
Chapter 587 He Changed His Battle Style.


Nux commented with a wry smile on her face.


Astaria laughed, then, her sword appeared in her hand, and then,

The Aura around her changed and her face turned serious.

Nux\'s face turned serious as well.

Right now, the two of them were in a jungle that was around 50 km away from the Royal Palace.

This was the place where the two of them had started training after…

Well… pretty much destroying the training area with their inhuman strength.

Of course, this jungle wasn\'t spared either.

Most of the trees here were broken apart, the ground had countless cracks on it, however, it was still a great battlefield.

Nux\'s sword appeared in his hand and he took his battle stance.

No further signals were required.

Astaria disappeared and appeared behind Nux.

She slashed her sword, which was surrounded by Mana at Nux. The sword was destructive enough to cut any King Stage Cultivator as if it was cutting butter. Any armor less than 7 Star rating would hold no better than a piece of cloth. That was how strong the attack was.

Nux knew that, therefore, he had already jumped into the air and after blocking the attack with his sword, he was sent flying and after a flip, he stood up again, expecting another attack.

As he expected, Astaria appeared in front of him and attacked him again, this time, the attack was considerably weakened because it focused more on speed.

Nux parried the attack normally, another, a similar sword appeared on his free hand and he slashed it toward Astaria.

Astaria stepped back and dodged, Nux used this chance to free his other hand and attacked again.

Astaria defended with the sword but before she could relax, Nux\'s other sword attack was in front of her again.

Astaria stepped back again.

"Heh." Nux chuckled, trying to rile Astaria up, and at the same time,

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

He started his chain of attacks, forcing Astaria to step back again and again.

Nux\'s women, who were observing the battle from afar smiled.

However, the same couldn\'t be said about Iria, Phorus, or Winston.

The three of them just couldn\'t believe that Astaria, the strongest human in the world was being pushed back.

And this time, she was not holding back like before.

She was actually giving her all, but Nux\'s attacks were just too fast, even for her.

"He changed his battle style."

Winston, the most experienced out of all the people here narrowed his eyes.

"He did."

Ember nodded and then explained.

"Arvina, his previous teacher taught him the sword, as you already know, Arvina herself learned from Lady Asteria, so the style he learned matched Lady Astaria\'s. However, as the two of them continued to spar, Lady Astaria noticed that this technique was holding Nux back as it failed to utilize his insane speed properly.

Nux\'s weakness was his attack power."

"That sort of attack power is a weakness…"

Winston didn\'t know what to say.

The General and the previous Queen couldn\'t help but smile wryly as well.

That attack power, each one of those strikes has the power to kill a normal King Stage Cultivator…

That… it was not weak at all…

Even if they use all their skills and their ultimate attack together, they wouldn\'t be able to deal the damage that Nux\'s \'weak attack power\' was dealing.

And as if knowing what he was thinking, Ember clarified,

"Well, dealing damage to an Emperor with that attack power was not possible,

Of course, he still has his trump card and other skills, but again, we are talking about only raw attack power here.

To overcome this problem, Lady Astaria came up with the idea of utilizing speed.

She told him to use two swords and use his flexible body to attack as fast as he could.

Nux is fast, even faster than the Emperors when it comes to body movements since Mana can only boost their speed when they focus on their legs, for body movements, Emperors would have to focus on their entire body, which would make it a lot harder and difficult to control.

Nux was told to increase his speed even further, to the point where when an enemy only has time to hit him once, he uses the same time to go for 3 to 4 hits.

And after a long, hell-like training…"

Ember then glanced at the battlefield where Astaria was still being pushed back and commented,

"That… is the result."


Winston turned silent.

On the Battlefield, as Astaria was being pushed back, she quickly realized that she was getting closer and closer to a tree.

She smiled, it was finally her chance now.

She got closer and closer to the tree, thinking of using this chance to unleash a big blow on Nux and throwing him away.


Soon, however, her smile disappeared when she noticed that the roots of the tree looked purplish.

Without thinking any further, she crouched.


A big Purple Black Spike popped out of the tree.

If she was still standing, her head would have been pierced open by that thing, her eyes widened in horror.

She was using Mana to block Nux\'s attack, her head was completely exposed.

This would have been lethal if Nux had succeeded.

Nux was not pulling back his punches today.

Astaria knew it was not safe to stay near this Tree.

She used her 7-Star sword, which was given to her by Nux to block his attacks and gather enough strength to unleash a powerful punch.


However, just as she punched, she realized that most of the punch\'s power was diffused.

She quickly realized Nux had used [Mirror].

He had already predicted what she would do.

And when she glanced at him and saw him smiling at her, her mouth twitched.

Nux\'s barrage of attacks continued and in the end,

Astaria had no choice but to take a few of his attacks head-on, to the point of getting a few bruises on her forearms, her Mana focused on her legs and,

She ran away.

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