
Chapter 642: Crazy Crow (1)

Chapter 642: Crazy Crow (1)

Elune’s telescope showed me a stiff warrior on the brink of losing his comrade while the others grouped surrounding him. I shook my head unknowingly upon seeing them threatening Kim Hyunsung with the Holy Sword, no, the magic sword that had been given by Lucifer.

I didn’t know if the regressor surrounded by the larger force would be able to survive that crisis or get what he really wanted, but his cold, serious face seemed to tell how serious the situation was.

‘Dirty Lucifer’s minions…’

Looking at the demons trying to threaten the peaceful continent made me scared.

There were many disadvantages. One of those was the fact that while Kim Hyunsung’s stats were high, he was alone. Thinking about the magic power and stamina he used to get to the tomb, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it was an unfavorable fight.

At that moment, I, too, wanted to impose a judgment of light on the demon group with Kim Hyunsung. However, I could only do nothing but remain trapped in the room.


I knocked on the huge door, but there was still no reaction.

‘I have no choice but to believe… No, I believe in Hyunsung.’

“You can do it.”

Wasn’t he the Kim Hyunsung who had been through numerous crises? I thought he would handle the one in front of him well enough. He was that kind of guy.

Lucifer’s minions began to step backward, perhaps because of the warrior who awakened after realizing that his precious friend might have been brainwashed. I could bet that it was not the behavior they perceived. Perhaps the dark magic instinctively reacted to the sudden glow of sunset.

“Hold on. Hold on. Don’t lose, Hyunsung.”

If my voice could only reach him… if it did, if I could give him a bit of strength, it would be enough for him.

-W-What do I do next, hyung?


-Next… what…


The darkness that remained within that moment responded by asking for others’ strength. Cutting ties had always been hard.

-Please answer me, hyung. Instructions… please give me instructions.


-Hyung, you’re okay, right? You didn’t faint, did you?

In the meantime, I felt that Raphael was becoming increasingly nervous.

My head was starting to throb, and I couldn’t stop myself from tapping my thighs with my fingers. I had to use my head to figure out what to do afterward.

‘Is it possible to say that I was brainwashed?’

Kim Hyunsung was also thinking that way, so would that be the right excuse?

Seeing the guys being already affected by the sunset’s light, he seemed to be arriving at where I was soon. When I glanced at the mirror, I noticed that I didn’t look all that good.

My face was distorted because of the headache, and above all, my skinny appearance since I couldn’t eat properly would’ve told anyone that my health wasn’t in good condition.

I thought it would be nice if there were signs of self-harm, but I didn’t want to hurt myself for the dramatic development.

Even though I liked setting up situations, I didn’t like needless pain. Even if I didn’t put bruises all over my body, wouldn’t Kim Hyunsung know all the pain I had suffered?

‘No, it would be better to have a little.’

I also thought that the probability would rise if I added just a few.

While I was lost in thoughts, the guy with his arm and leg cut off continued to release painful screams. As if he had already judged that he was no longer able to fight, Kim Hyunsung passed by him slowly.

I didn’t know if he was trying to watch his slow and agonizing death or if it’s to create a situation that would make him regret being alive, but it seemed certain that the cold judgment of light was waiting for him.

When I saw Raphael tightly biting his lips, I felt sorry for a bit, but the balance had already collapsed. It was impossible to restore the broken balance no matter how much he struggled.

More than anything…

‘Ah, that’s scary.’

Kim Hyunsung’s face looked extremely fearsome.

-Hyung, hyung! Hyung!

Before the sound ‘hyung’ even reached me, I heard a crashing sound. I could see Raphael’s face being smashed against the wall. He spread his wings for a moment and pulled his body back, but there was no way he wouldn’t receive any damage.

In fact, it seemed that the mental damage was greater than the physical damage. Raphael must’ve been thinking about the reason why he suddenly couldn’t hear my voice.


‘Did he hear my voice at the receiver?’

If he heard the line ‘Hyunsung, don’t lose,’ it would be understandable to have a mental breakdown. He was probably wondering if he had been cut off at the worst timing.

Although a little bit of concern crossed my mind, I was a bit relieved by the voice I heard soon.

The cry of the guy who was tightly biting his lips was a spectacle.

-What did you do?! What did you do to him! To Kiyoung…


-It can’t be. No way…

‘I’m really sorry. I didn’t want to do this either, but given the situation, everyone is already selling your stocks… It would be a bit awkward if I were the only one holding on to it.’

