
Chapter 657 Nux Would Do It.

Even killing Emperors wasn\'t a big deal for the current Nux.

However, Nux realized this a while ago.

This wasn\'t the Mist\'s final form.

The System still showed a (+) sign before his Physique.

What did that mean?

It meant that even though he had \'Mastered\' his Physique, he still haven\'t reached the end.

He dared to click on that (+) button when he was free, he wasn\'t doing very well on the Blank Points right now, and honestly, even if he was doing well, it wouldn\'t have done anything.

[Blank Points Needed: 1,000,000]


1 million Blank Points.

That was the amount Nux needed to upgrade his Physique.

1 fucking million.

Even if he multiplied the total number of Blank Points he had earned till now by multiple folds, he still wouldn\'t reach close to that number.

Let alone Blank Points, Nux hadn\'t even collected this many System Points, which were fairly easier to collect.

That was how absurdly high that number was.

Absolutely ridiculous!

Nux didn\'t even think about trying to upgrade his physique that way,

He could only work his way through.

But honestly, he wasn\'t seeing much results.

It was as if he had already reached the dead end.

He felt like he already knows everything there was to know about the Devouring Mist.

How else could he comprehend it?

Actually, he even wondered if that was even possible.

However, in the end, Nux still gave decent amount of time, trying to work on his Mist.

The other thing he focused on were the Skills.

Yes, Skills, it was he had ignored before.

Now, however, things were different.

After the System was down, Nux realized something.

His Battle Style relied too much on the System Ability, and for various reasons…

Nux didn\'t like that at all.

His overreliance on the System, that was not good.

Nux admits it, whatever he currently was, it was all because of the System.

He was a useless 34 year old man doing nothing in his life before he came to this world and got the System after all.

He can confidently say that the System completely changed his life.

However, the source of this System was still unknown.

Nux didn\'t think too much about this before this because the strongest person he knew was Astaria.

She was comparable to 7 Star Beings and although not active, he did see an 8 Star Level on his System.

At the very least, he knew that his System was better than the world\'s strongest.

Therefore, he didn\'t feel any threat.

His plan was simple,

Become an Emperor, help all his wives to become Emperors, live a long, happy life, then die together with his wives.

It was a perfect life for him.

Now, however, things were different.

He now found out about the Main Continent.

The possibilities of beings far stronger than 7 Star…even 8 Star…

The origins of his System, now Nux started thinking about all that.

Where did this System come from?

He wasn\'t dumb.

He had read his fair share of novels in his previous life. Of course, it was stupid to think about serious matters like these based on novels written by fantasy authors who have never even seen or been into the world they were writing. Authors who didn\'t even know what Cultivation was, or how a technique works. Basing his life on the novels these authors wrote…

It couldn\'t be any stupider.

However, Nux had this strange inkling that has been eating him up for a long time now…

In most of these stories where the protagonist gets the system…

The moment he reaches a certain level, that protagonists realizes that the System…

Wasn\'t exactly his friend…

And in some works, the System was even related to the actual villain of the story.

Of course, this was stretching it far.

Nux knew it as well.

However, his overreliance on his System still bothered him.

His fighting style was entirely dependent on abilities like [Conceal], [Sense], [Mirror], [Dash] and his other abilities.

He is so dependent on them that he has never used the actual Skills at all.

Everything he wished to do, there was an Ability that helped him do it.

It was… almost too easy…

This was unsettling.

Therefore, Nux decided to change.

Of course, this doesn\'t mean he wasn\'t going to use the System abilities anymore.

He needed to get stronger, and it would be harder to do it without the System.

Not using System because of these thoughts was stupid.

In this world, if there is something that he never have to doubt, then it was a fact that Strength overpowered everything.

The Origin of the System doesn\'t matter.

As long as he is strong enough, he can deal with anything.

Actually, Nux was thankful that he got these 6 months without System.

In these 6 Months, he would change and improve his Battle Style to the point System Abilities wouldn\'t be the core, the root of his everything, but rather the tools that helps him get even stronger.

System Abilities would be like outside weapons.

Nux quickly collected all the top Skills that were spread throughout the continent.

He wasn\'t greedy.

He only selected 4 Skills.

7 Star Skills, one Skill for one element.

He would train all these skills and would improve his Mastery Level to the point where these Skills would become a usable, no, not usable, a powerful tool.

This was something that even Astaria couldn\'t achieve,

\'After reaching the level of Emperor, using Skills was not practical. One must use the purest form of Mana.\'

This was what the people believed.

However, Nux was different.

He wasn\'t willing to give up.

It didn\'t matter how years it took.

Nux would do it.

He would use Skills.

He would Master them to a level where they would absolutely destroy his opponents.

Thinking all that, Nux\'s face turned serious, the Fire Elements around him started moving and soon, he was surrounded with Fiery Red Flames.

Then, Nux closed his eyes and started moving.

He was looking forward to seeing the future him.

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