

Vyriana didn\'t even think before coming to a conclusion,

"That man cares about you and wants you to be safe, I won\'t be involving myself in the matter of your family."

"Master, he needs our help-"

"You people cannot help him."

Vyriana shot her down.

"You people are too weak for that and you know it as well.

Trust him, give him some time, I doubt this will be the end of him."

Vyriana spoke up. It was strange for her to support a barely 20-year-old man, Nux however, was a little different from the rest. For some reason, Vyriana had a strange confidence in him.


Nux\'s wives turned silent.

"Rather than trying to follow him and becoming a burden, I suggest you people work on yourself."

Vyriana then glanced at Astaria and, "Until he returns, you will be training with me, this time, it is not a request, but an order."

Before Astaria could answer, Vyriana turned towards Aisha and, "You will be going to the Battle Dimension and use the time difference to rebuild your foundation using the technique I gave you."

Then she turned towards Amaya and,

"I know you are close to advancing to another level of your Physique, work on that, the Power to Devour Life is strong, it even works on the Divine Stage Cultivators, this is what makes the Devouring Demons so dangerous.

And you, if I am not wrong then Kaal offered to help you, didn\'t he? Go to him, enter the Trials, and become a Shadow Demon. Kaal is a competent ruler, if he says he sees potential in you, then he must have seen something." Vyriana pointed at Lane, then, she glanced at the rest of the women and,

"I do not know everything about you all, however, I do know one thing,

As long as you are willing to put in the effort, there are no limits. Potential? The Trial Tower solves that. Time? The Battle Dimension solves that.

Not many Non-Divine Stage Cultivators have access to that place, use that advantage well.

Improve yourself, get stronger.

Once that boy returns, he would be at an entirely different level, don\'t be left behind, is that clear?"

"We understand, Lady Vyriana."

The women nodded.

Vyriana nodded back, then, she took out the Black colored Artifact used to visit the Battle Dimension and gave one to each woman.

Then, she and Astaria disappeared.


The rest of the women turned silent, all of them looking at the Artifact in their hands. One by one, all the women disappeared as well. They all had different thoughts in their minds, but one thing was common, they all wanted to get stronger.


While his women were all trying their best to get stronger, Nux, who was in the Waranal Dimension was breathing heavily as he sat on a large body of a 9-Star Beast.

In front of him, was a series of messages on a red screen.

[Error! Error! Error!]

[The Bloodline Level the Host is extracting is too high!

The current System is not strong enough to assimilate this Bloodline into Host\'s Body without some unalterable changes.]

[Currently, the Host has 2 options.]

[First, Inherit the Bloodline and permanently become a Primordial Incubus. If the Host chooses this option, he would lose his Human Bloodline and at the same time, he would lose his ability to inherit and use other bloodlines]

[Second, Abandon the Bloodline and restore the Saint Level Incubus Bloodline that was devoured by the Primordial Bloodline. If the Host chooses this option, he will never be able to extract the Primordial Incubus Bloodline ever again.]

[Note: The System recommends the Second Option.]

[Note: The Host\'s current mental state is unstable because of the Primordial(Incomplete) Blood flowing in his body, it is recommended that the Host chooses one of the two options as soon as possible. The Host will be stuck in his Primordial Incubus(Incomplete) form and will be in constant pain until he doesn\'t.]

[Note: Having a Sexual encounter with any woman in Primordial Incubus(Incomplete) Form will result in the woman\'s death. Unless the Host chooses one of the two options and stabilizes, it is recommended to not stay near other women.]

Honestly, these series of messages were overwhelming, especially when Nux felt like his entire body was being torn apart again and again.

His current condition wasn\'t good, other than the constant pain that his body was in, his mental state was continuously deteriorating as well. Nux could feel that he was much more \'reactive\' than he normally was.

Nux knew this couldn\'t continue like this. He knew he had to choose one out of the two options, even the System was continuously telling him to do the same.

To choose.

Nux, however, had a different idea.

A bold idea that he might not have thought of if his Incubus Form wasn\'t affecting his mind, giving him unshakable confidence in himself, and a way to look at things from an entirely different perspective.

\'I do not choose.

Everything belongs to me.

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