-There’s no way… he would abandon… me… something is definitely wrong. Yes, you definitely… did something.

‘No, I’m that kind of guy. Even if you don’t trust me, you won’t be betrayed…’

-There’s no way he would abandon me… Ahhhhhh!!


It was just a matter of time. Soon enough, the party, which was already struggling to catch up with Kim Hyunsung, would be collapsing since Raphael, who used to be the center of the party, was already being demolished.

The only one who hadn’t given up yet was the hound. It was in an instant that the guy rushed toward Kim Hyunsung with determination on his face.

I thought he would have his throat cut right away, but he was surprisingly doing well.

As if he squeezed out his last strength with the rest of the party, they began to fight the same way they did earlier. Although there was no direct instruction, they seemed to have remembered how they had to move.

-Are you just going to stand still?

The hound, who was saying some cringe-worthy lines, was already a mess. His whole body was swiftly turning into rags.

‘Stop it, guys…’

-Stand up. Stand up, Raphael. Don’t let me down. Don’t let me and us, who trusted you, down.

Although I could understand their feelings, it’s certainly impossible to hear that from one step behind.

-It started with your own hands. You have to go all the way now. Didn’t you want to fight for the people you wanted to protect, for the continent, and to pay for the sins you committed? I remember everything, Raphael. I looked into your eyes and followed you.


-Don’t be shaken. You can definitely do it. Definitely…

It was too much to see the hound revealing the 90s kind of feelings, but Raphael was reacting diligently.

He was talking like that with a sword protruding from his chest, so it would be strange not to react.

Aside from that, in fact, I was a bit worried about Kim Hyunsung. No matter how complicated things were, wasn’t it a little too much to kill his first-round colleagues with his own hands?

What was more, it remained to be questioned what he thought of the fact that his colleagues supported Raphael…

-Fight for yourself. Don’t lose, Raphael… don’t… lose…

He eventually fainted, bleeding from his mouth.

Seeing him breathing weakly, he was most likely still alive, but it was undeniable that he wouldn’t last long.

-N-No, no!

Seeing Raphael muttering, Marien, the Miracle Priest, exuded divine power.

-Don’t lose. Don’t lose.


-Remember? You told me… you could do it. When we first met, you clearly said that. You can do it, Raphael…

-Marien. Marien!

Even the Miracle Priest looked exhausted after using all her divine powers.

What I witnessed afterward was him looking around and crying in disbelief. There were no more colleagues for him to fight together.

-Give me… give me strength.


-Give me strength if you have a reason to have chosen me!

-You weren’t chosen in the first place.

-Hyung told me. There must be a reason for choosing me. Please give me strength, give me strength. Please give me the strength to protect my colleagues. Give me the strength to protect Kiyoung! This dunce head lump of scrap metal! Please… please. Please… I’ll do whatever you want, so give it to me.

And then, I felt something coming. Although it was a cliché for a warrior of justice to gain power by being recognized by the Holy Sword, he wasn’t a warrior.

It was just when I was getting annoyed.


With a roar, gray light began to flow out of his body.

‘What? That shouldn’t happen. Why is that happening…’

The gray light that shone beyond reason felt splendid without exaggeration. Raphael’s body, which was covered with scars, slowly recovered.

No, it felt more like regeneration rather than recovery. The damage he received was disappearing as if he was unscathed in the first place.

Of course, the gray light affected even the fallen ones. The hound’s breath, which was but weak gasps, gradually began to change and stabilize, and Marien’s pale complexion due to exhaustion regained color.

‘What the…’

How could that happen right after I had just sold my stocks?

‘It’s still available for additional purchases, right?’

Kim Hyunsung’s face was also starting to become even stiffer. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to show such a reaction. The visible output itself was…

‘In an incomprehensible level.’

Even though he was chosen by the magic sword, no, the Holy Sword, that amount wasn’t a power that ordinary humans could have. The amount of gray light that was emanating from his body already exceeded Kim Hyunsung.

Of course, I didn’t think our lovely regressor would lose to him, but what Raphael was showing was extremely beyond common sense.

Of course, I understood where Raphael was receiving such power.


It was correct to think that at least a temporary contract had been stamped.


I bit my lips tightly, and I had to worry about things.


‘Why the hell.’

‘Why did you buy it?’

Why did she invest in that stock when everyone sold already sold theirs? What the hell did she see to put a foot on it… I had no choice but to harbor some doubts.

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